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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Word Is Life

Whose Life Is It?

Whose life is it? I said, Well it all grow on trees, said another. So I guess you're guess is as good as mine and if you would like to hazard one guess as well to anyway. But the real questions are, Why does it matter? Am I entitled to my own life? or does it belong to God? or is it just a free for all anyway? Must I have faith in life? Well to look at an irrational question rationally, one must make a decision and decide for themselves.

We each have our own interpretation on who has the right to life or who can write about it or who wants to make a claim to it and then again, Whose life is it? or again, Is it really or rationally right to ask? I guess we could go on forever philosophizing about it in ideas and statements that at the end of the day, really what it is all about is the memory you might remember of how much money you have got in the bank or is it a picture of heaven or paradisical grandeur. And the plants live or die and is it up to us or God to water them. We must eat in order to survive and with a little prayer it all helps us along the way. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and he also said he who wants his life will lose it but whoever loses it for my sake and the sake of the gospel shall have life, life abundantly and life eternal, forever everlasting life.

Thanks be to God who gave his sons life that whoever should believe in him shall have life and be then forgiven of their sins for believing and trusting in the one who gave it. For this have I come that you may have life and have it abundantly. So whose life is it really, was it a free gift, did you have to pay a price for it, was the cost too high or too cheap. Is there a matter of grace and faith and mercy or are we all going to hell where there is not life, only death and destruction. Thanks be to the lord Jesus who gave his life that we might have life and live with God ever after eternally in heaven and his paradise.

Living Loving Life

To get something right it is a long arduous task and a major job to fix when things go wrong for a prolonged time. But the beauty of defeating the problem and rising above the set of individual circumstance is a wonderful reflection on the process of achievement. When something is broken and it has got to be right it really needs a lot of tender love and care and the right tools and knowledge to fix it. Living, loving life is like that in that as we come out of the negativity of depression and the dull drums of misspent youth we advance prosperously through the right choices of direction and positive guidance.

So that we can experience and live the total perfection of life as a loving resource. When you're outlook changes you're state of mind changes and when you look up instead of looking in you see the possibilities of the marvelous creator and expectations and endless opportunities that can be imagined and dreamed of if you will only dare to risk and take the chance that there is a much better day coming in the future and a lot more hope and love to put your faith in. when we turn the corner and start rising to the occasion and meeting the endless ideal realities that are there waiting and start experiencing a taste of them for yourself now and in for the future, then the unlimited answers to all the questions you have ever asked or wondered about appear and you can see the truth come true.

Through the vision of optimism and the challenge to take the adventure of the ride of your lifetime even through all the ups and downs, then you take the future into your own hands and if you commit them to prayer and ask God to help then you are even smarter. So live in paradise live life loving God and accept the beauty that heaven has to offer but pay the price when you have to and determine what you really want for the greatest reality is in the presence of God and the most brilliant time you can have in one of health and meaning and longevity.

Life is an Idea, the World is Real

It's possible to go through life with you head in the best outlook insight or keep your head in the sand with pig headed ideas. Life is just an idea, the word is real and what happens when you cross the two you get an amazing exaggeration of the truth that begins to take you down a completely new path of discovery and an adventure that you won’t forget or take you mind off because it is one hell of a ride and it's the journey of a lifetime that leads to the ultimate test of reality which is just that a new reality. Speaking, thinking and linking while talking about a subject is a discussion of a focal word which gives meaning to life.

The idea then evolves and progresses to formulate radical changes that shift paradigms of time to momentary prospective. Life is an idea it is fair to say because no one really knows the exact meaning or answer and the word is real because it is eternal and life has a bit of a twist to it turning from word to word and in the form of the page becomes a real identity and association of the radical difference that writing or reading of the sentences and paragraphs discussions that formulate the upturn in dialogue reality and hence proving the adjustment in the relationship with the difference.

The quick perception is that newness gives meaning and the adjustment in life is based on real terms so that the eternal word is neither subject to change or able to stay the same. But the change is in the mind recognizing the bit that makes a lot of difference and the association to link and unite in order to correspond with the new reality ideal. So it is fair to say life is an idea and the word is real and the creation of the material and the middle distance facilitation is the adaption of the difference. So when we pay for it time is everything and money only the means. So base you're idea on the real word and the answer is life.

Life for Gain or Loss

It seems a pretty pointless exercise with what looks like a lot of futility in work. Life for gain is on one hand a positive acquisition and on the other hand the negative implications of loss are completely a devastation. To consider a broader range of aspects is like igniting a bomb with a short fuse but I will endeavor to do it anyway, in the hope that with a longer range projection it doesn’t go off but gives me time to think what to say expand and extrapolate on it a little further so that hopefully by the end of the page there is a detailed argument for the case of life for loss or gain with a reasonable explanation for the for and against.

If we take it for granted that we can have anything and everything at anytime without paying cost we are simply having ourselves on. The real world is not like that but a fine and well examined and exact balance of everything counting and weighing for the turn of the page which is like being a representation of a slight movement of the earth and the sheer mass and difference it makes just for one simple movement. The fact that if we pay no cost and there is no price, there is not time and money, just the loss and gain of life. Like inhaling and exhaling air into out lungs our bodies process it in breathing so that the photosynthesis of the human respiratory breathes out carbon dioxide and uses the oxygen out of the air to circulate in the bloodstream and give life giving thought of crystal clear clarity into the brain and the mind instead of toxic chemicals, fats, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates which can pollute the mind if not processed properly by other organs such as the liver and kidneys.

So we need to circulate air and blood through our system and this life expediency and extra exertion helps enable the highs and lows of our temperament in our attitude to gaining and losing in life by not only the physical process for the weight of our bodies but a necessary attitude towards life that is more exhilarating and requiring expenditure which is a gain and a loss in itself and additional acquisition in intellectual stimulation, thus producing the end result of gain and loss in life, health and well being.

Life in the balance

The scales of life are unevenly balanced and the reading is odd and un-useful and what are you to do when nothing falls into place and the balance is tipped to one side and the only hope for a counter balance is an equal and opposite reaction to the very thing that is set on dragging you down. The imposition of ignorance and out of character behavior is the very thing that is hell bent on destroying you.

So what do you do to tip the scales back to an equal state of equilibrium. Just like getting on the scales yourself to weigh the human body, the earth turns in space and orbits the sun in its daily revolutions and for generations of centuries and millennia it has kept going, spinning and turning well before and still during all time that has passed and is still to come. So the fact that the very meaning of existence is not a futile and pointless set of circumstances but a real and relevant reality to pet everything in the picture clearly to see and easily to understand the purpose and point of our very lives in the living of day to day work and pleasures that lead, guide and sustain us in their ever eventful occurrences and happenings that are full of wonderful possible and positive things that come into our lives and marvel in their magnificence and splendor to provide should enriching satisfaction and joyous jurisdiction.

Life in the balance is the decision between positive and negative situations that plague us and taunt us and also that lead to life, love and victory in the presence of the ever looking spirit of perfection that is the reflection of what we are really meant to be in the best and must ideal harmonious situation. So when there is death there is life and when there is hate there is love and when life is in the balance there is time to wait and see clearly what will amount.

Survival of The Fittest

It is a strange thing that in order for someobne to win, someone else has to lose. The stronger will win over the weaker, that the more beautiful will win more looks than the ugly and that the tallest always looks down on the shortest and the fattest always outweighs the thinnest. But the design of the survival of the fittest, does not always depend on the physical attributes but on mental strenght and dedication to God.

It is a matter of effort and determination plus character that forms and evolves the mind into making right choices and deciding what should be done and what should not. The point and purpose of the exercise, with both written and physical exersion is to develope the strenght of character for living through reading, writing, walking, running and putting faith someone or something greater than themself such as The God who has gone the way before them and has lived and died at a young and great old age and still hears and listens andhelps people who want to know about Him and have cared and wanted to know and undestand the attributes of Him so that they also may live a long time and be prosper in life, being happy and blessed by the greatest creator in which mankind has ever seen or heard about.

So that there is a need for physical disipline and there is a need for mental stimulation and excitement for the enjoyment and sustanence of a sustainable, rigid and proper outlook on the positive side of things so that through making the right choices you can live the guided and directed form of life that makes things beneficial and sustainable on the long term through short term pursuits of intelectually satisfying thoughts and ideas that produce the required and desired outcomes for the true and right leading to successful living. If we fail to make these right decisions and choices, then we fall by the wayside and someione succeeds us in our place, but the key to it is to not allow it to happen to the point of death, but see the error of our ways and learn to find the way to recover and how you can be a survivor and not a statistic, which then allows you to live in the world of the fittest.

Living and Breathing

Life is for living so they say and I think that is fair enough of the best possible truth you can come across. The fact is that it takes effort, motivation and determination to maintain the course to be followed and stay on track for what you have selected and what you need to supply for the desires and acquire that you want. Well that’s it I guess if you are reading this you must be breathing and living out the path you have chosen is the means for breathing.

Living and breathing in its simplest form is the real meaning of life and the fact that we only accumulate possessions as we go along is just another reason for wanting to continue. But this uses energy and costs the body time and money to process food for the continuation of the survival of the species and also the luxury of the indulgence in enjoyment of eating and tasting food. Living and breathing like the breath of wind that is God provides us with meaningful existence and past time and the only thing that can really beat us is death itself and lying in a grave of earth being dead.

The beauty of life is both fascinating and molded in the eyes of others and the will of our own ambitions to be successful and win against the uphill battle against sin and the downhill spiral of self neglect and wishing we could be more than we are without putting in the hard yards and the work that is needed to stay alive. The reason and the purpose for living and breathing I guess is looked at best in our own eyes but the blessing of giving to someone else is turned and rewarding in getting of living and breathing yet another breath.

Live and Breathe Differently

When I take a breath it is a different breath to you even if we are sharing the same air and you breathe my air or the same air only if you take a different breath. To live and breathe differently you have to understand the difference in vicinity, personality traits and fathom and anxieties of darkness or loneliness in order to perceive where you are where you have been or what you are actually doing and why you are doing it.

The surrounding environment of your usual routine and work activities and how hard you work or you're heart beat rate and respiratory inhaling and exhaling is completely different to someone on the other side of the world or the city for that matter. The fact is that people all breathe individually and living different lifestyles and do things differently. We have to make a conscious effort to recognize our own surroundings and environment and we have to realize that to manage our own lives we have to be prepared and reading to live and breathe differently. Every step we take and every breath we make is in a different footprint to someone else even in you are following close behind in the same foot indentation.

You are not along on planet earth but you do have to live and breathe differently even though we all have organs by the same work in name they are individually unique to each individual body on earth. The world goes around as many times as it wants on a day to day basis but what you and I do and what makes us tick is our breathing and food and drink that keeps our hearts beating so even if all people were the same and their not anyway we would all have to live and breathe differently because we all make individual decisions and choices all the time every second of the day whether asleep or awake, alive and not dead but living and breathing differently.

Life and Death Matters

Life and death matters, I keep debating, well it does and it doesn’t another said. It's all about money said the man in the bank. So what is all the fuss and why can’t we just get on with it. Really it is serious business. The criteria of life and death is the ultimate decision. I try and keep track of things manage mentally, but simple little problems can be quite stressful and demanding, leading into decisions like life and death, if we go down the wrong path and stay there or just go for a walk in the wrong direction we can end up in trouble and strife.

The complexities of life and death really at the end of the day is all that matters, that you lived though the tough and easy times and all you really needed was another day to live. On the other hand people make lifetime places and commitments to each other and it is just a matter of the daily walk in the right direction to get where you are going or heading down the track to an answer of a lifetime of goals and dreams.

Yet God has the final say and it would be smart to commit everything to him in prayer but sometimes life deals us a troublesome situation and we have to act appropriately and make decisions so that it does not lead to a life and death situation for what really matters is the stability of level headedness and the creation of jobs and work to put our minds on and stop worrying about the weather tomorrow and whether there is going to be enough because there always and always will be something to so and something to put our minds to take upon time but we just have to make sure that it is the right things we are thinking about and that the perfect comes when we walk the straight line and make the right decisions for benefit of mankind and thus enabling ourselves to enjoy and injure all the benefits of life and leave death to matter itself to itself and scatter it to the win.

Dying and Living On

In the process of aging when we make a life for ourselves and go through all the management of daily living and the climactic pinnacle of living a lifetime we have the natural progression of death. Through the earning of a living or the gratitude of fame or the untimely course of an accident we reach the point in life when we die and live on. This life past and this life beyond is a memorable pleasure of the existence and experience of death and the new reality of reliving every breath in a world where only eternity has the reigns and darkness is light and night is day. Where the brilliance of the leadership of those who have done do well go to be with their maker and learn a new the reality of death.

This passing is a gratitude of the life passed and a celebration of all that was done by the person and the entering the miracle of heaven and a reality where possessions are sold to the wind and inheritances are passed down to family members.

But this grace and faith is not a waste of time but an eternal investment in the future of the hereditary genealogy that will grow and reproduce and hold dear in the memory of all the beauty and treasures and grandeur of God that has been such a great influence in the guidance and instigation of all the deeds and words read, said and written and the joy of answered prayer for those who cares and those who shared their lives with others are now part of the perfect reflection and resemblance of whoever in a different state where the pain and suffering are just the blessing of self life beating death and hell and knowing the ultimate utopia of paradise where the memory is well and time is just a heart of love.