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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Feeling Senses

Run And Sit

Moving is a sensual feeling, one of agreement and disenchantment, we want to feel and remain comfortable and relaxed, but are challenged by the need to exercise and relate. To run we will feel tried and want to sit down and when sitting to long we want to do something physical like running, which by the way is not antisocial, you can run by yourself or with someone else if you like. It seems that from stop to start and flat out we are going from zero to a hundred in minutes flat, but not really, it is just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and gradually taking your first steps to get into peak physical fitness and condition but either walking more or speeding up into a run or or faster pace. Run and then sit, perhaps I should have titled this the other way around sit and then run, but when we have been running for a while, all we want to do is sit down again. I decided on this as a life balance, because of the arobic pace, from stop to go, stationary to moving quickly. Of coucse you could just stand and develope into a walk or you could get in your car and drive 1000 kms. Though for every hours driving you need to walk, run, hop, skip or jump in arobic exercise to keep your heart going and maintain your pace with humanity. Otherwise, timewise! you will be left behind with a premature heart attack or disfunctional thinking capacity and physical restrictions because of your fitness. Your cardiovascular and cardiorespitary depend on arobic exercise, walking, running or some kind of physical exercise. Sure sit and read a book for intellectual stimulation, for saturating the mind with knowledge, for building up a repetoir for information, sit and read for sure, but you still need to get out and do an hours walking, running or exercise once a day. I used to run up to four times a week for up to an hour, about 4-5 kms and one day a week on the weekend run 16 kms along the beach. I was in peak physical condition after running myself into the ground with working too hard, late nights and burning the candle at both ends with alcohol, cigerettes and sexual immorality, even for only five years. It has been a long road back to full health in recovery and I am still going and learning in the process of renewal after 36 years of turning my life around into a more positive and healthy lifestyle. I will get married one day when I get my life totally and wholely right with God and healed, He will forgive me completely one of these days and I think the time is coming sooner now. It is not the end of the road when you have ruined your life, it is about coming back to Jesus for forgivenss, no matter how long it takes and following Christian principles and recoginsed health systems and methods. I like to think the two go hand in hand, healthy lifestyle and Christian principles, surely they are interelated and connceted. A pure and healthy, moral life with ethical foundations leads to healthy physical attributes and character developement. Sure sit down and read to get your facts right from proven methods that have been recorded by others for you to read, but also get your body into peek condition for longetivity and universal understanding and relinguishment to God. He has got all the answers you know, God has been there and walked the road before us to give us the best understanding for our lives, time, money and relationships. Run and sit, sit and run, give God a chance to lead you in which everway you go, you will be so glad you did.

Do Or Say

Do or say, it is all Ok. You have got to have your say and express yourself and you need need me to help you by standing and listening to all that you have got on your heart and mind. You have got to work and get things done, there is no good in sitting down all day everyday and not accomplishing anything, you have got to be on the move, but maintain and suitable and comfortable pace and persist until each job is done. Do and say it is both all right and very welcome, no one likes a lazy person, and crazy people never say much at all, they think too much instead of talking. Those who rattle off their mouths without thinking are also crazy people and those who do nothing, have got nothing to talk about, because they do nothing and therefore create nothing of any worthwhile sense to talk about. We have once again got to get the balance right, we have to pay attention to instruction and we have to learn from mistakes and past experiences of practical application. Put one thing together with another doing and saying makes sense, we need to make sense in our lives to have mental intelligence and sanity. Do or say or do and say, it makes so little difference, but we must get a combination of the two to function normally and intelligently. It is no good restricting ourselves to mental reading, learning for the sake of learning, reading for the sake of reading, we must be able to get ideas of positive construction out of our reading material to talking about act on and do, or just plain write about for others to read as well and also. Connecting through communication of one sort or another is relationship building and formative in the construction of social thought and status. Do for sure, to put your knowledge into practical application for applicability and appropriation, talk about what you know about, because you can't talk about anything if you have no knowledge of anything, but try and put the two into applicable measures and methods of instruction for group communication and disscussion and also group therapy. Do, say and digest, then listen, understand and instruct, followed closely by believe, comprehend and act on truth and facts. There is always something you don't know about, there is always something still left to learn, there is always some other way that we can do say or act upon, don't give up, don't be defeted or withdrawn inside yourself, look out and up, look to the sky and look for God, He is above all our problems and selfish endeavours, He will lead, guide and instruct you when you have made a complete mess of you own life, never say die, it is never too late to come to God, let me repeat that again, it is never, never too late to let God take over and give you a second chance at life. The circus is not over till the fat lady sings remember, you have always got another chance and another go at life, no matter how bad you have been and wasted your time and life away. Sometimes all you need to do is admit your mistakes and ask for God to forgive you and give you a second chance, He will take the reigns and lead you completely right again. Jesus loves you you know, don't you? Ask Him, He will show you the way out and the truth again.

Walk Or Talk

Walk the walk or talk the talk, walk or talk it is still getting your point across that counts, not blantently pushy or forcefully injecting your ideas into other peoples minds, but carefully and evoctatively considering the evaluation of other people, We have to walk our own path and way in life, guided by the ehavenly star which we call God, but to wander aimlessly and inconsiderably towards others is rude, dejecting and a little bit obnoxious. Talking about the way we feel and expressing oursleves on our road less travelled is quaint, selective and proficient and we need to take into consideration the point on other peoples minds as well as our own. Just because we came onto this world alone, does not mean that we have to walk the path unaided or without help. We have family, freinds and colleagues all wanting to help us and show us the way, the right way for us to go, which only God knows and that is the trick to find out what that is. So as we go on, we learn to talk about life and al its wonders, amazements and mysteries. Its shortcomings and its length of tolerance, its liberality and its personal digestion of truths and facts. In fact we have to consider nearly every aspect of life to even try to half understand it at all. To come to some conclusion about relativity or relationship, all we need to do is to look into the hearts and minds of others to see a relevant or logical explanation about anything, to put oursleves intot he picture of what life is all about as a reality to each of our own relevances and experiences. Of course God has the big picture and we are still looking at our own little world, if I go down there on my own will I be safe and sheltered or if I fly thousands of miles away overseas will God still see where I am. I know what is relevant to me and that is the way I will walk ahead, finding people along the way to talk to to find out what is relevant to me. Selfish and greedy isn't it, but after all! this is the world of the self preservation society, me worry about me and you worry about you. If we find a common exchange then we will deal with that how we see fit at that point of time. Not so big brother, no big brother is not watching over you, but God is, he wants you to have relationsip and committment towards others, not to put yourself into your own disjointed world and stay there. It is all about interaction and sharing, you can't take it all with you and so therefore you had better start to learn how to use what you have got for the betterment of other people to. Knowledge is a wonderful tool for conversation, but interaction is the key to success in life and the business world. What you know has power, intinsic worth and is a vehicle to use to help people and win souls over to God's kingdom. Try and walk the walk of individuality to long and you will end up a very unhappy person. Talk the talk of self interest to long and you will end up a very lonely person, try it and find out for yourself or take some wise words on life for instruction and be blessed. Less we walk alone, but no we are not alone, yes we talk to ourselves, but no! there is other people around. Get the message, walk the talk of life with everyone else, understand, comprehendo, clear as crystal, or mud, you see what I mean don't you, its lonely at the top but not half as lonely as without anyone else at all.      

See And Hear

The wooing and the cooing of the doves sleeps softly into my ears, I hear noises in those hills as the moner comes out of his mine with a nice size gold nuggert. What you see and hear is directly relevant to you. Consider everyone else and you wil be one of us, but for the time being it is me in my own littel world, well, welcome stranger to the big wide world of God's love, where heaven meets earth and hell is buried in the deep. It is a wonderful place to be I hear you say and I hear you talkng to me, I can see very clearly what things are and actually is, that you are trying to say to me for me to understand who and what you are. No I am not a stranger at all, I walked the road of Jerusalem's highways and biways two thousand years ago and I see very clearly what you are doing today. If I am starting to put you in the picture now you see very clearly what I am actually doing, that is right I am talking to you and I hear very clearly what you say, yes you want more, more, more and that it is what it is all about yes, right, no? How wonderfull to hear and see everything you say, just like you listen to me without giving it even a second thought. Well now at least we have established some form of communication, I listen to you and you listen to me and wow! oh how wonderful it is to see what you say, I am starting to hear you very loud and clear. See what it is, say what you mean, don't beat around the bush and get to see straight into the picture or how it actually is. This is the feeling senses chapter after all, all about touch, taste, smell, hearing and seeing, if you see what it is, you know what it is, if you hear what it is, you have probably got a pretty good idea what it is, but knowing for sure is believing and faith of course is the sixth sense which we cannot see but we know it is there if we believe it is there. I hear what you mean and I am starting to understand the perspective of this chapter, Doves are love after all and welcome stranger was the biggest piece of gold ever found, God is love and the streets are paved with gold in heaven, beautiful picture and what a pretty sight, not some cold hearted self centered opinion of myslef after all. Not God puts light into the picture and we all should hear clearly what he is saying and see clearly what He means about the relevance of life's wisdom to our daily lives. See what God is, hear what He says to you me and both of us, listen for instruction and see forward the picture of the future that He has planned for our lives. It is one of grace and plenty, it is one of truth and righteousness, it is one of faith, hope and love and it is one of goodness and prosperity, not cursing and negativity. God is love after all and if God loved us enough to send His son to die for us, then we can consider oursleves very loved and highly priveledged indeed. God Bless! God Bless! God Bless! Do you see and hear what I mean now?   

Smell And Touch

The nose is a nose for smelling, breathing and for knowing things, for as plain as your nose is on your face, so to is the world around you and what you know in the form of written and information knowledge. Touch a rose and smell its fragrence, its delicate cent and perfume is a beautiful fragerence to your nose and sense of smell. Touch the velvet petals of the rose and feel the soft and glorious texture of unwritten desire and feeling. There are so many wonderful things in the world that desire our attention, that attract us to their sensual feel and smell, perfumes of many types and forms. Flowers in all their beauty that appear so perfect and graceful, all with an indiividual fragrence of their own. Touch one of our fury freinds and animals, careful they don't bight you, but feel there soft and cuddly fur, they have their own smell to and their nose is more sensitive than yours. They smell at great distances, they need a bath to like people to stop them getting onto your nose. Imagine a world without touch and smell, people normally write about taste and smell as they are closely associated. I see things that I can touch as things that I can can smell if I am careful when getting too close to them. Touch a musical instrument if you have a gift for any of those things and just like the masters hand, you too can play a wonderful melody and and tune, you can bring to life a song at the touch of your hand and finger tips. It is a wonderful world and place of feeling, sensuality is a gift from God and not to be spoilt by illicit desire and gain. In fact everything has its place and when we put touching and smelling into the equation things become quadrupled and aroused by our sensual desire to be a little erotic with smell and feeling. Careful not to overindulge in promiscuous sex and adultry, but to embrace the gift of God in marriage and enjoy fully all of God's goodness in a relationship made in heaven. Of cource you don't want to walk up to just anyone on the street and say can I touch you or feel you, you might be charged with assault. But we have to get things in there right place and context, as everything has a place and there is a place to go, as there is a place for everything to be. Smell the tanning of a leather lounge, sit down and feel the luxurious comfort and feel texture of the extravegant purchase. There are many things that we simply take for granted and fail to give glory to God for with things to touch and smell. Dig in the ground for long enough and smell the earth hold the shovel or spade for too long and fell the callouses come to your hands, not everything is beneifical with smell and touch, you flush the toilet pretty quickly after you have done your business. But needlessly more to explain touch and smell or feel and fragrences are gifts from God and are or should to be embraced in all their fullness and magnigance to enjoy, exploit and love. We should thank God for everything, touch and smell are no exception.   

Move And Still

Sitting still and moving are two completely different things, while you are still alive in your chair and circulation of blood around the body and oxygen to the respiratory system so they still function to maintain life in the cells. You remain glued to your chair while reading or eating and moving is a very uncommon element, except to turn pages and raise cutlery to your mouth to eat food. Not at the same time unless it is a menu that you are reading. Perhaps it is even an effort to reach for the remote control for your televison or ring a friend on the phone. This is why we need to move, to get out of our chairs and put our books down to get some exercise and do some walking, running, hopping, skipping or jumping, anything physically arobic to keep those much needed body functions working, talk about life to neighbours and friends, ask your wife what makes her tick and she will tell you how hard she works for you, ask your husband where the money is coming from and he will say the bank of course. That is right, there is no excuse, the work must get done, the money must come in to pay the bills, life needs to be greatfully accepted and embraced in common unity of understanding and achknowledgement. New cars don't drop into your lap, paying the morgage or buying a new or old house, does not come without a very hefty price. No I am not going to move into a new place to live, that new house waiting for me will have to do just that, wait until God is good and ready. I am still going to live here where I am until God had made up His mind for me to move. That is right we have to sit still and know that I am God, then when we do, God will tell us where to move to, if we are smart enough to listen and respond to His heavenly calling. No I am not falling into the pit of stagnation or redundancy, the work still has to get done, but God has a perfect plan and the big picture of my life and yours if you care to listen and look to Him. That is half the fun of the journey, admitting that we can't do life alone and letting go and handing over the reigns to God to lead us and guide us a long the way of the perfect road of life and eternal life, once again if we are smart enough to follow Him. No the house does not move to us, we have to ove to it, no the car does not go by itself, we have to put petrol in it and rive it if we are healthy enough to maintain a licence. Sure the earth turns in space and everything on it goes around with it, in a moving action if you like, we try and sit still and go along for the ride, but it is worth noting that we have to take an active part in life, you either go along for the ride or you enjoy the trip around sitting still. Stop the earth I want to get off, no not really we are all in this together and we must keep going with everyone else to survive. I am moving and I am still still, crazy isn't it, you have to move or your dead and you have to be still to know what to do and think, talk to God and listen, He will explain everything if you are patient enough, for now, that will do, be still while you are still moving, catch my drift, God did. 


Eat And Beat

Eggs for breakfast so what, What's new? you say, Did you have bacon as well? That is indeed the question of how we all have to try and beat the bulge of weight around our wasteline. This is causing you cholesterol problems and that sugar in your coffee and on your cereal is causing you diabetes as well, let alone all the cakes and sweets you chalk up in kilojoules. Exercise is not the only answer however, we also have to be careful of our diet, choosing wisely foods which are less fat and healthier for us and our showing figure. Eat the food, of course! but in order to beat the heart we have to exercise regualarly and eat sensibly. Too much driving is bad for the heart as well and we should use our head when we get into the car as to whether we are fit enough to drive, Just because the car is over one ton in weight does not mean that we have to be heading in the same direction, there is other drivers to consider and the road worthiness of our stomaches. Eat for sure!, but remember to keep enough physical storage for your metabolism on hand for concious living and concientous living as well and not physical storage for your stomaches, which might cause a blackout while driving. Walk the walk, talk the talk and remember to beat the heart by what you are eating and what you are not. Eating and beating go hand in hand, on the one hand we have to eat and on the other hand we have to burn off energy in kilojoules by working, walking or running, once again any arobic exercise, working may or may not burn off energy and you have to be careful with both diet and exercise, depending on what type of job you do and work in. Restaurants are so enticing, that all we have to do is walk in, sit down, order anything we like off the menu and pay for it, after we have eaten of course, but remember you also have to pay for it in physical exercise after you have walked away and paid, you have to pay and again to lose it, in good old fashioned sweat of your brow. The bill on you tab at the resaurant by not be as hard to pay as the bill on your wasteline and conserving energy in this case is not the right idea. Cardiovascular problems and coronry heart disease are welcome friends to the lazy person. Fatty tissue building up around the heart and liver and kidneys may cost you more than you think. We must work off that fat by walking or exercising somehow. More sensibly vegetable diets are also advisable and trimming the fat off your steak and lamb chops essential. Also cardiorespitary breathing is much better when you try and beat the daily in take of fats and things like cigerettes that can clog your arteries and slow your breathing, expend some energy and walk off your meal after you have eaten to help digestion as well. So sensibly speaking, next time you consider eating a very nice meal, consider how many calories or kilojoules are in it and take the beat the eat challenge and live a little bit longer but eating more sensibly.