King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Engineering Principles

Management Meant Creativity

Breville has a slogan of 'better ideas sooner" Sharp has an advertisement that says "simply the best" BHP marketing is portraying themselves as "the quiet achiever". These are all creative ideas that generate an income and produce a company image that suits them, aids the,, and adds to their prestige. Creativity is the means and the way that the company must look and focus in order to go ahead and advance.

Creativity dictates development it generates interest and leads to accomplishing goals and ides. Creativity is best when utilized from all directions, Brain storming though provoking idea generating, concept producing and simply just being able to come up with a way to get the job done better and more professionally. Creativity is the tool or vehicle we use to produce new policies and procedures that lead to a greater and increased rate of sales that but it's innovative ignigitive it generates, re-organises and re-produces new and fresh vibrant ideas. We are constantly looking for new concepts, market driven and traditionally inspired by previous winning and market leading ideas.

These are compiled, assessed and restructured to formulate new patterns and procedures that lead to increased market share and advancement. Creativity is not an excuse to sit back in your arm chair and rest. Though instead an opportunity to take the bull by the horns and advance. It is about interactive reassessing and reorganization that seeks to achieve, further advance and self develop. That in its process and through its purposeful generation it seeks out finds and manifests it's positive feedback, imagination and further creativity. Creativity is the avenue for advancement.

Management Meant New Ideas

Time and time again management of all levels are asked for new ideas. New concepts and realities that will generate change and revolutionise corporate business to help it improve re-engineer and recycle its activities. Brain storming, lateral thinking and thought provocation of any kind help to stimulate, initiate and provide ideas that enable change, direction setting and advancement. Basically anything constitutionally constructive, helps, aids and improves existing, past or future objectives. One company might want to facilitate a special project of flying to Jupiter or something that requires massive technological knowledge and incredible expertise to be able to do. They can say it's never been done before (whilst other might of come close) but still there is a need or a reason or a desire to do it.

They say it can be done. I say how do you do it? Together we nut it out and work out a logical strategic plan that will give us the ability and capacity to do it. Like any other new idea it simply requires commitment dedication perseverance and persistence to want to accomplish and achieve. Together we can do it. This is just one example of a new idea. There are millions more just waiting to be unleashed and tapped into in order to diversify expand or advance as required or accordingly to pre set expectations.

New ideas give interest aim to beat all existing and encourages enthuses and magnifies creativity magnanimously. New ideas are the basis or foundation for creativeness which itself is a manifestation of ever new idea. New ideas are the life blood of the future organisation.

Management Meant Negotiating

Negotiating is also an art. You can't expect everything physically be dropped in your lap. Negotiating is a skill which is learnt by understanding where people are coming from and where they are at. What makes them tick and what they think. What are their needs and requirement. And what physical attributes must be understood to formulate an agreement, compromise or sales. The fact that one can stalling maneuver conversation through the art of negotiation is a thing to be applauded not abhorred. The ability to persuade or influence someone in a business dealing is what negotiation is all about.

Whilst understanding the clientele's thoughts and requirements on the matter you can't usually come to some arrangement in settling. Negotiating relies on the idea that everyone is going to get what they want that though there might be some need for allowances or dropping the price,. As long as the quality of service is maintained there is usually a good reason to trade. Negotiating is that point of the agreement where both have assessed and achieved the criteria to establish face value.

And that has been done the negotiating is finished and the difference settled.

Management Meant Tactics

On the world of business enterprise and competition with competitors a manager must stabilise and establish his position of expertise. He must develop tactics and ideas to infiltrate and penetrate the sector in order to increase effectiveness and sales as well as generating greater interest in his business. Tactics are what most people consider to be a method derived from a plan which allows you the vehicle or ???? to get or obtain you're desired results.

Usually it is good to stake a few risks which will bypass highly developed and rigid systems that are normally hand to beat and get passed. The fact that you are using some initiative means that you are creating and drawing interest to your company and its business. Tactically accurately facilitate results based on the knowledge with which they are formulated and the amount of information on which they are assessed.

Through trend analysation and selection of critical values and needs one can establish tactical direction and positive possible paths. The infiltration of ideas is generated by the tactical response of the suggestions. Making tactical evaluations effective decisions and process results.

Management Meant Decision Making

Within the process of seeking direction and attaining ideas and what has got to be done, when it has got to be done, and how are you going to do it. You need to calculate and draw some conclusions on the facts you base your goals on.

Decision making is simply a matter of making the best choice based on your organisations criteria, needs, requirements and desires. By understanding the hierarchal actualisation in the reality of the common situation in the daily organization activities, you can discern and for see the relationship between what has transpired and what will eventually happen. By association this with the needs and requirements you can usually make a feasible and realistic decision and which is the best way to go and what will be most productive and most useful. The fascination with the possible outcome and the ability to generate space for consideration supply's and fulfills interest in the making of positive and constructive decision.

Also in maintaining and interrelationship between the key indicators and relevant deterrents means that you are giving yourself the clear vision for alleviating error. Good judgment is usually just common sense but wise decision is effectively executed when the critical path is established and the desired outcome is guaranteed success

Management Meant Strategic Thinking

In the process of the corporate revolution the practical management idea is to be able to strategically plan every step of his work activities. Strategy planning involves and requires thinking and strategic thinking is an integral and disciplined art that requires constant re-evaluation and readjustment of thought. The relationship to the management activities of daily organization is to facilitate the necessary links and evolutionary generation within the hierarchy and the company philosophy.

To gauge indication of the facilitation of benefits and discrepancies one must be able to associate logically and feasibly to achieve gain and profit. The fact that strategic thinking is a manipulation of process of thought and activities means that the productivity is discerned by the accuracy and timing of decisions.

Corporate responsibility like accountability is governed line down and the overall generation is achieved but the ability to use and benefit with strategic thinking. Most tactical maneuvering means a certain amount of strategic thinking and the understanding of the fundamental integration and output will be enable by the capacity to utilise and equip the people with strategic thinking skills. Incorporation of strategic thinking with process development in the end lies with the harmony of total innovation.

Management Meant Control

Of all the intricate and complicated facets of management control ranks fairly high near the top. Control means maintaining and managing the smooth functions of day to day activities, processes and organizational administrative necessity requirements. Getting things to function normally, automatically and with a certain degree of polish and finesse. Control means having you're policies and procedures under logical constraint.

Restraining and managing systems to smooth slow inter function with relative parts and systems that integrate into the organization of the company business. Control is also containing and maintaining satisfactory levels of inventory and materials that are needed to support the ongoing, business concerns. Control is also applicable to personality traits as in keeping the right frame of mind, slow to anger yet shrewd and aware of surrounding situations and circumstances that might be affecting you're day to day activities and you're running of the business. Control is about allowing certain conditions to exist to a certain level.

Then directing them or managing them to fit into the desired or specified restraints and guidelines. There is also a certain amount of leadership needed in order to bring the organization into a controlled state. By giving directions and facilitating the company position within the market you are able to control sales and profit. Then of course there is wages and expenses which decide you asset potential and security of position. Of course turnover can be realized more quickly with effective and efficient control so that is only becomes a matter of quantity was quality in controlled.

Management Meant Motivation

Achievement, power and affiliation, there are the recognized motivators that keep management going. Incentive giving that gives a high or sense of satisfaction and accomplishment above what money or material possessions give us. Things are usually easily and readily attained but something you have had to work for or really strive to achieve is a much more satisfying thing to have. Of course though motivation is an inbuilt self driving force to some people that satisfies them and asserts them enough all on its own. Motivation could almost be looked up as cult operative. Pushing adrenalin and oxygen around the body to keep up some kind of natural high.

Really though motivation is about achievement getting the work done and a sense of fulfillment when the job is completed. Is it also about power having enough energy and ability to obtain or complete what has to be done. It is about people getting on with them and enjoying their company in a work relationship. It is pointless to have a motivation unless there is some real need or challenge that is facing us to be done.

People who only want power are mongers. People who only want achievement burn out. And people who only want affiliation tend to start to bludge. What is needed is a healthy cross balance of all three so that we don't become too dependent on one motivation. Management meant motivation because a manager leads by example, motivating his team by what he has done, what he can do and what he wants done. Motivation is the inspiration of a good leader and the worth of the effort is judged by what is eventually accomplished. Motivation is wise but only when the input equals the output.

Management Meant The Right Products

Profitability means being able to offer the right products in the right market when required. Products are our tool or vessel for drawing customers in. we need to maintain and supply a range that will satisfy and entice our customers to come into our shop or to deal with us. Of course special prices mean extra sales but usually the customer is interested in a special products or quality of product which we must show on display and hold a certain amount in reserve.

The right product is that good or service that is individually designed to meet the customers need or that product that will satisfy that customer individual's desire does something. It means offering a wide variety but it also means being aware of what the average customer is wanting understanding the market needs and fulfilling the demand by offering the right products. The right product may be an item of clothing that has to come in a particular size and colour. This means that our product range must be holding a good breakup and size range and also a variety of colours so that when the customer decides on the product you have the size and colour there ready for them to buy. It is extremely important to offer the right product only silly people buy something they don't really want.

Clever people know what they want and go out of their way to get it. Of course there is an element of luck in the fact that you have the exact product for the person who is looking for it. But then again preparation and good buying ensure that you cater for most customers requirements. Presentation does help but the important part is to ensure that you have the right product in good, salable condition ready for the customer to just walk in and purchase.

Management Meant Resource Allocation

Time is our most valuable resource not only in terms of money but in natural resources that come out of the ground and are fabricated and produced to formulate common wealth. Of course everything must be valued and assets with their own individual tangible value and worth must be allocated and distributed to those who understand, have knowledge of what to do and are responsible in their actions.

Consideration along the road and in the due course of direction setting. Things come together unites and multiply for the common good of all concerned. Resource allocation is part of the fundamental belief that those who contribute the most are in the end rewarded the highest. Resource allocation is about the economic and ecological conservation and distribution of funds, raw materials and by products.

The consumer is its greatest asset and also its worst enemy. Because of the limited time for the survival of the earth and the finite amount of natural resources things must be allocated and distributed wisely, fairly and logical sense while recognizing designation of need. Wants are not in the question. Resource allocation is about meeting and satisfying a need while concerned about necessity and priority requirements. It is not always a case of first in best dressed but a long drawn out process that relies on mutual cooperation and respect and admiration for others. One does not demand things but on the contrary waits until specifications and logical orders and fulfilled.

Management Meant Economics

The core of the functional relationship in economics revolves and relies on too hard to understand factors. Centralization and decentralization. Economics has never been a simple putting the piece in the puzzle. Though with careful and more detailed understanding this is and will eventuate. Management meant economics because when we all start to feel to pinch of the dollar we must tighten our belts.

We must be aware that monetary systems within the organization or further beyond into the whole social and political structure. It is not a matter of simply being aware but within the order of things there needs to be enough knowledge of what is going on around as must as there s a need for blinkers within the corporate environment. Penny pinching and cutting costs are anti-effective in business enterprises. Better to surround yourself with information about the economic climate and current trends with government spending. Economics in the work or operating in a country on its own depends greatly on business feedback ad input levels.

The system is constantly being created and recreated as diffusal of information is attained. Economics is about the careful allocation and spending of money, which can be derived from any form of revenue document. This in turn when practiced and integrated with a business entity creates meaning and value which contributes to the overall quality within the community and society.

Management Meant Utilisation

Utilization is about having a sensible approach to managing resources like improvisation, utilisation is using up those bits and pieces that sit around idle and are of no productive value until they are placed somewhere where they can be constructively used for some game. We utilise space, products and people for the furtherment of our advancing society. Products are seldom developed soley for utilization and products that can be utilized usually have a double purpose or secondary value in some way.

Utilization of space usually associated with storage is best understood with compactness and fixturing that goes right to the rood fully maximized but the clever utilization of warehouse area. People are best utilised by being aware of their skills and structuring the systems to suit their abilities to a certain degree. People best interest comes about when management utilize the human resources to fit in with the climate and financial needs of its workers. Utilisation of products is about saving money and is about protecting your investments. Things cost money and like the squeaky wheel gets the most oil.

Products that are utilized properly last longer, live better and have the best life. Utilisation of the system is self defeating where by utilization of a system works well. Systems are designed to be utilized and with computer technology with their programming enable access to the utilisation of integrated systems. Some things are just self defeating and no matter how much we try to utilise them they just break and continue to malfunction. This is the case with people too and usually they just die or are thrown out. Utilization however about the salvage and surviving of dead tools for everything has some value in some way.