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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

School Lessons

Wise Or Fool

We go to school as fools to learn to be wise and to leave school as less a fool or an intelligent being of a somewhat calibre of genius. Not all of course succeed in the event, some fail to see and grasp the importance of learning. They succuum to the devils of temptation and are easily lead into a world of tricks and devious plans to reducate people to the Devils ways of the world of drugs, indecent language, sexual imorrality, acoholism and nicatine addictions, all contributing towards the path of death instead of eternal life. If we see the need to understand and experience knowledge of a useful and intelligent kind, then we find the road to peace, endurance and everlasting success. God knows what is right for us and has a perfect plan, there is a set curriculum at schools designed to help us through our lives and they try to teach us to know how to live out our loves to live long days. Still some wander and travel the lonely highways of life and learning in the school of hard knocks instead of designated institutes of learning. We have a set and valued ways of learning and teachings, all set out before us and standardised as the accepted and right way of doing things, facts and figures ready made available to us for the best information around for being taught and accessed in googling, to enable and equip us all to function normally and properly in a social system of community and government. These set procedures enable us and equip us to work and hold onto jobs and positions in companies and society, to let us earn incomes and pay bills for the maintaining of our households and families. It is this fitting into society that makes us a higher than the animals in intelligence and a little lower than the angels in heaven to lead and guide our way and instruct us in Gods purpose and perfect will and plan. Once again the schools of our universities are the better way to travel than the road of hard knocks and life off the beaten track. Our universal insinct can lead us on these trails and let us experience these trials but the generally accepted way and the road less travelled one of narrow focused and central thinking for purposeful gain and understanding of all if the things made useful to us in our comprehension and understanding. Do you go to school to be a fool or to be an educated executive? The wise man knows the path he treads and goes in the way of meaningful and purposeful understanding, God willing all of us will come to an understanding of these facts and none will be lost and all will be saved in life and death and meaningful existance. Are you a wise man that built his house upon the rock of Jesus Christ, or did you build your house upon the shifting sands of the devil. There is a right way and a wrong way to live you know, seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. God loves you and wants th best for your life, He has a plan to prosper you and for you tio succed, will you take up your cross and follow Him daily or will you be a fool and sucuum to the ways of the devil. All these things I will give you if you bow down and worship me, said the devil, but Jesus did not succuum to Him but followed His father in heaven and got all that and eternal life as well thrown into the bargain. God loves you more than you could possily think or imagine, don't be a fool and shut hHim out of your life, Don't be a fool and follow the wyas of the devil. Give God ago and live the life that you were meant to and designed to be, in the kingdom of God and heaven.  

Words And Numbers

Words are a powerful tool in explaining things, how you feel, what you like and what you want to do and how to add a meaningful and exciting existance to an otherwise boring life. Numbers are simple and easy and most people have a common purpose for evalulating and calculating value and worth out of words, with many more combinations with twenty six letters to use to build and make words. It is not only as simple counting to ten, with multiple digits and figures that can accumulate to any massive amount of usage in multiorganisational combinations of sequences and usages. What comes in as interesting andd facinating is when you have read enough to calculate how many words you have read by taking an average amount of words on the page, lets say 300 for example, then the average amount of pages in a book, once again lets say 300. Then you mulitiply the page number by the word number, 90,000 words. Then once again times by the number of books that you have read, 1000 for example and you will see that you have read 90 million words. A fair effort and meaningful result from reading and when you add to the fact all the interesting features and colourful articles that you have read and pictures that have been created in your mind, then you have a massive estemation of your real and intrinsic worth and value as a real person. Then of course we could say that for every word I read I am entitled to a $1 for each word, which would put you pretty close to be worth around $100,000,000 with an extra hundred books or a few thicker page books more often. Of course if you have read 2000 or more books you can double that number once again to $200,000,000. I don't know how a billionaire counts his value and worth if he has not read that much, there would be nearly a billion letters in the reading of that amount of words and of course he is greedy enough to want a $ for each letter read with the average word being five letters long. These are somewhat dull and ineventual facts and points of interest and the real enjoyment is in the reading itself, rather than trying to be too rich to know what you are doing and so snowed under in work, that you can't have a minute to even let yourself think properly for yourself. You are so focused on making money that you have no time to enjoy life, you can't enjoy the fruits of your labour and you are so overwhelmed with money that everything else is oblivious to you. Time is a key factor in life, we really only need a set or certain amount of money to be happy. Too much money will take hold of our lives and too little will make us insecure and so it is just a mater of knowing when to stop and when you have got enough, so that you can take some time in your retirement to spend a little more or save a little for your family and then you can see them enjoy it to while you are alive, rather than them taking it all when you are dead. Words and numbers are important to us, just like time and money when we can see the value and net worth in all words and things, then we can see real worth and value in our lives to.

Things Or People

Things or people, is that the question? or perhaps we should refraze it and say things for people. People make good use out of things and people make things for a purpose and reason. Poeple look at things and admire, gazing in awe of the wonder and magnifigance of such a wonderful creation, towering buildings that soar up into the heavens like mountains for example. Bridges that span the chasms of life and the periodical differences of change the environmental effects of other people. Things can come in many different shapes forms and features in different ways, at different times and in different places. Things can come in very handy for people, gadgets, utentsils, dinnerware and cooking implements. In fact the list is nearly endless as to how much use there is for various things that help us out ion everyday life and existance to try and make things a little bit easier for people to use, live and enjoy. Sports equipement, cars, trucks, buses and boats, planes, ferries, houses, blocks of units and factories that in turn make all these wonderfull things that we only think or dream about. Books contain many stories about people and the htings they use to make life easier. How holidays in sports cars up the coast. can please and give enjoyemnt to the young philantrophist to treasure and enjoy with His girlfriend. Life is just an adventure waiting to happen, there is so many things to do and so many people to do them. Just open your eyes and have a look around at a nature walk where the native life of trees, bushes, flowers and insects team into vision as you carefully sort through the track of a bush walk in dense undergrowth, things like these open the eyes of people to real life. Pack you bag and take off in search of adventure of real life, just waiting up that road and over the hill for you to see and enjoy the things of God, make especially for people to see and love. God created the world in seven days and people were apart of that major event, Things came into life and being, things that were dead or noneventful and null and void, suddenly teamed with life and waterfalls started flowing, animals walk the earth and fish swam in the seas, suddenly there was teams of life and things for people to see and enjoy.  God is good and not a thing, but an almighty creator who cares and loves His people dearly. God gave man and woman life to enjoy and populate the earth with, God loves you and me, we are not things, we are God's people, we wear and eat things, known as food and we need the love of God, not the worshipping of things, As people we were designed to praise an worship God. We are not things in ourself on our own, but people living for the love of God to enjoy the things of God. People created things, but God created people, Give the love of God ago as we as people should do and treasure as a life worth living. The things of God are in the people of God forever to enjoy. Offer a prayer up to God for the things of God and you will find them within you, I am sure

Manager And Staff

Leaders is or should not be above their subordinates, but work closely with them in a hands on systematic procedure and operation in getting the work done. Sure designation of duties is required and results and efforts need to be superlative in the required job creation. A manager and his staff should work as a team and while equality of the sexes is adhered to, so should equality of job and line management. One has to work harder than the other to be a superior in theory, but managers as leaders think they are or must be required to be smarter than staff to give adequate instructions, staff must be smart enough to do the work. It is all in the negotiating game of getting things done, the work is more important than the status. Just as getting the job done and finished is more important than success of the employee, manager or staff, for their pay at the end of the period. All are accountable to the board and CEO and the CEO is acountable to the shareholders. It would be wise to encourage staff to have a small stake in the company and buy some shares of their own, then all the work will get done and the reorganistation of time throughout the day will be thoroughly tested and proved, with dilligent effort apllied. A manager should lead and guide wisely and informatively and staff should adhere to and follow instruction for the success of the company. No one person is responsible for the lot but all are required as a team to work hand in hand and consciously contribute to the companies capital and profit through work performance. As sure as God made little eggs, there will be problems from day to day duties and instruction giving and getting and so directions need to be as clear and concise in clarity as possible, in giving and getting of work criteria and job duties. No good having arguements about why the job was not done or not finished because of poor communication. We need to speak loud and clear when handing out tasks and duties and clarification to staff as employees, should be easily understood and adhered to. If arbitration or reconciliation of manager, staff relationships arise, then there is a need sort out the information and instructions in detail and abide by the right decision of the person at fault or blame, it could be the manager or the staff in explanation of directions or the staffs poor perfomance in carrying out the tasks or duties. Needless to say that the clearer the directions, the more chance of the work being done as required or properly, with less friction and greater time awarness of responsibilities, the greater the resource management for the achieveing of results and product efficiency for profit. Then let us remember to keep it simple, clarity and clearness of instructions and a willingness and heart to do the work or job duties is essential, not forgetting that people are always more important than profit. 

Teacher And Student

Is a student ever wiser than their teacher, some students go onto become doctors and earn more money than teachers, but doesn't that mean we give the credit to the teachers or is the student just naturally brighter on their own learning, Works harder, reads more and studies harder to gain higher academic acreditation for job status and performance and henceforth more income form a better paid job. It is not normal for a student to out perform their teachers, nor abnormal for teachers to outperform their students, but it is also unnatural for students to outperform their teachers, it is normal as the teacher is an above average qualified person and teaching is still quite a hard job for teachers to remain smarter long term. Students must listen to their teachers and pay attention in class in order to gain higher recognition in the workforce, when they leave their institution. Teachers have a set curriculum for all levels of learning and teaching and it is in order to follow criteria as set down by The department of Education in following instructions and academic requirements to matriculate and gain certificates and degrees in order to attain the best work positions in the real world of employment. By gaining understanding as a student and learning to train your mind to work hard and attain higher results in aptitudinal requirements, it is more feasibly specified by the time spent studying and learning. Retaining information and memorizing necessary facts and figures for workplace situations are also key requirements. Also the necessary requirements of skills and relevant knowledge for understanding the work position as well as comprehensive understanding of work related fields and objects of job specifications and necessary work related requirements and information that apply to being able to do the job in the work place scene. Once skills have be attained through learning form what the teacher can say is satisfactorily exceptable for the requirements of attainment of goals and certificates. One can then commence work in a job related industry, according to your requirements and acreditation. It is fair to say though that the student is never smarter or brighter than their teacher until they can prove academically that they meet the employers requirements for qualifications and work aptitude and aplicability of ability. This credit must be given to the teacher or instructer, lecturer or professor, who teaches the subject matter to the student, so that the implimentation of practical learning is enhanced and advanced by implication and adherance to job requirements. The proof of the pudding is in the eating if you can do the job and bake the cake to make the money, then you get to eat the profits and from what is left over in the cream and then rolled over into your coppers. So you can have your cake and eat it to if you make and bake enough for everyone else and yourself as well. Like what was said, feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime, so to is it with teaching and learning by acredited institutions and award winning. When you can learn to understand how to work in your chosen field, then you can work for a lifetime in your specified industry. We are not all fishermen it is true, but we all get to eat the fish if we work hard enough in our own jobs. Jesus said, follow me and I will make you fishers of men, he meant in a real business world situation, how to earn your pay through understanding people and what makes them tick, for customer service and money coming in to the company business through your products for a nice profit to share with the workers. Once again it is the people side of business relationships that make or break the company, you have to earn respect and the trust of people in order to win business and customers over, profit follows suit if the people who are your customers are happy. That is my quick teacher and student lesson for today applied to the real world as well. The secret is, don't bight off more than you can chew, but learn all you can while you are young.

Modern And Ancient

From ancient history of Egyptian hyraglyphics and pyramids to the modern world of the wonders of medical science and the hard to concieve abstract art, with cars so aerodynamiced, that could almost take off, to planes like the dreamliner that fly nonstop from Perth to London. We have come a long way since fighting swords and spears to a world where life has far more intrinsic value and is priced a lot higher than in medieval times, now one of more peace and harmony I hope. Of couse the dinasore ira has well left us and we are now thinking more about going to space than travelling back and tracing our ancestors and ancient civilizations which still hold a vital key for undersatnding our past in order to comprehend how to move into to our future. If we can come down the road of success over 2000 years, then we are automatically positioned to improve and advance in technological thinking and streamline modern designs of nearly every conceivable product. From cave man to astronaut we can see that change has been a part and parcel of our hereditary movement, it only has to be  realized that harnessing the sun that the ancient Egyptions called their Sun God Ra, to the solar panels on nearly every single rooftop around the world now for more efficient and green gas saving power. The modern world is one of cosmopolitan beauty and it is also a reflection on African tribal native culture and customs. We simply can't hold onto one truth for too long as things become superceded and out of date within a very short period of time. Just like the Australian Aboriginals reflect on dreamtime and walk about, modern Australians are making a living out of tradition from nearly every culture of the world. Times have changed and things have advanced, the world is a very different place to what it was in the ancient world, from gladiators of Rome and Spartican Greeks that reflected on ancient philosophy to understand life and everything that it is about. Socraties said that virtue and knowledge was the key to everything and it was only what you knew and what you held onto as a cultural value that had any importance in the real world. Tradition has changed my friends, we now have a much more carefree existance and we have lost original values of modesty, honesty, respect and courtesy, with principles like those being disregarded, we now have a much more culturally free world and carefree society. Give me the choice and I would go back to the old world at the shake of a dogs leg, everything that was highly regarded and highly respected then, was for the common good of health, hygeine and safe keeping. You simply can't through everything of the old world out the door and still live in a modern world of antisocial aspects and conditions. God has given us intrinsic value and worth as people by holding onto traditional principles and heavenly status in His kingdom. Don't through the baby out with the bath water and maintain those things of old which still have so much meaning for us today.    

Geography And History

Across five continents and seemingly endless islands of countries, doing their best to orchestrate society and cities and governments of timeless places that only had a name to be known by and are now cultural diversities of community and social systems. From the natural and rural landscapes of life, to the architectually and agricultural developement and moral ways of civilized living, we have come along way since the creation of the world. The hub of urban living and the historical climate of races and religions, we have a very different world now to what it was and would have been. Geograpghy gives us the biodiversity of life and history the memories of reflection that we long to take in and dwell upon in our modern society and world. From the Spanish gallions of discovery, to the trading ships of Marco Polo in The Mediteranean and China. To the explorers that found and searched for a brave new world, Columbus in America, Captain Cook in 1770 for Australia. To the first fleet that Captian Phillip brought out slaves ansd convicts to settle in the new great southern continent and world in 1788. From Julius Caeser in Rome, to Seneca in Greece. From the foundation of The Roman Empire and European developement, to The British Empire of a long reign of kings and queens down through the ages. We have come a long way down the geographic map of developement. We have been fortunate and misguided, well established and disrupted in building, through wars like Gallipoli, from Pearl Harbour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our human body like form of continental spread, has contended with diastster after disaster, rejoiced in love and marriage and family and gone on to build and reinforce a strategic society, to form the modern world from an old and ancient group of primative native tribes and tongues. We have built and shaped, built and formed governments and societies to make life workable. History has given us direction for the future and geography through names and places and people has given us the new world. We have come together to get a certain amount of interest and attraction, from scenery and natural landscapes, to expand and exploit to a certain extent, to utilize our wonderful world and to make it a better place to be and an even greater place to live. From the creation of the world to the modern day community, life is good and worthy of our praise and respect. God has lead us down the historical path to climb the highest mountains and walk the long and windy road of life, that is always there to give us fresh hope and love for faith in a brighter and more imaginative future. God is love and God is good. We have a place to live and dwell called earth, that can give us every opportunity that we need to succeed in life. You only have to look at the geographical features of the world to see that the road we have travelled is one of historical signifigance and worthy of our praise and adoration for a God who has kept us safe. Geography and hostiry do go hand in hand indeed and together we have a modern world of what the earth really is now. A place to live, love and inhabitably dwell.

English And Math

Since the world began, people have been trying to calulate the differences in figures and numbers in math with accounting desriptions and lessons of learning for appropriation of funds. The sun is the center of the universe and holds its ten planets in orbit around itself by its abolutely massive and uncomprehensable gravitational pull to hold them there and be the central contrrol point of our galaxy and solar system. The earth is measured by its distance from the sun and has its own gravitational pull and mass, diameter, radii (the distance from the center of the core to any or every given point on the surface) and circumference. Still people try and calulate differences in figures and numbers to attain the required measurements and distances or monetarial amounts of assetts and worth. Bank accounts holding a certain amout of money in them can vary and have to, on any given transaction with computers making automatic calculations, while other people and places receive the new and different balance. The english side of things after we have got away from the geometric phisics of things can be a much more imaginative and entertaining discussion and dialogue in words, to add meaning, spirtual enhancement and logical thought processes in thinking in day to day life. We need not only the genius of the mathematician, but the continuitous flow of words that a writer or journalist will use to write. To understand an accountants point of view we have this combination of words describing and placing things logically next to an intrinsic value, which creates worth and a logical explanation for things and they're ownership. So we have this discussion of money and words in a logical and wonderful format of describing how things are in the real world. If the earth was really flat people would have sailed off the edge years ago and not lived to tell the story, but through satelite photos and circumnavigation returning to the point where one set sail to see different lands and seeing all the different things and places before coming back to where you started and having tio tell the tale of the story of the whole thing again. It is just a sound based and logical arguement for things on a big round ball of people and places. Therefore we have the need for math and english to explain ourselves and show worth in the value of our creation and stories of how we did things and written figures and numerical explanations on how and what costs and affordability of prices, are being made, as to make a real difference to our lives. So you can also see in this a bit of science and how the subject matters of different schools and ways of thinking, have come into our lives and world to make it a better place to inhabit and live. These sentence structures of words in a logical format give us meaning and interest as well in our day to day lives of literarial understanding. Add up what you spend each day and calulate the measurement for building your house first and you will see a grammatical and carefully worded page of sentence structures telling you what excactly you have got and have not got to do. We are all in this together and the sooner we all realize that the happier and safer the planet will be for everybody concerned. Enjoy your schooling while you can and learn everything you need to know there and for those who want a deeper and more satisfying love later on in life, get a university degree and study as many subjects as you possibly can, for those who specialize in certain fields, good luck with your personal endeavours and may God bless you on your ways. With all the sin in the world, God has got to go on, it is as simple as that, you can get the money and give it to Him, it may save your life.

Assets And Liabilities

Assetes are things of tangible value with a physical presence of being of real worth. Liabilities on the other hand are debtributive and a burden and should be gotton rid of as soon as suitably appropriate. Poeple tend to store up hoards and treasures of personal possessions and these are assetts, until they become uneeded or unwanted and then they therefore become liabilities. We should be careful to weed out the nasty things we own and either resell them or write them off and give them away. Houses and cars are viable assetts until we get tired of them or they devalue or breakdown to a point of unretrieveable. Buildings and factories have machinery and equipment that are assetts which must be uses to be of worthwhile value or otherwise replaced or gotton rid of and updated for the latest modern technological things. We can't become complacent with things we don't use or have a purpose for and these do become liabilities after a while which need addressing and updating. Assetts are only something which have a tangible current value or a non current value worth holding onto for a later time and date. Once again liabilities are continually costing us money and wearing down our capital if we are unable to maintain a healthy income, which when they do they, our assetts become liabilities. Assetts form the major part of our capital unless we have a high liquidity or cashflow in our company or buiness then the equity is good and worth assessing as a valuable assett. If we are moving into a liquidation position then it is a good time to off load any liabilities and hold onto assetts until they to can be sold as a valuable salvage point of some redemption in your business. Just because something is new and valuable does not mean that it will hold its value forever, things depreciate and also can appreciate but usually with use, wear and age things become of less value than their original purchase price. A new car loses $2000 as soon as you drive it out of the showroom and onto the road. Nevertheless our insurance still covers us for the purchase price for a year at least. We simply have to assess our asstetts and liabilities regularly and take into account their real and intrinsic value the present point of time. Insurance companies update there policies worth on a regular annual basis and usually your assetts will appreciate in time unless there is damage of deterioriation to them while being used or stored somewhere. Take into account your real assett worth and maitain a healthy disposition on your real position in the market place in value and worth. Antiques hold there value with full restoration and new products depreciate as soon as you buy them, but if you look after them they will serve you for a long time and at least maintain their value in useability. Remember assetts are worth money and liabilities cost you money. Pay the acconutants full price and retain your true wotrth and net value in coverage.