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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Theoretical Resources

Management Meant Reading

Many things are learnt and taught by books. Reading is an essential extra for the going to survive business executive today. It means keeping up-to-date with current trends. It means familiarizing yourself with how everybody else is doing things. It means gaining and retaining knowledge for practical implementation in the workplace. It generates new ideas on how to do things and seeks to keep us informed on new and recognized procedures. One does not assume one knows! One knows because one reads. You may be reading a book like this because you are interested in the basic fundamentals of management activity.

Or you may be concerned that what you considered to be the right idea of management is not necessarily apparent. Or you may be considering that this is giving you some initial insight because you want to go into the field of management. Generally speaking however one does not generalize. That may sound contradictory and in fact it is, be usually you would specialize in one particular management area whilst have a basic knowledge of all the other areas and fields. What would be normal would be to pick one field or one topic out of this book and concentrate on that completely. Directors or CEO's would remember a greater repertoire of management.

They usually work as with the organization at the centre of attention. Whilst other areas like marketing and accounting coming together to meet the aimed at needs. Truthfully though you can never read enough. While you try and maintain a healthy overall knowledge you will never actually attain Godliness unless you combine you're developed stalls with a positional self actualization. Remember readers are leaders and whoever has the most knowledge wins. Try and read a book a week.

Management Meant Writing

Management meant writing because it is excellent to notate what one wants to do. It is also necessary and appreciated to inform and keep informed with what one wishes to do or what one does. Writing now is almost a thing of the past with the computer keyboard an arm's length away. Though ineptly and indiscriminately it still remains a fashionable and necessary thing through computer email or laptop publishing. Writing is a creative art that allows oneself to express their inner feelings, explain things and develop thought in their personality characteristics or management techniques.

Sometimes one writes simply because they are bored at other times to communicate the current idea in order for someone else to facilitate and understand their concepts. Originally books were written as a form of historical accounting, which has developed into a must wider and diverse concentration of specialties and documented events. In management it is important to know what one is doing, to diarise everything and keep prior engagements practically and suitably. Writing means simply that you have a written records of what you require. That you whether it be inscribing on stone tablets, pushing a pen or a workable ink cartridge in your computers printer.

Basically it means that what you write has made things right. What you write was correcting something wrong and why you wrote it was because you wanted to see things make right. Writing can almost be a sport with creative ingenuity and a passion to do well you can turn nearly any mistake into something positive. Writing can be clever, smart or intelligent, but most of all make sure that you leave some kind of mystery about it in order to cover your own mistakes and allow someone else to write (right) you. Writing gives a sense of consistent achievement and confidence through accomplishment.

Management Meant Learning

The world is full of institutions, places of knowledge and learning. There is a multitude of books available at the libraries and many new things happening of which we can learn by. The problem however in this day and age is that we think we know everything anyway. That my heart and soul gives me enough conscience from which to lie. But the world runs on information, the daily turnover and recycling of data, facts and knowledge that simply can't be reproduced without serious study or concentrated learning.

Management meant learning for a number of reasons. One by observation of procedures one establishes track record and history for future operations. Two that learning is a form of resource building equipping the manager with intelligent information for and from which to make and base decisions. Three it is simply blatantly obvious that a manager must know everything relative to his organization or company and this is done by outsourcing and studying relative material from which to gain ideas and from which he can gaze, observe and peruse in order to stay up to sate and informed within his circles.

Quite simply learning is way to meet the ends. It is a precious commodity or luxury if you like that aids, assists and facilitates necessary tasks, ideas and trends. Like reading produces new ideas from books, learning can looked at just as broadly by watching, studying or facilitate the relevant things that go on every day in the running of the organization. We learn when we read, we learn when we study, we learn when we do and we learn when we observe. It is also a good idea to listen intently because that is another great form of learning.

Management Meant Studying

Any executive seeking recognized management status must have acquired some formal qualification or develop a trained business mind by studying, reading or simply just complying a set of notes or theories on how to achieve their goal in life long term. This may require many stages and steps which are gauged and based on the life objective of the person by their aptitude, vigilance, diligence, perseverance and general intelligence.

Of course the more effort and dedication the higher you go and greater you become. Naturally wisdom is required in governing direction and course. As is achievement merited by decisions and discernment. Sometimes it is simply a matter of quantity, the more you read the greater the business mind or personal attainment in the field. Others prefer quality and money, while some again simply satisfied by nice things and a sense of accomplishment. Really though motivation is the key, contentment the answer and knowledge the final goal. Winning is not everything, while it is nice to sit there on top really it is how you play the game that puts you there. What I am saying here is that it is important to have some theoretical understanding and judgment as well as academic accomplishment and achievement.

Physically it all boils down to how much faith you have in yourself, how much you are prepared to pay for your dreams. And what amount of denial it will take for you to succeed with them. Prayer, aptitude, and intelligence are all smart, however in the end falls back on you whether you're clever and simple just the luck of the weather sometimes. Management meant studying because you are taught to know what to do. You see, perceive and take steps accordingly and act on your intuition or premonitions for results and aims. Studying ensured your educated guess is right and never wrong.

Management Meant Memory

Memory is probably the most important thing you can have in a management position. Delegation means allocating the workload and remembering what you have to get done as well as who you want to do it and keeping the knowledge of why you want it done.

Of course you can plan and diarise everything or send memos or hand out bits of paper with basic details on it. But the best thing to do with getting work done and finishing jobs in the right order, time and manner as well as maintaining the required standard is to memorise the work inside out or totally organized from start to completion. Of course as well you will have to know how to do the job yourself or be able to it right through. You're memory is generated or obtained by what you have actually done yourself or what experience you have in that particular field or task. Memory means money and remembering to check all the details in any given job means how well it will turn out in the end.

Efficiency is based on effective follow up which means remembering what was required in the job and what had to be done to achieve it. The standard of the job will revolve around how much detail, effort and ability you have in the allocation and follow through of procedures. But all requires enough knowledge and the ability to remember what has to be done.

Management Meant Time

Time such a precious commodity! No one ever seems to have enough time. If managed carefully and organized responsibly it can be our greatest asset. It can be as valuable as life itself. Many times within the organization we waste time, sit around idly, frittering it away. Though with proper utilization it can turn our unproductive business into something of value and worthwhile time! How important is it? How can we accurately measure its value?

How do we know when to say that is enough? I have labored on this project for so long. Time within the business entity must be managed efficiently and effectively until the organization turns into a smooth flowing slipstream that evolves and produces itself into a multi-faceted, multi-perspective self generating and operating company. Time is measure by or in output, input, sale periods, wage periods, job production and people or power. In that all these things need time frames to a certain degree. Time costs money, things must run on time. Things must go according scheduling. Goods must be produces, dispatched and delivered on time.

Most of the time we are too busy, too busy to make time, rhyme time or just think about time in the meantime. It takes time to hare time and it's hard to know the time when so many times we being timed. But the problem is not in how fast or how slow, how quick or how organized but in the individually of different personalities. It is important to understand and know other people to respect their time and spend time with them. Bu in the modern rat race of society time flies in the window and out the door as quickly as you can say Jack Robinson. Time is the key to survival. It is the final resource. Time is to be used to benefit mankind to destroy it and time is what we still have so little of. Therefore we all should use out time wisely.

Management Meant Money

Money is that a dirty word? Is that some idol we worship and look up to? Is that what makes the world go round? Most people would answer "yes" to those three questions. But really money is just a vehicle, a means of a resource to turn one lot of property into another. Food, things and services use and utilize money sometimes to the point of total absorption. Money is a tool for exchanging commodities, for valuing and giving worth to the things we make and do.

Everything must have some kind of monetary value. Even to the point of air and atmosphere. Water costs money, electricity costs money, the telephone costs money. Everything costs money and if it doesn't it will have, or would have at some time. The thing is we don't let money become our God. We don't bow down and worship money. We enjoy and use its benefits by how we utilize it save it and turn it into something more worthwhile. It can be expressed as a percentage, rationed or calculated for various reasons. It is usually exchanged and bartered with in business dealings, transactions and sales.

Money is a means to the end, a way of getting from where you are to where you want to be. It is a measure for how well you are doing in the game of life. It must be earned, respected and understood. That through some knowledge of money we are able to earn and income in order to survive live and retire. Money is not a dirty word. Money should be a God and money does make the work go around to a certain degree. But basically money is just something we offer for exchange for something else.

Management Meant People

People are commonly recognized as our most valuable asset. In fact that is 100% right. Products, resources or energy all rely on having people produce, discover or utilize these key related factors. Without man power we would be nothing, without good women we would sink. People are the backbone of society and management mean people simply because it wouldn't mean anything there weren't any people about.

Some managers take people for granted counting them as numbers instead of personally seeking them out as individuals. Other times manager are people themselves blending in and becoming part of the team. And yet a few still think they can do everything by themselves. Naturally the greater and higher your structure of organization the more effective and efficient you're people will be. People have individual skills which need to be developed, utilized and facilitated in order for them to be most productive, perhaps e can imagine what the world would be like without people. No you and me, no cars going down the street, no buildings or cities.

It wouldn't be much for would it? In fact we wouldn't be much fun would it? In fact we would have no conscience existence or knowledge of any kind. It is simple not enough to have animals, birds and trees. So that may sound silly but really if we stop and think sometimes that we are not the only person on the planet. But in fact a part of a highly complex system, within society that is formulated and made up of 5.6billion people. All integrating, contributing and adding to our quality and standard of living. People really are our most valuable asset.