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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Simple Balancing

Make And Made

Make and Made
Creation is an all out amount of making and being made in a future generation down the evolutional path of life, means that the past is a prerequisite for the present from pivotal point this position is a reflection on the quantity and quality of what has been made and we make in the here and now. For the beauty of the un-spoily wilderness where pristine creation is attributable to the life on earth as a heavenly creation for peace of mind and the deriving of the work through all hell to here and maintain the stewardship of what paradise by the example of what was made and is indeed being made to make the world a better place to live. The burden and suffering of creation is a metamorphic metaphysic of pain and beauty. The truth of the eternal reality of well being is just the start to create or make the liberty from what was already made. The ultimate sacrifice of work to perfect the renewal of the instigator brilliant of recreation and relaxation, to start again to make and renew in the fulfilment of what was once again made form long ago. As if ancient builders and architects were to redesign and lay foundations of building structures from medieval times to the present day moderator homes or modern society. This so called or names recreation is a past time of pleasant events while what we are making is being made to last and treasure, rightly and well in the future of the eternal realm of rational nature in production and it's duplicates and super-datives of objectives adjectives in the description of what is the deep and meaningful exemplary manifestation of creation and the ones ship wreck on the beach is washed up in marine life for the school of creation. Studying and lessons on life make it real and meaningful and what has been made so far is the justification of the redemption from death to life by all creations effectual humanism in the structures of society and the infrastructure of the community. So it was all made and yet we are still to make it all. Be good and take care.

Gave and Have

Gave and Have
Now like the balance of making and having made is be proportional relativity of giving them the retaining for what you have and gave to accomplish your position in life of the world as reality for what it is in but that which is what you own and have paid for all bought to return proof of purchase for ownership in your physical possessions for real worth and are most satisfaction and fulfilment in attainment. It is not easy it is so much as a personal selfish endeavour but a contribution to the wealth of society and it is not so much a purchase for indulgence as it is https and purpose for a reason to live and encourage other endeavours in the pursuit of physical reality as a better society for the world of communal interaction. I can say I gave this and I have that but at the end of the day it is the terms of continual behaviour for contentment an individual refinement and the pleasure of doing work with the attainment of a certain amount of accomplishments. I can also say that I gave this money to have that position through a purchase of faith and prayer in the kingdom heaven for a heavenly occupation of appearance in the investment of treasure of all nice things. These must be looked after and cared for to retain worth and value but are resale a ball at higher prices if these Prix conditioning are managed successfully. The steady of the so called analysed and prediction preoccupation of asset growth is the collection and sufficiency of manageable tours as calculate a ball personal growth indistinguishable differences in their distinction of things. This the witch you gave has given you what you did not have that gave for the requirement of encourage a ball retention of your knowledge and replicate of all experienced by what you have made and indeed make to have a as your own personal valuable thing. Just like the self worth of other people the general consensus of work is a positive and communal contribution to the betterment and the manifestation of greater society. So what I have given I gave them what I am, I have made and keep. Just like your sewing and knitting or cooking. You have made and gave to have and give to make someone else happy.

With And Give

With and Give
What I'm with is not what I have got by what I gave for what I give. To mean the present is always predicting the future by my faith in what I can do for others and what my contribution is to the kingdom of god by what I sew in the work of my writing and so I'm really seeking to obtain the perfection of salvation them my reflection is a retain men of what I have done for the kingdom of god in a hope to acquire the kingdom of heaven by what is with me and what I have to give to fulfil this duty. Sowing seeds through speaking out what is in your heart or putting pen to paper for the fulfilment of these conditions in your application of completeness and wholeness. While I'm here it is or what I'm with to give and when I have left it is what I have given and made to leave the legacy of what I'd take with me. But the reflection is not all life and death but the eternal flame of heaven and the physical realm of being in the beauty of creation by what I have done and being too. So for the attainment of the replenishment of the eternal realm and kingdom of god. The good is therefore unspoilt and creation is hopefully pristine but the nourishment of work is transcendence and the beauty of things is experience to the knowledge retain meant with retention of worth. Self is not the objective but the problem and through the leadership of the idea of communication for organization reality do we really accomplish what we are with to give these possessions of apparent liquidity of monetarial funds are not eternal as they have real being an value on earth but it is the work for the kingdom that is transcend all and therefore reflective on the self for personal development. So while we are acquiring and desiring self righteous assets we really must be giving back to the contribute of all states self worth in the refinement of the previously state social improvement. It is this refinement that is the state of transcend all self word which shows the development of the individual personality for asset growth on the reflection of what I am with to what I can to contribute back to our society.

Take And Took

Take and Took
I had an ice pack on my head and hot water bottle on my feet and I thought about the balance between the two. So I take the ice pack off my head and I tuck the hot water bottle away when it went too cold and then I got out of bed and decided to write this. It was the early hours of the morning and I have not written for a fair while. I had to think about life and it's balances and this to me was a good example of the conflicting ideas that differently purpose different purposes. The ice pack was for a fever and the hot water bottle was because I had cold feet. I had eaten chicken the day before and I was in the mood for writing but my headache could not be cured with a paracetamol and the fever was not caused by the hot water bottle and there was no way I was taking a disprin or aspirin for my cold feet. Anyway these hot and cold flushes were baffling me with science and so I guess it was best left for God to have the lead and see just where we were going to go from here. Take a moment to think about it and if you took too long to colour your mind with flowey words I guess the foil might just have fixed everything if God was on strike. But the water bottle could be refilled and the ice pack was melted with more cubes in the fridge. So now while we both take and took a minute to think about it. You plain suffering or in heaven and these life balances now play a major part on depicting the circumstances of the situation and where we are heading from here in the rest of the book as all these different types of balances create meaning and generate an income for understanding the differences in everyday common sense knowledge that portray a hidden or undiscovered world from the subconscious into real life situations of comfort zones to reflect on the sanity of money and what one must go through to merely survive.

Book And Look

Book and Cook
Well now that we have taken a look at life and you took a few examples of how to write a page for a book. This book is going to take a few more pages to have a look at before we firmly establish the direction and the principles of life balances. The rich and poor you will always have the hot and cold comes and goes the sweet tastes of life often turn sour with the wrong amount of sugar and savoury things often taste better than the sweet. Well at least if you are a reader and you want to have a look at a book, just like these lines are going down the page. The next sentence could be so important in deciding the context of the paragraph and even one continual page only just helps to compile a logical example of the description of where things are actually going. Most people will pick up a hard cover or paperback book and have a look at it to decide whether they will read it. But with most of my books on electronic availability alone it is hard to hold a tangible product except when you use your mouse or your Pentium or you get your laptop in and out of your car along. So I guess you could be flying on high with this book in your computer and other people are just guessing what it is or what is in your mind that you are reading, they are trying to think of and understand why you but her to take a look at a book anyway when they can pick the death out of the curb and guttering and words if the television will ever make a movie out of the some of the good books, you are reading. Well this might we be on your screen and there is no use screaming to me. I have taken the time to write for you to have a look at a book that this page has tried to describe and life balances are whether you are red or green reading or greedy black and blue suffering or in heaven yellow or orange like the sun shining golden light into your mind for your sons and daughters to try and understand life balances.

All And Awe

All and Awe
Mining and the mind are proportional to life balances in that the year of mineral in the ground and above the ground refined, portray and define all the given and coming structural and procedures that are in place today. They have done for and they will do for years and all the wealth and information does not blow the mind in awe of the years for the time of the one to people and the money value equivalent to mental capacity and intellectual sanity. God is the first and God is the greatest and judgement below solitarily to Him. All human believe live and dwell in awe of god in what he has done and what he has made in all building and creation and the omnipotent all knowing and understanding that human mind can't fathom or explain God all perfect and all knowing, sovereign and supreme untouched and individual all are in awe of God and should be to prove to be. The majestic presence of the knowledge of unknown experience. The mind will focus on accept what it can but to go beyond that into the world of God where the spiritual path is above human knowing and understand is to walk the road of faith to the uttermost depth of the universe. God was in the beginning is with us now and will be well on into the future. Our position is always pivotal for gods point of view and our understanding is always fresh in the knowledge and face of god to have faith is beautiful and for everyone or all to live in the awe of the face of design and the refreshing newness of the taste of life again once the dead has been and gone. It is the fresh taste of love of stature. It is the all knowing presence of the human being living in the atmosphere of dawning grace and it is the knowledge and the experience of all people living in the awe of a mighty and great creator where god alone holds the key.

Ore And Oar

Ore or Oar
From the days of the Vikings when war ships were row boats with sails and weapons were fashioned out of burnished bronze and copper and iron ore was beaten into shields and swords that the power of man was fought on water and the thought was all consuming for another in that to gain you had to kill to win. Not so in a modern world of automation and athletic fitness where the fight is with your own body in the test for victory in the sports arena or athletics track or pool, the gymnasium or sculling where the modern days sports of oars is in the competition of long slender craft that glide through the still water of the river in the modern day. Olympics and the right for Gold Silver or Bronzes medals at the summer games. The Olympics have graced us with their presence for some well over a hundred years now going back to Athens at Mount Olympus where God held the torch and started to games of the modern Olympiad in 1894 from the previous Ancient Olympics help in Olympia Greece where the games were held next to Zeus' temple and the running area was a short grass paddock with grass hill mounds around it. Where God was greatest and reigned supreme where the undefeated champion was God and king. The ore might not have been stainless steel dumbbells but the lead shot put ball was a cannon ball of the Ancient Vikings ships and the beauty and the splendour was watching God the champion athlete compete and beat and win at the games. And so it goes on to where the ancient games were like gladiators in the Roman colosseum to fight to the death where God was crowned and reigned undefeated. Now we are all just as much in awe at the art of the white water rafter or sea kayaker who paddles a month the sharks whales and dolphins where the sky is still and remains the limit to breathing air on earth and where the atmosphere readily upward and onward to the skyward direction of the universe where the titanium strongest lightest metal makes rockets to travel to out of space and the oar is an internal propulsion with enormous mighty force to leave the stratosphere. God is there waiting because god has been before and let the ore or the oar be the awe for the heaven above.

Mine Or Mind

Mine or Mind
If I think that something I have and paid for is mine then there is every chance that it is, or at least with prayer I ass it to my collection and it becomes part of my mind to focus on what is mine is in my mind. Dragging in the earth for minerals deep down in some dark mine is for making value and meaning it is adding treasure to the earth from something that was just a dusty and dirty piece of metal from and one that is extracted from the ground to be refined beaten and sweltered shaped and crafted into things of money with a stamp or minting of some two thousand plus or minus a bit years imprinted on it the intrinsic value to people and it is a treasure to the attainder or owner as some kind of cash value to use as change in buying things made by someone else. The ore which has to be at least that age or more the representation at the crown of government and provides self worth to the holder who has the right to spend or hold onto it as long as they like with the ownership of the coin remaining the property of the government or country who has minted it. So we have this valued treasured established set of time guidelines structured into our society for communal valuation and self worth and each has the right to decide on either time or money for the value as a personal choice with a free drink of water for those who are worries about it to choose from as well. Then we have a decision based reality that formulates the mind of the person by that very thing and reason a set of guidelines and objectives decided by personal choice. Mine or the mind! Perhaps it is yours and I have to concede that perhaps it is unowned or unwanted or vacant and requires a tenant or as owner that claims or patent you have to make yourself. Then it is on the table as an argument or debate and a judge or jury panel will decide whose ownership the property is. Mine or the mind in determining what is ours. Is this mine or is it yours the mind will determine that buy good will and conscious of acceptance or denial. Mine is the purified and rights of the mind of heaven abuse in righteousness with the relationship with the God all above.

Bank And Money

Bank and Money
Everyone knows trusts and believes that it is good to have money in the bank and really that is where it belongs with no safer place to put it. But the big questions Is how do I get that amazing figure in my own personal account that I can withdraw and spend after I have committed it there with all my hard earned work and effort. Is it ethical to use other methods, is gambling or capitalizing on someone else's loss through the stock market or gloating over some one's death that you might inherit or gain personal from through someone else's loss of life or grievance in a mishap or accident. Ethics, honesty and self sacrificial services are the basis for the best way to put money in the bank and if you can't through your own desperate or just basic needs for survival or perhaps your widows last penny like when you tithed your last ten percent in good faith that he will use it and you will be able to eat or not for another week but you trust in your heart through undivided loyalty to God that he is more than able to look after and provide you with shelter and food. Perhaps you have enough for a new car or a nice holiday somewhere in the world that through you withdrawing of funds you are able to attain under accomplishments nicety. But the bank owed you a level of care for their handling of your money and they will pay you interest if you leave enough for long enough with them over a period of time. The bank turns over billions of dollars a day in cash all around the world in different banks in their share price trading value and in their managing of funds through mortgaged and loans. Credit facilities also play a major part on the working systems of the bank and God knows that a fair and honest day's work deserves a fair and honest day's pay. The work indeed must be paid or there will be hell to pay somewhere else, that each man might get what their deeds deserve. So if the world gets paid and people are in heaven with a drink or a pill does that means that god can sit down and eat. I ask you really is there a way in the world where the earth will balance in equilibrium to suit everybody's personal account. The question is beyond me, but if I get just only my just deserves I will be happy and thank God for that.

Word Or Work

Word or Work
What makes the world work and what balance life on earth as if it was without the word. Equilibrium is the word for meaning balance and the work of and thought the word is how to accomplish meaning for interest in the survival of the human race and the greatest plane of heaven we all choose to live on if we are only afforded the grace of God through selfless righteous acts of live and the coming to a pertinence for sine through a belief in God who dies for us if he is happy to judge us free and therefore innocent of the crime of selfishness, which we all are of course that if we will only admit to ourselves the receive a thousand pardons from God who will honour and admonish us with respect for the due and holy reverence in which he deserves. The word in indeed work as the mind goes through the agony of hell to try and understand what is right in our lives. Through the reading of books and endless hours of trying out self motivation techniques that only leave us flat and in need of a creator saviour who says give it all to me and you will have endless treasures in heaven if you will only admit your crime of self indulgence and give it all to Him. Only through grace are we saved and only in death is redemption atonement was on the cross of salvation and righteousness and nothing will separate us from the love of God who know and trust him for everything in that. It means turning from your old ways and looking to the new better brighter righter heavenly aspects of the belief in an almighty creator and alt the big and little things you could not do yourself on your own but put trust and faith in him for all the beauty of the treasures on earth to be left behind for a home in the heaven. Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to renounce the world and put all the work behind you and take Him at His word? That through losing all you might gain what you never could accomplish through all your own selfish endeavours but whose love and grace is all sufficient for a sinner.