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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Interdees


The introduction of united denominations and the foresight that was initially intended to benefit and unite all Christian and believing churches to the commitment of unification and combined identity is at a cross roads in it's standpoint to connect and unify in one central body of governing and controlling of major identity and focal point being the heart and soul of the spirit of the lord Jesus Christ and his ability to fulfil and provide personification of his own body as the head of the biblically intended revolution of the spreading and sharing of the gospel to enlighten and understanding its oncoming generations to fulfil and provide continuing service within the church. This generous outpouring of the spirit is Christ's way of saying thank you to all his believers an reasserting and reinstituting his place as head and authority over the church of his original intention. The co-allegence and the dissention or distraction of the belief in a resurrected and risen lord is not condemned in the reign of the spirit about instead consolidated and reinforced in the reappearing and reselection of his leading ideas of conformity and commitment to the original cause of pre-selection to and for the heavenly realms. This magnification of his spirit is to induce catholicism and prodestatism to unity and combine in the original context and continuity of biblical doctrine and sound mind of existence since the creation of the world and the revelations of the present that currently and continually set themselves before us as examples of the ways to live our lives an follow his perfect leadership and direction that so far led us to prosperity and successfulness in the government and divine understating of his word and objectivity to increase and observe the necessary cautions of discipline and discipleship that raise their point of view to the understating of the leadership of the church and it's future direction and endeavour to provide and equip leaders of today for the future of it's own governing body and guidance thereby of the continue and function in the same way that it has and was intended to be since the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ himself this and yet still new tradition of fundamental manifestation of the state of Christ's considered subjective and all the more purposely intended to understand commit and relate to the given situation and circumstance of the needs of the believers and the needs and necessary requirements to manage and maintain the faith that has for so long been the backbone of the tradition and hierarchy of the church in the interdenominational relationship with it's believers as a collective people and body of Christ united together to interrelate and combine in thought for the future intentions and advancement of the church and it's necessary requirements for continuing and evolving as initially and originally intended as the one body of Christ and the lord of the church itself. In the kingdom of religious activity and the Christian perception of unification where church meets state and the configurations of denominations both monumental and fiscal divinity, one strives for the reigning of the clarity and the trinity in the personification of heaven. It is not a legal position which needs dictates jurisdiction over people but rather the continuation of providing satisfaction to introspective opinion that coincides with need for co-operation and the smooth running that breeds harmony and loyalty into the mainstream manifest of linking relationships between the political and religious institutions. In the purpose of direction and the selection of criteria for the inter-organisability of dominion.


The interdominionalizionability is the concentration of the interlinking and superioribility of the steering and direction towards the kingdom and the gratification it offers in a world where roses line the way of love. This road and pathway that we tread need not be around a boardroom or ballroom or a meeting place that escapes the mind and possesses the soul. Within the heart of the very situation which the brain has control of their is a silver cloud just waiting to be mellowed and accentuated on rightly punctualised to the fascination point but the integration and procedure of what would be a global or continual idea into the humble country life of state and city where by the lords reign metaphysically onomatopoeia and while this existential philosophic branch of studying is only the well drawn and confined conclusion to the drawing to an end of both ends of the world and establishing and enabling the understanding of the oblation and spiritual awakening of the sleeping rest and the tears of a million endless joys.


In the high tech age of electronic data processing and the digitisation of printed material that sets the leading edge for competitiveness in the world of advanced technology then the main consideration is the speed of processability and the constraints of time and money that hinder resources and multiply the effects and needs for greater efficiency in the binary mind of innovation and the requirements and demands that infiltrate the need to faster more stream line type quality progress. Interdigitzationalability is the configuration and strategic structure of specialised intercommunicative transfer of figures and information that enable and supply the output and increase of demand to meet and satisfy the maximum input for transmitted electronic numbers and what constitutes their very necessity for the construction and compliance of internetwork and the satisfaction of meeting and guiding deadlines to maintenance of results and the necessary force and drive it takes to transmit and infiltrate the fallacy of outdates experiments within the constraints of time limits and the advancement of technology so far we can only justify obsolete equipment if we have the capacity and the magnitude to graduate the quality and harness the power that magnifies the minutest difference in components and manage the difference that it makes in redirecting and redistributing data flow through the organisational sector of the business world and company or the personal requirements of the needs that allow and satisfy the need for interconnectedness and advancement from the digital equipment we have to the operator and user who require it.


Community based living and lifestyle is a philosophy of the past and the future is only considered differently in regard to the aspects of relationship with the current socialisation and what will develop to become the expectancy and change due. We can understand the interdifferentialisationalability of reorganisation and the leadership required. It is not and individual expectancy to require a difference but a gradual change and relationship that evolved over the many years of study and reading which slows ut to progress and prove that the certainty of the fundamentally right is still as grey as ever. Fortunately we are able to tell which way the weather blows and whether it is best to differentiate the difference or even try and calculate or asses what conceivable change will occur if we can cost analyse everything and in the end retain the difference to prove or modernise the convensial wisdom of the day or allow for the constant repercussion of interdifferentializationalability to come into the world of methodical progress and hinder the simple life of discrimination and what it affects the culture f people and their immediate necessities and requirements. It is not fair to say that all people are the same and the fact that there is so very many different types of people is enough allowance to conceive things as readily accepted or perceived. Whilst this is only a truth to a certain degree the rationalisation of the whole concept is flawed if we fail to understand the differences not only in the nature of human balance but in the more and most situations as a differentialization of opinion and conception to the thoroughness of the degree. This can well and good be pre-considered but the end result is as effective as efficient if we nurture our own understanding of the difference and try not to own our own judgement but in turn pass on the wisdom to those who deserve or require the years of experience and hence forth deliver an allowance which in no way can be more prioritised than the priority of life itself.


Interdeivided, interdivising and interdivisional from the interdised. In the world of corporate organisations and structure of companies and their need for business interdivisionlizationability is the ability to restructure and compartmentalise divisions and remain accountable to the rest of the organisation and it's structure along with the redistribution and allocation of staff and funds to fit in with the structure and hence forth from new departments and run and maintain their efficiency through the process of the organisationalability and the individuality of their need and requirement. If we intend to maximise effectiveness and hence for continues in a forward direction productively this need for change is most and more essential all the time until the need is filled and the requirement satisfied or until we repear the whole process and do it all again. Once structure are set in place and maintained we continue to do with the maintenance and the management to readjust and still continue to maintain the process until the need for further or greater change remembering that stability is more important that change and change is only required when all else fails or if things are stagnating or go stale then change becomes refreshing and satisfying as long as the mainstream infrastructure can be maintained and stabilised from the external to manage and link with the internal and consequently reproduce and further maximise expansion or direction to capacity and allow for all contingencies to be satisfied and answered by maintained the constant check with change and the constant checking of needs for the conditions required and the maximum re-productivity atained by the changes and advancement of time and change within all the divisions of the company business and organisation.


When you start off with a relationship with yourself in the sciences of behaviour and fundamentlization of resources within the education system and the arts facilities and strands you end up with a disciplinarianship that qualifies you to educate and teach other people to be successful. This may or may not mean being a star but it certainly gives you a thorough knowledge and understanding about what life is all about and how to achieve and behave simply by believing in yourself and daring to be what you possibly might be and or might want to be this is not done by changing your character but instead developing your personality to gain a knowledge and thorough understanding of what you are reading and trying to learn out of gaining wisdom., the fact that there are many disciplines and subjects leads the dream to discover the unification of being able to try and combine different strands with the branches and facilities of university education. Needless to say you don’t have to be genius to learn to discipline yourself but instead take up the positive idea that reading and learning is a positive thing and hence forth continually discern and try to understand all the other positive things in life so that in the end through diligence and perserverance you can gain a knowledge and idea of success through the self esteem you build up and the more and further qualifications you attain in order to work and operate in the business world and society which provides and offers you the very means and lifestyle yo are desireing and indeed through all your efforts are capable and able to apply to and maintain in iorder to maintain a family. This might mean some sacrifice of time but with enough organisation of yourself will be able to sustain and maintain the aimed for result.


Interdiversificationalization is about cross cultural sense and resposibility to one another in a community of differentiation and different directions of lifestyle. Our culture is very borad indeed and interdiversity demands a reason of explanation to how life changed and formed in social conditions over the centuries of time and down through the ages of people evolvement. Culture in its many forms is very diverse and discerning in discifering different types of people groups is a full tiime job for Governments, social organisations and also meeting groups and sporting clubs. No matter where you live or house, you need some kind of formal identification and explanation of your own existance and behavioural patterns to live and survive in a social network of freinds and business working performance operations. Interdiversificationalization is the formalization of this to organised and social structured groups in social networking and behavioural types of groups, Like countries that have they're own origens from which people come and stem, through interaction and crosscultural exchange and developement for community growth and population application. There is a very immense and broad interaction of people to exchange values and ideas in world developement. From each and all continents, people come and go and move to other places of living to dwell, hibernate or just diversify into different regional communities of different people groups. This interdiversificationalizationability is the product of community manifestation and community growth into many a wide and diverse areas of population of people groups, as well as their working jobs and investment of time and creative design within the community in which they live. Consider yourself one of us is the famous Oliver Twist clieche where each and everyone of us expects a certain amount of formal acceptance and formalization into the diversification of individual behaviour and meeting group activity as a collective people on an individual scale. To coin a phrase, social networking is the modernization and mechanisation of socitey into itegrated and formalized social meeting groups. Fully automated this is a valuable tool for diverity intergration and comes about and is caused by this social netowrking on interdiversificationalizationalability.