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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Quantitive Opposites

High And Low

High and Low
I was looking high and low and wondering where my mind would go I was happy and sad and yes somewhat content that my mind would slower down the page with my pen. It sort of starts of a bit like that in poetry that you can be happy at times and on a high and yet when you fall into the pitfalls and traps of life you end up in depression and feeling low. If I was cruising at forty thousand feet in a plane on an around the world trip I could or would be in quite a high but it is not rocket science to know that the stratosphere is about as high as you can go in an aircraft. I believed that we all make right and wrong choices in life and good choices leads us to happiness and bad choices lead us to depression that through it all of the highs and lows we go through a certain amount of anxiety to experience neuroman and we suffer hell for heaven and pain for paradise and hurts for Utopia. The beauty of life is that it is not all smooth going and that to experience the highs we must also go through the lows. When I am feeling high my mind is happy slowly and casually breathing in the crisp, clear, clean, fresh air of life and when I am in a low I am down and out usually through substance abuse of some kind, gambling or sexual sins that pervert the heart and cause the deep dark depth of despair. We all love it when the road is easy and the course is straight forward or when we have made up our mind to do something and it all falls into place. This is the ideal world or reality we all desire but usually there is a fork in the road where we have to decide but usually there is the right way and the other the wrong way, but nevertheless taking the time to steady the right way will lead to happiness and the wrong road to death and destruction, life is a natural high and sin or bad behaviour leads to miserable unpleasantness and the lows. If we work hard and try hard we go through a few lows as well but the height are the eventual outcome, so it is not really about the work but the life choices. The highs and lows are effects of right and wrong choices which are decisions we make in life.

Tall And Small

Tall and Small
It takes all types of people to make the world go round, the tall and small the thick and fat the black and white the narrow faced and the broad or round. But for now I was to look at the difference between tall people and short people, tall things and small things, in life balances. How do we balance between tall and short people and big and small things. The fact is that there is always a need to see things from different points of view and just the sheer size or height of something or someone portrays or sheds the a different light or perspective on how we see things from those points of view. A tall person will look down on a small person and a small person has to look up to make eye contact. However the two don’t necessarily have to e unequal. Stature plays an important part on how we think and perceive different angles on life and different perspective in looking at things through the sheer size alone. A small person needs to be smart while a tall person has a long reach. A tall person can take their time picking fruit off trees while a small person sorts the different types o fruit into the individual boxes. Everything is proportionate and relevant to size and different gifts in stature make for different gifts in types of work. While a tall person might shout goals in basketball, a small person who plays centre can cover the whole court by better moveability. Small people play tracks on tall people because they can see them but can't perceive their thoughts. However tall people tend to want to tell little people what to do, despite the complaints and difficulties of being awkward. So we have tall trees and buildings and we have small houses and huts but people from all walks of life live in houses of different sizes and work in office blocks from all over town. So it is simply a matter of being proportioned and relevant to size. For the life of me I do not really know why some people are and some small because of their genes or maybe just because they want to be that way but whether tall or small both are important.

Long And Short

Long or Short
It takes a long time for a lifetime or at least it should and it takes a short while for a little time from things that we do or for the things the we are about. Long trousers or short trousers, long sleeve shirts or short. In fact anything we do we have to care about how long It takes, while when things happen in a short time we wonder if they were done properly enough or whether people exercised enough care! You can go long on the market and hope that market goes up or you can go short and hope the market goes down so that you can make a profit of course. We see people with short hair or long hair and it is a personal choice for most people while men generally prefer short and women long. We have short people in stature and we have people who seem to be stretched out quite long. We have long fences and short long roads and short and long cars and short, from limousines to mini minors. But generally in the end people look at the long and the short of it in nearly anything. How long will I have to put up with this suffering or how short will I remain being sick of this, anxiety is a good measure for stress and this happens when there is a difference between the long and short of it all. We feel the symptoms of uneasiness in debating how long will I live if I keep up this type of lifestyle or if I can get away with during this work I don't like for a short time then I will be able to get on with life and enjoy it. Usually though when money is concerned we have to look at this rationally and on the level and the long and short amount of time waiting for things we want is a hindrance and seemingly an obstacle getting in the way but nevertheless we continue and proceed to see and hold onto the vision of hope we have in the future with what we are doing no matter how long it seems we have to put up with extreme conditioning or how short it will take it and are not patient for it all to fall through and miss out on the prize or treasure we are after. But the short end of the stick is dealt wot us for a long time you can be sure of that.

Early And Late

Early and Late
My father was always late for everything he did and in the end it got the better of him and now he is dead he got what he wanted all his life and that to be late for everything. My psychiatrist is always running late for his appointments and I am just the opposite I like to be very early for everything and while I am the patient I am not that patient with many things and want them all done early. But generally being early of late is a waiting game we want to people who are late and done like waiting for things and that is why we do things early of first to get them out of the way. Life is too short to waste away and working requires being on time and doing a certain or set amount of hours in the week to please and comply with the basic rules or companies instructions. I work my own hours but I get annoyed with myself if my own productivity is not up to my own expectations or means. I am wasting my time on things that are important to me or matter more than what I am doing now and have to work towards the goal of accomplishment of those things I want but seem to be always too far in the distance to ever imagine getting right now. Being early is looked upon with fortitude and punctuality is always important for meetings and appointments while being late is frowned upon and looked down to with efficiency levels and aspirations and if I am early people are usually thankful and accepting of my extra effort to be there for the taking up of their time. I like being early and in fact it gives me a thrill to have to wait for other people to have to turn up after me and they are late I don’t really care but just accept that some people are completely unable to be anywhere on time. I laugh at them to myself while I feel sorry for them that they can't see the beauty in life and want to see as much done as soon as you can while the rest seemingly taken their time for everything as if we were all Mexicans with Siesta's and Fiestas all day and being early or late does not matter at all for anyone but everything takes a life time.

More Or Less

More or Less
Life, something which has intrinsic value, must be quantitative. So in some things in life we need more, while others we need less. We always need more of the right thing and less of the wrong. With money every transaction means more or less in the hands of the giver and the receiver, even with an equal and fair exchange there is always a doubt in the mind as to whether I should have got more for my money or I should have paid less for what I got. Nevertheless change is a frequent commodity and any change means more or less in one way or another. The equation of everything balancing is an ideal phenomena that goes around the planet in centriphical circuits. This reality of change and the apparent spirit of having to pay for everything is a more or less ideology in a real world. More of this, less of that as we all to gain the most out of each individual situation and circumstances. Now is we were all the truly just and fair human beings we all should be we would want to give more than we get, for in the face and force of nature, life has a way of catching up with us our deeds and the fruit ad effects of our spoken words. With the selfish endeavour and perusal of the always gain in is just a fleeting and passing misconception which has deceptive powers for the spirituality of our happiness and the important relationship with international trade partners who financially depend on a balance budget sheet and satisfaction in purchases and payments. Then we have the great and gross indifference in people's hearts between the rich and the poor where the rich always try to get richer and the poor are left to pay and suffer in paid on affluence indivertibly an order again them to survive. There must be more balance in the world without the great and massive great areas of more and less. There must be accommodation for the starving to have more and there must be a decision and fortitude for the rich to have less. Right or wrong more or less right and wrong black and white. There must be more of some things and less of others but where the peace of people and the stability of human lives are concerned balance more and less must of the time is a fulltime job in itself.

Faster And Slower

Faster and Slower
They say that there is one speed for all, but some people and some things go faster and slower for each other. We say that we want money faster and in order for us to have more time we must take time to do things slower. So once again we have these repetitive forces of life balances which are trying to dictate our lives to us. Life is a natural phenomena and is best left that way but when you speed in your car or live life in the fast lane your chance of longevity is less and when you take more time with things to do things slower it is apparent that sometimes you are left behind waiting out in the cold so to speak or just like a book sitting on a shelf that never seem that it will ever get read. But out of natural attraction we want what we can get as soon as we can get it and doing things faster seems to be the best way to attain it. The thing is that when we do things too fast, things go wrong and break. When we take our time with things to see that they are done properly it sometimes seems like things never appear to get done. So we have the superlative opposites of faster and slower. One trying to win and the other happy to wait. So now that takes us back to our constant speed on one speed for all, or at least it is for everyone on earth as it takes a full 24 hours of one day to rotate and a full 365 6 days of orbiting the sun to make up one whole year. It will never change in our time but we are all individually changing. Faster and slower all the time as if we are just not content to stay on planet earth at an equal pace with everyone and everything. God is good and God never changes the more we want the faster we have to go but the slower we do things the longer they take to get done. If only all was life God that we all could be happy with the one speed for all of us on earth while other planets and their orbits and revolutions take different individual times but we are now perfectly adapted to the earth's climate in this millennium and era and we all should learn that doing things faster and slower are for emergency situations or climatic relaxation periods where the balance to complete, competes with itself and not us as we all transiently rotate.

Heavy And Light

Heavy and Light
The earth is heavy and the sun is light. Well at least that is introspective as to how people see these common differences. People are heavy and light and the sun shines light from heaven down onto us people, here on earth so you can see how we all seem to manage on a day to day basis of work and making money to give ourselves a livelihood of happiness and enjoyment. Light shines through the window onto my books on the shelves early in the morning and after a lot of heavy reading this reflection provides meaning and reward for my efforts. Books can be heavy and light, depending on what type of book you are reading. How much you read and the depth that the writer goes into to explain the point of view he or she is trying to express. Things are heavy and light care and houses fridges and stoves and beds and wardrobes al are heavy where as our clothes or stationary or keys and kitchenware or ornaments in the lounge room and all or can be reasonably light. Even this paper that I am writing on is heavy and light in its content and continuity. In fact nearly everything is heavier or lighter than something else and each person have an invariable weight that reflects whether they are both individually and personally heavy or light. Character is an important aspect of people and the depth of character while we don’t normally see it as heavy or light has weight or depth and the light that shines in and out of the persons eyes shows the type of person each and every one of us really are. Things we speak and say think or have thought of read and write from our hearts all are and can be heavy and light. In fact this balance of and between each and everything we know to highlight the life balance in its varying degrees. In fact everything is heavy or light from the planets to the aims and grains of sand or water molecules. Even a cup of water has less weight than the whole ocean. So everything is indeed heavy and light.

Lot Or Bit

Lot or Bit
Are you busy or not, do you want a lot or a bit as if everything was only little and you expect everything dropped in your lap at the drop of a coin, snap of your finders or lucky for side salads instead of horderves. We all and each of us tend to like things a lot or a little a bit or not much in fact every time we count the cost of something we want to buy we have to consider will it cost me a bit or a lot. Firstly I have to hope the money in the beginning before I can buy it. Whether I want to buy a la lot of things for the house or a bit of food to eat for dinner. I am continually summarising the situation and the reality of the circumstances as to whether I can afford to pay a for something or a lot for something else. Someone else apart from me may have more money and are able to make decisions more easily about what to spend a lot on or whether just to pay a bit for something that they absolutely need. Then again it is all a matter of varying degrees as to what we spend or pay a lot for even just to obtain a little bit of something that we really want. A bit of cash a lot of money even the difference between twenty cents and one hundred dollars is quite a lot but to others it is just a bit. A lot of time on the other hand could be washed by people or a bit of time could be utilised very and extremely well for the conducting of business for pleasure in and treasure times and moments of winning some money in a piece of the action, that gives you those few extra dollars. On the other hand taking a bit more time makes a lot more time for other things. In that if we are careful with our treasured possessions of time and money , bit by bit they accumulate into quiet a lot of productive resources for the enhancement of society and the enjoyments of ourselves. So once again like balances can a bit or a lot and the varying degree likewise it continually reflected in the difference between what we like as a bit or a lot.

Plenty Or None

Plenty or None
In a world full of abundance where still some people have very little at all. There is a gross segregation between people having plenty or nothing, plenty of everything for some and nothing or none for others. There is a such a big difference between that balance of plenty and none, where the abundance is the rich and and super rich and the none are the poor and very poor with nearly nothing. The average person of the middle eighty percent of the whole entire population of the earth have sufficient or where the top 20% and lower 80% are extreme that the middle percentage have neither sufficient nor lack. The idea of balance is that out of the abundance of the rich the poor get some form of recompsence by charitable giving and that the poor are not exploited buy the rich for their own self glory and personal gratification. As it is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer through there is some recent trend to the poor getting richer but not at the expense of the riches overabundance. People are becoming more education and working harder to get themselves out of poverty conditions while the capitalists rich tend to be exploited of everyone they can while those who are destitute have no option but to die. This is a gross mismanagement of the system whereby the stem is designed to help those in need and the super rich are obligated to return some of their extreme wealth to the socially poor. But in the time of these understanding of the developing world we must come to understand the specific needs of all people groups, so that those with plenty share with those with none and those who have formulated the perfect plan for existence share their knowledge and ideas with those less able to capable and who are willing to learn to experience better more affluent lifestyle that it fairer and richer for all concerned in the global bigger picture of it all of the plenteous and the poor.

Much Or Some

Much or some
Every little bit counts and whether you have for much or some, a bit is important and not everything matters all the time, but sometimes to have much can be a blessing or a hindrance and to others some of the fruit or glory in life is better than all the money in the world. Some to some is just enough to be happy and content while much so the time many of the people don’t have very much at all and some seems to have very much and keep it all to themselves. So it is about qualify in the differences when quantity spoils quality and you quickly and quietly forget some things and other times can't remember much at all. Most people have some and not many have much but those with much don’t really care about some people while other people with some never seem to want much at all. It is indeed a passionate indifference between rich and poor once more while those that work hard for a lot seem not to do too much to other people at all, while they are playing games and enjoying life, some work hard all the time to get as much as they can most of the time. It is however to be frugal and the shrewd are plainly honest with themselves when money is concerned, they want to be rich and work hard to get it while others are naively exploited due their lack of willingness to do much at all. Education is one way that the rich share their treasures in that things offer knowledge on how their hard word has paid off and this is taught to be learnt by those who would sit down and do nothing all day while some will grasp the keys to that and other can't see much point in it at all. This is however a things and sign that much is to be offered and some will accept the challenge to pick up the piece and clues and follow the trail to success ad plenitude forever.

Maximum And Minimum

Maximum and Minimum
When balancing things in life, taking things to the extremes makes life harder and the maximum and minimum differences between things can be quite extraordinary. In fact extreme differences like maximum and minimum amounts of things can be quite painful and agonising. We actually try to hand some times to bridge the gap between difference and we should always try and use a safe approach or acceptable pain threshold when trying to take things to the maximum. Of course it is always easier to have things as a minimum level, with less to manage and more safety reliance to maintain a lot easier but when people aim for the maximum level all the time the safety threshold becomes harder to maintain and hurts and pains are often caused by trying too hard with disregard or disrespect for personal health. The fact is that the reality of the difference between maximum and minimum is always far too extreme and bridging the gap becomes a full time job in itself in order to just maintain acceptable levels of some might see as an amount of money that is worth trying for or in other cases people see their lifetime as more important and seek to achieve the goal of longevity. Really without life we are dead and without money we are struggling too hard. There is however always some none to help and people to live. So never give up and usually it is just a case of reassessing your priorities and making your maximums and minimums less opposed and more qual in extremes of maximum and minimum restrictions we are actually making a more smooth playing field and learning out of the procedure to return a yielding harvest on the long term basis. Instead of wanting to have everything at one or waiting a long time to have anything at all. Maximums and minimums pluses and minuses.

Big Or Little

Big or Little
Things can be enormous or small and when things are like that being big or little they can be overwhelming or minutely boring. The mass of the earth is like that and when we see little words on the page the enormity of the world seems smaller. Lots of little words can make a difference through and in time if you continue to persevere with readings you will notice a bit change in the way that you see things. Even a little difference when and while reading is quite noticeable and the boredom of reading can turn into a huge difference and make a bit impact on your life. Adults and children can be seen as big and little with having to accept the authority from both points of view. Giving authority by adults for a child's well being and proper upbringing and accepting authority from the parents for their own good and certainty of reaching adulthood. Adult people can be big or small to and not only in stature but in personality whereby those who accept responsibility for their own lives and their own physical stature are playing properly for real life situations of everyday tasks and challenges by other people. Being a big person does not make you superior or being small in size does not make you inferior but the two to work together for the betterment of society. As I have said before small people and smart and tall people can be strong physically but not mentally, while small people are likely to be strong mentally. Making a difference whether big or little is what really counts and any insinuation of a change of difference in people should be noted and recognised. People need money and whether a big amount or small amount should be recognised as well. In that the amount of money or change we have in our lives makes an enormous difference on people behaviour and a big difference or little idiosyncrasy can mean and make a massive change, therefore big and little need to be respected.

All Or Nil

All or Nil
Again we come to two extremes in balances and when things are all or nothing everything or nil things get into a disproportional unbalance. The idea of balancing between all and nil is a must be accepted reality, the fact that all and nil are so oppositely opposed that it makes any intelligent reality non-existent. It means we have to try and stretch a line between all and nil and that line seems to go on forever without ever ending. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line but when that line true to reach the limits of all and nil we seem to have a never ended line. In fact once again it is nearly a fulltime job for some people just to try and find polarity right between the two. The never ended existence of these differences is completely against the laws of nature and henceforth reality. You might say well it is now must be seem a seemingly and good time for a reality check. As how can I have all and nil at the same time. Or how can I pay all the bills with a nil account. Actually you can't and it is better to have some money the all the money in the world which usually surmounts to a nil account. Quantitative balances like rich and poor all proportional behaviour and the fact that reality and extremes are so far opposed that the different changes and moves between the two never seem to come to a head. We use our minds to try and understand the limits of behaviour, but really all we want at the end of the day is the wages of a fair days pay and those who don’t have one don’t seem to know what to do anyway and are usually incapable of getting one. All or nil on the proportional economic balances of life circumstances is a physical might more that has to be managed and adjusted to alleviate the extremes and produce a long term lasting reality.