King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister



The Governemnt needs and requires a form of revenue, this is done through taxing goods and services at the point of sale in peoples purchasing transactions. This expenditure by the people is harness by the Government in the form of taxes for redistribution of funds across the country, putting in to improve infrastructure and maintain health and hospitals, education institutions as well as building and making roads and maintaining them. Military defence expenditure all come s from the percetage taken by Governemnt s in our income, expenditure and also assett and capital gains, however embarrassing this is to have to part with your hard earned cash for Government expenditure, still it remains an important way for the economic cycle of Governning to take place and perform their duties rationally, financially and economically. Revenue raised is available for use and distribution around the states and country at the treasure and prime ministers wishes upon request from each departmental ministers request and logical application for acceptance and approval by the heirarchy. Decisions are made and based on current accounts of financial status, availability of resources and the ever coming in and turning over of capital from revenue collection in monetarial liquidity. All money belongs to the state/crown anyway and we are just returning some of our wages in the form of equity, that goes into the Government coppers for funds to help us with other things and in other ways. Intertaxationizationalability is a form of national treasure and is available for our disposal and made available for our use in government expenditure, use and aplicability to necessity. It is important that nothing gets wasted and nothing is swept under the carpet in blind embezzelment and crime, our politicians must be acocuntanble to the people of the land and work honestly and righteously in all there business transactions, purchases and disposal of income for infrastructure and developmental progress and advancement of urbanization in community building for the kingdom of God and the best possible investment for the peoples future livelihoods and workable arrangements. It is important to recognise change and addapt to it as it arises, replacing the old with the new and using resources from experience from which to build on and harmonise durisdiction and application of revenue allocation. Some funds may be made available to third world countries for humanitarian reasons, gongruent with good economic thinking and responsible behaviour with the recognition of the right to life in all issues and basing decisions of good ethical nature on these commitments to equality fairness and the priority of need. Intertaxationizationalability is indeed a complex subject to understand and highly detailed work and time that goes into the financial budgeting and distribution of allocations for using equitable resources and payment of transactions for purchases of power to get the job and work done through the willingness of the people.


Interunionizationalability is about the joinging of opposed parties to reconcile and agree to see eye to eye of similarly supported opinions, whereby the two bodies unite or join to form a union of the corporate or government beings to become on body by the unification. The union ofd people whether male or female or mail and female must not necessarily be united in sexual conetations but as agreeing bodies on principals of similar ideas they can share unification in public places and positions or act and co-incide as company unificatiosn in the form of bodilty unions or joint facilitation and acquisition of business entities that form unions. Unions on the industrial side also merge and unite not only in trade and employee support but also in unification of their individual bodies. For example if the metal workers union joined with the shop distributive and allies employees association you could end up with cars in shops which as dealers and showroom customers byy things from shops so could cars go to the shops for purchasing. This is a classic example of interunion izationability and where companies and customers get involved you have the advancement and development for unionised organisation of merger entities. The facilitation of the undertstanind of interunionizationability is the preconceived conception of merger entities. The facilitation of the understanding of interunionizationability is the preconceived conception of merger adaptation that once processed and trasacted meets the reuirements of unification of the union presentation that once finalised the connection bcomes the new organisation and requires new leadership and direction for rerouting. If the required and processed unions meet in the middle typing up all loose ends in the ramification of it's junction then the assumed position in personalified as interunionzationalabilty in the manifested reposition of the new entity. It is this new entity that understands the unity of the previous uniuon position and the former union position to the new union position has to be completely restricted by the position held and maintained buyt he new position of interunionizationalability.


In the process of rationing things and considering the due cost of distributiuon and the material matters of assessing the payment of price for fright, couriers, dispatch and receiving the goods of nature and worth that in life compare to the aspiration of consideration which aquire direction for the used fulfillment of wholesaling, retailing, shipping and supply for the convenience of mankind and the necessary considerations and objectives that satisfy and fulsfill the reuqirements and goals of man's strive for quality of life. This process of interdistributiuonalizationability is the influx of creation and the stock of possessions that add life giving force and power to the advancement of society and what the family now calls community living. Within the guidelines of and for this process comes the organisational structure of systems built into the networking of the mainstream traffic of industry and the ivolving and the reordering inventory systems that require and assist with so much uncooperation in understanding of expertise for the fulfilment and replenishment of products on and off the line that regularly need and require replacement and assessment for the addition and subtraction of goods on the shelf which when all things considered are within the constraints of the continuous flow of all current and product demand in the picking, valuuring and assisting with the many facets and branches of the industry that require the distributiuon and mainstream continuation of refilling and replacing surplus product sales and what they mean by there accomplishment in the conversin of market and the share and actual price of value in the stock being produced and manufactured in the industry of advancement that shomehow in the chain of things ends up on the shelf and eventually through the interdistribution finds it's way into the family home.


Amidst the politics of science and ministerial management comes the answer to the doctrine of fundamentalism. In the due course of time and the ability to change and to function according to the responsibili8ty of behaviour. Interfundamentalizationability is the construction and re-arrangement of thought within the different facilities and disciplines of institutionalism and the ability to reorganise and project the future of thinking and contstituion of thought. So now we look to the rationality and constraints of guidelines that produce the theorization of strands and disctate the conversation of word. Within this communication comes the debate of organisation both in the leadership and subject. So that one can tell the continuitu of the verse and then objectively and rationally argue the condition. We can be glad to accept and not make apologies for the harmoniousness of democracy and this is a complacency of vigorous and unvirtuous information when you consider all the structure of laws and legal aspects which are so often avoided or alleviated by irrationality in people and the things they choose to do. If we wlook at the degree of medicine for example the interrelationship between fundamentalism nd logical progress is sometimes hinder or thwarted by the opposition of a manufacture for example thich may not be producing medicine by competes and complicates the pharmaceutical resources of treatment and practise it requires for the interlinking and re-organisational behaviour which fundamentalism creates and the method in which it is dished out and administrated through the course of aiming for rational objective and the fruit and equipment of resources in which it will produce to continue refabrication the dissolutioned and illuded thought of people who try so hard to win at every thing but are so much more in need of prayer and grace.


Welcome to intereducationizationalability of what is a subject matter very close to my heart, teaching people how to live and not die is the crux and critical essence of this topic. Education is how we learn to live in the world, how to progess in the work force to make a good and honest living. How to learn anew the things of life that we forget, that are ready priorities in our life and major and definite requirements for sustaining life and growth. It is not all as simple as sitting in a classroom, even though that is where most of us begin to start to learn, it is about on the job training and advancement up the heirarchy to positions of power and authority, once you have passed the test of competance and your can give instruction wisely and surely instead of being on the educational receiving side. Teaching is important but not as important to learning, because no matter how much you know, you can never know enough and education gives us a thirst and desire with a hunger to learn more and more all the time. Even a teacher gains wisdom and knowledge from their class by learning about and from diferent students and their ways and means. You can't sit back on your hands and become complacent, the world does not work that way. The world will soon and surely leave you behind if you think you know enough. No! the way to get on is to ever strive to learn and seek more intelligence and wisdom all the time. Looking back on your past as to where you have come from, so as to know where you are heading and in what direction you will take in the future. Education is the main form and way to knowledge, it gives us skills and abilities to use in everyday work situation as and how to handle problems, strife and trouble through practical application and experience of working knowledge. The way ahead is dictated from the way we have come from behind, from past errors and experiences, from mistakes made, being fixed and corrected. Infact there is seemingly endless possibilities in what there is in scope to learning, the universe is still relatively unexplored and so there lies so much before us as to how to unlock the key to the biggest subject of all and that is the mysteries of an ever going and infinite universe. Life was meant to be maintained and sustained and passing wisdom and knowledge down the line to future generations is still important and timeless, as it is ever being required. We must go on and on into the unknown, conquering the questions of space, time and life. Education and learning remains the key to this and nearly every factet of our evolution.


In the rationality and the debate across the table of the cross-section of the science and the policies of politics, the acts and statues are constitutional degrees of federal and the state parliaments within the country and it's Legislation of Law. To understand and associate the different interrelationships and the constitutional difficulties in maintaining and managing the various differences in the financial and departmental structure of all and each of the various ministries comes the conclusion to subject of the suggestion of the Interconstitutionlizationalability. This constituted and concentrated organisation of who needs the money and where it is going is facilitated and the infiltration of differences that hinder and impeded in the form of what is considered emergency condition. Whilst the mainstream and mainstay of funds is budgeted and administered in a routine divergence can be somewhat divulged to limit of the people and what they need to hear as news. This differentiation and discrimination is dispersed through the ranks so that any and all have a chance to integrate the smooth flowing of systems and what it takes in the end to maintain the structures and organisation of information for the reorganisation of infrastructure. This consolidates and improves as the nation advances and coincidentally coincides with e conversion of funds and resources of pay bills and acts through the parliamentary systems. It is not a matter of cheating or copying the wrong information or to have the right to it, but instead the maintenance and management of manufacturing and production that takes and dictates so much of our time and effort in the survival and the submittal of controlling and strengthening the capacity of Government and what it costs to legislate the price of industry and build and develop further to the living of the country.