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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Action To Happen

Coming And Going

I am coming to you for me and I am returning for me to you. Just as people are doing and going all the time, in different places and ways, at different times to different people. Coming and going is an old expression of people doing whatever they want, when they want and for whatever reason. These days we have adapted it to a lot to a broad spectrum and a lot more detailed explanation. Just like a wombat, eats, roots and leaves, so do people go about doing what ever they want at any time they feel like it. The Bible talks about Jesus coming again to a better way of life, one that is responsive to other peoples needs and one that is lead by love with heavenly guidance from God. Sure we still get a choice, but the wise ones base their choices and facts on Biblical truths. The second coming is when Jesus comes again in all His glory to lead and guide His people into a heavenly relationship with God and to reign eternal and judge the earth by what people did and did not do. Yes! He is going to come and yes there is a judgement. People are still looking to the sky to see Him coming through the clouds at any time He feels like it, but it will be when God is ready and when earth bows its eyes and hearts to the one eternal God. God is a God of retribution for sure, He is also one of redemption and atonement. When they saw the rainbow, it was a sign that God would not destroy all the people on earth again with Noah and the flood. God sent His son Jesus to die for us and our sins that we might want to sin no more and that we all may come into a loving relationship with Himself and live as happy people in a right relationship with Himself. See life is better when we get the picture straight and right, when things fall into perspective and everything fits where it is meant to go. The world becomes clearer and we can see where we are going and much more easily, rather than ravished parties of sex orgies and lusting after one another all the time, that ends up in debauchery and adultry, broken marriages and children without love, care, attention and proper guidance. The internet is one way of coming, driving to friends houses to visit is another way of coming to them and going there is the same thing for a cup of tea and biscuits, a chat and chinwag and just talking about the weather and anything else relevant that you can think of, family and friends are very important. Just like I am coming to the shops for people who work there to buy something that they want to sell to me, so to are we going about our everyday daily business of working, eating shopping and survival. It makes good sense to interact, but not live promiscuous lives of evil desires and misgivings or misfortunes through our own shortcomings. Coming and going is doing your daily business with God and also working for better lives and a better world. I will return to that later.

Letter And Getter

The better the letter the better the getter, Like as the better the time the better the money. Not all things are associated and allowed or accepted. A is the first letter and so the number one is the most important, because most people think of themself first. Z is the last letter and not necessarily the better letter, just because it is the 26th letter it does not beat the 27th number, a higher number or word with more letters always wins, intellectually or financially speaking. It is better to be the getter for the person who is the doer, than the person who is the getter and not the letter, but the letter is the person who allows other people to do more and they are the getters. Like thiose who write money, they are getting the idea, but those who sit and do nothing are wasting time and they are also the letters while other people are working for money. You just can't sit down on your hands forever and let the world pass you by, while everyone else is out there trying to get something for themself. If you want something you have to work for it in order to get it it for yourself. Normally, people would not just let you have everything for yourself, shops will only give you what you can afford to pay for and you can only take home what you can carry, unless you have big ticket items delivered to your door and possibly installed for you. There are days when you have to sit down and put your feet up and rest and let the world go by when you are not well enough to work for some reason. Otherwise if you are able and capable you should be there in the workforce trying to achieve something by contributing back to the world that gave you something. ofcourse we are not all that much of hard workers that we can just keep going forever and a self rattling pace that disrupts aour normal ways of doing things and other people are trying to do the same sort of thing which dissagrees with our own personal desire and way of doing things. The gter is the one who does something, the letter is the one who sits and waits for everybody else and unforunately for them, the world does not stop turning and the earth continues to go around whether you are working hard or sleeping. So it all boils down to how much you can get out of the world by your contribution in work and effort. For those who are on a never ending holiday, I am afraid it is time to get off the planet or change your way of living. The letter will lose, the getter will win. The Bible says that the letter kills but the word is life, we have to try and understand the difference in order to live. The letter will do just that let the murderer take their life, the getter will work hard to try and have something nice or put food on the table for the family or drive a nice new car or buy a nice house to live in. being board is for the letter, being productive is for the getting. The provider of the house hold is the getter and they let their family live and look after them and help them to find their own way in the world. God bless those who are trying to help and not sponge on everyone else for a living. If you want to sit down and watch television all the time, it is time to change your lifestyle or the thing will get you. TV stars are earning money for your enjoyment, think about it what side of the camera are you on. Better to travel around the world than sit in your loungeroom and relax, money is money after all, don't you think so.    

Picking And Ticking

A picture is worth a thousand words, but how do you pick the picture and which thousand words. I have a picture of the earth taken from a satelite on the cover on one of my Bibles, there are manty photos of the earth from satelites but this one is on a Bible. There are many photos on earth of things, their are many references in The bible to the earth in Psalms and other books. People and many people have a huge collection of photos in the albums and on their computer storage of all their holidays, family memories and world wide travels. Books are full of words as well as many pictures and if there is enough photos and thousand words to balance with it in self, then I will eat my hat and give up writing if you think you can beat them all. The thing is you can't pick the words, you have to read and write them unless you are talking off the cuff (ad lib) to different people. If you want to make a speech or preach a sermon, you must have your notes ready unless you once again can do it from memory or off the cuff, not many people can, but I know and have seen a few do it, from off the cuff and memory. People will generally talk about anything that comes into their head, what they see straight away and say and what occupies their minds and thoughts in time, what is on their hearts as a more sincere or emotional expression of their stories told. Whether it makes sense to them or other people is a completely different story as well, but once again generally people have to know what they are talking about to make sense. Getting back to my point on picking or ticking you just can't do it all the time off the cuff, you can't beat the earth every second of the day, there is simply too many people trying to do the same thing in competition. Ticking away on a school report does not stop you going to the pub if you get a bad mark or make you go to church if you get a good mark, but you might be more inclined to go one way or the other, which ever each and other way if you like, no one is forcing you to do anything. Ticking and beating the heart or picking and eating the food maybe good for the heart or not, eating healthy may let you live longer if you combine enough exercise with it. Working is one thing we have to do to live, earn money and pay for things. Working is good for the heart while the head picks away at the things that need to be done. Just like you can't pick or beat every photo of the earth or read every word in every book. You can pick some books and read some books and you get a tick for that if you finish one and and still keep your heart beating and living because you have knowledge of the word of wisdom from reading. You learn to live by your word or your work from writing if you write a book. So if you thought you could pick this page before I had written it, you may have been in for a surprise if you have read it and wondered what it would be like from the title, like many of my pages that have been written, you just could not pick them before they had been written and neither could I for that matter to. The earth is one word and its picture is worth as much as all the words in every book ever written but you still can't see all the words ever written or look on all the pictures in the world. Sometimes you have just got to go out and take photos for yourself or write a book for yourself to understand the use of words being written. Jesus said I have come into the world to give peace and I have overcome the world that you might have my peace, I did not come to bring peace because even members of your own family will hate you if you follow me, be be not afraid because I have come to give peace and  joy to many who believe. Take heart, be not afraid, your picking the world and trying to beat the earth will stop you ticking unless you follow me. Follow Jesus and give God ago, He will help you beat and tick the world away when your heart starts to fear and waver. God will give you strength and courage to face a new day and every other day to for that matter, be still and know that I am God and you will have peace and comfort in your heart and mind. Give up picking and start reading, you can't do both you know, start ticking and start living instead, with the living word of God. You will be so glad you did once again, give God ago and live, He is the only one who can beat the whole wide world and earth. He created the whole wide universe after all, did you know that? I believe He did it, he will save you from yourself.

Driving And Living

Driving and living is part and parcal of everyday life, survival on the roads means being fit to drive, obeying the road rules and giving way where needed, staying under the speed limit and reading the signs, sticking to your own side of the road and stopping at red and amber lights and going when the light turns green. Simple rules that are designed to save our lives, to make it convenient for everyone to travel on the roads safely for as long as their hearts and minds will let them, once again within the guidelines and rules and regulations of the law. You can be pretty sure that The Police will enforce road rules at their discretion in accordance with State Government Law. It also depends on your state of mind and your health, as I have said, whether you are fit to drive and whether your heart will take you and carry you the distance. Your mind has got to be ready at any given time on the road to make a decision, choice of roads and indicate accordingly. To give way to the right and Stop at Stop Signs and show respect and courtesy to other drivers. It is not about who gets to the destination first, but that you all arrive safely and feel as if you have enjoyed the drive or ride. It is also important that you don't cause an accident or be responsible for someone else having an accident. Sure your Insurance company will cover you in the unfortunate case that you do have an accident, if you have comprehensive Insurance, but at a price of paying the excess and increased premiums and possibly points against your licence and a fine by the police if you are badly in the wrong. Sure the insurance company wants to make money, but really you are insuring against having an accident, so that you can keep your car on the road and keep driving. The policy covers you to a certain extent, but the onus is still on you to drive safely and live and not hit anyone else. You can be sure that you will be in the wrong of you do hit anyone else if you don't have right of way. Of course to, for every hour of driving you should do some walking, running or other type of physical exercise or arobic exercise to keep your heart beating and your mind in control of the car through good mental health. Reading and writing also help with mental health and you need to maintain the happy balance between mental and physical health to drive, live and survive. Stay safe, drive sensibly, only stay on the road if you can stay safe, if you are experiencing any dangers on the road, don't drive if it could possibly cause an accident. Also make sure that you have regular checkups with your doctor to ensure that you are fit and well to drive. Always remember, it is better to be safe than sorry, whatever the set of conditions are being dealt up to you on the roads, sit at home if you are not well and call a doctor or ambulance rather than drive if you are sick or somehow incapacitated. God loves you and wants you to stay alive on the roads, obey the law and rules and you will live a lot longer. Driving and lIving go hand in hand with one another, just like you right foot goes on the excellerator and the brake, you should only use your left foot if you drive a manual, all respect to people with disabilities who have specific needs and modifications on their cars with a license to drive and a disabled sticker for a place to park in. Remember also to stop, revive, survive for every two or so hours driving, rest and take a break for longetivity and safety of mind.

Sailing And Flying

From sailing ships that circumnavigated the world to explore new lands, to the sailing boats of Sydney harbour that sail to Hobart each Boxing Day, to The Amercias Cup which Australia won only one in 1983 for the first and last time so far. The recreational craft that just sail around for pure enjoyment catching the afternoon breeze for some personal satisfaction and pleasure. There are many types of sailing vessels, even up to modern day cruise ships which sail the seven seas in extreme luxury and confort, they have big and powerful motors with a long range fuel tank. Then the is the cabin crusier for the personal sailer who just wants to spend their weekend up the river or sailing to near by islands for a bit of peace, solitude and quiet. Then there is just the eighteen foot sail craft or yacht for relaxing on and right done to wave baords which take to the air with a sail. Then we move onto hangliders which with there sails, that fly through the sky to land on the beach from a mountain top, or back to their perch from where they took off. Then we move onto light aircraft or gliders that with very little wind can sail through the air with or without motor to a destination of there nearby choice. Then we move onto bigger planes of commercial use and finally domestic airlines for interstate or international planes that fly you half way around the world to different countries of the earth and back again with a bit of rest in the mean time, once you have achieved your purpose or business there or just enjoyed your travelling holiday for one, two or a few months. In fact we have come along way since the early explorers on gallians to the modern day dreamliner that can fly nonstop to London, England from Perth, Australia. The list goes on and on what you can do with sailing and flying for travel purposes, just exploring the world for yourself or taking in all the far away places that you are yet to explore or see, by means of travelling around and enjoying life at God's expense in wind power or the individuals use of personal finances. Just think about sitting back on you sailing boat finding uninhabited islands to spend the night on, with a few tropical fruit juices and a nice bbq or spit roasted dinner with vegetables, Try finding a banana tree to get the leaves and catch the fresh water on wihen it rains for some thirst quenching rejuvination as you run the water off the leaf into your cup. That is how they did it in the old days for food and drinking water when they first discovered uncharted lands and places. Now there are so many planes flying all at one, landing and taking off that we can't even count how many there is at any one and given time. Each airport responsible for each and every plane that lands and takes off, with all passengers dissembarking once you have landed and travelling through a gate lounge at the terminal and all the security checks and likewise before you get on board. The list is endless and the possibilities unlimited of how far you cah travel these days, one day soon you will book your ticket to the moon or maybe even interplanetary travel in the coming centuries. Its a long way from flying a kite or swimming across the English channel, we have come a long way indeed with wind power and world travel which you can do within 24 hours to nearly any destination on earth. So next breath you take, think about where you want to go now, take a deep breath and then you will probably be half way there in your mind at least with the power of the wind for sailing and aerodynamic flight. Who knows where the next bird is coming from or going to, they do what they like when they like whenever they like. God Bless you as he does them.  

Buyers And Sellers

The market opens and people go shopping for goods, products and brands, stocks and companies competing for your doller and people trying to make money out of other people for their own personal gain. You want to get something for you money and buying and selling, otherwise known as logistics is the way to do it for a lot of people these days. From market gardens for food to op shops for second hand things of any type, to EBay for the same kind of thing online. Then  there is the stockmarket where shares are bought and sold at a high rate of doller vollumn and quantities purchased, all for a profit of somekind. Mind you people can lose out of it in the process to if they are not clever. You have to invest your money wsiely, in property and land to build houses and commercial estates on, to blocks of units and factories in industrial areas. People are buying and selling products all the time to build with and line there households with, drive cars on roads from dealers who want you to pay for the latest car on the market with their best model. In fact for every buyer there has to be a seller and visa versa, no good having things sit on shelves without an owner is there. Turnover is the name of the game and if you want to make a profit you need as many customers as you can get, and enough margin and shelf space available to put things on. But life does not stop there, the world goes on and around by spending money for some selfish desire or personal pleasure whether we have enough money or not. We just have to know when and where to stop sometimes and put our walllets or purses away and save some money for a rainey day, when you need that essential item for necessity rather than personal pleasure all the time, count the cost and pay the price for sure. Be sure that you need that essential item before you buy or spend. Of cource you can sell some of your treasued possessions if you like and need money for other things. Take a moment to pray to God and ask Him for what you need and He will see that you get it when you need it and whenever you require something for helping the world rather than yourself all the time. Your money can help someone live rather than die sometimes, saving life is always better than saving money you know. Of course we have to have something for ourselves and we are considered silly if we don't have enough money for ourselves. Once we have got enough money though, think about someone or anyone else for that matter, that you might be able to help sometime and somewhere with a little bit of money for them to live as well. Buying and selling is indeed the name of the game, but helping others can be that unseen force that is even more helpful or essential. Love conquers evil you know, money is the route of all evil, though money can do a lot of good from the right hands, giving and showing love wins everytime, try it for once if you have not and give a little money away for free if you can. 

Winning And Sinning

Winning and sinning, losing and choosing and spinning and grinning, all sort of go hand in hand and life balance. The Bible says, be sure your sins will find you out, as you go on your happy and merry little way undetected or so it seems, God is watching and anything swept under the carpet will be found out later when the truth is revealed and all thyings come into His marvelous light. It seems that we think that we can do anything and get away with it and that is not so, if it is not big brother it is the whole united police force at work trying  to uncover that which has happened and can't be explained for lack of evidence or logical reason. Never mind, you can have you bet on the horses and buy lottery tickets, you might win, good luck to you if you do. I won $10,000 after I had lost $10,000, God was good to me because I asked for forgiveness and I gave up gambling for good permanently after that. It seems that there is also a degree of sin in the law. You get up to 50 years for murder or more, but tell a white lie and your big cheesey grin gives you away to a state of total embarrassment. It is left up to the judges discression to award you with your sentence for breaking the law, If you are caught in the act of adultry, you may pay with you marriage being broken up and if you have casual sex you may well also end up in hospital for some kind of sickness. It seems there is always a price to pay with winning, we are happy enough to go on our merry little way for sure, but at what cost to everybody else. The Bible says that all have sinned and all fall short of the glory of God, God is the fair judge and the rightful judge of our sins, we can smile from ear to ear with a grin all right, but when God sees you he sees your heart and motives, not you face with a smile. Thanks be to Jesus who pardens us for our sins, but does not let us go completely scott free and unpunished, He came to give us eternal life to us, but not while we are in a state of sin, we need to repent and atone for our wrong doing. Remember if you are sinning you are not winning, you are losing long term, if you are grinning you are not choosing your are spinning, or at least the world still goes around while you are in your happy state of mind, later then comes the crunch, where the rubber hits the road. You can't get off from the joy ride without paying a heavy cost for the freeloading. Life is fair for all, it is reasonable to say and God will reward with with what you deserve, by what you have done for sure. Work hard for your money and enjoy financial wealth, but work too hard and something breaks and snaps and you end up in hospital, You can be sure that what goes around, comes around and those skeletons on your closet will come back to haunt you. I know I have paid a heavy price for my sin, young and silly I was, casual relationships and God has kept me still single all  my life. Never to be blessed with a God given beautiful marriage in heaven, maybe one day but that maybe still be a way off to into the future somewhere and when, if ever. The fact is that we all pay a price for our sin, no financial success for me or not very much anyway for all my hard work, I am just grateful to be alive though for all I have done, thankyou God for that. God will look after that to in His own good time, the hard work that is, I still hope to live a long time, please God help me, as I am prepared to pay the price for that to. Next time you think you are winning, think to yourself am I sinning. Next time you think you are loosing it may be because of your bad choosing, next time you think you are happy grinning, remember that last nights alcohol may be responible for that and that is why you are spinning and the world is to. God loves you and wants the best for you you know, come into a loving relationship with Him and experience the difference, one of peace and joy and love and eternal life forever more.  

Gaining Or Losing

Are you winning the race of wealth, are you gaining on your finainces or are you going backwards and losing? The trouble is that we are all aiming for an amount of more money, to keep us happy and satisfied with our intereste in life, to live to love and to experience joy. It is a hrad price to pay in labour of work sweat and tears. Unending and seemingly no way out of the bind that we are all apparently caught in on the road to life and success. If you are gaining in life and you have got it all together, yopur act is right and your personal front and appearances meet the eager eye of your potential customers and clients, then you are sittiing pretty and have got you life together, going down the right track of life. Is it really also simple and pleasant, is there any catches or prices to pay? Must we pay with our health for our successes? Working in a logical and orderly fashion in the patient persistant work of life, steering your life in its own right direction is all to good and desireable to be perfectly congruent and superflous in every event of success and pride.The good must come to an end one day, is there any of us that can maintain the propper and steady pace of success forever? The catch is and the crunch does come, after a while things start to trun against us and we start to go down the broken road of losing, when the picture no longer fits the frame and you honesty and integrity is oversurpassed and sucumm by your finances and bank account. Greed has got the better of you and you have started to compromise with rules and regulations. We have to ask oursleves, do we value our friends a bit more than our money, same goes for our families and neighbours, do you love your neighbour as you love yourself or are you hell bent on making every cent you possibly can for yourself and no-one else? It is a good set of questions when we have to access our values and integrity more than our bank accounts. You can be sure that if you don't come to terms with reality, that God is real and the world is finite and you have  to start putting your money in eternal relationships rather than your own prosperity and self indulgences in earthly riches. You can be sure once again that God will see your greed, your selfish and hearts and minds or attitudes that start to turn people off you because of your stingyness. You won't share with any one else, let alone God, so you start to wonder why nobody with give you money for anything. You have enough and you can afford everything you want. I have news for you, The Bible says tonight your life will be demanded off you and taken from you. You could lose everything if you get in your car drunk and drive down the road into a pole, not another car, you don't want to kill anyone else with your personal and own stupidity. Wake up to yourself you are losing badly and completely on the wrong track and going down the wrong road in the wrong direction at the wrong time and for all the wrong reasons. Wake up to yourself before it is too late, you still have a lot of life to live and so why do you wnat to cut your life short with your alcoholic state. If you look like you are losing, learn to come into a right relationship with God. Christains are not losers, even if it seems like they are. They have got it all together and they are going to heaven when they die. They are living a life of success and well being because they follow Jesus and look to God in His kingdom and Him on His thrown in the kingdom of heaven. There is so much more to life than death I am told so why do you try and bury yourself in your self destructive lifestyle, Give God a go and live life on earth eternally and forever and be successful in life all thrown into the bargain. Give God ten percent of your finances and get the instructions on life right from now on, you will be so glad you did once again. Are you gaining or losing in life? Get yourself back on the right track and follow God.

Expensive Or Cheap

Doesn't time fly when you are having fun, you give very little thought to how much you pay for things and what cost are those things on the shelf that you have to pay and do. Is theat true or not, do you care about the price of every individual item that you take to the checkouts and pay for across the counter to the register operator or till girl. Some things are expensive and some are cheap, that is blatently stating the obvious, but how often to we take the time to assess the total bill and weigh in the balance how much we are paying for things as individual items. Of course cars and houses cost a lot and are not cheap but expensive and food and petrol is relatively affordable and cheap. Therefore do we take the time to estimate the cost of the difference betrween a cheap house which my be as much or more than $100,000 in difference to a more expensive one when petrol in only a few cents a litre different in price between different petrol stations or even up to 10c or 20c depending on the brand, location and distance from a city. Cars vary from cheap to expensive depending on the make, year, condition, model and distance done. You can buy a car for $1,000 or $1,000,000 it is as simple as that if you have got the money you can pay for whatever it is you want. You still have to assess the value in doing so though and what means and purpose you have for the item or goods and how much you will use it or how long you will keep it for. Price dictates whether something is expensive or cheap but so does the quality and value for the item. When you pay for something it is within your reasonable mind of assessing whether you really need it or will get enough use out of it to make it worthwhile for you to purchase it. You can pay up to $100,000,000 for a house if you have the money, but if you don't have that much you can only pruchase a house for the money you have if it is enough for the house you want or not. You can still buy a house for $50,000 or $100,000 in someplaces and towns and that is cheap for a house but expensive for a car. Things like appliances, furniture and other hosuehold items like dinner sets etc., are all relative and proportional to how much you want to spend or can afford as to whether you buy a cheap or expensive item or whether you are preprared to pay more for a higher quality item that may appear expensive or you will settle for something cheap and hope that it will last as long if you look after it. Your kids are priceless but still cost a lot to bring up and put through school and so we can't say they are cheap or expensive because we have to count the cost before we start planning for a family and the area we want or can afford to live in. The quality of school education we desire and whether they will get the job they want when they finish university to pay for all the requirements of the next generation. The secret is that you have to work hard to pay more and if you take things easy then you are nearly always better off with the cheaper options. That is right, it is all proportional to work effort and productivity, blood, sweat and tears in the purchase price of everything if we want the top quality products and want to live a lifestyle of luxury or indulgence. Otherwise we are the poor people and battlers who have to fight for everything and except that we will always buy cheap things because it is a mass production world of high turnover and recycling. Once we understand the cost of everything we can decide how much we want to pay for things, what we can afford and what we can't. What we have to suffer for and what we have to do to look after our prized posessions. Cheap or expensive it is still pretty simple, how much pain to we go through and how long can we maintain the things we want to hang onto under suffering and patience and perserverance. I can't answer that one for you, you have to decide for yourself.      

Attack Or Defend

Attack or defend, this is the choice that we are making in our everyday actions. One the one hand we want more money and need to attack the job to get it without attacking people along the wya and on the other hand we have to defend our position in our stance to keep what we have got and not let people run away with our possessions at any flimsicle moment. Countries need to defend themselves and not attack others, which works both ways in keeping the peace and harmony of the world and its surroundings. We walk down the street and fear that we will be attacked and we need to defend oursleves if we are, but police are there in place to help us in emergenices at any time we feel like we are in danger or are going to be attacked for some reason. People also need to defend their houses and property when other greedy people think that they can take it by force without going through the nessecary conveyancing appropriateness in buying and selling houses. It is not like the ancient days when you built your fort on a hill and up the advantage of towering above the attackers coming up the hill, because by leaning down and not stretching up is an obvious advantage. Like in Galippoli when the Anzacs had to climb the seaside hills of Turkey's beaches and were severely beaten becuase they had the disadvantage of the slope. So it is with us in our everyday work, we try to take advantage of the other person for our own self gain, instead of seeing a need and recogising a job to do to help rather than exploit and provide a service which is paid for at a reasonable price and not stretch the friendship and rip off the customer. The world I full of many different type of suituations where we there is a need to attack or defend, politics is probably the worst of them all in the fighting situation of negotiating exchange and bartering across the table to exchange view points in a not so friendly manner but still in a gentlemanly form of bantering to win the arguement by coercing the oppostion into submition for the right to win the way of being able to do things the right way. The wrong way has to be supressed and the right way established, it is this exchange that enables the truth of the matter of doing whatever it is that the job is about. No-one wants to go to war and fight or die for a governments wish to have more property. We need to remember that we should only defend if we are attacked and never attack first, that is our right to live and not die, except perhaps in helping someone else that is being attacked unjustly and then we could help them defend themselves. Unfortnately the world is one of a struggle for dominance and we are all trying to gain something out of it, but it is always more appropriate to wait and find a need or see waht ahs to be done and then we are paid a just price for the work when it arises and the work has to be done for a proper reason pr purpose. A financial settlement is required for the job or work being done and that is the reason that we have money to meet our needs and pay whoever it is that does the work for us or supplies the things we need for a price and a cost of doing so. You oly need to go into a shop and buy something these days and not demolish the place unless they are ancient ruins and in that case they are culturally admired and accepted anyway. So we must learn to not attack but only defend, to wait and work for money when the job comes along and by not doing it begrudgingly, but lovingly and we will all be happy and live in a peaceful environment for everafter.