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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Meaning Earning

Saving and Spending

In the course of making money and the need for basics like food, clothing and shelter there is a need for saving just life the spending for the necessities there is a need to put something away for a rainy day. A rainy day might mean house maintenance, car repairs or an overseas holiday, in which things like this are not really part of the budget but are an unexpected or sometimes a spur of the moment decision or need to spend in which you have to have something saved up or a special kind of savings account for such things.

To most people who live day to day and week by week contingency planning which is the management terminology for this kind of requirement is not usually allowed or budgeted for on a regular basis. On the other hand we have those who can mass away large amounts of money at other peoples expense to draw on at any time for any whimsical need or want just to satisfy the ego in their lifestyle. So what is it with saving and spending that the average household finds so hard to achieve and maintain while others fritter it away and those who can afford everything seem to do just that and circulation of currency is just a vehicle as it was designed to be and not a matter of worshipping the bank account.

The balance and happy equilibrium is in the management of both. Having enough to satisfy your needs and keeping enough to spend on future requirements as they arise and as the will and the purpose in their season accentuates and digresses for further satisfaction and advancement instead the constant uphill battle and downward slide that affects most of us all individually and corporately as circumstances allow.

Spending and Saving

With every income and expenditure there should be some spending and saving. Spending on yourself or resources and saving what you have and what you need to for what you want to have. People spend their time, their life and their money on gaining more things and then they worry if they have got enough and want to spend more on more things to have more things. We are not to therefore disregard what we have already got but go on in continual saving and preservation of what we already have.

These components of spending and saving could just be being wasted away without any real tangible worth or assets to show for our work and no real representation of what we have got to show what we are worth. But in time and due course of collecting we build up a collection to represent our name and hard eared achievements which stand for what and who we are an in turn reflect how we are seen.

This spending and saving concept of gaining and attaining things in and of and out of the material world for our own pleasures and requirements gives us pride and direction in the focus of our pleasurable and purposeful, meaningful endeavors that satisfy our own desires and aspirations of worthy representatives of our community and societies with limited ego and self indulgence being fulfilled but also reciprocating the worth of our personal endeavors and building and instilling confidence and competence in our desires and aspirations of achievement and power in order to do worthwhile things and show that we are more than responsible enough to lead and guide others in the general pursuit and direction of the aim to be prosperous and successful.

Helping and Having

With work, in order to achieve something we must find a need and fill it by supplying a service or product that is helping and heaving a positive affect on our lives. So that in order to be having we must be helping someone else achieve what they want in order to receive what we want for ourselves in the first place by reaching and attaining the goals of what other people want as a means to achieve the desired result of helping ourselves. It is this helping and having ideological conception and perspective that with its eternal idea of repetition can actually seek out and provide all we need to do and say in order to get and have what we want and to attain what we actually need.

So it is this scratch my back and I will scratch yours that in turn reciprocates, expands and revolves in order to reproduce the desired effect of what we all want and that is reaching and seeking to attain our life’s goals. Through helping we are actually having while it looks to have the appearance of hurting and hindering it actually compounds by helping other for what they are wanting so that they are having what they need and it is this our having helped others that we are satisfied and fulfilled ourselves.

I know in the outset and on the edges it appears adverse and it is not till we actually apply practical application that we can derive any joy out of the situation but with persistence and perseverance we will start to finally end up on the hilltop and the plateau starts to stabilize our lives that we can look back onto and into down on the valleys and see where we have come from and how we have achieved what we set out and desired to accomplish by having been helping and been helping to be having all the simple new pleasures and delights of life in our souls and start to reap the accomplishments of having been helping and being rewarded by it.

Serving and hurting

Serving is a form of hurting as it is a painstaking task to work and help somebody else and it is a process of new and continual evolvement that we all seek to attain by doing this serving that all that costs at a price and that form of expenditure is usually hurting. Whether it is physical labor or writing with a pen after our morning walk or why and which what for happens when we want and try to do something that we feel these forms of body pressure and adaptations from changes that rearrange the format of our work and the desired affect and outcome of the changes that are derived and arrive at the point of working.

Serving despite all its negative implications of personal hurting is actually advantageous to ourselves and that when the people being served and products of the procedure that the actual hurting takes place. Not on purpose, nor is it the desired effect, but it is the natural process of advancement and learning that this hurting takes place in the form of changes to our own bodies and the body we are using to implement this serving for. So that when the body is hurting it is actually un-obviously helping but the serving suffering body is displaced and rejected as it is rearranged and reformed into the new body and format through the serving and hurting process of helping.

We don’t seek to naturally hurt by serving but it is the process of the work of helping that actually hinders our bodies and changes the reliance from one body serving to one of a body that is hurting but it is in the change that we are actually helping because someone else must and can or may benefit or hurting and it is in this helping that we serving through the production of the process of pain we are paying and being paid for serving which we ourselves experience as hurting for helping but is beneficial to both us and others for the process the body is going through.

Reading and Writing Would Hurt

Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. Was a rhyme u learnt as a child and I once told a psychiatrist that words can’t hurt you either. What I actually mean and understand by that is that it takes physical things physical actions to hurt or do damage and the reading and writing of words is a spiritual thought process that goes down on paper as you pick up you're pen and write with your hand. But these written words in the spiritual realm comes from the work of physical activity and you draw from them in the memory to write what is logical and reasonable for future activity. Logically it might seem to be a matter of just reading, but the money is made in the writing and the reading is made by understanding the mind. Then the mind associates minutes with making money at the mint when you stop reading is made by understanding the mind.

Then the mind associates minutes with making money at the mint when you stop reading after putting down a book you think about it and what you want to do and then you do what you actually thought about. But you're actions and decisions not only affect you but how you relate as a person of me actually doing it. To sell and make a transaction is painfully but pleasant to receive and the exchange ca sometimes hurt, because you have to part with what you love in order to get something else.

Therefore reading and writing would hurt because memories are priceless and money always costs something so the transaction in the belief system and the thing you actually get has a price that hurts and whether you pay now or paid then you have to remember the price had to be a bit of pain. As paying a price has always had to be paid and that is the pain. So if he or she hurt reading, remember I hurt writing, walking or talking and if our sin hurt you. Remember it hurt me first and it is this that makes him, her.

Pain and Suffering

When we read to be like the stars of the heavens and try our little hearts out to be like God and try to be the best we can possibly be in this life. We are subject and conditioned to pain and suffering. While we think we are good enough to be the best we can be and reach the heavenly realms of God. This inadequacy and deficiency of being human is a minor fallacy and the real terms of conditioning is a reality where we have to be satisfied and content with our own level of competency or in the case of the Peter Principle Incompetency.

Pain and suffering are a byproduct of this and when we over do it and physically exert ourselves past the level of competency and physical pain threshold, to put it bluntly we suffer. Pain is our suffering can be good because they make you aware that there is a reality that you aren’t aware of due to the reality of pain and suffering that you are aware of and the fact that you can gain our of pain if you are quite about it means that also you can hurt yourself by not admitting and continuing to push past the pain for gain and sit down and read to greed then the likely hood of something going wrong is quite likely and detrimental to your health.

But we do need some pain to stay alive and some pain to stay sane, but it is recognizing the limited and not going to the extremes that allows you to live a long life and by gradually doing and living bit by bit and a day of a time you can slowly progress and live out the length of lifetime you require by remembering that longevity is the best possible outcome and money and riches are only a matter of pain and suffering.

Constantly Hurting

Constantly or continually hurting is wrong and yet a lot of us think we have to do it all the time. The fact is that it is detrimental to wealth and with enough venom can lead to death, killing and murder.

The reason we do it is for power, selfish ambition and greed and the fact that it makes us feel good to be doing it to gain superiority and control and initiate leadership for winning. But the situation is two way and when the boot is on the other foot an you are the one hurting it is very painful, unsatisfactory to well being and not very pleasant or comfortable. Constantly hurting gives us a sense of feeling to be like God and that little bit of effort to hurt is enough knowledge of sin that slows us to continue in our own mighty and selfish way. If and when I feel the hurt which most of us experience in some way or some kind every day, then it is enough to let us know that something is wrong and we should stop what we are doing and work out that something that is wrong is. If people go past the point of no return in their sinning then they are constantly hurting and being hurt even to the point of purposefully inflicting it upon themselves just to stay alive and keep what they have got in the process of instinct and survival.

The reality is that if you have only done it to gain possessions and or wisdom for yourself so that you can understand that being what you wanted to be s not all it is cranked up to be and that to be the best you have to help the least in order to understand reality of where you fit into the world and what the rest of the world is like in reality to you.