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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Being Happy and the Peace of Heaven

Paradise and Heaven

Well I wouldn’t really dare to put paradise in line with heaven because I would expect hell to come out the other side. The reality is that when things are too good for too long there is always a negative implication and something for some reason that something wants to go wrong. I’m not really being too negative but just a realist in the state of things and the order of affairs that imply something wrong and negativity.

On the other hand the experience of paradise and heaven is too beautiful for words and the brilliant peace of mind that fills you head is the exact amount of money I was worried about for me and you are going to be the beneficiary but this because I know I can’t think all for myself but someone else must benefit out of the thought and the beautiful experience of heavenly paradise and a beautiful peaceful state of mind. I would like to keep it all the time for myself and let you share in it as well but some must pay the price and the expenditure and income is all part of the design and payment and richness our of the life of it is the best out of the worst and the bad suffering for the ultimate part of the place for the pinnacle experience of paradise in heaven.

When pain and hurt is the cost and price the turnaround of the ultimate experience of reality from the point of suffering to the heavenly paradise and the reflection of perception of the paradigm and paradox of the opposite parallel turning and replaying in the reproduction of the eternal life of affairs and the interrelationship between the payment of good for bad. And it is not all about me because without you none of this would happen and none this would or could be imagines as the place of perfect place called heaven in paradise where the rotten polluted nastiness of life goes down the drain in waste and torment to that uncouth and undesirable place called hell.

Brilliant Peace

Heaven in paradise is another way of saying brilliant peace. So is the desire of our soul to live in brilliant peace for without fears and doubts and worries and all the stresses and anxieties of life we would dwell and fathom the depth and richness of all the desires of our heart and know for certain our true salvation and the eternal presence of the living God living within our lives. The first step in the path for peace is learning to do the right and being able to recognise the right path to take in our daily walks and decision making.

For it is in this travelling along the narrow road of life that the broadness of the world is lost in the dullness of the Earth’s presence and we see clearly to take each step one at a time to get to each destination along the same way and lines. Of course there is a payment for this brilliant peace and that is paid by the sinner who wants to do the wrong thing that in their disruptive attitude they are actually helping you force you're right point of view across so that you see clearly the error of their ways and act and decide appropriately and responsibly. Of course it is never too late for the sinner to change their direction but sometimes they need a good jab in the dark to shock them into reality.

Because on a downward and negative spiral you only become a case for a lost cause and that can be fatal. But the turn around and change of your direction to the right path is wise and glorious and the road eventually leads to brilliant peace which like perfect peace is the true, right and correct knowledge of your experience from walking and having done the right thing along the right and narrow path. It is too beautiful to comprehend and to o wonderful and magnificent to explain. It is higher than the highest heavens and it is with our a doubt in the very presence of God. For this establishment of a right relationship has produced righteousness and brilliant peace result.

The Perfect Experience

Living in heaven is like having love on earth, the peace that you know is the perfect experience for living it is a matter of total acceptance and trust in the knowledge that you are saved by God. Above the magnificence the grandeur and the assurance that everything is a total perfect understanding of the ultimate reality of being able to experience everything. The total perfect experience is a conception of the experience is a matter of Utopia and paradise.

Is it the enjoyment of living life in the highest possible realms and fathoming the richest and deepest treasure of the universe. But the fact that the world is really all we have to live in an on where tropical banquets and aqua blues and yellows being the sun reflecting on the seas and horizons. The magic of the total perfect experience is more than just something you're head it is the fulfillment of all the surrounding and atmosphere being at one in your state of mind and physical presence encompassed and consumed in overwhelming joy.

The passion and the romance3 of live and being between a man and a woman arrive at the destination of the birth of a child and seeing him or her grow up and reproduce the whole cycle all over again into the total perfect experience of abundant living and acceptance of all the good and right things in life that make and add to the enrichment of creation and joys that produce and satisfy everything wonderful and plentiful in the state of perfect experience.

Spirit and Nature

Well it is only natural to want normal things and physical things are natural too but we have to consider an element of spirit where nature is concerned because spirit and nature for together just like the call of the wild or a thoroughbred stallion. People have hearts and a passion to do what they want and the spirit is rebellious but it is a part of nature to think and act in that kind of way. Therefore with the spirit of a human being it is natural to sin and the nature of the spirit of the human being is to have a soul and live on. But being greedy self egotistical maniacs that we are we have to stop and reassess ourselves which goes back to the original design of being natural and it is this spirit that drives us back and forth, up and down and around and around until we finally hit the wall that breaks us down and we have to admit our error and curb and change our ways back to being mellow and passive to fit in with the status of our society. Now when we are in our natural state we have a spirit that wants to do anything it wishes and desires and sees to and actually does anything to follow its own nose and heart.

Until it reaches the desired level of satisfaction it keeps going until it learns to slow down, relax and recuperate for the peace and tranquility it has fought against. This spirit of aggression has to become one of timidity for its own safety and compliance whereby it realizes that it's confidence must become cautious and the competence it has always enjoyed must be slowly adjusted to become more careful, thorough, logical and in complacent as this spirit stallion lives in a digital age and has slowly gone from the racetrack to quickly backtrack the fast way to its birth and is reunited with its origins and must be able to reciprocate and retrace it's steps.

So it is fighting against the movement and turning of the earth where the gravity of the world has reversed the spirit of the persons course and most relearn to find out who they are again by understanding the depth of their soul and where they have been and gone and want to go this is the result of spirit and nature.

Noticing Differences

As people we always try to tell if things are different or the same. We try and understand people we know or meet to see if they are the same of like us or if there is any difference between us we desire or admire or want. Or we just notice differences we don’t like and walk away and choose not accept those things we don’t like or want. Some things we have to do anyway we will do them whether we want to or not.

Things to earn money but making other people happy at the expense of ourselves in the work we have to do to achieve this. However we should always aim to be doing things we like and that suit our personalities, looks and traits in order become the best possible person we can be to our self. Unfortunate it is a cruel process whereby one succeeds by making changes to suit themselves and another fails because they refuse to follow their own heart and do the things that are beneficial for them and will make them prosperous. So it is in these noticing of difference that we pick our own characteristic traits and refuse and disown so as not to accept the things we don’t like, don’t want or don’t have to do.

It is a simple matter of black and white, right and wrong and we have to keep making conscious decisions to make we are doing what is right for us and then continuing along the right path until we come to a cross intersection and have to decide again. So it is noticing these differences that with psychological selves will want to convince us otherwise for their own gain. But if everybody noticed all the differences one at a time and acted accordingly we would all go on happily meeting people making money and achieving our life’s purposes so it is in this one at a time decision making process of noticing differences that we are actually see from our own point of view of other people behavior and choices.

Complex Contemplation

During the thought digression of the mind contemplating complex ideas, it is necessary to dig deep into the repetitive of stored information within the knowledge of the self to retrace meaningful understanding in the ideas of conscious comprehension which is formulated out of complex contemplation.

This compliance of the concentration and its diverging and self divulgent extraction and admittance of secrets of the should kept deep down in withdrawal symptoms of reliability of thought of account of the conscience inability to settle and satisfied with guilt is somehow deposited into the foreground of awareness of reality from the past and disassociates thinking with congruent and socially logical thought. Complex contemplation then is a summary of this and an analogy of the analysis of the idea of bringing to the forefront from the concentration of neuron transmitters with electrical impulses stimulating neurons for the projection of the process of showing and highlighting the suppressed through stimulated past.

By bringing this to the surface it is a self expression of complex contemplation at its best but still needs addressing to the relativity of modern patterns and sequences that comes about and seem more predominant in the mind of the render or perceiver from what is isolated and identified as positive repercussions of feel and mental thought. This complex contemplation is a surface concentration expresses and indentified intellectually from what is sad and usually depressing into what is beautiful and peaceful through the brilliant discussion and communication of a dialogue that show it's better lead of a dog to the glorious and superbly perfection of written divulgence.

Constructive Sentences

Writing down of page is really the formulation of the constructive sentences. In fact the construction of the sentence is the most important part of the makeup and the dialogue of the page. Which then leads to paragraphs and is compiled of phrases and expressions of composite interest that enables the understanding and dissection of the writers message. Constructive sentences a positive approach to relaying the idea of the meaning in heart to be written down by the hands during the head as a leadership tool.

It is with much forethought and future planning the past becomes the present and goes on continually forever into eternal realms of constructive sentences. But let us no dilly dally or hanky panky around with the pen but let the discussion flow continually in written dialogue of constructive sentences. In this which is enable to divulge itself as the ever pressing clause of expression in attractive truths and facts of knowledge going down on paper in formulated ideas as understood as constructive sentences. Constructive sentences are a means to relate and extract the details of information that flows neatly along the lines of life in necessary formulation for the self expression of thought.

This ability to think and wrong logically is a thinking of thought within itself portrayed a natural occurrence of literature expression of dialogue cornered and confined as in constructive sentences. But we need not be reserved or hesitant in the approach to let loose with the final outcome and purpose with reasons that subliminate generalized composure to the full understanding that the words coming together to form constructive sentences are composed and continually compile.

Logical Continuity

I love the flowing words of poetry and the logical continuity of constructive sentences, but logical continuity Is an expression of thought being compiled all by itself. Just like an automated computer generated letter the logical continuity of meaning and life flows in sentences and words expressed as a free desire to formulate and match in sequence whether by rhyming couples of verse or the data projected for accounting and budgeting to become the answer to the problem of the future of results through sales but initiated and instigated as the logical continuity of progressive discussion and suggestive communication of oral, verbal or written dialogue that presents itself as the digital ongoing and on flowing of logical continuity. Like the map of the world is organized as a body of space turning and interconnecting with intertwining and linking countries, cities and continents.

Like it has a back and front and legs and arms which are the islands with the fingertips on the metatronic pen as a palm tree on deserted island beaching soaking up the aqua water n the golden sand shore. Logical continuity is this integration and composure of joints and adjectives that freely express the desire to be associated and therefore connected into the logical continuity of storytelling and poetic reciting of the news and feasible choruses of he who is him in words.

This expression of logical continuity is the best of formulation that money ca n buy. For it is in written dialogue and sentence making that logical continuity comes to the foremost of the highlight of life that lies solemnly in the stillness of the earth turning in space in a world quiet reflection and passionate understanding.

Conditional Circumstances

With stringent control and restraints come the less desired formulated subject of conditional circumstances. Where tight jurisdiction and facilitated limitation of circumstances is shown to be quietly concealed and withheld from view in conditional circumstances. Due to the necessary dispersion and contraction of life with the fragile outcome of contemplative sensitivity we are now focusing on conditional circumstances.

For within one reason or another there is a reason to conceal experience but accounting for acknowledgement for of acceptance as conditional circumstances. For why is it that you have more than me of the one thing while I have more than you of the other. If both were completely identical the balance would be harmonious but incongruent with identificational behavior and thus misdirect the axis of accurate information in the understanding of individual information. Hence we have formulated theoretic analysis of conditional circumstances as and ideological point of view but the reality has much greater depth of meaning indeed ad the real infusion is not neatly fitting but incongruent with adjacent and exposed thought of diametrical restraint and the inability to support rational equilibrium with equality of thought.

This generates the conditional circumstances and sets the foundation for the limitations. Just like the component of equality is seemingly both advantageous and desirable in reality it is never fully achievable and this the stage is set for conditional circumstances as the desired reality of structured and achievable limitations as the first and foremost fundamental perspective of farness and where inequality in the benchmark for setting and breaking records.

Concrete Answers

In the rigidity and formulated correctiveness of restraint comes what structured thinkers insists as the basis for fact and which is in record to right thought is and can be known as the concrete answers of life. These inflexible and diligently constructed positive progressive appropriateness of superlative reasons for doing and achieving in single mindedness of right hood, the inclusive provision for the accurate accounting of questionable idea which must be appropriately named as concrete answers.

Concrete answers are the truth and facts of society, they are the accurate depiction of history and they are the geographical labeling of places and people for the description and presentation of perfect depiction. The flow of logic and the conclusion of ideas are the result of concrete answers and it is these concrete answers that we must have for this true and right nobility of thought for the abstraction and flamboyance of miscellaneousness to be clearly perfected and seen as right.

For no one who is to o flexible is too clever and no one who is too smart is too intelligent, but instead through a close knitted compilation of trained thought and logical working patterns of structured thinking comes the ability of relational achievement and constructive dialogue to formulate the thoroughness of proven truths and this providing the concrete answers that support and in which cities are built and countries base their constitution for the diplomatic service and interrelated communications networks of continental management and constructive designs without misapprehension and with achievable and desired goals from simple logical procedures that work and are so formed out of concrete answers and the rock solid certainty of lasting things.

Sure and Steady Things

 When we build something we need a foundation that is rock solid. So that we can be sure that our building will last and stand for till forever and a day. Like the certainty of life we need sure and steady things to rely on and depend on when the waves break on the beach and roll up the shore, because when the storm comes it can wash away the house or the winds can blow the roof right off. So our anchor must be form and our foundation on truth and facts not on evil lies contrived by evil men but grounded in the rock of our salvation and the historical references of believable criteria.

Sure and steady things are things we must be able to depend upon and accept readily as respected for their wisdom is worth the earth and their understanding is the experience of knowledge to hold strong when times are set against us or when the trials and tribulations of uncertainty was away the foreseen and with held the unexplained. For like the dependability of God, sure and steady things are positive assets to our lives that when we fall or start to stumble they are there to lean upon and hold onto so that we don’t drift away and float down the river aimlessly but can guide the raft and land it when the tide gets too rough.

Just as when the quick sand traps us or when the ways of the world are inviting and seemingly desirable we must make a firm stand and guide the rudder to steer the ship through the storms of life. Because it is when we put our tryst and faith in sure and steady things that we can stabilize and climatise the unseen and un forsaken depths of despair and avoid the trouble of the error of our ways looking to the sure and steady things of God.

Positive Improvement

When we start off from the beginning it seems the only way we can progress is with positive improvement and this is proven over the years in architecture, designs and people’s lives. We technologically advance all the time and the implications of a better world is that things must be showing positive improvement all the time. So just when we think our achievements are superfluous or limited there is another giant step in humanity to reach out once again for more positive improvement. We want to run faster, jump higher, see further and understand more efficiently in order to make readily available and obtain this positive improvement in the society of our lives.

By aiming and striving for the next level of success, we are generations new capacities to perform and a new set of standards to achieve. If we settle for less, we fail, if we fall short of the glory it is dismal and if we lose out in all directions we sink quickly to the bottom.

However all is not lost and there is always hope and light at the end of tunnel that when we seek the perfection of positive improvement the advancement is enhanced by superior performance and the reliability and durability is sustained but the ability of the power to believe it can be achieved and with the hindsight of knowledge and the experience of endurance we can fathom the deep truths and mysteries of the universe to harness them and extract from them the meaningfulness of the quality of life and unravel the great and wondrous positive improvements that draw us nearer to and ask us to discover that we can develop new relationships with creation and make from noting all the things we only dream about by the imagination of our hearts to search and know what is in further development and advancement of positive improvement.

Negative Implications

Along with all the good things of life come the negative implications of bad behavior and wasted and misspent years of self indulgence and willing in the joy of sin. These aspects of anxiety, stress, worry, depression and hurts and pains are all forms and ways that negative implications show themselves from our wrongful actions and misguided and turbulent years of success. You see it is only when we reach the top that we know we can fall and it is only when we have achieved the best that we know we have left the worse behind and it is only when we have achieved everything we desired in life that we have to pick up the pieces of the things we overlooked and retrace our steps to make sure we did not miss anything or squash too many people along the way or tread on the toes of those who tried to help us and enabled us to get where we were going.

But despite all the fulfillment of the glory there is still these negative implications that the balance was not quite right and that the other end of the equation or the other side of the coin did not go our way and it is in this that I address the negative implications of life because it is not until we fall flat on our faces that we realize that everyone else was greater than ourselves and that the real reality is never all we see is because despite all our hard work and positive thinking our thoughts are often misdirected and all treated or abused but those who wallow in the negative aspects and points of money making interest that are implications of all the negativity we didn’t see. So it is this ignorance and obnoxiousness of negative implications that other people see clearly the right.

A Highly Structured Organisation

The work has advanced so much that everything is high technology now to a point where everything is being designed to make things simpler and easier. The reality of the facts are however that our world requires a highly structure form of organization just to function normally. The repetitive use of mobile phones, televisions and computers and associated products means that a bilateral approach must be utilized and adopted as standard procedures.

To ask the question that time can jump so quickly from the past to the future while the present is but a money of a push of the button or sharp word. We live in a world where we expect everything done for us, but in reality the fact is we have to do everything ourselves. With the collaboration of resources and amplified technical organizations. A higher level of achievement is attainable but at a cost and price of more energy resources and the physical demand on natural life as an existence.

To go on about structure is a little self defeating because so many people have put so much time and efforts into work and building that consideration which represents the fine endeavors to make each city of the world a beautiful replication of the reproduction of other brilliant highly structures organization for photographic skylines from internal design and development to produce the outer effect and the enhancement of social city cycles within the limits and perimeters of their geographic size. As each building tries to represent an individual business entity the work to maintain and preserve industry s a self reflection on all the work input and receivable amounts of required recognition for wealth creation and the perfection of a highly structured organization of a social living city.