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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Really Rationalizing

The World Our Earth

The World Our Earth
Balancing things on earth with the people of this world and everything being put on perspective, by having a clear view of what is equal and visibly right, leads us to a sense of security and assurance that we have a purposeful life ahead and provides a realistic picture of what to expect ad what we can enjoy out of the fruits of our labour from our own work. This painting of a picture depicts and provides a positive reality of what may seem like an ideal situation that however requires constant maintenance and project management to see clearly the solutions to problems as they arise. The world is a beautiful place for those who behave and the earth is the gift of God for all who will accept the righteousness of this glorious gift. We must work to maintain standards through ongoing stewardship and work towards consistently of the continual job and task of making this our residence a better place to live. The world really does balance with the people and things of the earth as we share the common goal of existence by adding the enhancement of a right relationship in things through balance by what people have come to expect and enjoy satisfaction out of the endurance of time and bank account ministerial currencies that must be managed by us for living everyday lives with the ability to meet expenditure and costs as they arise in things that are problems to be fixed food on the table or just the adding of another minor luxury to help us enjoy the fruits of our labour. The produce of the earth is expedient and transient as there is enough to go around for all if we will only employ the kindness of thought and the gratitude of love for one another. The purpose is not to have everything for yourself but to learn that through the common purpose of sharing all resources have enough for each of is to be content and enjoy the satisfaction of contentment and the beauty and love of the glorious gift that God has given in his legacy.

Religion And Evolution

Religion and Evolution
This is the age old problem of common meaning and differential behaviours. For like the many discussions on politics and religion faith and evolution apparently seem to contradict each other, but in fact really complement each other. Religion is the fundamentalism of righteousness for peace while evolution is the logical and reasonable and yet logical explanation for creation. Religion says God made everything yet evolution seems to offer a scientific explanation for the existence and forming for the being of earth. While the revolvement of the evolution contradict the revelations of religion both are containing to and referring to the world of the place we now live with an apparently incongruent reason for the perfection of the plant to the point. God is always in control and if God is always tin control why is their always something wrong and if everything naturally forms out of nothing to create the to create the current of life with the desirable picture of the Utopian beauty of reality as we all see it. This is the parable to parameters and the portion of our own positions is the picture of our own personal place in space and time. So to say the earth evolved in creation without reflection on God is without meaning and to say the religion has all the answers in a six day building project evolved the house. Religion adds meaning and purpose to the explanation of evolution. The relationship then is intermingled, betwixed and foundational. For as the baby is formed in the womb so are the pains of childbirth the creation of the evolution of the universe. Because each one is unique and individual each one adds their own contribution and each one only takes out of the world what they have actually put on earth. God blesses the work with foundational architecture and evolution grants us reality by its acceptance. So if recreation is really only all God's work evolution always was and never is. However if we accept the balance of religion and evolution we have of nature and rational thinking which is far more important than the explanation.

Environment And Geology

Environment and Geology
The earth is a big rock with the world going around as the planet revolved and orbits the sun. As the pace has evolved the creation of ecosystems and ecological sciences have formulated out of the environmental procedures and adaptations from what was originally a geological status when life in the form of planets and then animals were developing. Fossils form geological rock structures of sedimentary stones, have adapted out of environmental reasons, as we can see prehistoric life in its early forms. Minerals are the basis of geology but rocks stones and mineral all varies slightly in chemical composition and thus introduces environmental management for the ecosystems of the world in forms of vegetation, mineral logy and animal species. The environment plays a huge part on everyday human life as wastes technologies and recycling plants are introduced for environmental reasons and it is this waste management and recycling that actually returns vegetation to the ground along with fabricated minerals to return to a geological status. There is a huge impact on the earth's environment with the massive amounts of production and pollution informs of green house gases and parasite bi-products of manufacturing which play a major part in the work to keep the world pristine, as much as possible but with the enormous effect mankind has on the environment of what was once a purely geological earth is absolutely massive. With the house of labour and the reasons to be productive and produce food as required and everyday things for use, we have nearly destroyed our original geographic existence and formulated as a by product and environmental catastrophe of plague proportion. This system we create and recycle must be managed effectively to maintain stability in the ecosystem and it is these environmental reasons that now play a major part in the maintaining of the planet and providing work to do on it for our own self regeneration and mineral management of which excrements and excretion are composted for metamorphosis into original land matter and rich growing soil.

Kingdom And Meaning

Kingdom and Meaning
The kingdom of heaven is an eternal place where God leads and guides and adds meaning to our lives. Like the meaningful purpose of music so too is literature therapeutic. Waiting rhymes and poetical reflections is of course just as reasonable to enjoy as are the many songs and verses with words to them that reflect harmonic energy, yet the still gentle patience of relaxation. The kingdom of meaning and it's depicture is indeed the beauty of all creation being reflected in our own living rooms and lounge chairs. For while I transcend to another state of peace of mind, really I am reflecting on another place and time within the world I live in. This paradise conception is indeed the reflection of true reality. For if you can conceive and perceive the reality you have indeed found the meaning of heaven in the kingdom of God. This parallel of quietness and society is the balance of life and joy in the kingdom and dulls the meaning of death through its eternal depicture. Like the cup and the meal is the water and the medicine meaningful but only desirable through the fall of creation and the sin of man to change and turn around into the new state of meaning for once again the ideal state of reality as the total perfection of depiction. For while this is happening once again the kingdom and the meaning are in purposeful pursuit of pleasure for the really new once again ideal state of reality which from this point on I will call utopia. Like Xanadu or wonderland and Disneyland Utopia is the place of perfection where paradise is paramount and utopia is the colour of the rainbow within the place called heaven. This is then the real meaning of the kingdom and is indeed the trajectory place of the Catholics purgatory for a death to life reflection of the human state of affairs in the lifetime walk to eternity of the which literature play, it's part as the spiritual realm of heaven and so leads us out to hell and death to life everlasting and eternity.

The Balance Between Life And Death

The Balance Between Life and Death
Really the ultimate choice in life is the one between life and death and while we all tend to live for the moment and enjoy the day do we really take seriously the consequences of our mistakes that could cost us out life or do we consolidate and take stock when we have done wrong or acknowledge and adjust the errors of our ways by what is going wrong in our lives, to stabilize and readjust to a positive direction again where we can see things starting to take shape in the right future direction. Death is an everyday common factor. Vegetation dies animal die insects and reptiles die and people die. A lot of the reason for people living is that they eat the animals and grow the vegetation for food because of their higher intelligence level minds set. But at the end of the day when there has been a funeral in the family within the last ten years or so we have t come to terms with death as a reality with friends family or celebrities those we most love and cherish are set to leave us at some stage. God knows the key to life is not death but right now and proper living for a healthy and preposterous lifestyle but hell bent directions on destructive forces and negative aspects of living dead to death. The balance between life and death then is not your bank figure or the size of your house, but the other people who survive you when you finally go. Really life produces life and death. In other words I come back to my opening sentence about choices and one wrong and negative life in the right direction and make stable and well documented decisions based on fact then we lengthen our time on earth usually and that means that longevity is the key to it all. Choose life ad not death and live to create a better world for all of us to live in. Death is a daily decision.

Safe And Secure

Safe and Secure
The natural desire of humanity is to love and work in a safe and secure environment free from the threat of evil people and satisfied that their contribution to society earns them this safe haven and respectable place on earth that offers and assured sense of security. There are however people that do not want this more than anything and put themself out on line and limb talking all sorts of chances calculated and speculative for an uncertain bet on more money. The reassurance of a safe haven offers a much more satisfying situation of which society is set upon and based around with the police department military security companies and doctors and hospitals when the threat of this goes wrong. Therefore the whole basis of a safe and secure place, is based on a set of living conditions that means abiding by and respecting the laws and community rules and regulations for the certain assurance that you are protected and your faith is foundational on the infrastructure that is designed for this very purpose. The reason things go wrong is that people are greedy and that the average person wants the fast buck instead of using careful planning over a long period of time in trusted and proven planning methods and procedures that work for the common good of a safe and good secure environmental balances between people and animals. Of course once you have done everything you must to satisfy the terms and conditions of this warrants and guarantee that trusted safe haven, you must maintain living conditions of the environmental society you live in, by maintain in community behaviour. This payment of security officers who regularly patrol streets and properties and police that are there for emergencies are all necessary like the defence department of each country to officer military for terrorist extremist who want to destroy the peaceful living conditions of law abiding citizens.

Peace And Harmony

Peace and Harmony
Following on from being safe and secure comes the stable environments of a society that lives in peace and harmony with themself and with their neighbouring peoples. Peace and harmony is the combined contribution of work that offers back a safe haven as a reward for work done. So therefore by being happy with your work situation and conditions allows you to live in a peaceful and harmonious societal environment. To sit at home and think for a while about a job well done or the actual getting the work done yourself and the joy of talking to a friend about the beauty of creation or the lovely things you are making or maintain to satisfy the work demands of the market. Sales and services offered by companies and the customers willingness to pay the price for the product is satisfying and stabilizing for the economy the good and beneficial results of a healthy workforce lead to the peace and harmony of the company community organisations. This legitimizing of procedure allow efficient and effective reflection and return on money by proving and producing a sense of peace which instils and restores harmony is the much better alternative than the ugly mess of frighting to avoid chaotic conditions of disorganisation. The obvious balance here is one of organisation and logical order when things all work out for the best and right, when good triumphs over evil and when perfection destroys and leads over messiness. Of course there is no predicting accidents and emergencies must be managed but the readiness to help and the willingness of being concerned alleviate terror and factions elitism and extreme rebellion to curb back to the state of acceptable order and stability. There peace and harmony is the result of this ongoing contribution to the total well being of mankind and exploits of endeavour.

Living And Loving

Living and Loving
Life is a gift and a joy that should be celebrated at all times living on loving is the result of this fruitful endeavour to mean a nice thing or way to live. Peace and harmonious safe and secure environmental lead to living and loving while hatred was and disruptive behaviour lead against it. I guess that there is no more real ultimate prize that living and loving what you are, what you do or say and what is meant by the loving conditioning that through living and loving after a brighter future for all who choose to obey the rules for these conditions of life. The beauty of all the nature of creation and the blessing of perfection for those who choose to do the right thing all offer the benefits and the possibility of a brighter future. As brilliant as the sun is and shines all it can there are still some people who want to destroy what other people have got for their own personal grain and self advantage. However this is a dying race and the living and loving to offer and accept by living and loving gaining glory and of destruction. We must be aware of this and not accept bad behaviour or negative implications and set aside imperatives for maintaining law and order. It is this establishment and maintaining of a stable society that offers all the benefits and attractions of modern fulfilment of historic prophecy and predetermined right loving orders for loving society and all it's brilliance The optimum and ideal lifestyle of living and loving is the heaven on earth that we fight like hell for and hate to see any disruption by the ongoing maintenance of law and order which produces this living and loving state. This does also to enable and enjoy the workforce to happily produce and provide for their family along with the positive contribution and feedback of social systems like schools and hospitals. Then loving behaviour is indeed the fruit of our work and all the benefits are contributable back to society. For the enablement and furthering of itself.

God And Memory

God and Memory
Knowing God and having a memory is like to me who I write on a piece of paper and commit it back to good to use. It is my memory of writing but is God who uses my memory of written words on pages to develop its needs and wants. I guess gods memory is like building an empire or sailing around the world where he is only limited by the universe to contain Hi, reading books and what you do and day places you have been and where you actually are now are all memories. Where you are going is in the future but it is still a memory of a forward plan. God is just there to strengthen and reinforce the memory if it is a good or bad right or wrong he will decide and help you plot a course in a positive direction. What we are happy with and loving here on earth in our own time is a thing we all try to remember and once again this is reinforced by God with his memory of life to suit the betterment of the world. God's memory is all the earth and heaven is the above s all where he live as we here below look to Him for assurance of our salvation and all the best possible things that if you enjoy life you will want to remember it and true and keep it in your memory., if you do the wrong things or something bad you will want to forget it and lose that part of your life as something that seems as though you if you try. If you read and write for your own memory you are contributing to the good of the world and society. God and memory does balance as you can't know god without this memory even if we are people just know faith in God, God has a memory of our faith and he will humour our deeds and word of thought with his heart.
To me a memory you just let it go and let it be what someone else will read it and remind you of it later so that you can remember it as another time. God has a million memories of a million different things that he has made or created for our enjoyment or benefit. God will remember the good because he like that best and he will remember the bad and if he is punished he will punish the bad. We should all aim to do right and to cherish the memory of our own lives and that of Gods good works. Hold onto the truth and what is true establish the facts and believe they will last and hold true and set objectives for the future with hose facts that we have established as true form the pasty and are deeply embedded in our memories. Memory is a kind of subconscious that jogs our mind with reality and shows forth what is real and true by the location and depicture of the memory God turns up when you least expect Him and his memory is his own but he will lead and guide you by what you have done in the past and you recognise this by an awareness of where you have been and whether you can find your way back to the track you came along and pick up the trail to continue on in life and set new paths and roads as a course to follow, with God gold by the shining light of where he has been before you lead you and guide you along the path that he was trod. This sin or eternal light of God in heaven shows the true path and the right road to fake, because God has walked there before you and knows the way no matter where you go or what you do, because he has already been there. Houses and home and we like the comfort and safety of the place we know but we need to step out beyond the lines and travel place where he has been and to places that he would go.

Heavy And Light

Heavy and Light
The earth is heavy and the sun is light, the sky Is heaven and the stars are bright. Pr so it seems in the scheme of things as we balance light and heavy things with the world in our universe and see what they mean as we go along and learn about creation and evolutions family and friends and people and things in general in the everyday course of life that we travel. Things that are heavy and things that are light, counteract and balance each other out. Just like a teacher and a rock are light and heavy so too are the cars and grass and houses and people. Or nearly any other things that you can think of that has weight. Light has no real weight in itself but things can be light or they can be heavy. We need t he light to shine the way and show us the things that we can manage ad handle or cope with in seeing where we are going and the hope that we have before us. This weight of heavy and light things gives meaning to people and balances out everything with something else of the opposite or opposed weight of the two things. Each thing has its own weight and some things are light some things are heavy, but it is the happy medium of the balance of things that slows us to cope with life. Things in general do not balance themselves out but it is the proportion and the relationship to us a human beings that lets us understand these differences of weight in our minds and allows us to adjust and adapt to suit and cope with these things. Burden we have to measure what cope with. By what we are allowed or will allow ourselves to use. Being heavy or light people means that we work hard or take it easy as no one want to move a heavy weight a long way but a weight we can move and manage easily and it is this that allows us to cope.

All The Answers

All the Answers
After you have asked all the questions the answers must logically come into context and all fall into place. It is not about asking difficult questions or even giving all the answers but it is thoughtfully and carefully considering all the decisions to all the forks in the road of the paths of life that you simple must not choose when you come to that intersection. Facts are right answers and the truth to the road of life might seem hard to find but when you look hard it becomes obvious and you must choose to take that road. Water boils at 100degrees Celsius and mountains rise from the sea due to a volcanic reaction, water falls in precipitation when it condenses because cooler air liquefies the water vapour gad. These are a few simple answers which are true and factual and fact every intelligent question has a right and intelligent answer and each question deserves its right answer. All the answers to the questions of life are summarised by seeking the kingdom of God to live a long time and knowing that you have the facts to answer intelligent questions in the course of life's challenging path. All the answers are equated and evaluated in perusing eternal life not for fame and fortune but for understanding and clarification of the qualifications of being right. All the answers are instructions and reasons for loving for being state and secure and know the certainty of the love of God from above. God knows you need all the answers and if you first look into your own heart, you can nearly always find what you are looking for it you only trust in the love of God. The beauty of being right is that all the answers are at your disposal nearly all the time. All the answers must be right answers and all the answers must satisfy and conclude where you are at and the best place for you to be. If I understand and acknowledge the rightness of truth and if I live to satisfy the laws of nature with respect for the morality of the rules attached then life is beautiful and the best thing is left up to you in the air and books taking their time on the shelf after you have read them. All the answers is the ultimate righteousness.