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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Time and Money and Effort

Time is Important

Time is the most important thing in our lives and often we do not recognize it but instead preferring money or something else when really the length of time we live is the most valuable thing we can quire. In any given lifetime there is a numerous amount of complexities which surface and arise to show their head above the ground so that we can learn and persevere to find the road along the journey that leads to the maximum amount of time on earth.

While fame and glory and riches and treasures are seemingly attractive the fact is that the best things in life are free and the requirement and acquirement of the heavenly peace of thought is that comes from righteousness and following the correct line of thought is what develops and builds to be a long term requisition and acquisition in the priorities and the demands within the constraints of ideal living.

The reality is that we are all tempted and attracted to things that we think will make us happy but the accumulation of personal possessions is just a misguided and misdirected trap that takes away from the natural beauty and all the unlimited trimmings that are offered by self denial and discipline and perseverance to attain the final destiny of a long life. While we do require and need to attain something of worth and value that add to our own positive self image, they are not to be worshipped or become our main goal or put first in our life. Instead drawing upon the full resources and natural unlimited supply of God’s love and grace and putting our faith and trust but also with our finances and the attitudes that perform to healthy thought patterns and the self reflection that bouncing it off him improves and seeks to attain the prize and gift of our most valuable source and requisite that which is time.

All Time and Money

If a millionaire became a billionaire then we would have millionaires and then billionaires wanting to become a trillionare, but if the trillionaires ever existed we would need to be spending it more on running a country and when the country spent a quadrillion it would take so much time it would mean that there would be come such thing as quadrillionaires in trying to control the world or the country or countries or continent.

So therefore if there was any such thing as a zillionaire we would never need zillionaires because it would simply be to op much money for one or more people to control or have or use in a lifetime instead it would take the lifetimes of us all with leadership being debated by one or two more people to determine who lived and died the lifetime and who had control of the money. Because all these words don’t equate to a single figure that is realistic and reality to anyone person, and it is only a matter substance and liquidity and calculable measurements that quantify and differentiate distinguishments and can be assessed by management and calculated by mathematicians in any reasonable format or meaningful reality.

So for the sake of putting down a hundred digit figure there is no real intrinsic value rational worth is as much as the whether it was singularly applicable to reasonable circumstances and whether the time restraints and feasibility of the money was rational there is no direct reference that anything could be that sensible and no logical reason to approach the situation other than trying to evaluate the weather as a pastime instead of just enjoying the day.

Time is Important for Balance

In a busy world of work and turmoil where the balance of time and money holds all the gravity. There is an important need for time to balance your life to financially secure you're future and manage money for the necessities of your journey. Time being the most important resource you can have in your life must be managed wisely. With considerable concentration and consideration for the priorities and the time to have some contentment in your life, we must learn to respect the demands of stress and requirements that cause anxiety, for the privileged component of satisfaction and the feeling of healthy well being.

Time is important for balance in the ecological cycle and environmental life situation which need control within the guidelines of seasonal challenges and continents within each hemisphere of the earth. With such stringent demands on planting and harvesting on herding and breeding we must acknowledge all the time constraints and the appropriate times for horticultural procreation and biological conceptions.

Time is important for balance in work activities and organizational structure of planning our the day to meet the goals and aims of the objectives set and realize the attainment of logical ideas of organized thought help get us in the mood and supply the rhythm for positive attitudes to the things to get done and carry them out and do them in the balanced time of what the mind has conceived and programmed to see the progress come through the fruition and the desired job satisfaction of being efficient and effective for the continual turnover and supply to go around for a balance lifetime and maintain the importance of balanced time within the world.

Balancing Money

Life is not about balancing money because there is so many things to think about and so many thing to do and so many subjects to read and write about that limiting yourself or concentrating just on balancing money is a self defeating negative process that just narrows you're point of view and limits your imagination for contentment and challenging exploration for the mind and its ability to change thought and discuss and digress to differentiate the ideas of different thought.

While the earth turns around every day and it looks as though balancing money is all it is really about, the world of the world is really quite multifaceted and broadly differentiated in too many different fields and jobs that each individual chooses to take upon themselves to work in one aspect but yet is invited to spend effort and energy with the profits of the labor into many differentiated identity of different tasks for the indulgence in the fruits of the labor. This multifaceted digression to different industries of expenditure is producing many increased sales for your own business.

Then the balancing of money is portrayed as a fair and equitable distribution and circulation of the expenditure and revenue that goes around and comes about in order to come back to you again so that you can maintain the daily cycles of life that business is created and generated upon and for in order to reproduce and replicate the repercussion and replenishment of the turnover exchange that needs to be radically enhanced for the economic world and the cycles that balancing money is designed for and provided the allowance for in the regeneration and recycling of things for the continuation and advancement as well as the maintenance of existing infrastructure and environment.

Work and Effort

It is easy to sit and write from the heart after doing enough required reading but it is a bit more physically demanding to work hard building or making roads or something. Physical excursion requires a lot of effort and creates a demanding self procedure in attaining the results and objectives of the set goals and plants set and results and objectives of the set goals and plant get and created. Work and effort are a combination of mind principles that are realized but the actual carrying out of the doing. It is a fair requirement and expectation to get some benefit and payment for it, either in the form of financial gain or satisfaction of being able to put something in your stomach which is some kind of food which is nourishing and tasty that enables you to keep up the attitude towards extended stamina and continual management is the maintenance of our lives.

This sets a precedents standard for family life in that while we are setting and getting jobs done we are actually physically developing and strengthening our bodies in order to advance and maintain the structure and innovation of advancement restraints and the improvement of infrastructure. This personal initiative and self assertion is an orderly instigation to the enhancement of our environment and the ecological cycles of our world and the need for the deeds to be accomplished.

Work and effort are real terms values that reflect and provide the normal perfection of intellectual being that seeks to adjust to priority commitments and the needs for the demand and expectations for advancing human society and civilization with housing and all the details of factories to supply and the continual readjusting to the specifications of existing and future needs and requirements for planet earth to support itself and replenish through constant maintenance.

Rewarding Effort

Rewarding effort is about the payment to people who really follow hard and closely and work to meet the daily deadlines within the limits and time allowed.

It's about being against laziness but taking time out for yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor. It can be a long and tiresome weary road and the risks sometimes too great but with persistence and passionate enthusiasm for a greater style of life and making and improvement on the existing reality. For the sake of a few extra dollars for someone or establishing a well maintained client base or just looking for a way to modify or improve the situation so that the facts change to suit the environment and you can see your way clear to make a road ahead. The truth is that none of us have got enough to go around or everyone but we all can make a difference to some people and some people can make a difference to us.

Through heart and choices and wishing and praying r aiming for the heavens where the sky is the limit and the universe still well untouched and untraveled. We can see and vision a better future but we have to make the effort to be rewarded because we all tried to be a millionaire and the billionaire beat us and tempted us further just as they are tempted to become trillionaires at the expense of someone else not eating or having enough money for clothes or shelter. If you have got something be thankful because plenty of people have more or less than you and rewarding effort is all about being contented and then regrouping to re-establish a greater reality and rewarding effort yourself along the way because those who pay know that they can be paid and you have to respect their ability to have faith in you and reciprocate.

Consideration for Effort

Everything’s an effort and with due consideration for the effort we have to acknowledge our predecessors and their achievements in order to give ourselves a pat on the back for our own. It is a matter of fact that achievement is not taken too lightly for all the work that goes into doing and creating and achieving something is a matter well planned and good process of operation and management in order to receive the reward of the finished project.

Design, structure and procedure are all part of the implication that lead to believe something could be accomplished. So when you look back at the massive amounts of infrastructure we have in place and the mammoth job to maintain and advance it we have to acknowledge the consideration for effort in that all who play a part can see the benefits and gains by the enhanced work. Consideration for effort can be looked at on a personal and individual level whereby each person who contributes gets a reward by their own pride in the job they have done and remuneration which is compatible and satisfactorily compensated for the effort.

This consideration in payment is a consideration for skill and that in turn runs up and down the line due to the responsibility and accountability of the jobs procedure. We can’t do it without the hands on man and it can’t be thought of and achieved without the design and creativity of the architect and it can’t be lead and supervised without the planning and organizing at the top end of management. But what we should all know is that we all played a part and our part in each individual case requires consideration for effort in that through the persistence and physical excursion we all earn a place in the final accomplishment and we all reap the dividend for the work. Piece by piece and muscle by muscle there is consideration for effort and this is what allows it all to fall into its part.

Feel Free to Feel Free

It is a beautiful feeling to give something away. In fact the best things in life are free. We should aim to feel free all the time, but the reality is to most people that things cost money and the price of it is not cheap. Being able to feel free is an inexpensive cost but we must beware that it is not always that easy and the important things we really need and must have must be paid for. So in the case of being able to feel free we must remember that there are other things going on around us and that there are other people who are prepared to pay the price and if we become complacent or lazy because of feeling free to feel free no matter how nice the feeling we must remember other people are prepared to pay the price and if you are not careful enough it might cost you your life.

It is nice to have everything you want and travel around the world staying nice motels but the extravagance and expense means compromising other things or sacrificing self expectations of performance for people to accumulate everything else they want, desire and expect unless you are smart enough to select, require and ascertain the means to maintain property and travel as well.

Bringing up a family is nice for the kids to feel free to feel free but the tragic price of the parents hard work is a high cost to pay when you get older unless you give them the time and money back that they gave you are both necessary and unnecessary requirements, because in the end you have to pay for yourself and worry about your own life and what you want to accomplish and know that everything costs money but the thing with being able to feel free to feel free is a gift of conception and enjoyable and pleasant but at the age of fifty remember time costs money.