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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Managed Money

The Ability to Sell

Everyone is given the gift of life and everyone needs money to buy and at some stage in your lie you will need to sell something and a lot of people make a trade or career out of selling. The fact that for most people with average intelligence or above, this comes naturally. To be a super salesman or woman is for the super elite and out performers above and beyond the rest and it is not easy for them either but a matter of discipline and dedication to the cause.

Selling is easy because we all pick products off the shelf at the supermarkets but it is hard to make or generate a sale. The transaction is very difficult because we have to count the cost of what we can afford and what we cannot and this involved paying the price. Health is another factor because you can’t work if you are not well and you can’t sell if you are sick. So the ability to sell is a matter of health and happiness, having the product and attaining it's real worth and valuing the item so that it is exchanged for the right price. The cost and sell factor is in the making of the product and the actual ability to sell is in finding the right customer with the right need and requirement to purchase and attain the item or products.

If things are cheap enough they will sell at nearly any price but the more expensive the more consideration is given to paying the price so the profit and turnover are the real consideration in acquiring wealth. That is another price in itself and massive amounts of money can affect your health and the price is the time and the ability to sell is your life and the transaction is death so no one is the real winner just the person who can safely and modestly control his wealth because in the making of fortune there is always a positive and negative and life really is a cell.

Laterall Selling

When I put something down on paper in the form of an idea it is fair and reasonable to suggest that if it is worth reading and considering it is worth doing. The lateral selling of books and things that make and generate and income are the backbone and the financial future of tomorrow. The fact that any form of selling need not be right and acceptable is an ongoing and recurring ever repeating fallacy. Lateral selling on the other hand is an organized system of selling that ensure the newly acquired owner to hold onto and maintain his new possession. This long term positive and optimistic point of view will become ever more acceptable in the face of every days selling adversities and attributable recurrences.

The overwhelming supply and demand of excessive and abundant supplies is attributable to the lack of demand and the free will inter selectiveness of open buying and splurging on unnecessary items that mean that they don’t last and are quick to be replaced and never really add long time value and self worth. This contributable fact is and ever pressing truth that denies and inflicts self pain and discipline to the point of hatred. Lateral selling on the other hand is a personable ability that instills and provides the ongoing supply of sustainable regeneration and manageable tangible entities and assets that increase the nest worth of the likelihood of the possession owner and his need to maintain and stabilize his ever onward and upward accumulation of things and their rising intrinsic value.

Later selling then is not a quick sale but a planned and prayed for objective that stimulates and supplies the meaning of life and the love of ownership and reduces diminished supply of wasteful products.

Sell, Sales and said

Sell. Sell. Sell if you can, to me, is a bit hard you see you need plan, sales and you sail, if you see, seas to sell, across oceans vast that seem to smell. As trees grow green with a belief of the cell in the leaf, the page goes down as the pen you read, the type, the type, the things to tell of how man has sold and gone to hell. Now with his words and money gone has made a life all worth of gold, and this my quest my plan plight to see the sun is all daylight.

The broad the narrow the lines to see, I’ll sell, I said, it's sold to me. The sales are ails and ail me bad, I’ll sail away and in day ne glad, the rich the poor the profit made, of days gone by where prophets paid. Sell, sales and sail and I said I’d make, a sail to sell and sales that made. The sails around the coasts or cross the land to find the grail or loss. The costs of things, well what the hell, ill live to draw the sword and tell the money sweet a but the stars to far, I’ll have to buy and sell a car.

A products come from life to eat, a sweet to eat upon my feet the seat to see to sell the thing, the computers driven by chairs and things, the share , the care, the job to hard ill sit and write and then discard the job to sell is now my book ad that will take another look.

Negative Market

With the market and the work in the job sector and the unpredictable turn of events and account of the downturns in the world economy, confidence is becoming negative and the income and the expenditure has to balance and it doesn’t. because of the exceptional expectations that money will go up the economy and the market are being dragged down. While property process continues to fluctuate after years of long term inflation, the need to stability and balance is causing a lot of short term rises and falls in the market economy.

This instability is a reflection of the height standard requirements for life style maintenance and the physical limit to human capacity that the body can stand and still expect to maintain a suitable living standard for long term survival is bringing into account resources and ecology to the environment and it is being economically tested to weed out the bad eggs and reflect on the needed requirements that will instill positive long term survival. Whilst and when a living standard is obtained the trick and key is to maintain and improve on that level but the negative side of money and riches seems to infiltrate and pull down internal structure and the facility to advance and improve is unenhanced.

The fight to improve financially is impaired by negative trends and opposition in the natural world and the unnatural side of success is peaking it's head to supply and find to fulfill the extra things that will create prosperity instead of measuring the essential needs and requirements of the underdeveloped and impoverished things are actually improved and maintained to stabilize the balance and satisfy the need of the multitude instead of individual gratification. Thus for one person to a mass away massive amounts is negative money.

Gaining Financial Return

Time has often forgotten the ancient art of investment and financial return is a reflection on the modern era’s idea of gaining. The fact that history consumes and makes up such a large part of our time and we often want fast money on the short term and so we consider gaining financial return as a transient security, the implicit idea of providing for a long financial future is subsequently implied by a heavy commitment to studying, learning and reading for reliable and substantiated knowledge that provides the very future with an asset that is impeccably super fluent to all of those transient investments.

This long term goal and plan is for a secure future in life that only intellectual investment in property or a market portfolio that enables and equips the gaining of a financial return to be everlasting superfluous and regenerative. It is no good throwing sand to the wind all your life without sow in a few wild oats and letting the mss grow on the rock a while, while the maturity of forgiveness is fulfilled and you remember what you had forgotten no more because you have rolled it over into a returning financial investment that returns a good and honest income and prosperous and successful recuperation of returning and remaining string viable real property assets or shares.

This production of ideas is designed for longevity and the short term impulse buy is expediently replaceable. Therefore the facts remain that the certainty of security is a rock solid investment and is well then consolidated by infrastructure set up to glorify the body of the social life’s circle to revolve around the concept and forge ahead on a trajectory that is heading in a purposeful and meaningful direction in order to supply and meet the ongoing and ever pressing needs of a stable and consolidated gaining in financial return.

Accountability and Unaccountability

It is fair to say our work or deeds have to be paid right and that we must be accountable with our money and our time. For being unaccountable is a gross malpractice ad misfortune of post productivity and unproductiveness. So therefore there is some kind of relationship between accountability and productiveness and the capacity to generate an income and there sustainable expenditure is governed by an accurate presentation of written accounts and their purpose and reason for being in a true reflection of the activity of the daily business and it's transactions. Being and having, accountability is not responsible and logically necessitated in business life and the transparency and traceability of work done is reflected and perfected in the success and turnover of the sales and profits in the bottom line.

If we have unaccountability things tend to go their own way and people don’t care where or why they happen. There is no logical direction to the means to satisfy the end and the entity is more likely to go to liquidity. Accountability and un accountability naturally are drawn to a balance between the affluent of society and the people who live in the street to a gradient between the two extremes of those who are somewhat or semi accountable and this forms the average person with house and family with mortgage putting kids through school.

Of course the scale fluctuates and rises and falls over a period of time but the essential aim is to rise in accountability from unaccountability gradually increasing assets and limiting liabilities of the betterment of your company or individually circumstances in the long term goal of sustainability and achieving some king of fulfillment and enjoyment as you take and finish the ride. Being accountable is susceptible to obstacles by clarity of explanation details the clearer and broader picture of advancement.


Every year a New Year’s Eve if you like me make a New Year’s Resolution. I have even given up making them these days because they don’t really work or when they do work you don’t acknowledge then and be thankful. But having clear resolution and seeing and making clear resolutions is of the utmost importance in our lives. For it is these truths that we should often live by and don’t and have to come back we should often live by and don’t and have to come back later only to be resolute and then make a resolution to resolve the facts and difficulties. So as it is and as it stands we have a resolution.

A resolution to improve and change for the better and to be determined to accomplish our goals. It is a long hard road and we have to carry the heavy load far too long and go along for too far. But the reward for the journey is sweet and the process maybe savage and if not impossible, at least very difficult indeed. But is there to lift the burden and God cares which way we have gone and which way we should go. so we get to this critical point where our resolution can be like a colour photo or the quality of a piece of paper written or typed upon that is perfectly beautiful and glorious to see touch and to just look at and read which like our lives this piece of paper can easily e blown about the wind but when it is bound into a book it too can be like how we have to bind our lives to stay sharp and on a course for the future direction of the journey of the rest of our lives and as we accumulate more and more of the books of perfect resolution we learn to write and tell our own stories of our lives and depict clearly the story of our life in the clearest for of living in the resolution of the story of our lives.

Like this ink or electronic print is clear resolution so too does alcohol; tobacco and sexual sins become resolute in print if we will only take the time out to read and write and put things in clear perception of God’s resolution and perfection.

Lead, Organise, Communicate and Control

The first step in being a good manager is to be capable of leading the company for the right organization of this structure. This requires a lot of understanding by reading, of how it has worked and failed in the past and how we did it right to get the best results achieved for the process of supplying leadership that works. When you're reading on relevant points of interest or fundamental procedures and the exact way to get it and do it right, you need to continually organise and re-organise so that you can supply the most effective and up to date leadership. If this reading is only for the studying of the theoretical knowledge for the procedure of the physical work then it is congruent with the organization and supply of man power and the implementation and application for the control of the procedure.

This understanding in itself is a communication of the process that actually works its way down the lines and the line of progression for line management. So the process of the tip of the hierarchy start with. First do the reading in order to supply the leading of the leadership to lead the organization. Secondly, verbalise the communication and follow up the instigation of the whole conceived idea of the process so that you can effectively and efficiently control the process and the line managements of the organizational hierarchy.

This logical and obvious chain of direction is an oral observation in the follow up and leadership of the management responsibility and supplies the action made in accountability for the restructure and change to occur in order to move forward and advance so that the product does not become dormant and stagnant by the continually looking for new and relevant ideas provided the innovative edge and the new and continual updating of product technology and the requirements for the procedure to continually occur. That which is to lead, organise, communicate and control. For the formulation and the success of the company all the way down for the right business organization.

Management and Manufacturing

It is hard enough to live these days with the economic environment and culture where disease and famine and corporate urbanization demand wealth and affluence where greed and pride is rife, where guns are manufactured for both protection of the self and the self property. Where manufacturing is such hard work to supply goods are services in the form of physical things like, appliances and furniture, clothes, cars and require to make the family happy and satisfied.

Shops stay open and staff work long hard hours that drive them to drink and sexual gratification. When the real purpose of the community and family in the social environment is one of sport and beach recreation, picnics, BBQ’s and cinema and television entertainment and computers for enhanced and advanced productivity advancement. Can’t we all work in harmony with everyone able to earn an average wage that will satisfy their needs. Or are people working too hard for too much and dying early when others are in self denial with fitness and diet as a priority for a longer time. Being an idealist is unrealistic to expect to a set of societal rules to make us all the same.

But it is unfair if we are all not able to pay the price for what we really want out of life. It is the excessive differences that I am complaining about when a child gets cancer or when someone very rich lives a long time as well. So with all the extremely hard work of everyone in the manufacturing industry and the management of the sale processes by retail outlets, why do we need guns and why do people feel the need to kill for more things or money when life is so precious and everything we try and achieve is spoilt by such a high cost.

Permanent Management

Everything needs management just like management needs everyone to participate and acknowledge intelligence for power, people and procedure. On an earth where infinity is categorized as a quantity of rock and rubble where no stone is unturned and it takes an eternity to accomplish we must remember and respect permanent management as a satisfying actualization of self help that leads to greater health and happiness with the means to supply time and money to accomplish the tasks and jobs set by the common goals and objectives we plan for an and have to just do to get it all done.

This self honoring rigid design of orientation is governed by the direction set and supplied to initiate and progressively advance from the middle age history and early years of recording to a more positive and beautiful mind, the brightest thinkers and the most thoughtful thing that fascinate, tempt and caress the pallet of the treasure chest and the technical means to supply the goods for prosperity and successful living that make people satisfied and gratuitous for their life on earth and the steady influx and replenishment of human beings.

Permanent management is needed and required to control the problems and fix the trouble that wrong ideas create and hence forth alleviate death and destruction or afflictions that would seek to destroy our daily living standards and survival though underhanded means and ways in order to produce and correct to dig our path. This permanent management by many individual leaders saves and keeps safe the offended and violated of basic human rights and requirements. This then in order is an organized ability.