King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Practical Attributes

Management Meant Leadership

Leadership is the main stay focal point from which the head of the organisation directs his people. Management is not necessarily leadership, grammatically speaking as some people might think. Though leadership has its meaning within the management set of rules it does not and has not necessarily to be effectively applied. Giving leadership is the relinquishing of valuable attained experience unto consciousness of another person.

It is reflecting your own knowledge by that which is discernible and distinguishable of opinion in order to prosper or profit by that relinquishment or decision making. Leadership is about giving direction and guidelines unto those who want to be developed in their working career. Leadership is an art and there is always a great debate whether leaders are born or made. On the one had you have social hereditarial backgrounds and on the other have genuine hardworking initiators who both have enough heart and courage to take the reigns and lead themselves accordingly. It never usually a matter of luck. Leading is an ability which is acquired after many diligent hours of following.

Accompany or organisation must have effective and efficient leadership. It must show the overall ability to command it's share in the market place. It must see it's leadership to initiate and motivate others into seeing and using their particular product or style to that the organization can go on to continually prospers and succeeds. There are many good and praise worthy leaders around who can speak for hours on end about their strategies, ideas and results. It is worth while listening to them because you build up your own individual style and leadership for yourself.

Management Meant Organisation

Within the organisation lies the real organisation. What I mean by that is that a company must be able to sort, shuffle and rearrange anything and everything for it to be able to create interest and see what things continually go into the right places. Organsiation by these standards are not just a means of company divestment. Instead an as well and integrated self repeating system that re-generates turns over and re-distributes.

The organization is fundamentally a hierarchy of people, all working like cogs in a clock so that the production and moment is all perfect scaled and times. Each organsitation requires and needs its own identity, something by which it is recognized or associated with in order for it to fit into the market pace. Not only in a socio-economic surround but also in a community market. The organization usually is known as a corporation or company who refines information to the minutest detail. In order to produce a profit it creates ongoing recognition through sales achievement. Which in turns manifest itself back into the organisation and redistributes through its people.

Of course the chain of command is only as effective as what its leaders have knowledge and whilst seeking to maintain and establish communication in all directions its primary function is self seeking and development expansion orientated. Whether CEO or reserve hand all play an important part and all contribute to the organisations overall well being.

Management Meant Communication

In a high tech world of business electronics, communication plays a major role in the transmitting of data and information. In computers for example there are micro processors and even the telephone, fax or email systems are a highly structured communication distributors. It seems the common art of conversation, talking down the street, bows down to high tech electronic devices. Which still require a voice but are must less personal. Communication is a multi-faceted highly integrated part of our survival.

It makes us different from simpler species even though most animals or organisms have a communication method of some kind. Within society and the broader community, communication is a valuable and important tool, a thing by which we can make ourselves understood to each other. It seems also that communication is becoming more and more advanced as time goes on. Binary coding is a form of communication. More elaborate words being more eloquently used. Greater depth of meaning through more researching and studying. More awareness of what is going on around us because of all the flyers and leaflets we receive in our letter boxes. More news coverage's and greater more intricate communication systems.

They say that yesterday's news is old hat and doesn't matter once a new report is released. Communication being turned over in the form of information and recycled to meet and maintain current and acceptable standards of knowledgeable intelligence. So any just about anything of any shape or form we need communication. It is the basic ingredient for all fundamental understanding of our needs desires and wants.

It allows us to express ourselves the way we have to. It lets us perceive what each other are thinking and trying to do.

Management Meant Effectiveness

Effectiveness is doing the right things. In other words operationally orientated in task priority of demand requirements. People need to be efficient to be effective. Efficiency might be dexterous hands on a production line or smooth lubrication of working arts always running freely. Effectiveness on the other hand is general running or overall scope of the company's ability to perform. Being effective means market domination it means supervisor products.

It means having efficient people to be an effective company one must simply outperform or outstrip competitors and their products as well as their profits. Effectiveness creates additional sales it generates through its efficiency the competitive edge. It incorporates and encompasses the extra ingenuity required to surpass, out compete and overall generate higher standards which in turn produce the greatness of the company. Effectiveness is like have all the pieces in plat at your disposal that you can make and interchange move strategically out maneuver you're competitors. You are playing a game of dice that requires 6's all the time.

You may not always get them but the effective company clinches and pulls together more deals and enables greater profitability than the one the allows things simply to transpire. The working model of the company should be based and centered around effectiveness in its endeavor it monopolises and beats struggling ineffective competitors.

Management Meant Efficiency

If achievement within the organisation is to be obtained, one must instigate effective leadership in order to ascertain efficient results. Or efficiency is the means to attain the desired results within any given business relationship. Efficiency is not only to carry out of proper procedures and administering to them as well as all adhering to their guidelines. Bu tit is about overall conceptualisation of the total organisation as a business entity.

Efficiency comes about when we do the things right. Effectiveness on the other hand is going things right. Contrasting them is helpful and comparing them can be very creative. Efficiency however is more desired as it leads to greater productivity while effectiveness is more orientated on market awareness. Efficiency is a fundamental value that every company should acquire. Its worth is not measured in saleable items though its value is far more important to the overall functioning of the company within the structure of the overall organisation design. Efficiency is a tool that when used rightly creates and generates overall interest in the total picture or full scope of the organisational overall concept.

If any factualisation is produced the overall result becomes more documented increasing the amount of efficiency, we can be effective on the production line, international structure, delivery service or any of the many transactional activities that take place. Efficiency then produces a byproduct of luxury which in turn reproduces its own self sufficiency within the organisational concept.

Management Meant Discipline

Management meant discipline and yes like dedication and perseverance, discipline is massive foundation upon which to structure you're attitudes, values and interests towards and in all of your company business. Discipline means tardiness, self control and denial.

It means taking it upon yourself and forcing yourself to meet certain standards goals and objective3s that a less conscientious person might try to undertake. Discipline is about commitment to pay the price. It is about not taking shortcuts and not expecting second best. Discipline is about being able to force yourself to come up with the goods answers and anything else that might be required of you. Discipline is about getting to the finishing post, it is about finishing the race, even if you have to make several by passers in the process.

Discipline is about ability to enforce procedures, policies and profit making. It is about the handling and dealing of problems, situations and circumstances. It is keeping your head above water and ensuring that you're are up to date and up to pace. It means keeping on top of all those niggling annoyances that test us and try us every day. It means generating enough income to enjoy power and wealth in your business dealings. It means commitment and constant renewal of ideas to formulate and reformulate decisions.

Management Meant Awareness

In management reaction time and awareness to priorities is essential in making split second decision and making critical areas safe and under control. The origin of understanding lies in the capacity to be aware. In order to know what is going on around you and what is relevant pertinent and important, one must have an ability to react to the situation by his instinct his reason and his agility in assessing and sizing up what's going on.

What's going on around the manager is always his immediate concern. What is planned for the future should be in his subconscious and his experience and expertise is what he calls on from his past. In order to utilise the three directions of time he must be able to analyse and assess his needs so that is physical positioning and guiding eye interact and related in order to perform and govern task setting and job orientations.

The utilization of the awareness factor is what keeps him sharp in the present so that with his past experience and future ideas he governs and leads in the present. Awareness is facilitation of the association of facilities so that by the generation of creativity and production he organises and enables a smooth flowing and profitable operation.

Management Meant Spontanuity

Live for the moment, live for the second a lot of the times the best decisions are made on the spare of the moment. Of course nothing can replace a highly structured decision tree or rigid goals and plans. But the quick sale or the additional sale is often made spontaneously. To think that thought, that critical crucial thought that makes or breaks a sale at the right time or the right moment is an absolve necessity in business.

To have that bubbling personality that seems to take everything so lightly yet has massive draw and appeal. The idea of selling or buying something simply because that person enthusiastically tried something is irreplaceable. It can be whimsical, or guess work but usually it is knowledge of the cuff. Saying the right phrase or sentence of the top of your head. Spontaneity is a rare gift it can be impulsive overbearing or even rude. But 9 times out of 10 a spontaneous remark will seal the deal. It's like having a box full of old stock that has been sitting around for a year or so and someone says what's in that box, you don't even open it but say it's yours for a hundred dollars.

Take it or leave t. if they open the box they spoil the deal. If they buy it they are surprised but the value they receive. (Just because it was 100 pairs of wool socks doesn't matter) but the fact is that they acted spontaneously sold dead stock and obtained the cash. Spontaneity should be used wherever possible on any possible occasion.

Management Meant Orientation

Goal setting and objective setting is all very well but unless we are orientated and focus on what we have set out to achieve and stay that way things will fall out of place. Orientation is like organization you need to understand and interrelate in order to effectively utilise the benefits efficiently. In the case of orientation it is about developing the understanding of what you're niche is, where you fit into the market and how you are best positioned to form you're proper place and standing in the business world.

It is about how you see yourself and what you hope to achieve and therefore how you are going to go about doing that in order to succeed. Orientation is like a learning development process that sorts our you're problems and slots them in where they go, putting you in a position of knowledge and understanding with the power and authority to perform in that area.

It gives you the ability to person the tasks you have decided on and it maximises you're pivotal of orientation is to be able to facilitate and know where you are in the world and where you are heading. It is the link between internal and external organisation that allows you to generate and continue with ongoing business.

Management Meant Intelligence

Intelligence is just a matter of information gathering and retainment. Intelligence is also a level of individual thought which is recognized and produced by the knowledge you acquire and attain. Then it becomes a matter of how you effectively use it can reproduce it in your conversation, notation and thinking. Intelligence a management essential and necessity for the obvious reason that a smart or clever businessman will succeed while a pacifist or one who rests on his laurels will sink.

Intelligence or its utilization is what makes things worthwhile, what gives value to society and what reproduces new and exciting ideas and ventures. The fact that man does not live by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God, is enough to suggest that we are not behavioral animals but meant to be intelligent beings created and fashion into the image of God,. The intellect is our is idea that reasons, assumes and thinks that formulate our need for achievement, self actualization and our ability to desire and love.

Intelligence gives us our understanding to earn and produce an income and leads to the furthermost and advancement of society and its technological innovations. Management means intelligence because basically it's common sense.

Management Meant Intuition

In the process of giving knowledge, wisdom and ideas one needs to acquire some sort of formal qualification in order to understand the common grounding and fundamental principles of generally accepted ideas, patterns, history and programs of management activities and the allowable and acceptable ways of obtained and acquiring results.

Institutions are a means and are valuable for this. Whether it be a technical college, business school or university, and institution is a place of rearing or information gathering that slows you to function and acceptable, perform in the workplace. A formal qualification is only recognition of your efforts and contributions to the learning system and scheme. The fact that you are qualified to entire a certain level of job position means that you have ascertained the necessary requirements to do so.

The point of the exercise as not to see how well you scored in exam results but instead how well you grasped and understood what you were learning in order to effectively utilize, recon tribute and interject you're knowledge, or information. The application of your skills is best capatilised on when formally reproduced. Whether imaginatively assessed or proactively founded in rigid thought structure. The institution is a means for attain generally acceptable communications.

Management Meant Insight

The ability to predict friends or fads and also to be able to read what is likely to happen in the future be of nigh importance in the business world. A person or a company must know where they are heading and what they hope to achieve. This is establishing and formulated by reading other people's ideas, forecasts and projections and formulations your own opinion and idea on what it might or should be life. Insight that ability to guess the future correctly or as accurately as possible and create a mental picture within your mind. Visionary r insightful people are a definite bonus to your company or organization.

Vision and insight should be encouraged at all times. The ability to know or see what might or could happen is a plus and advantage to any individual or person. I t does not mean clairvoyance or clairaudience but just being able to recognize trouble or problems to alleviate them and also being above to spot a bargain or business opportunity that has value or savings in some way shape or form. That does not necessarily mean you should compromise on quality, on the contrary instead being able to recognize what suits you and what works for your pumping in when necessary and other times waiting until when the product or price is right.

Hasty or irrational decisions are bad. Careful planning and rational waiting is good. The better the timing the more suitable and perfect that particular product or idea will be. While throwing and recognizing that an established service is better the next sale time is when you are comfortable rational and confident that you are making the right decision. That does mean and requires insight.

Management Meant Thoroughness

Nine times out of ten we are trying to make ourselve3s practical. Ordering and designing our lives to fit in with everything and everyone else. That means we are kind of striving for perfection, always seeking to be the best by attaining a hierarchal status that gives us certain benefits and pleasures in life.

All this means thoroughness. Routine checking, day to day acceptance of responsibility, whittling away at all those adversities that play havoc with our lives. Refining and developing cultures that increase stands and produce quality in our work. Thoroughness is a bit of an aggravating word. We always try to do everything as best he can, meaning doing it thoroughly but inconvenience and idle laziness means that things fall behind, don't get done are simply are too hard or too difficult. Thoroughness on the other hand is all about being effective and efficient. Checking things time and time again making sure they are right.

Thoroughness is about insurance that when I sit down at night things that I have done during the day won't be turned into wasted resources. It's about knowing that what you do is done knowing that what I set out to achieve, I actually accomplished and finalized everything I wanted to do. It's about nit picking, being impeccably spotless and blameless when someone is checking on you it's about ensuring, seeking out and knowing that that was the way to do it and I did it right. It's that double check and triple check on yourself that alleviates that uncertainty of knowing what might of gone wrong or actually being able to stop what will go wrong or actually being able to stop what will go wrong by thoroughness itself. Being thorough so that what you do you knew you did right and what you want to do does get done right.

That things go according to plan and that goals are met and satisfied. In any way it pays to be thorough.

Management Meant Productivity

The nature or main core idea with a company making profit is how productive it is. If it is able to survive and whether or not it can out compete its competition. This general theory is based around productivity and the ability to generate an income.

Productivity tends to want to mean how quickly you can do something and cheaply you can afford to get away with what you aim and seek to accomplish. That remains true however there are several other factors which must be considered. Productivity needs to be qualified in the following categories:- Quality, efficiency, effectiveness, standards, competitiveness, attractiveness and product demand ability. Quality would infer a safe working speed to enable perfection in product.

Efficiency would mean streamlining to generate and create speed. Effectiveness would be in working conditions to enable maximum capacity. Standards implies understanding the needs to meet the criteria of the buyer. Attractiveness centre on aesthetic and cosmetic appearance which in the end enhance and generates impulse purchasing. Product demand ability is simply how good it is in the end, what is or was produced and its market interest in the business sector. Smooth slowing, safe working and time being rationed and accounted to money. All these thing are importance in the field of productivity.

Common goals common needs and common purpose all assist in generating productivity. It is not a game of demand, take and reject but on the contrary always seeking to affiliate orders requested by the company's ability to supply. Naturally profit is considered as the objective short term as trends dictate product life. However, people must be rewarded for effort by allowing mandatory breaks and comfortable working conditions. Long term you can only forecast not make actual predictions.

Management Meant Psychology

Dealing, meeting and association with people is something that requires a great deal of understanding and comprehension. To be able to adequately deal and relate with people you must have some idea on how they tick. The ability to adapt change and interrelate is an essential and necessary requirement for the dealing of a customer. Psychology is the knowledge of interpreting and assessing the understanding of the way people think.

It's like being able to read the mind of another person. The brain is the most highly developed organ in the body whilst it can't function properly without other organs it has the ability to think. Like you empathise with your heart, you can link the two together to formulate some cohesion and readability of thought.

The capacity to utilize you're association of thinking in thoughts through wavelengths is the way to do business and operate with people one on one. In one to one situations people are most comfortable, though in speaking to groups or larger audiences you must be able to draw attention and control understanding. The link age between management and psychology is that in the process of helping people but understanding them you are actually able to use them more effectively in your organization.

Management Meant Punctuality

Punctuality is another way of saying meeting requirements. In the process of pushing product out the door not only must you ensure the necessary fulfillment of the order in terms of quality and paper work in order but you must be able to deliver on time in consistent ongoing levels.

Efficiency in dispatch is like processing in deliveries and accurately. Meeting requirements as far as suppliers are concerned or ensuring deadlines for sales and promotion quotas are fulfilled is an absolute must in the day to day running of your business. The key work here is punctuality. Being able to get your product in the door of your customer within the necessary time constraints. Like to when attending a business meeting or walking in the door to work every morning you must be on time. Seminars or other functions where you are speaking must also be deadly accurate in punctuality.

Meeting requirements and stipulations is a functional requirement that allows you to become and maintain competitiveness. It's a game of service in that the best company that organizes its resources to suit clientele needs succeeds and outperforms its competitors every time. It's about being able to supply what is required. To fulfill the necessary obligations of the customer's demands. Filling a need while being organized and punctual.