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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Apptitude Questions

Paradox And Paradigm

The cat sat on the mat and the little dog barked to see what fun, it is and can be as simple as that and I guess you could finish it with the dish ran away with the spoon. What we are trying to do here is associate things, where there is similar thinking or a change in values and thinking from original thought we have a paradigm shift. The paradox is that cats and dogs don't necessarily get on together, but they could share a dish and you could feed them both with a spoon, even if they are not people but only seem like them. These are therefore tangigbly opposed but if accepted we have a paradox or some form of acceptance as an exception to the rule of the norm. Thinking outside the circle and for those who are a bit square this is completely normal. But we still have a tangent and therefore an exception to the rule and that means we have a shift in rational or normal thinking and therefore a paradigm shift, the paradox is that round pegs don't fit into square holes no matter how much you try to think they will or force them into something that they will not do. We have to think like minded to stay stable in thought with congruent and acceptable lines of thinking falling into place with the rational and normal way of doing things. Otherwise we have a paradox and move towards the tangent once again of a paradigm shift. If you thought that the Thames flowed into The Seign river, you might be forgiven for confusing London was Paris and even tempted into the same way of thinking that The Parramatta River was flowing into Sydney harbour, but no two rivers are ever the same, because they are always different and all the time. Though the river of life is one river that leads them all in The Bible, Jesus is that river by a paradox of understanding.This is a paradox of cource because the paradigm shift of different rivers being the same is obviously wrong and you are trying make something or fit things into place to suit yourself against the forces of nature. Another point is that there is no way that The Parramatta River will ever flow into The Seign or The Thames, because Sydney Harbour is not The English Chanel and they are three oceans apart. The paradox may seem that funny or illogical and there is no way that we could have a paradigm shift in reality, even if it is only very real in your own mind. Remember that if you want things to change you must see that they do so on your own terms of understanding. Rocks which have been in place in the form of continents don't change overnight, the earth is in balance and the equilibrium is certain to stay the same for the next hundred years, whether you have thunder storms or volcanic reactions, under the curcumstances unless you are on the island with the erruption, you will go to work the next day. Turning 120 when you live long enough to get around to it, that is the paradox of logical thinking, the parradigm is to go outside that norm and change things to break the natural cycles to try and suit yourself, the earth will keep turning anyway and people will still want to go about their business the way that they have always done so. We can't always have the world we want for ourselves, unless we are working for a common goal of a better place to live for us all. This puts the paradox and paradigm into perspective, think like minded and we have congruence, think outside the circle if you can, the universe is a big place and if you can't, then to the norm and we are as square as a brick house if it is built properly, which to nearly everyone should be the logical norm. A paradigm shift and paradox of thinking and terms, turning around again to suit oursleves. Finally think on one more paradigm shift like our river example, In The Lord Of The Rings by Tolkien, there is one ring to rule them all and on ring to bind them, This was Frodo's invisible ring, travelling from the physical realm to the ethereal, which takes control of Him and you if you let things that aren't real control you, like our paradox and paradigm shift, you simply have to stay on top of reality.  

Paradise And Parrallel

Imagine a world of tropical splendour on islands of paradise, while you think of the turmoil in The Middle East, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could combine the two, to get the picture of a perfect world without, hate and turmoil, war and distress. This is the parrallel conception and connection of a world that functions as one and not one of divided loyalties and unnecessary problems. While we try and make the rainbow connection with one end meeting with the other, two pots of gold if you like. We have to complete the picture of a richer world that denies themself for the poor and hungry, who give out of their abundance to a people who need it most, so that those who work hard get paid the most and those who can't get a spiritual handout to make there existance more liveable, till they have the earning capacity for themselves. It is a world of good and great and of even and fair. A place where people can get on no matter what the social status or difference is in social class. Working for the good of one another instead of fighting against each other, devising conieving schemes to monopolise the maximium potential for their own personal greed, no matter how many people they hurt along the way or tread on toes to get their own way. We need to harmonise more and extend the hand of freindship more than to think about what we can have in the bank or how many things we can have at home and even one more thing for ourselves. How many pieces of property we can have to satisfy and make ourselves happy with, many houses, businesses and shares. We just have to learn to know when we have got enough, when we turn around from our evil and selfish ways and say no to more and higher income, relax and enjoy ourselves a bit more with what we have earnt and give to those who don't have enough. Surely we can see and are not that blind to our own personal assett test of greed. Others can benefit from our intelligence to and we can make better lives for people who just don't get it and need our help to see where they are going to maximise the potential of our earth to give to all those who don't know what life is all about. To live, learn and teach and to help where we can instead of trying to gain as much as we can from our own selfish endeavours. To heal and not kill, to let live and not take life, to help and not injure, to admit defete to our own personal satisfaction level of higher ground. Get on with the job of healing, helping and not hurting or killing, people are wonderful and are the purpose for our being, not the result of our efforts and selfish endeavours for constant gain. Now wonder Covid takes over the earth as Gods way of showing He is in control and not of peoples selfish endeavours to have everything their own ways. Peace and happiness is a means for success, not only how much money you have got in the bank. You just have to give in to the personal greed factor and live and let live. The world can be full of island paradises and the senseless slaughter of innocent lives averted and annulled. God bless you all in your future intentions to make our world the earth, a better place to live. The parralell paradise of a world without end and heavenly peace for all concerned and aware of what we are trying to do and should be working for and not against.

Smart And Dumb

A little more of you and a little less of me, this is the way of the world in the means of what it should be and not what it usually is. Get the picture the smart person thinks of someone else and the dumb person only thinks of themself in personal misery. The miserly dumb are rich and miserable, the smart are wise and happy. It is an unusual combination of differences that we all to often readily accept, one extreme to the other, typical of life balances, suiting our own needs first instead of trying to help out where we can. Make all the money you can, hide it all away and keep it to yourself, this is just plain dumb and stupid, not clever like those rich people, who all think they are best by their own personal selfish endeavours. Sure the dumb can be lazy and and not try to help others out, keep everything to themselves and have no idea on what other peoples needs are. While the smart go out of there way to help other people, take sacrificial time for looking to see what they can do to make the world a better place to live for all concerned and then inadvertally themsleves through the others that they serve. But it is not by their own selfish endeavours, the world is only a better place to live if everyone chips in and lends a helping hand. We can't hacve any one person telling everyone else what to do, we must try and work together and not self opinionate oursleves for our own best interests. There are many things and ways that we can work for the common good, for the better purpose and plan for everyone, not just ourselves. Taking time to show you care by the little things you do to help other people, serving out of love and helping as much as you can where you can and when you can for everyone else. Don't take it personal, it is not only you on your own who I am talking to, it is everyone who thinks of themself more than anybody or everybody else. You have simply got to give into self and see the benefits and appreciation that you can get and give by helping other people. Learning to love more and help and heal instead of inflicting pain on other people. Looking out for other peoples needs more than yourself, you will be rewarded in heaven by God for what you do, not necessarily by the people that you help, even though a smile on their face will change your whole life for the better. God has a better plan, a perfect destiny for all, a place of peace and rest, a sancturary of wonderful existance and understanding, take time to read and learn what you must to to do a better job for God and everyone else. Come into a relationship with God in a world of beauty and wonder, not hurting and inflicting pain. Help someone else and not yourself for a change, think of all the good you can do and not all the personal things you can get for yourself out of greed and selfish endeavour. Take more time to help others and your world will be a happier place for you and everyone else that you learn to help.  

Clever And Stupid

Being smart or dumb is not the only rational to being intelligent, there are clever people and tupid people, judged by their own behaviour. There are many examples of stupidity and people exercising their own minds to get their own ways, like little children throwing a temper tantrum because they can't have another piece of chocolate or their favorite toy every time they want it, parents have got to be clever sometimes and say no to their children to stop them growing up as arogant kids, spoit sports and demanding there own way for there own purposes to suit themself and no-one else. No one makes money out of doing what they want for themslves, they have to produce a service or product for someone else and other people who are prepared to pay them money for their product. We have to learn from a very early age to help others as it is the only way to true happiness and the only way that you can earn an income and support your family financially. Offering of goods or a service is clever and smart not dumb or stupid, even if you are only the sales person at the point of exchange for your employers products and services, you are still earning enough to pay the rent or buy food and pay bills. It is all about quality of service and level of care and concern, the ability to help and serve in order to provide or produce an income. You simply just can't quit if you don't feel like working, you still have to maintain the roof over your head, feed yourself and family and pay for telephone, internet and electricity, etc. If you want to own your own house you either have to buy the land and build it yourself or get a morgage from the bank for an enormous amout of money and pay it back at their required interest rates over 20, 30 or 40 years, depending on how much you borrow or how good and nice the house you want is and in what area and which postion in the street and waterside frontage or view. You just have to accept that you cannot have just everything dropped in your laps, even if you have very loving parents and or rich ones that will give you whatever you need, you still have to pay a price or they do for you to have a place to live. Sometimes it is in their will to leave you a property when they die, to high a price to pay, life is like that though, living and loving, while caring more for others than for yourself. That is right, we can't live forever and without a considerable and healthy respect for our elders we simply can't win and have to give in to the love that is shown and remember that if you did not get the morgage for yourself, your parents paid off their house over a long period of time, just so that you could have somewhere to live when they die. Remember them, it seems s bit hard and cruel, they are leaving a legacy of far greater and higher importance than you will ever do yourself, unless you repeat the cycle 50 years down the road and track, still a hard effort to beat, to make and supercede. Are you clever or stupid? I ask you now, can you keep going and make the hard yards pay for yourself. The level of concern and care is all important, you must get the perspective clear and in place. Have you got the picture yet? Are you OK with that? It s a hard question to ask, keep going and continue, you will win in the end of you try. 

Intelligent Or Idiot

Are you on the internet yet? Are you some kind of international superstar that does not need to work any longer? Are you intelligent or an idiot? Do you know that you have to live until you die and that means long hard hours of worklife to support your habits and existance. Are you wiorking harder than me, can you give up anytime you feel like it and get away with it. No is the answer, if you can answer that one at all, perhaps I don't know you, which is probably the case and you are working long hard hours every day to support your family, you are one of the unsung heros of melody road. Intelligent people just think more of others than themself, really it is the only way to get on in this world. Idiots think of themself all the time and are poor, miserable, unhappy and self opinionated, thoroughly discusted in everything that they do. If you have never kept a journal or a diary I am encouraging you to start now, so that one day you will have something to look back on in life or maybe, just maybe someone will care more about you than you do yourself and wirte a book about you from your work efforts, consider, leaving a legacy when you die, something that is worth something else to someone else because of all your positive contributions to society. Can you look back on what you have done and say I have made a signifigant effort to help other people, wot while recording and mentioning in you will. Are you more important thean you think you are, just struggling to find a doller and suffering badly for you lack of effort and unnoticed gradeur of self opinionated thoughts, noted by someone else, but you are ingnorant to the facts and truth of it all. Can you relate to that, like I can to a certain level and point for myself. You have simply got to laugh at yourself and get on with the job of doing what you have to for being more kind. Its not really that funny, people are hurting trying just to do that same thing for themself. Sort of a head banging exercise in personal futility. Are you intelligent or an idiot, can you read between these lines and slot yourself in there somewhere, Have you got the picture yet and put yourself in it? I am not asking stupid rhetorical questions, though they may seem like that to you and even to me to a certain extent. I am just trying to be subjective and assertive as in my own postion in life so far, how I fit into the picture, where I am and exactly what I am doing now, can you see that for yourself clearly? Is it me or is it you I am talking to, am I the idiot or the stupid one, the clever, smart or dumb one trying to be intelligent. I don't know, that is why I am asking you now. You might have all the answers for yourself, try putting them down in writing for someone else to read and we will see if you know. We will see if you are the clever, smart and intelligent one or the dumb stupid idiot that gets things wrong all the time. You have simply got to stick your neck out a bit and have a go at something and try to make yourself useful and productive, if you can. It is not a selfish endeavour when you are trying to help other people through your writing you know. Readers are at least smart enough to understand that I think, they are the intelligent ones till they try and tell you what your doing anyway they can, but not without a healthy respect for others. Idiots, no I don't think so readers understand things better than they do themselves. Have a go, I dare you, see if you can help someone else more than yourself, it will be your winning adventure I think, put things in the writing of written words if you can. Intelligent or idiot, you should all know by now.

Logic Or Wander

Now as I attempt to write this idea, logically down the page and wandering and dicussing dialogue as I go in discression of opinion and discource of imagination. I will try and instigate a logical depth and understanding of the difference between a ogical discussion and that of a wayward irrational one of contraverstial adversion to understanding and following the chain of events as they arise for point of order. It would have been much simpler to write a set of numbers from 1-100 for instance and reciting the whole English alphabet in order. This would appear to be a simplistic and logical format of discussion for exaqmining the deeper meaning of life and what it is to know logic and not scambled letters trying to make up words that do not exist. This would be a betrayal of trust to my faithful readers. What I am trying to do for example is let you in ona format that might be readily known, which is, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog," a short sentence which uses up every letter of the alphabet in one verse. What might be more poignant and explicit is that I walked down across a log in the Tasmanian Wilderness of Lake Clare National Park three times in the middle of the bush and somehow found my way back to it each time from in the middle of nowhere. Once with a friend of mine in the early 1980s and twice since then by myself in the middle of the night in th 1990's, while I was lost in the bush trying to find my way back to the car park. I had climbed mount Rufus or Olympus, I am not sure which one, it may have been both, I stood on a tall peak by myself with my hands stretched out to God, taking in the grandeur of the moment, all by myself, miles from civilization, I had sat on a seat in the rocks looking down about 3000 feet into the valley and I had pulled a branch out of the rock that I had planted there on the previous occasion, the second time I got there. It was a cedar tree seed that I had got from Duntry League Golf Cource in Orange NSW. I took it out of the crevice in which it was growing in a small hollow on top of the mountain on the third time Iw as there and last for that matter and I eventually took the small cedar tree back to Orange in NSW while The Sydney Olympics were on and I told this story to The whole Baptist Church there. My point was out of a small seed, God would have grown a tree on top of a mountain, but I picked it because I thought I was on Mount Olympus and I was going to take it back to Sydney and watch the 2000 Olympics which I did not do. I was in Orange with the organisation of the games, I was in pyschiatrical care while the games were on, the whole time I was there in Orange. I spent my time in Cook Park writing, played a bit of golf and went to Mount Ophir Gold Fields which is also a Bible area for gold, not a gopher this and go for that. Now the point of my discussion, was that you can write a formulated story with meaning and inspiration while wandering down the page, which was the very thing, that I set out not to do, but I did it anyway to tell you my story in a logical wandering discussion of truth and knowledge going down the page. I was also going to tell you about cedar logs which they floated down the Clarence River from up past Grafton to build buildings in Sydney more than 80 years ago, but I will leave that to another time from a book I read called Squatters Castle about John Ogilvey and his family and a house called, Ugillbar. Logic or wandering, a journey of adventure, once again the question, it is up to you to work out for yourselves whether it is, I think I had a pretty good go at it, don't you? 

Leading Or Reading

Leading or reading, well, it is very hard to tell sometimes, it depends whether your eyes are down on a page or seeing a sign, or whether you are just looking for answers for something from someone who knows. Writers of cource know and understand everything, or at least they think they do, until they try and explain the simplist of things in the deepest of format. For any novice the answer to the question is simple, don't confuse people unecessarily. Writers are leaders in their onwn special way and kind, they try and tell you what to do in written form, not like some big mouth yelling his head off to get you to do the things that he wants you to do for him, no matter how high the wages are, tell him to get lost or take a walk, it is simply not going to work like that, or at least for me anyway. Leading is not something that you can take lightly and for those of you who are reading me now, should take note that there are other people who are not reading me now, but are out there in the big wide world trying to lead someone else or anyone else that they can to make a name for themself, but there is no way that a leader can lead unless he or she has read enough in the first place, you will simply fall flat on your face when it comes to the crunch, the intensity gets far to high for any school of hard knocks, Joe Blogs trying to have a go, without the theory first. Like someone who gets top marks at school or university has to have 100% accuracy in their typing and spelling skills, so too does a top leader, have to be politically correct and for those of you who want to make to the top in the real world and become a world leader, then you have to beat everyone else in the process and step on too many toes and shoes for my liking in going through that process. You are once again simply better taking your time, trying to be a good writer and explain things carefully and thoroughly to anyone who wants to read you and while they are reading you, you are not even sure that you are being read, you know you have written, but left that go to God in the hands on the beholder and therefore you give the reader their fair chance at succession to copy, follow and if they are smart enough take the advice and reigns off you and lead for themself. Leading or reading are two very different things, that it is very hard to do both at the same time, leading and reading can be combined quite easily to annalytically decompose someone in a verbal or written attack, but with the greatest of difficulty and understanding in the process. There is signifigant difference in that alone for my understanding. You have just got to put the pieces together so that they connect and everything falls into place in the format you have chosen and desired for it to happen, once again a very difficult thing to do, you need a good criminal lawyer to help you in that one and way. Leading or reading, once again I ask you the question, Can you put yourself in the picture with that one yet or are you still trying to have a go like me? Take care, I am looking forward to leading you in the next written page, enjoy the reading.

Learning And Understanding

Learning and understanding is a completely diferent set of circumstances being dished up together for physical consumption. The trouble is that we are not leading or just reading, we are trying to understand the techinical difficulties and differenses in learning and knowing to grasp the concept of the understanding of the picture and abstract art that is conceptualized in the picture. You can try reading as many books as you like, but unless you understand what you are reading or study in depth the situation and position of the opinion, you are just engaging in a senseless arguement and sinful rhetoric. You have to be able to understand what you are reading in other words in order to learn and take in what you are trying to attain and know in the understanding of your reading. It is not good aimlessly trying to read as much as you can without the knowledge of being able to understand what you are trying to read, learn, grasp and know in the process. Like Phillip and The Eunoch in Acts when he runs up beside the chariot and asks him what are you reading, And he said how can I understand what I am reading unless some one tells me what it is about and explains it to me, So Phillip explained to him the good news of Jesus Christ and then he said what is stopping me from becoming a Chriistain right now, there is some water and so Phillip baptized him as a believer right there and then as a believer. Go out into all the world and preach the Gospel was the great commission, to make known to all the world, the love and good news of Jesus Christ, making desciples and baptising believers in His name. So the twelve were sent out, Phillip found The Eunoch and he was an Etheopian, a Sudanese Prince or something and he became a Christain right there and then. We have to explain what we are trying to do, go to Bible College and learn, go to University and study the meaning of life, but come back to grass rootes and it is found in the love and knowledge of God, in the meaning of the message of Jesus Christ and eternal life. So simply can't beat something as sweet and simple as the gift of life abundantly, all the money in the world won't make you happy, you have to understand what life is about first and and learn how to live the right way, that we all were intended to live right form the start, no second chances, or is there, in Jesus Christ we have forgiveness and freedom, plus eternal life, you can't ask much more than that. Learning and undrerstanding, it pays to know what you are talking about in the first place.

Knowledge And Experience

Knowledge and experience, it is not what you know you know, it is who you know that counts. You opick up little things along the road of life as part of your learning experience and you take a certain amount of things to eharta nd add them to your repetoire of knowledge, sinking them down and hiding them in you storage bank of knowledge and information that you might need one day to help someone else or just to guide you out of your trouble and mess that from time to time we all get oursleves into. We have to have answers to the questions people ask us and we never know what they are until God brings someone across our path and asks us a pertanent question, that we just happen to right there at the right point of time and we help someone else and and it saves our hide and pride from a hard lesson in emabarrassment and loss of dignity, looking stupid when we are stuck for words or an answer. God only knows when it is going to happen, but in my experience all these things are planned and brought about as more than a co-incidence that just appears to happen, there is some deeper meaning and connection with God with the people that we meet and come across in the cource of out lifetimes, that show relevance and pertanence to the meaning of the people of who we all are what we are all about, do and need to know and experience. Even a little bit of meaning helps us to understand the picture in life of where we fit in, where we relate and what has relevance and pertanence to our meaning and existance. Seeing how it all fits in and comes together in the course and stream of things in Gods perfect and purposefully made heavenly plan, is just a big bonus, that adds meaning to our life and and human endeavours to be loved, admired, respected and cared for. Knowing this is part of the deal and the bargain of being accepted as a human being, some humble spirit if you like that has meaning and a plan in and on the long and windy road of life and the experience of travelling it to gain and accumulate knowledge. It is nt only a matter of reading anything and everything that you can get your hands on but finding the right and relevant material which satisfies your personal desire to be worthwhile and understand the need that we all have in life of being loved, whether by God or a parent situation with children or a spouce or partner that you care about deeply and respect enough to marry for a lifetime of living in and of a loving relationship. God bless you all as you each and individually seek and try to find this for yourselves in the form of living and learning and gaining knowledge from you experience gathered and daily walk in life.