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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Parsifal's Life Balances



ANTONYMS:- The Word Is A Paradox:- The Work Is A Paradigm Shift.

The word is paradox and the work is a paradigm shift is a context I have thought about and decided to base this book about Life Balances on. For like getting on the scales and weighing yourself or going to the bank or internet account to check how much money you have got in your account, life balances are just like that, a paradigm shift of change and a paradox in the balance of the scheme of things. Just as the planet we know as earth, balances in equilibrium and goes around the sun in orbit, so are everyday things being put into balance. As life is like that and balances play a major part in and through out our lives, just as we are all here to balance with the forces of nature and compete with each other for soveriegnty and domain in what is all fair in love and sport.

Then of cource the business world is no exception to the financial challenge of expediency in success. A paradox is however something that has a meaning of balancing with something else and like Einstein's third law of motion, "That every action has an equal and opposite reaction", that determines the paradox, that when life starts to balance or shift into a new position, then it is when we get that change, called the paradigm shift of a new postion or status of our personal or world situation. For example if you withdraw $50 from your account and give it to me for books and I put it in my account, then we have an even exchange, like a transaction of an asset for money, that is, if you are happy with the purchase, we have a firm sale. This exchange or purchase is a paradigm shift, by moving from one position to another in a financial transaction, we have shifted the forces of nature, no matter how minimal, to a new position of account balance and when there is a difference in assetts or monetarial value, there is always some change and therefore a paradigm shift.

A major example of this movement, is maybe an earthquake, then the difference before and after the earthquake is a change caused by a rupture of techtonic plates, which represents a major movement as a paradigm shift. The paradox is therefore one of life or damage, hoping no-one gets hurt in the process, but nevertheless we have changed our earths balance in the process and formed a new position of reality, just like the purchase of our book for a $50 amount. The paradigm shift then comes into play again in that the balance of the forces of nature and how they must adapt to the new reality of the shift or exchange, things or people may be displaced, but other people are there to help to get the world back into equilibrium by making life livable through, by what has been displaced, coming into harmony again with the relief efforts, which are balancing out the forces of nature, with humanitarian aid for example and the willing and kind work of working volunteers in emergency situations help of cource and my $50 donation to the earthquake fund will help as well.

I hope that you can see what I am getting at with this and that as we go through and explore the life balances of nature more carefully on an individual page topic and subject heading, that you will be able to see for free what I mean by different or differences in life balances and how words come into play with meaning in the paradoxes to form paradigm shifts. Finally I guess, Life Balances, which are mostly, really "Antonyms" which show an opposite meaning to each other, are here to explain to us the difference in association of balances, what, how and why, also play a major part with vivid descriptions of parrallels and opposites in meanings. As well, life balances are ecological and environmental, like as we all should have learnt at school, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but if one wants to catch and eat the fish, one must keep the ecology and balance of nature right.

There is plenty of food to eat, but keeping the environment right and being good stewards of nature, is another story we will see throughout the book in that, when you feed a person a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a person to fish then you feed him for a lifetime. I guess, Jesus fed the multitudes with a few fish and some loaves of bread, but the worlds population plays a major part on the drain of natural replenishment and supply. Please enjoy this, the new book of Life Balances as we go through this in some more depth of understanding and explain some of the reasons that life is fair or not and what has to happen and be done to make all things come into balance, so that we can try to make everything equal for everyone and by so doing, establish an association of fairness through fair play. Then by trying to consider all aspects in balancing life, with its day to day people's problems and the constructive things as their opposites and parrallels, finally come to a sense of reality and transperency in what are real and everyday Life Balances.

Ps. Don't forget to keep your ATM receipt or your shopper docket and if you are interested I can invoice for a look at the book if you want, but for now, reading is free and if writing costs money, remember that paradox had to be written at a cost and there will be a paradigm shift at the end to compensate the author and the one affected by the difference. So as we see the reasons for the seasons come into play, may you find the peace of mind that heaven offers you, as you continue to read, because I am paid anyway. As well, remember that you are not fishing for an earthquake. I guess some fish and chips and a milkshake or can of Coke will do. Thanks for your understanding and please continue reading.

Darel McAllister.