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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Management Meant Something

The Leadership Direction For Understanding This Book - Introduction Forward and Purpose

This is a book I started writing in the 1990’s based on the work I did and the experience I gained in working in retail stores through the late 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s which in a rough and simple, yet easy to read fashion summarises the way in which a retail store is run, managed and needs to be led.

The varying aspects and contributions are really timeless but technology advances and innovation in equipment and the new and efficiently productiveness of computer tools are absolutely essential and replace old recording methods and outdated information that has been written off as depreciation or the physical stock itself which has turned over and been replaced many times in our homes, work and like in all the aparell that we have warn or wore.

The historical managemental perspective is not of ancient dinosaurs, neither is it of archeological ruins but it is a matter of physically doing or having done the work and relating back to the techniques in order to advance and understand the modern requirements an appropriate adaptations to understand and imply the new technological procedures. For it is in the doing and having faith that leadership is provoked and inspired so that we can all learn on an individual basis the right and wrong ways of doing things.

Through trial and error, through techniques and experience and in the learning and knowledge of the best and right ways to do things, it is with proven rules and the regulations that govern, what, how, why, who, what, where and when to do the things so that we know the method and the procedure and the absolute best and right way to do things through reading, asking, learning, taking initiative and leading by example in order to accomplish their aims, goals and objectives of successful management.

This is also some reflection on my Advanced Certificate of Management and small Business Management Certificates that I graduated with in 1997 from Gymea Technical and Further Education Institute or College which I took many notes from and used many assignment s to refer to as well as extensive reading on a wide cross section of management Authors who have influenced and inspired me to reproduce and create my own interpretaion on how I think it should be done and some of the actual ways and methods I have used in climbing the heirarchical organisations of the business world in some of the most successful retail chains and company outlets Australia has seen.

Please aim to understand the principles and above all else learn to enjoy the art of retail management and whatever you adapt theses thoughts, ideas and principles to in order for you to, to understand from the customers perspective and through their eyes what is a pleasant and happy to shop in a business enterprise. I only ask for your satisfaction and my aim is only to please, so enjoy the read and if possibnle learn something and take it out for your own benefit and use the extraction to extrapolate your own business.

As it is only now finished in 2012 there has been years of deliberation and thought retained and realized as written work in which I hope you can appreciate after my twelve years study and what seems to be a lifetime to complete is a simple yet enyoyable approach to the oral form of the deeds done in hard work but is easy to read and apply. Please make as much use as you can out of my experience and if you can reproduce the same effort, thankyou very much.

Darel Robert McAllister
