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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

People Matter

Love Me or Leave Me

In life we all stand for certain things and it is hard to change me and it can be hard for you to accept me so in most cases it is a matter of love me or leave me. If I am a book sitting on the shelf in a bookshop you can choose freely to buy me or not don’t break out in a sweat or worry yourself whether you should r not but just take a moment to decide and make your choice. I use to say, I only come in one shape and colour and size and so if you don’t like me the way I am, I hope you continue on your own merry little way doing what you want to do and what pleases you. But don’t be antagonistic towards me because of the way I am.

There is a lot of break downs in marriages and the divorce courts are full of people who said love me or leave me, who did not work hard enough at it to make a go of it. Who tried and failed and accepted they were not good enough to go on and continue in the way they were living. Though wicked way and desires, cheating for one reason in one way or another have offended their partners and have not lived up to their expectations and desires for marriage. Whether they were just fool hardy’s self indulgent or too easy going or not committed to a lifetime of marriage as a hard enough objective. These pitfalls and shortcomings are not acceptable in the ideal and perfect design in the relationship of marriage.

I speak from observations and my own mistakes but I have never married for that reason that it has to work or it is not worth doing or entering into and that difficulty is an abhorrent repulsive negativity in itself. But my standards and requirements are mine and while they might not suit you and in most cases don’t but I continue on in my personal Endeavour and challenge for the ideal partnership and lifestyle while most people’s eyes I fail miserably and in my eyes most of the do too. But there is that hope of that happy family as an end goal and I realize that it is hard to work out but worth aiming for to achieve.

Beautiful Human Beings

We are all beautiful human beings smeared but the devil that we are all evil and sinners and spoilt rotten by God with all the goodness and glorious riches of his kingdom of heaven. Each one of us in intrinsic in value and worth more that all the treasures of earth. We are all extremely highly intelligent and we all have our own personal individualistic characteristics that give us our own personal identity with idiosyncrasies that portray us as simplistic and highly complex in perplexion. These attributes and desires are all given freely to each and every one of us if we will only tap into the depths of our souls and explain and explore the raw reasons and intelligent answers that lie within us and stand up and count for all the good in life and accept and assume the attainment of all there marvelous things and desires.

Yes we are all beautiful human beings and all we have to do is accept and hang onto the belief that we are. There is no use in going on a self destructive course except that the suffering will punish us enough to admit that we really are beautiful human beings and change and chart our course to plot a new plan to live in all the grace and love of God and look forward to all the best things of life through faith in our eternal master Jesus Christ.

Why should we deny all the good things God has for us and why should we doubt that he can do it why should we sell ourselves short for less than we can be when we only have to stand up and be counted and actually take God for his word that we can be great in his eyes if we can humble and bow before his ways and try our best to live for him and his ways. We are all beautiful human beings in Gods eyes and we have no right to betray his trust or live a lie instead of the truth but in acknowledgement and worship live the life of righteousness and fundamentally understand that his leadership is for us to be just all we can as beautiful human beings.

Love and Hatred

The whole idea of making money seems to be all the time out of love and hatred and sometimes it is only a matter of a decision between heaven and hell. When we have to live our lives as a matter of survival or to diligently work consistently to provide regular payment of bills and put food on the table and cloth and educate our children as well as paying off the mortgage and putting a little aside for a holiday.

It is just a matter of keeping enabling ourselves to live another day and to find meaning and reason for existence. The problem with the balance of things is the negativity and the positivity which come in the form of love and hatred and provide a right or wrong attitude to reflect on how we live our lives. The problem with hatred is that it fills us with anger and makes us do the things we don’t want to do which has a wrong implication and effect on other people as well as our self. The problem with love is that it is a beautiful feeling and has very little productive reasoning and provides little motivation and willingness for the determination of work.

This is a wonderful knowledge but it has little beneficial encouragement for getting rich and wanting to achieve and possess all those things we dream of and have to believe we can achieve with it or without the work. This idea is one of laziness and while that is a loving easy feeling it provokes and provides for the hatred of the other person who is working their heart out to have everything they want. So really in the end it is the balance of the perspective of the equation that each gets what he wants and sets his heart on. For in the end we must all pay the price of being happy and that is usually at someone else’s expense and unless we can learn to help otherwise are not all going to benefit from and achieve our own goals, desires and ambitions as well as create the new reality for living.

Please and Thank you

Courtesy is catching in a world of take whatever you can get and have whatever you want it is still important to say please and thank you. While everyone grabs at whatever they can get their hands on, manners are still important. Take for example asking someone for something instead of just demanding it. Doesn’t it feel better to be on the receiving end of someone who asks. Or in the case of someone who says please when they request something doesn’t the person wanting give a better impression and feeling to the person with the something to give.

Please and thank you are not old fashioned or out of date but are still a common courtesy on the part of the person in need requesting off the person or someone that has what they want. The mutual feelings in the question and answer. Situation is bequest or request to supply or fill a particular need and the pleasantness that comes across is a much more inspiring and obliging sense of reasonable suggestion in the ability to fulfill the need.

For the most party of the worked these days rudeness and the taking of things for granted is a selfish Endeavour and the amicability and affability of friendly love and neighbourly help is overlooked. But we must not ignore these groundings we have been given by our ancestors. The forefathers who made these lands what they are today paid the price in sweat and tears and now we owe it to them to uphold the values that they installed into us and maintain the dignity and honor that words like please and thank you give worth to today.

The Person Gets Priority

When you sit back and listen to the sound of the birds and the breeze when the bees are buzzing around the flowers and dogs are barking up the wrong tree and someone says something and draws you're attention away from you're dreaming it is not an interruption or distraction but something that needs you to turn you're concentration to what is being said and so you then individually listen in order to reply and answer. This is giving the other person the priority and means that there is more important things in life than your own contentment with the surroundings that are making you happy and challenge you to know something more interesting and rewarding or purposeful.

Still you must indiscriminately respect people but you must be aware of your circumstances and environment and the situation in which you live in order to ascertain and deal with the problems that arise out of giving time to other people and the cost of the surroundings and the money with which you deal and interact with, in respect to how much you feel comfortable with and how much you want to increase you're living standards.

The person who gets priority is usually in your near vicinity but there is a hell of a lot of other things going on in the world who seem to get their own way more than you do. But take heart and head to your immediate environment and don’t let yourself go under to things out of your control or situational circumstance in your local area and try and be aware of things going on around the world that you can do something about by voicing an opinion or a little financial support from the heart for the life of someone else.

The Customer is Always Right

The thing is when you go shopping the customer must have the money to pay the staff at the stores terminal. to complete the transaction and take home the goods after they have paid the operator. If the price is wrong or the cost of the thing is not right or there is something about the goods that is damaged in some way then there is a problem. Now you must remember that the customer is always right because without the customer you can’t sell anything to anyone anyway. If the customer is wrong resort to point one that the customer is always right. So when the customer has the problem and is not happy or satisfied you must satisfy the customer.

Customers are very hard to come by and once you have won one you want to win them for the life of the store so that they come back whenever they want something for any reason fashion or season. So for whatever reason the customer is unsatisfied you must make things right for them even if it costs you a bit of money because in the long run they will continue to come back if you continue to look after them. Sometimes the customer is a complete trouble maker and idiot and even when you satisfy them they are still not happy and then you have to just let them go or direct them the way they need to be directed so that after they have left the store they will get over their dissatisfaction and return to you at a later time for a different reason or thing. This instance that the customer is always right is you're guarantee that the customer and over a long period of time the customers will always come back.

Some of them have their own idiosyncrasies but they are still the customer and the customer must always be treated with respect, courtesy, politeness and manners and they will remain loyal to your company as long as you're integrity and honesty is maintained they will maintain there. Remember to always let them leave with a smile and always give them a smile when you see them for a smile costs nothing but leaves a long and lasting relationship in the mind of the customer.

I Know What I Know All The Time

I know what I know all the time because I have read what I wanted and wanted to know what I would like to know. I like to read and this I know and I know I want and like to read because it help me find the truth. This is what I want to know and the truth I know I know all the time because this helps lead me to more truth. Therefore the truth is what I want to know all the time because the truth will make me happy and whether things are free or money this is the truth I have to know and tell to know all the time to tell the truth. I know I know all the time but I don’t always know all the truth and all the truth I know and the time I have for the truth I don’t know are both time for the truth and the truth I need to know and have time for this I need to perceive by searching so that I can live with no more truth.

If I don’t have time for the truth I deceive myself and need to perceive the truth that I need to have time for. But to have time is to know the truth and this perfection perspective is in a plain where the truth is help and best to know for a right relationship and understanding of our self and the picture of ourselves in God’s eyes of how he sees the truth which is best for us through his eyes. So if I know what I know all the time is this the best understanding of the truth or do I have to know things differently to change my point of view on the truth.

One thing I do know is that the truth is the one things which must always be true and to try and test the truth gives proof as to whether the troth is true. So if this is what I know I know all the time I am continually testing the truth and this truth is whether the truth is true and this test is what I know I know all the time for a reason for more truth.

The Knowledge of What’s Unaware

The day is relative to the night just as much as the knowledge of the day is unaware of the night. As the world turns and the night turns into day all around the world as it travels on its journey as a thing called earth. The sun is hidden by the earth itself and that stops the light from shining on it and gives us the relationship and the distinguished between the night and day. The knowledge of what you know during the day and in the memory of a lifetime on a daily progressive basis is fascinating to sit and study as the world progress and evolves into another say meeting more people and discussing more things in the relativity of the relationship between day and night, people and things, places and activities that are in the mind of your knowledge but are unaware until they are openly highlighted and communicated in conversation and identified as differences in activities and events of organizational creativity in a relationship to what is of God and what is of man and what reproduces through the woman for the family children and the relationships of relatives in relativity.

The knowledge is what you are aware of and so what you are not aware of is the knowledge of someone else. So to speak the thoughts on your mind you let someone else in on your knowledge and this understanding or leadership is the attainment and possession of someone else’s knowledge.

This then becomes and awareness of the connection and ability to exchange ideas and explain what you understand by the other persons point of view. And objective. They may be unaware of things to as is naturally required. For being aware is an understanding of the present physical reality. Where is unawareness is the knowledge of what you don’t know becoming enlightened to the new awareness of what the new knowledge is called reality.

Recall Yourself

You remember me and I remember you but the trouble with remember me is that I have to recall me at all times or at least as often as I can so therefore you can recall yourself too. It is as simple as that and at the end f the day I am recalling myself just like you recall yourself as do I ask me. No if you recall yourself and you don’t recall me you are doing yourself a favor because if you recall me, I recall myself. If I recall myself and you recall yourself too we are agreed.

Agree or disagree but recalling yourself is important to you and it is important to me. I recall myself naturally and it comes naturally to me to recall myself but if however I don’t recall myself you need to recall yourself and you have to recall yourself to recall me. Recalling me and recalling yourself is like myself as ourselves and you yourself f you are like me you are like myself. It is goof to be yourself and it is goof to be me. But If I want to be myself as I simply must be. I have to recall myself so that I know myself as me. Therefore recalling yourself is not necessarily a name change but a recognition of your identity as who you are yourself and whether you're yourself are or is like myself then we are agreed on ourselves. I don’t want to have to distinguish between yourself and myself but to recall myself you must simply recall yourself and be a lot like me remembering myself.

Because however if you are for yourself it is a good things to be like myself and If I am like myself it is good to be like me. Because I enjoy being myself and I must be me. If you however recall yourself you are like you and you must be a lot like yourself. Being yourself and recalling yourself is a lot like me myself. Because when you forget yourself I am here to remind you so that you can recall yourself and remember who you are and be like me, remembering myself and not being greedy for yourself is remembering myself for yourself so that you are a lot like me remembering being myself and happy to recall yourself.

Remember to Remember

Remembering it’s an important thing to do. It is a matter of recalling from your memory the things you need to remember at the right point in time, for the right reasons and for the right amount of money. Just sheer talk or reading and writing is no account for not remembering. Remembering is relating the capacity with what you know for when you need it. The ability to remember a lot of things comes with a lot of time reading and is a gift of financial recollection. If and when remembering is free there is usually an associated pain or thing hurting that you have better listen to or else you might find yourself ending up in hospital.

Police need to remember that they are on call 24hrs a day even though most work on a resort and have to concentrate on the emergency or matter at hand at the time. These days you have to remember smoke detectors as a part of law as firemen are on 24hr call as well as ambulances. Remembering television shows or computer work is a personal thing or matter and it's doesn’t matter what kind of car you drive you still have to remember another car because you have got to see where you are going and you will probably need one in five or ten years anyway. Remembering names, faces, sounds and places or smells, pictures or scenery is another point you need in remembering to remember, remembering that you can remember everything and everything costs money but remember only what need to spend it on yourself.

Because you need to remember that life takes time and if freedom has a price the cost is astronomical and the thing you need to remember in life the most is who you are and what makes you tick, because death is too hard to remember alive and it's right.

Managing Memories

I like to think and believe that I have a photographic memory but the reality is that pictures that we take like what we see on television need to be usually recorded in the memory and this is a changing and shifting reoccurring phenomena that more commonly used in digital equipment and computers these days. Things such as camera and photo cards are wonderful way of recollecting and remembering memories of images to do with people and landscapes structures.

Birds, flowers, and animals in fact anything we can visually conceive can be stored or electronic equipment. We also need to remember what we read and write and eat and drink on different time periods and continuous events that appear in daily circumstances and last a lifetime but gradually after weeks, months or years become less strong and clear but if we try hard enough we can hang onto many of them until we die. We also remember where we have been and haven’t been, where we have travelled to and where we haven’t and unless these are recorded or documented and transcribed we slowly lose these into the wilderness and oblivion as other pressing things cross our paths and distract us and draw out attention to something else.

But is it these time frames and inevitably the things that we own that we remember best because we associate things we have done and bought to own with where we bought them, how much we paid, when we bought them in the approximate year unless you can supply a date for each thing you pay for and keep an accurate record and account of everything you own. Managing memories is like the old saying a picture is worth a thousand words and whether books and looks or the weather itself is what you want to remember you learn to pay for what you want and in reading and writing I feel I have achieved a considerable amount of worthwhile memories which have to be managed and cherished.