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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Parity and Purity

God And Devil

There is a some what need to look at the sanctity of life and the reasons behind the forces of the spiritual world, now we will look at God and The Devil. God is symbolic of all things good and the Devil, symbolic of all things evil. According to scriptures in The Genisis account, man was created in all the good and splendour of rigtheousness, but through the Garden of Eden and the temptation of Eve and the fall of man by them eating the forbidden fruit against God's instruction. The fruit was not evil in itself, but opened the eyes to knowledge of good and evil, God only wise and the Devil lured mankind into destruction by making them impure of the love of God to open their eyes to look upon the world for themself and enter into a state of corruption. All is not lost, for in The New Testament, God sent His son to redeem the world from people in their sin and overcome evil with righteouseness again. The Devil is a crafty critter, cunning and caniving, wanting to rule the world for Himself, but The Bible says that God reigns surpreme and is the undefeated hero, the Devil therefore a defeated foe. Don't close your eyes though, except in prayer, because The Devil is waiting and hiding around the corner for your next mistake and temptation, so that He can lure you into His demonic world of greed and corruption and try and steal your soul from you and send you down to hell to be with Him in pain and agony and hatred, suffering all the inflictions of sin that you deserve for ignoring God's call to holiness and righteousness. God has made the world perfect and Jesus was perfect, so there is no reason or need for you to be anything else but perfect, holy and righteous, if you are in a relationship with Him and love God. God has a plan for your life and has the pretty picture of a bright future of hope and love for you, as long as you will keep and maintain the faith in His glorious kingdom of beauty and creations new perfection. The pristine world and beauty and creation is not all lost in error, but the wonderment and grace of God restores all things to their right position and relationship in a universe of natural descent and historic glory to Himself. Why would you do anything else, the pub is calling for your next alcoholic drink, but the church is there to care for your needs, love and adore you in holiness and righteousness, welcoming you into the loving arms of God and offfering you a home in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord, to The Glory of God The Father with peace and happiness evermore, that is if you don't go astray again and leave His loving arms and your reassured home in heaven and His wonderful kingdom. See the truth and see the light, revel in the love of God and not the ways of the world and the Devil, You have a hope in heaven, your are worth more than many sparrows, every hair on your head is numbered and precious in God's sight. Don't give up on the glorious things of heaven all the good of a restored creation and the peace that heaven offers you forever more. Choose God and good, not the Devil and evil and you will live to see long days of prosperity and happiness, Choose the Devil and you are going to hell into a place of torment and suffering, Be wise, do right, Love God with all your, heart, soul mind and strength and you will enter into God's kingdom of eternal life. Except Jesus as your Lord and saviour and the keys to the kingodm of God and the way for salvation.

Good And Evil

Some things are indellibly good and some things resoundingly evil. The good is things like, righteousness, purity, holiness, goodness, kindness, love, joy, peace, honour, mercy, hope, selflessness, servanthood, blessedness, giving, glorification, grace and a lot more of the best things of life. Evil things are, greed, corruption, hate, envy, jealousy, selfcenteredness, stealing, murdering, wanting what is not yours - coveting, debauchery, lust, rape, pornohgraphy, gambling, alcohol abuse, nicatine, indulgent eating - gluttony, basically anything that is bad for you. The balance is not in the weighing of the scales as they are uneven measures, we should try to do good, be good, say nice things and help others as much as we can and not try to take advantage of other people for our own beneifit. The world is drawn by the ways of evil to see that you can get whatever it is that you want for your own personal need, without the work and love of others. It is the hard road of life to be good, but one that is very worth while and rewarding, the road of evil is a pittfal and stumbling block to most, the easy way and the cheap way out, but we have to try and maintain a dilligent lifestyle for the blessings of the kingdom of God. Nothing comes easily that is worth while and we should not expect things to be dropped into our laps, do the wrong thing and you are at the judgement fo God for punishment and do the right thing and it will not go unnoticed, but be seen by God and others as the right way to do things and the road to life. There is many more things that are good, but we want to take it easy and fall into the temptation of all the trappings and finer things of life that don't come easy to us, but are made to look like they do for our consumption and useage. We have to try and see the heart for God first, always asking for the best alternatives and the right way to do things, not breaking the law, but upholding it and sticking to the rules of living and legal aspects of abiding in the land upon which we live. Break the law and you end up in jail, be a law abiding citizen and you will inherit all the good things of life, time pays slowly and the quick rush into things and make mistakes causing them trouble and problems. Evil is a distraction and goodness is a beauty and a peace, look to God on high for all things and don't be decieved by the Devil and His conieveing ways of disceipt and foul underhanded methods of futility. Look to the brighter side of life, where the good is in the light and the evil dirty deeds are in the dark, trying to hide from judgement. The Bible says that be sure that your sins will find you out, that you can't hide anyhting from God, he is all knowing and ever seeing, realize early your ways on earth and always try and do the right thing. Remember that money is not everything and time is very important to you. Learn to understand this and pace yourself in life as to how much and how long you want to live. God is good, The Devil is evil, stay on the right road of life that elads to success and don't be lead astry into the things that look good on the surface but are inheritantly evil at heart. God is easy of you try, evil will come to those who are lazy and carefree, the road to life is hrad, but be wise and choose it anyway, things of purity, holiness and cleaness.

Heaven Or Hell

You choose which direction you are taking, but for me and my family, household, we will serve the Lord. Are you going to heaven or are you setting for yourself a bed of destruction in hell? This is the question everyone has to ask themself in life, are you going to heaven or hell. Do you have your heart set of serviing the king of creation or are you works a thing of the devil leading you to damnation and eternal hell, to a pit of suffering and turmoil, dieing in your sins, without forgiveness and reassurance that you are saved or are you going to a place on high in heaven to be with your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has called you home to be safe with Him in heaven. It is a safe place indeed, free from strife, hate and distress, cast all your anxieties upon Him and He will lead you home to your place of rest. When the day is dead and done and you go home from your work, know that there is a loving saviour there to give you rest and keep you safe from all the problems of this world. Christains have this certainty of salvation, going to be with their Lord in heaven, a place of perfect peace and love of God, all the thieves and the murderers are going to hell to eternal punishment and damnation. All sinners are going to hell unless they turn from their sins and repent and turn their life around and look to Jesus. Repent from your sins and be atoned by the blood of Christ, be redeemed by the blood to know sanctity and purification of your souls. The Bible says, that all have sinned and fall short of gthe glory of God, but thanks be to the Lord Jesus who has paid the price by dying on the cross that all may know forgiveness of their sin if they confess their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no grey area, you are either saved from your sin or you are going to hell. Live a life honouring to God and the kingdom of heaven will be yours. Live a life a holiness and righeousness and the kingdom of God will be shown to you. Look for any area of your life where you are falling short of God's kingdom, change and improve your lifestyle accordingly to fit in with God's plans for your life and not your own. Work for the winning of souls to the kingdom of God and you will be shown eternal life. Have you worked out your salvation yet, do you know the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in your life. Peace and happiness will be yours if you do, but more importantly, you will have saved your soul from eternal suffering and damnation in hell. Work for the good of others and show love and kindness towards them, they will fill your heart with joy, for the goodness that you have done, This is what the Christian life is al about. Love your neighbour as yourself and The Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Heaven or hell? your choice, decide wisely, God is waiting to welcome you home.  

Faith Or Filth

Faith or filth, a question of purity or dirtyness, We should all be aiming for holy and pure lives, keeping us free from diseases, sickness, accidents and other ramifications of self abusive lifestyles. Aim to be holy and God will give you the glorification, not the cess pit of filthyness and the trappings of a highly successful lifestyle. Sure it is nice to indulge in nearly anything we want, but we have to consider the repercussions and ramifications of self abusive lifestyles. Too much alcohol, nicatine, illicit drugs, illicit, casual and prostitutional sex, orgies, gambling, driving too fast or far too often, stealing which gives you a criminal mind, which leads to all sorts of other illegal ideas of disturbed thinking and minds, some requiring jail terms and sentences. Instead aim for a holy mind, one of pure and lovely thoughts, looking to God for your source of knowledge and power instead of trying to do everything on your own back. You have to understand that God sees all, is bigger than us and knows what is best for us. His mind dwells and lives in heaven and that is where we need to put our faith not on the filth and luring trappings of a self indulgent lifestyle here on earth. Aim high, expect the best and then you will at least have a chance of getting it. Good food, clean and tidy acoomodation, loving family and relationships with people at church and various support groups who want to see you make it in life and not destroy yourself in the process of trying to beat everyone else in pits of hell. Personal hygiene is also apart of faithfulness, it is honouring God in your attitude toward purification, we should all almost become like monks, putting God first in our lives and not looking to the left or right but straight ahead and wholely focused on God alone, Do not worry about what you will eat, God feeds the ravens, would he not feed you to. Do not worry about what to wear, consider the lilies of the field are they not more beautiful than Soloman in all his splendour. If you have air to breathe, clean water to drink, food and clothes a roof over your head, work to do, you are among the richest of the world, anything else is a bonus and a luxury. Faith is and holds so much beauty just in itself, honouring God first by giving of your time and your money. This is a way of living and winning not losing, with God you can't lose, try and invest your time and money in God, work for Him and not yourself, you will experience so much for joy and love in your life and a peace that is beyond comprehension. Be still and know that I am God, he will listen to your heart and faithful prayer requests. Faith and not filth, beauty and not ashes, love and healing, not hate and hurting, good and not evil. God and not The devil, purity in faith and not dirt in filthiness. Simply puttting it, try not to sin and look to Jesus, He has the answers. Give God the glory and not yourself, experience the difference.  

Sick Or Well

Are you sick or well? can you really tell? A lot of people are lost in confusion and don't know whether they are sick or well. They go to the doctor to see if something might be wrong with them or they just keep on going their own miserable way, digging a hole for themself until it is too late. We have to take stock of oursleves and wake up to reality every morningw hen we get out of bed and say, what can I do to improve or maintain my health today and take positive actions in that direction for better and prolonged physical and mental health. Sure you have to go to work every day and earn a living, but that does not stop you from morning walks first before you start work each day, eating right and not staying up too late watching TV but going to bed early and getting a good nights sleep. Prioitize your life around your health in stead of your finances and you will be happier, live longer and be more adjusted to earn more money anyway. The trouble is our focus and where we want to go in life, instead of getting on with the job of methodically progressing away with our daily work and channelling our work efforts for greater health and wealth will then follow. If you are not happy in your job, get another one, no-one needs to be a loyal hero, while deteriorating your health in the process, find a job that makes you happy and you will be more willing to do the work and work harder. If you work too long a hours, quit and get a part time job for a while, remember money is not everything and you have to have your health first and maintain your body welll for working conditions. If you are sick, see a doctor, no good having foolish pride in maintain job satisfaction by yourself. If you are well you will be happy to work and work accordingly towards your good health. Eat right, eat well and have a proper diet, follow your own good sense instructions of diet and well being. Talk to a professional if need be for guidelines and instructions on well being, see a pyschiatrist if you are suffering mental illness or unhappiness that you can't explain to yourself. You have to think well, eat well and drink sensibly, which means up to at least eight glasses of water a day. Cut out tea and coffee, if your mind is racing in thinking too many thoughts or your heart pulpertating to fast to be healthy. To be really rational, you have to say to yourself, that alcohol is out of the picture completely, not a good idea drinking too much poison if you want to stay well. Get your blood pressure checked frequently and understand how your body works and why it is well because of your diet, exercise and good or bad habbits. No one knows your own body better than you, so try to be aware of any abnormalities in your thinking, day to day activities and any vast changes in your eating patterns. If it hurts, get it checked out, if you are unhappy, think about why and take some steps to change your lifestyle. Worrying will get you no-where, better to talk to someone else about what is wrong with you, don't be afraid to ask why and don't be scared or timid in seeing a doctor. God has all the answers to if you are smart enough and choose to ask Him to lead you and guide you into a better lifestyle position in society, Take care of yourself and God Bless.

Hope Or Cope

Are you managing your time well, hoping and coping your way through life, are you hoping for a better future instead of trying to do something about it? Are you coping with life or stuck in a rut and unaware about what is going on around you? Have you found Jesus yet to help you out of your pit and lead and guide you home on high to glorify and magnify The Lord? Stop trying to cope with everything, Jesus says, my yoke is light, lay your burdens upon me and I will give you rest and heal you of your sins. If you are still so self focused and lost in the world of your own ideas, try looking on high up to God above. When the outlook is bad or seems wrong, look to God, He is bigger than all your problems you know. Have you got a hope in the world? Are you holding on to something tight, or something insecure and worthless? Have you made up your mind yet to follow Jesus? He will give you a hope and a reason for living, He has a plan to prosper you and heal you from your sickness. God is good and wants the best for your life, he will show you the way to freedom and gently lead you up the path of success instead of following The Devil down into the pits of hell. Jesus says, you have got a hope in Me, one to prosper you and not forsake you, one to make you well, whole and heal you from your sicknesses, He will give you security and offer you the keys to eternal life in the planes of heaven. Where your hope is not futile or worthless, but a valued implement into making you a happier person. Life is too short to worry about all the time, with what is going to happen to you, what is around the next corner, be sure of your hope and stop all the coping with things, which means that you are trying to manage everything by yourself. Learn to cope with a few things if you can, don't be a dope and have to cope with everything, you can't do it alone you know. Look to Jesus, He will show you how to stop all that unessecary coping and give you a life worth while to live. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time, worrying about the future, anxious moments, you have to look ahead and look up to God. He has the big picture for your life, He holds the keys to life and death, be sure of your salvation and give your life to Jesus, He will show you how to have a real good time, one of security and safety, one of adventure and interest, one of love and not hate, one of longetivity and not brevidity. The earth is a big place and the world is wide and wonderful, don''t get lost in its distractions, but stay on the path of righeousness. God has been there before you, let Him show you His marvellous creation in His own good time. Got the pictuire yet, follow Him, you can't go wrong with God you know. You don't have to hope and cope all the time, God is love, put your faith in Him. You have got a hope in Jesus and The Devil just wants to see you not to be able to cope at all with life, give The Devil the flick and follow God instead, you have got the idea right yet, now have you? Just believe and see the light in Jesus, you will be so glad that you did. You will take a right step in the direction if you choose God, you can be sure of that.

Head Or Heart

Most people put their heart before their head, but we should use our head for thinking and our hearts for beating, It is not rocket science, quite simple really, you need both as equally important, but when one rules the other you can get into deep trouble. The heart says I want this and I want that, the head tries to negotiate things for its own convenience. The trouble is we do what we want when we want or can, instead of taking time out each day to plan our atcivities and using a determined healthy dietry plan for our bodies betterment. The heart needs to pump blood around the body in circulation, we need oxygen to our brains in our heads and the lungs do that par of it, In fact all parts of the body are equally important for normal living conditions and functioning and we have to watch our health for all of those organs. The head is the intellectual part of our thinking, what we can and can't do and what we do and don't want to do. The heart is more of an emotional feeling, with a whole lot of mixed ideas about what is right for us or not. Love comes into it there, the heart says, I want a partner to share my life with, someone to talk to and bring up a family with in a nice suburban housing area, or regional if you like and of cource the new car. The head says what do I need to do that and goes through all the steps and logic in trying to do find out how to accomplish its dreams and determinations of the heart. Sometimes we just have to let life take its part though and rely on the advice of the partner, if we really want to get anywhere at all, while still rationalizing rather than romanticising whether it is right or wrong. There is so much more wisdom available to us in discussion rather than trying to do it all on our own back.This is also where God comes into it, we have to let our foolsih pride of self importance go by the wayside and look to the surpreme being for knowledge and wisdom. God first and head follows if the heart agrees and we are smart enough to accept the challenge of immortality. Love does tend to blind us in the broader scope of the big picture unless we are eyes fixed on God. A heart that wants to love and serve is a wise one, but a head that rules the roost by its own determination is an irrational one, there is more people in the world other than yourself, a very important point to remember. Use your heart and head to work in with that one, be considerate and respectful of others and the heart will find love and the head peace, if you pick the right kind of people or not. The head makes the decisions based upon what the heart wants to do in its guiding you of your thoughts. Some say listen to your heart, others say use your head first, both are appropriate in the right context. Naturally we just want to get on with life and for those who don't think much at all, I feel a bit sorry for you, foolish decisions are made by people who are not thinking, lost in love with not idea of rationality. Have a good day as you go your own merry little way, whether you are using your head more or your heart is up to you, that comes from the heart, the head would not have written that I think. God Bless.

Listen and Hear

Your heart is beating as you listen to and feel its rhythm pounding, sounding and the life moving within you if you try and hear carefully. You hear the wind blowing through the trees as a gentle breeze as you listen to its blowing as you breathe and inhale a breath of life. The houling of the wind on a stormy day, the thunder that booms and crashes over your house when you are rugged up warm and cosy in bed at night. You listen and hear the music on the radio and from your personal collection. Opera, clasical, jazz, middle of the road, pop and rock and roll, depending on personal taste and as to which jonre you listen to or prefer. You ears are highly sensative objects, with a very delicate sense of hearing and listing to voices, sounds and music as well as noise from the road and other bangs and clunks that happen to sound as you lie in bed at night, or walk down the street or drive your car. Listening and hearing seem to be the same thing, but they are not. You have to try to listen to understand a conversation and try and remember or memorize what has been said for future reference or requirement. Hearing is something that you can't really control, it is just sounds in your ears as you pass by somwhere, do your work or just live life as you normally do. Some people have selective hearing and only listen to what they want to, don't hear any bad if you like and only listen to what will make you rich. Life is not like that, you have to be real, and take the good with the bad, use your time wisely with people who want to help and help where you can yourself. Use your ears as a tool and a vehicle for work, relationship and everyday living of your life in many varied and different circumstances. There are different levels of sound, high pitched sound, low pitched sound, sharp noises, soft noises and voices, easy and pleasant to listen to. Then there are some squeaks and squawls which are very annoying, but that is life we hear what we hear, depending on where we are at any gien point in time. Einstein said that any two points in the universe can be connected by thought, whether you hear or read thought is a matter of heart and supception, percieving and a perception. A trained mind can listen to nearly anything it likes, that is a bit of that selective hearing I mentioned before. The normal human being just enjoys life and its sounds, animals in the forest at night, being within earshot of the sea and surf near the beach or on the rocky shores. Life is good and it is for your enjoyment, hearing and listening to sounds and music or freindly voices is a pleasure and a blessing in life and you should naturally enjoy it, not straining, trying or making an effort all the time, but enjoying the grace of God and the beauty of His creation which includes all the joys of listeninga nd hearing things that make you happy. Of course no one like to hear people screaming, it is a sign that something is wrong or someone is hurting and it might pay you to investigate and help out if you can or care. Ears just hear, heart just beats, sounds just sound for you to listen to them. God bless you in your hearing journey as you listen to others words or just the sound of the birds.

Piece By Peace

The mind is an amazing and complex thing that revolves around the organ which is the brain. This brain which controls its own surrounding mind, is a cognitive thinking and conditioning behavioural process of thoughts. These thoughts are pieced together to link and form a structured pattern or ideas and logically worked out perspectives to enhance the latitude of thinking which works together for the common denominator of peace. Piece the pieces together to form the peace, is another way of putting it so that by connecting the thoughts or pieces of like minded things, a workable peace is formulated in the thinking. Peace also is a time without war and fighting and it is these diplomatic formulas and solutions of piecing things together, that we aim to solve the puzzle and the problem that can lead to answers that puts an end to and in how to stop wars. If we all worked for peace, by piecing things together for the common denominator of peace on earth the world would be a happier place and a much better place to live. No one wants to live with the fear of killing and bloodshed all the time and everyone wants to be happy and enjoy life. This is however only accomplishable by working for peace. And you attain the result of peace by piecing the bits together and by negotiating the trouble spots for right answers. This is done by slowly and meticulously working through the problem or situation that all work together in the same direction for the goal of symptomatic solutions to the problem, which ends in people being happy and at peace. Each piece plays a key and integral part in the solution and the steps and procedures are an important part of the process, as each piece helps create a bit more peace until you finally have a peaceful situation and solution to the problems and controversies. Piecing the pieces is a pleasurable task and attaining the goal of peace is a desirable attraction as an occupation whereby it is a form of entertainment, as it is by piecing the pieces together for peace, to a peace solution. God gave us this sign of peace when he sent his son to die for us on the cross two thousand years ago, desceding on Him like a dove to give Him the spirit of peace from God to do His work and achievement, working for world peace and tho save the lost, in and by a piece by piece objective for peace. He would not just tell familes that they were against each other, because He had the bigger picture of peace for everyone. With us all working towards world peace and love for one another, which is what families ought to do anyway as a conglomerate community, as a network of peace achievers. God help you in your task for working for peace and you piece the bits and pieces together to get things right, without pain and suffering but with loving conditions for all to work with and share in, God bless you ion this prime objective. 

Mercy and Grace

You are God and your mercy is great, your grace is abouding and plentiful but not cheap and nasty and should not be looked upon for taking advantage of, but respected as a gift of God for life abundantly. When we sin and go our own way, there is a Lord and saviour waiting to lead us home to our place in heaven, when we have thought that we could do everything our own way and fallen flat on our faces. Look to God and look to Jesus, His compassion and love are great. His mercy is waiting there for us to respond to, but our foolish pride won't humble itself and let us submit ourselves to our Lord and king, God on high. While we wait in anticipation for the coming king of kings hrough the clouds, here on eaerth we have it tough as we do battle with the forces of evil. These attacks lead us astray and God wants us to come home and belong with Him. Lovingly knowing that we are sinnners in our helpless estate of unworthiness, Christ died on the cross to save our souls from doom and destruction and offer us mercy when we are hurting and in need of freindship and forgiveness. There is a loving father who cares for every one of your needs, who thrives on doing good and only wants to help you and not hurt you. Give your lives to Jesus, He will take all the broken parts and make you whole. God wants to give you a fresh start and a home in heaven, where you will be at peace in His loving arms of care and attention. He offers you His grace, not because you deserved it but because of what he did for you on the cross, taking your sins and burying them at the far ends of the earth. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and as far is the East from the West, so far will I scatter your sins, He says. But you have to look to Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, achknowledging Him in your every day work and endeavours for achievement. Give God ago, try out His love and care, you will never look back once you have seen the glory of His might. The love in His heart to prosper you and make you well again from your sickness, by His grace and mercy, you are a child of the most high king. Sickness is a state of sin, when the doctors tell you you can't, God says you can. Get a script from God and listen to the Gospel message, find a church that will help you and lead you in the right direction, back to God to your heavenly home. Ministers are there to help you with your spiritual lives, doctors can help to through pills to, if you find one that you can trust, but God is there waiting to talk to you about how to live your life to the best possible outcome and situation for you with a resolution to live with and experience life with Him. God is a God of love and His name means forgiveness. His grace and His mercy is enough for me on my everyday journey of love and expectation, God is good. Ask and you shall recieve, knock and the door will be opened unto you, seek and you will find. There is a God waiting there to show and give you His grace and mercy. 

Great And Weak

When I am weak, then I am strong according to Jesus. God is a great God who wants to help the weak and sick and give them a life worth living and a life to enjoy. It is all about following Him though, not too much of this selfish endeavour to get everything that I can for myself. Share and share alike, is the kingdom message that you have to listen to and you just can't expect to have everything you want thrown into your lap straight away. The impatient become sick and weak, need a doctor as patients in hospital care, they need time to heal from their illnesses and they a recooperation period to get over the weak state, to renew their strength, rising up like eagles, to walk and not faint. We serve a great God, a God above all God's, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He has the keys to eternal life and also the ability to through you into the pits of hell if you want to live a rebellious life. Just look to Jesus, He won't hurt you if you try and do the right thing. His loving arms are waiting there for you to just fall into His lap and get everything you need. he is a humble teacher who loves you desperately enough to see you well and not inflicting pain upon yourself. He wants what is best for your life. If you are weak or just feeling a bit weak, look to Jesus and he will fill you with His Holy Spirit, that will lead and instruct you, lead you home on high to heaven above and nurture you and love you back to full strength to go out and do His work of ministry. Be strong in yourself if you can, but everyone else look to God, life is too hard and tough to do it all on your own. When you have become strong and great again, use your gifts to work for the kingdom of God, to advance and restore the broken hearted. To heal the minds and souls of the diseased and mentally ill, to work in areas that will help others, like homeless shelters and mission fields, where there is a great need to feed the starving, to teach and instruct on the way of life through the good news of Jesus Christ. Hope is an important thing and Jesus offers you hope. I have come to give life and to give it abundantly, is the Gospel message in a nut shell. There is so much more to life than death. Take hold of the wise words on life, that will aim to prosper you and not destroy you, to give you hope and love through a genuine faith in God. God is a great God and He is their for the weak to heal and give hope to, to love and care for and nurture back to full health. I am the good shepard, not the wolf in sheeps clothing looking to hurt and kill. My sheep know my name and they respond to my voice, don't be fooled by false Gods or those who claim to be like Jesus or acting on His behalf, but are not, they are there to hurt and steal and rob you of the life that you so much deserve. When you are weak, give into God and let Him help you to recover from you wayward life of sin, if you were strong all the time you would not need God, wrong even the strongest of people need God and He can through you into hell if you go astray, becasue all fall short of the glory of God. God will make you strong, but to do His work and not your own pleasurable desires of self importance. Look to Jesus, He is the way the truth and the life, the only way to the father who reigns and lives on high. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God to do His bidding and serve you, let Him serve you and give God a chance  in your life, to use you for His good purposes and not the evil desires of The Devil, God is love.

Glory And Story

This is where we wrap up the story of Life Balances and give God the glory for all the ideas that He has given us and put into our heads and lives. The never ending story of Jesus and His love, where all the glory goes to Him who reigns on high. It has been a priveledge to write this book for you through God who has instructed me and given me wisdom to do so. All credit belongs to Him, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory halleluyah. It does not end here though, the job is never ended and a never ceasing one, to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel in you own individual way, under God's guidance of cource. We have a Gospel to preach and tell to the nations, that will turn their hearts to the right, a story of truth and mercy, a story of love and light, a story of love and light. I just can't help repeating myself with those words of instruction and to be filled with the love of God as you tell others of His wondrous love. I have a plan to heal and prosper you, to teach you good and not evil, to love you and not hurt you, to make you my children because I have called you my friends by your names. The grace of God is so good, His mercy and love endures forever, He is patient and wants the best for your life. Some will be left on the final day, so just don't go your own way of rebelling forever, till it is too late and you have lost the battle. God wants none to be lost, but all to come to a saving knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ. We just have to admit that we are wrong and going our own way, when Jesus wants to show you the way into His kingdom of eternal life. The glory does belong to God at the end of the day, He is what the story is all about, He has walked the lonely road before you so that you don't have to go it alone and do everything by yourself. You simply can't do it, it will cripple you in the process or just slow you down to a hault and stop you in you own ways of destructive evil. Ask a freind to help you to see the path God has trodden, God will help you to find and show you the way Himself. If you just give Him ago and a chance to help, by leading and guiding your way, which is His way of love, truth and peace. There is no greater friend that you can have than God, He is always there loving and caring for your needs. I love you Lord and I lift my voice, to worship you and adore you forever. Rejoice and again I say rejoice! for He is a great king above all kings and a great God above all Gods. King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory halleluyah. Give God the glory and he will show you and explain the story, clearly and concisely in your own language and in words that you can understand and relate to. It is not to late, it is never too late, just don't give up on the God who will never give up on you. The glory and the story, is all found in the God of love, who wants to save you from your sin. Look to God through Jesus, you will never be sorry once you have given Him your life to work with and dedicate to His heavenly purposes. God is good, great and full of love, what else could you possibly want in life? but God. The next chapter is just a bonus chapter. You to can write your own chapter of Jesus and for Him to His great immeasurable love.