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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister



Admidst our liabilities and inadequecies, are found the strengths and weaknesses that we need to live and understand life. It is not till we come to a knowledge of our own shortcomings and disabilites that we fully understand and gain respect for the law. The law is our total dependedness on God. Our self determination to succeed leads us into a positon of unstableness and to a place out of our depth and understanding. By finding out our limits and reasonable objectives and requirements, is to where and when we discover our needs and aspirations to do better. It is not until I admit that I am wrong, as it is to when, then I learn to do right. It is not till I read as much as I can of everyone else, that I learn to write something constructive for myself. The facts are plain, blatent and obvious, but unobtrusive to the naked eye and the heart which is so self focused. God helps us see clearly, His picture and vision for us, so that we are not so caught up in our own self centeredness. Relying on the self is very unhelpful, depending on your own resourses, it hinders you and you are always looking at what you can gain out of the situation instead of contribute. If I am greedy and unattentive of others needs, then I am rude and ignorant to myself, according to my conscience. Intereliailitizationalability is turning a full circle from self to being focused on others hopes and needs. Looking inwardly all the time is inadequate and looking out and upward all the time broadens your horizon but shortens your attentiveness. You have to look to God for everything, you have to place you faith and trust in Him. The English language is full of wonderful instruments and words to help us understand each other, so why are we so blind to the facts of reality. Saving time and money is a God send and a blessing, but we take it to the point of extremes and undervalue God's credibilities, we ignore the surpreme beings right of authority and we look to our own self understanding for the rightness and correctness of ourselves all the time, instead of achknowledging Him/Jesus as Lord and God of our lives. The fact is, that I mean I have to be right all the time and that means I am wrong. Is that clear, have you got the total undersatnding of that, it is not about me or you, but God! as I repeat myself and clarify that once again. God is not a liability, you and I are. Interelialilitizationalability is an achknowledgement of our own short comings and failures all right and more to the point, I am wrong nearly all of the time. You have got to admit it to yourself before you can even attempt to understand it. The broad concept of right and wrong is that God knows everything and I know nothing. Starting to become as clear as mud, but if you work hard at least you can see the truth and eat at the end of the day if you work hard enough. I hope you grasp this new understanding of Interliabilitizationalability and that you can come to terms with the fact that being wrong all the time makes you right or should I at least say, makes you write, by the grace of God. That is how God sees it in His own way of understanding. We can't can't both be right, He/God is right all the time and I am wrong. That is why I have to write all the time, or not? Clear as mud? OK! All Right! Understand and comprehendo! OK! Right, yes, no wrong! OK? I'll clean the windows later. OK. Being wrong is not a liability, it is an apptitude of positiveness if you look at it the rightway, smile next time you are wrong. Be reliant on God and rely on Him, not self reliant or reliant on other people, that is interelaibilitizationalability.


Just like the glorious spirit of Jesus comes and goes in His heavenly kingdom, so does the work of availability influence our lives on a daily basis. I am accountable for this and made available when needed and required to do so and also upon request and demand in stringent and dier times. We have to make ourselves available in an emergency situation when a tradegy happens or God calls us into action in the front line of home, work or pleasure. We have to ensure that accidents don't happen if we can and be available to help in times of family and freinds when they are caught up and out and make oursleves available to them to help out anyway that is needed or in any wise, time and fashion to assist. Interavailabilizationalability, is a complex network and structure of using time wisely, manging time wisely and ensure that you have enough time to do the things you need to do for yourself and other people. Time is the most important commodity that you can have and making yourself available to other people helps you ad them to live longer. Kindness, love and friendship are as important as luxurious cars, houses and holidays, sometimes it is hard for us to decide between, but we must make our time count and be available for people when they need and require us to do so. It is a kind of a working social network of friends and family looking out for each other and working together like business associates to form a kind of prefab industrial faith group of colleagues assisting each other by making themsleves available for one another. It is all about collectivity of thought , mind and deed, shaped and arranged in a working order to help, assist and make good use of time. Can you start to see Jesus coming into the picture again now, as we work together, the kingdom of God is built up and restored into working order, just as we help each other in love, time usuage and making oursleves available, the spirit intercedes and comes into the presence of the group and God leads love and kindness into people's hearts. It is all the working for the glorification of God's kingdom, where being available works in turns and rounds to interact and beneift all contributers. It is the gift of God to help someone else and giving of your time by making yourself available for other people, is the bringing in and uniting of God's kingdom. Are you starting to get the picture of Interavailabizationalability now, can you see yourself in the picture, it is a pretty picture after all, all working together to help God and advance His kingdom upon earth. That is what being available is all about, fitting into the picture of God's ki9ngdom on earth. I am available if you are available, come into the kingdom and rejoice.


Looks can be deceptive, but we are all judges by appearances. Interpresentationizationalability is about presentation but it is all also about the way we see others and how they percieve us. We aim to look our best most of the time, or at least we should, but comfort and a desire to be accepted as normal means that we dresss down or undercut oursleves in order to be happy and get on with people. Doing what we are told instead of what we want to do. Sure clothes make a person and so does physical appearance and what your traits are by who you are, also how much time you spend on enhancing your features or working on your looks for better attraction to people. Life is a funny game and most people are out for all that they can get, with little consideration for others and not much time to help other people out, it is a grab, grab, grab world that we live in. If people took the time for people there would be a lot more love in the world instead of how fast I can get rich. Interpresentationizationalability is about appearances but it is also about your conduct and how you portray yourself to others in order to influence them or win them over in some kind of fashion or way. We need to try hard to impress people or need we not, the question is only one that you can answer, how important is status to you in your life. The more money we spend on clothes does not necessarily mean that we are a better person. You could be a big eater and appear to people as a glutton, you could be small and frail in need of aged care and people ignore you. We have to be as health conscious as much as we are appearance and personal presentation conscious, it may be more important for you to walk down the street in a tracksuit to get healthy than it is to ware a business suit to your meetings. The point is up to you, where your priorities lie, in health and well being for longetivity or money and wealth and coronry heart attacks through pressure on the job. This all boils down to how we present ourselves and how people see us by the image that we portray. You get out of this world what you put into it, but you are also seen by your decisions and appearances as to the attitude of your heart and motives from your presentation. Just becasue I wear a $1000 suit does not mean that I am a nice person, it just means I am trying to attract money from spending more money than others would. Nevertheless it is a matter of how we present ourselves on a day to day basis, you may wear your $1000 suit five days a week and take your kids to sport on Saturday and church on Sunday, your presentation does count and personal grooming is important to show you care to other people. I think sometimes I would like to be a hermit on a deserted island and not have to worry about how I present myself to everybody else, people might be a lot happier in self isolation and social distancing. Instead of mingling togther to have a bundle of fun. Health consciousness is one thing, but I mean forever is a long time to be on your own in a world where society leads the way and people pay for other peoples attention. There you have it yet again, interpresentationizationalability, how I see it anyway, how do you see it, are you competing with everyone else to be the best dressed and win the fame game at the end of the day, good luck to you, have a good day. 


Interpersonificationizationalability is about how we adapt to our world as people in a group or a person on your own, we each need to seek out what makes life tick for ourselves and work towards demonstarting out own unique aptitude for things and dealings with other people. A person needs to read, hear, listen and speak. To write what is passionately on their heart to express their own personal desires and asperations. Our attitudes count as well, we can't be a pig headed person and expect other people to like us, we can't be a recluse and be a party animal. Things are retrospective to our own personalities, how we see ourselves and want to be seen by others is how we make, shape and form our own world and where and why we live. We formulate our own set of living conditions by our decisons, attitudes and what we buy for oursleves and how we live. This in circumstantial to our behaviour and conditional to our ideas of individual uniqueness and personality portrayal. It is like associating poeticl terms of a simily or a metaphor, but we take it ot a personal pinpoint of view, If I like trees does not mean that I will start growing branches, but if I owned a bank, perhaps I would. This is personification, we take earthly things of natural descent and origin and try and make them our own need or personal requirement as people. To think like you love nature may draw you in to a national park more often or you just may like to take walks on the wild side of things irradically and without further enough thought. It is these intricies of living that divide us, but can also draw us closer together as people of one source and being. Divided we fall, united we stand, are we all going down with the ship or trying to get off a sinking ship and make a life for ourselves. Well I hope that you have liked some of these works on The Interabilities, I am just about done with this book now and as I finish off this, the last page, I would like to take a moment to wish you all, all the best in life and I hope that you find what it is that you are looking for, individually and collectively. Interpersonificationizationalability is a compliance with those thoughts of integration, congruency and consideration, wishing others well, while we try and do the best we can for oursleves. By being like others or being liked by others we are serving the greater community of peace makers and helping each other to serve and be loveable and kind towards each other as a people of the personified world as well. I hope that you liked and enjoyed it. That is it for this one, The End.