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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Pain, Pay and Suffering

Management Meant A Bit Extra

There are no free lunches in business. Just because a client takes you out to lunch doesn't mean you walk away contented and winning. There is always an ulterior motive and there is always a good and logical reason to do so. However in any management position the manager has to be prepared to do a bit extra. Work harder, work longer hours, or simply just contribute more input or generate more information than his subordinates or competition.

You can't expect to get enough out of your employees if you are not putting in enough yourself. That many in the form of time, money or just plain extra effort. Of course in the real work the company or manager that wins is the one that contributes more. You might not it overnight or you might not be able to organise yourself totally within a year. But in that end long term or short term high achievers are the ones that put that little bit extra in. it doesn't have to be in exuberant proportions. All it takes is the edge to win. Some will only do it once or now and again while other constantly time after time add a bit extra and are winning on a daily basis.

All it takes is enough to make the difference. Enough to pick the leader at the post. Enough to attain that winning edge. Enough simply to make you company better or superior than the next. Some say winning is everything, some say winning is the only thing. But really all it takes to win is that little bit extra. Doing something that someone can't or doesn't want to do. Doing something that makes an ordinary company into an extraordinary company. Most people think its competition and being competitive is about doing or providing a little bit extra.

Management Meant Remuneration

Unfortunately one of the things that management can't do is live on thin air alone. An occasional cup of coffee or a sandwich for lunch is an essential ingredient for survival as a manager now. The truth of the matter is that a luxury home, maintained car, and restaurant allowances are a much more acceptable and appropriate means of compensation for the high performer managers of this time. That all is covered by and is accepted as sufficient in the terms of remuneration package. Not only is the manager entitles to his $20,000 a year, but this can include allowances and perks that make his work efforts and personal abilities compensated for and satisfied so that he can do his job of making a profit for the company.

Remuneration is all about lifestyle, quality of life and living standards. One does not take the responsibility light when it some to financial dispensation. Pay, salary and wages are a complex diversity in the making up f a working social system or business enterprise. Necessary in terms of adequate satisfaction, varied in terms of academic skill and essential in terms of expectation for a man to see if his family can survey in a rapidly developing world.

Creativity and initiative render as two main factors in management leadership. These are highly sort by employers and rewarded accordingly. An eye for detail and a patient and persistent manner are also widely sort and appreciated. These factors aid and contribute to a healthy remuneration package. Identifying with status levels and hierarchal positions is also associated with remuneration. As well as level of superiority and the amount of personnel a manager has working for him. Remuneration remains a vital and important part of the job. In fact essential to maintain staff engagements.

Management Meant Level of Pay

The principle is that the higher you're position is the more you are paid. Meaning that if you're job requires higher qualifications or level of expertise or more responsibility you are entitles to more money that someone who has less of these three requirements. For example the president or prime minister is the highest position in the land yet some managing directors earn more. Entrepreneurs who experience the highest levels of financial income can earn even more than these so does that satisfy the hierarchal role of position and pay.

Some say that product manufacturing or design is more important than political governing yet these higher income earners are still accountable to government leaders and legislation. So we must eight in the balance the financial requirements of the jurisdiction and responsibility of leaders. On the other hand it paying someone more money going to make them more happy or are they content to lead and take responsibility for the joy and pleaser of it. Is servant hood a form of leadership?

Should the scale depict more accurate levels or are people happy with current ones. The thing is that if you earn more you should be happier but because of pressure to perform and the nature of success. (tall poppy syndrome). People are not satisfied with or content with their level. Age and experience alongside education and skills differentiate these levels but the principle still remains that the higher you are, the more money you are paid, whether it is the psychological state of mind or bank account balance or pay cheque. But it all should be in equilibrium and perspective.

Management Meant Pain

Pain is usually not look upon as a pleasant thought. But the old saying goes no pain no gain and that holds pretty true in my book. Of course pain can be a hindrance and get in the way when you are trying to do some smooth thinking or carefully plot out design plans in a drawing. But in the end a manager will know pain and usually have a preference towards it than enjoying things too much or having every single thing go his way.

Pain can be looked upon as a necessary evil. That tool or ability that gets people to work. Most are too scared not to work because they think the manager is directing some kind f pain towards them or when they work and it hurts all they want to do is complain. The thing is that to have some pain is healthy it lets us know we are alive and that we are feeling it and it is real in our life. The fact is though the manager has to know his limitations and anyone who experience pain must know when to stop.

I guess pain comes most often when we work too hard and when we don't work hard enough we have accidents and that cause pain too. But again unless we are too badly hurt to recover we will get back up again and have another at what was causing us all the trouble. It's like when you get thrown off a horse you don't let it beat you but you get back on and show the horse whose boss. Fortunately though when we realize how much pain we can take we gauge how much we will take in the future and how much pain we've taken will enable us to know our strengths and weaknesses physically so that we can mange effectively. Unless however we die in the process we should go on to greater heights by effectively managing pain in our lives and workplace.

Management Meant Stress

As part and parcel of the daily activities of management they come under a certain amount of vulnerability in the form of stress. Stress is a nasty animal that can eventually lead you into the grave unless you know how to control it and manage it. A certain amount of stress is healthy in that it allows you to stretch you capabilities to maximum performance and you can therefore more productivity exert you're efforts.

To establish and maintain that peak performance one must use stress wisely so as to not break anything while still obtaining the desired results. The problem with stress is that is does usually tent to get the better of us. Pushing too hard, trying to obtain too much. Going past the limit were things begin, to breakdown and snap. Stress must not be ignored instead positively for you. The inevitable result from over stressing is a breakdown and malfunction in all other areas of activities.

The purpose for tress is to obtain that little bit extra but when it abused and misunderstood or not correctly assesses and analyzed then you are only establishing a pit fall and not a structure. If it is correctly adapted and utilized then it is the axis of the stability of your business which therefore enables you to maintain that constant procedure capacity.

Management Meant Persistence

When things get rough and the going gets tough we tend to give up lose hope and forget our goals. But management means persistence. Keeping going in times of despair and continuing when things get hard and not stopping when our goals seem or appear out of range but continually striving onwards and upwards to meet those difficulties and face those challenges and reach those goals. Naturally enough it is normal to have problems and these are overcome by persistence, logical thinking, discipline and patience.

It would be silly to persist to a point where things broke and went wrong due to excessive or overbearing pressure. Instead gentle striving to meet guidelines and deadlines that enable us to finish our jobs. It is a good thing to persist to continually strive for something better, to want to succeed and to win the prize down the line at the end of the road. Therefore managers should and do persist in the daily activities, there short term plans an long term goals so that their achievements will be accomplished and they can sit back and retire one day, and say yes I did this and I did that. Now I can look back on all the things I've accomplished and be glad and satisfied that I persisted to the end.

Fulfilled with the knowledge of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment that gives self esteem. "yes" managers must persist and yes managers must know their breaking point. But the difference between a successful manager and an unsuccessful manager is whether or not he will give up, whether or not he will take second place and whether or not he is defeated but challenge's persistence leads to winning.

Management Meant Perspiration

On a hot say we perspire just like when we work hard we perspire. Perspiration is the animal vehicle that leads us to getting what we want. It is an avenue or direction for achievement. It is not just the droplets that sweat out of our skins pours, but the effort will power and determination to see things through that some about but diligent effort, careful planning and the follow through of organization designs and procedures. Just as we towel down on a hot day or wash our faces with cold water to rinse the perspiration. So too do we enjoy and revel in the fruits of our labor. Hard work must be counter balances with relaxation and pleasure.

Seeing the things have worked so hard to achieve and taking a breath or two of some of the delights of life's niceties. Yes perspiration is associated with hard work but so are the riches of our labor. Organizations succeed and acquire a surplus when their people work hard and achieve results. I can't keep up with the pace I have to get our and if you can't keep up with the pace you have to find another job as well. If it's good enough for me it's good enough for you attitude is actually a fair foundation into which to base a company on why should my desire to succeed be hindered by someone else's lack of determination or why should you're chances of promotion be hindered by my inability to keep up.

Sure we all have to work at our own pace and what's good for me might be good for you. But really a company is like a big ship where everyone on board is part of the team and all work together to get where the ship is going and usually that requires perspiration for the company to succeed.

Management Meant Psychiatry

In the day to day dealing with people and sales pressures, profit pressures and report deadlines there is a great deal of built up of anxiety, tensions worries and other pressures than can lead to depression, nervousness and fear. Usually brought about by excessive drinking, too many social functions and inadequate diet. But these symptoms and deficiencies lead to making an appointment with a psychiatrist.

This is not the end of the world though it may seem so. Of course if we had eaten properly, budgeted our time wisely with functions and read and studied more instead of watching too much television and seeing too many movies there would be no need to this. But however we think we know best and go out of our way to prove and just do anything we like anyway. If you do fall into this category and we are all guilty of it to a certain degree it can mean many visits to a psychiatrist to talk things over and for you to be put back on the right track and corrected well enough for you to live and lead a normal life again.

During the process of rehabilitation and awakenings that you must go through and experience. But in the end it is worthwhile engaging in enough talk with a doctor. Hopefully then you can receive and climb the corporate ladder again.