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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Interbeecees


The rivers run into the sea and the mountains rise on the coastal shores, it is a beautiful picture of rich, lush greenery of plant life that sustains all, that intertwines with the mystic blues of sky and ocean waters to form a muliticomplex charade of mingling and shaded colours with the reds of the sunlit skies at dusk and dawn to complement the magnifigence. The interbeautifulizational ability of people and scenery is the combination of a picturesque situation indeed. God gives us the land to work on for the farmers to grow their crops of rice, wheat, corn, barley, oats, and maize. The farmers also graize there animals, stud farms, cattle ranches, sheep stations, and an abundant supply of other agriculture in of fish, game/paultry (duck, chicken etc.) and all the other kinds of delicasies in meats. Imagine a beautiful meal of meat, vegetables and fruit each day set out in daily courses from an abundance. It all depends on hard work, using the land for the right reasons and what it is meant to be used for without waste and neglect. Trucks going to the markets to sell their produce, food processing manufacturers buying the loads of items off merchants, to truck back to their factory plant and make packaged food supplies for each and everyone of us. It is a beautiful creation of suppllies and replenishment of rejuvinating sustanence to make and keep healthy our bodies and minds for more of the same, work, adventure and interaction with each and every other beautiful person. All people are beautiful, and even though beauty is in the mind of the beholder as people think it is, there is still unique differeneces, if you look closely at all the individual people, then you will see the joy of indosyncrisies and differentations that make and shape our world into a beautiful place. We can all contribute something and we can all do something to make the world a better place if we will each individually contribute back to what gives us life in the first place, beauty is a lovely face, it is also a wonderful scene created by God. It is the continual gift of life and the blessing that another day will come and a  sunrise and sunset will give us all a chance to see a new way of a new day, if we will only take the time to look. This  combination of events in the life of the earth in all its glorious colours and people mixing with people is the interbeautifulizationalability of scientific creation as much as it is the birth of a new born baby. We have to be careful though to rid the world of some of its terrors, that a certain bad element invites into our lives, corruption, greed, jealousy and eny, all these negatives are destructive to the peaceful existance of a beautiful world. The earth was designed to sustain life by its natural elements and air, water and vegetation for upon which animals and people live and well should cohabitate peacefully together. Like the picture of the garden of Eden, the world was perfection in its conception, we spoil it if we want too much for ouselves on an individual basis. Just enough for each and everyone and the earth and its longetivity duration with manage to sustain itself. We are the stewards, we must steer the ship in the right direction. With houses that line the cities waterways and office towers that rise to meet god in the sky, this is the beautifulization of mans ability to build and create a world of good and positive advances. The interbeautifuliazatioalabilty of life is good and sweet and to be enjoyed for sure, we must work hard to keep it and preserve it though.  


The sun shines down from heaven like the face of God, it enters the mind into dazzling and sparkling ideas and events of past victories and present trials for future glories and admorations of Christ like appearances into the lives and hearts of many people. It is a brilliant light of brightness and fashions  for reasons that give us hope and identity in life. It is this brilliantly bright sun that comes down into our lives to cheer us up out of the dulldrums of negativity and distainful destrort. it is the interbrilliantlybright izatioalability of coming persistance and residence into our hearts, minds and live. Like the face of God  in heaven that requires no light except the radiance of His character and brilliant persistance to love us unconditionally, whatever the circumstances in situations, that life can put us into as a predicament of sin or turmoil and trouble. It is the light shining in the darkness, it is the opening at the end of the tunnel or the exit of the cave from exploring or digging underground in the mines, It is bright and dazzling that you almost need sunglasses to look at it, it is the mind of Christ and it is the face of God burning like a brandished iron in and of a red and white hot furnace. The brilliantlybrightizationalability is the love of God, it is His compassion and shining of light mercies into the heart of the lonely, destitute and burdened. It is His company in times of need, it is sympathy in times of pain and anguish, it is care in times of  worry and embarrassment of personal affairs. It is the unconditional love of God that makes us human, that he gives to us at the whim of His grace and mercies. It is all the good that God wants us to be, that while we have struggles that weigh us in fearsome dread, it is the navigating by God to lead us out of that terrible and bad situation, into a place of heaven and happiness. We have to know we are loved, we have to experience love first hand and also when we have to travel the road of life alone as well sometimes with only God walking beside us. The interbrilliantlybrightizationalability is the full capacity of God with all His love showing us the way by His guiding light and leading us into the path of righteousness to everlasting life and the eternal victory of the resurection spirit. Being bright is being joyous and being brilliant is being beautiful in many and more ways than one, It is the field commander in charge of his army, it is the captian of the ship, it is the air force major general who requests a fighter bomber squadren to take to flight to protect his home ground and soil from attack. We can't take life for granted nor can we throw money away at our own personal disposal of use and waste. We must be shrewd and conservative, we must be tight and shrivelous with expenditure and take and pay careful attention to detail, as to how we spend our time and money. Being productive is of infinite value and wasting time is frivolous to want and waste. We must enjoy the good times, but know how to handle the bad and difficult circumstances that can drag us down into hell. Interbrilliantlybrightizationalability is staying out of jail and purposefully making things out of creative behaviour and the eternally wondrous wisdom of God's love. It is traveling aorund the world of God's love and seeing the many treasures and places of planet earth in all the adventures of a lifetime. It is loving in times of hate until you find your way out of that horrible situation and it is just being yourself to the best of your own ability to be just that, yourself in times of peace and working need.    


Interconceptualizational ability is about comprehending and understanding what goes together, both hand in hand and congruently or bilaterally and metaphysically. It is how we concect as people and it is power line as along the side of the road that give us electricty as much as it is the telephone wire that gives us communication power or the ability to talk over long distances. Soon to be replaced completely by wifi connections world wide. It is a simple idea of conceiving the inner most possession of a person through mind perception and instructions on thinking as much as it is for animals to mate or humans to reproduce their own species. It is indeed how we understand each other, what thoughts we percieve off each other to comprehend the other persons perspective and position in life, how they interrelate and interact as much as what they do and achieve while on earth through sharing work skills and abilities in building, making things or art and literature. The list goes on and on how we can help each other by interconnectivity through visual and spiritual interconeptualizationalability. Brain waves sent thoughts to each other in verbal talking, ideas crop up in your mind on how something can be more useful. Discussing it and translating it into rational objectives of material persuits is fundamental to modernization and advancement. Making up ones mind to follow better understandings of resources, is also wise and advantageously optimal in creating life achievements. Interconceptualizationalability is also your computer, internet and website appearing on the screen for you to see someone elses picture of what they are doing and thinking. It is your source to information worldwide and it is also you personal portrayal of your own self image as to how you want other people to see you through facebook and nearly all literary websites. You can visit national parks in your living room when ever you want to, you can order off a restaurant menu to be home delivered at a glance and touch of your mouse, you can order a car part for each and every avaiilable thing you can possibly think of or need for your car, infact it is nearly anything at all that you can practically think of or concieve to be delivered to your door in a short period of time. Interconceptualizatioanlability is about conception all right, but it is also about connectivity as the two interrelate to combine, as in any service of money and things for people all around the globe. If you can visualize it and understand it, then you can concieve it and connect with it, as the concept that you thought of, to then organise it, send it or just create it to be yours, or market it for mass consumption world wide. Great and endless are the possibilities of conceptualization and interelating them is fundamental to success and on the broad scope of well being for social standing and correctiveness. Interconceptualizationalabilty is how we all connect as people through what we think, understand and portray as in our knowledge of what we know and speak about, that we can each get an idea off each other by comprehending and understanding. Isn't it a wonderful thing to know and grasp in the truth of enlightenment and wise decision making for daily living in visualizing and concieving other peoples opinions.


Interconnectualizationalability is about having things in context bewtween interelational subjects and objectives. When we things in their right places they interelate and interact to form a formula of connectivity, through the coextualization of harmony and balance. Like the conceptualization show above, we aim to make things complete by connectivity. Through harvesting thought and creating understanding we fashion a path to connect an ditherelate. These combinations of superlatives and metaphores of written text is a form and shape of that. It is even more so in the real world of doing, where explanations are only as particular as the actual work being done. Fortunately we still try to connect through verbal conversation physical communications like telephone and internet we have this facinating capacity to join in mind and thought for reflection on each other, both in work and thought as we assess each others character. This morality of civilized living is a portrayal of an edvancing society and the reflexitive percussions of stimulating discussion, is both audible and adviseable. Simply we must talk to connect, we must write to express ourselves and we must interaact to interelate and perfom common pasks for modernization and advancement. This creation made possible by a developing world of massive amounts of work loads and stimuli of coversation for finacial profits of monetarial gain are subject to companies in working order, which supply and mean, efficient producing and invoicing for shop turnover and customer satisfaction. Interconnectualizationalability is this combined intertwining of financial success only to be bless by better times and the evasion of corrosion of core resources. Teasures are still in the people and it is the people that hold the game together. It is the people who make or brake society while some out work and succceed others while the filthy rich drag down the equilibrium by greed, corruption, ignorance and wasted time and efforts, by cheating not working hard. It is the most vunerable and destitute that are most affected by these misdermeaning deeds. However it is still these people who we need to address on the bottom line, as they are the burdon on society and also the main need of observation as to how some cheat society, while others need help to exist and conform to normality. Just because someone is humble and week does not make them or mean they are incapcitated. Capitalization is based on this trait, the rich must help the poor and balance of life and money must be evened out for physical harmony and civilization. This is interconnectivity at its best, don't give up on it, but all of us must help make it work for all the benefits of each other. Interconnectualizationalability is not about exploiting the poor, nor the reason for financial gain, but the efforts of our work to connect rich and poor for equilibrium and the sustaining of all life for all.


We are resolute to the fact that things just happen, that you don't have to work for them, but that they will just fall into place. Interconditionalization is against this princple, we must work for everything we get and we must assist, persist and adjust to changes and those conditions. Working for everything we get is a giving of achievement a creation and utilaization of resources and also a positive step in the forward movement of the working world, contribution is just as an important condition as the resolution to work for a living, as much as it is to Interconditionalizationability itself. Setting standards, quality checks and a good set of workable conditions to our lives, jobs and associated people around us is good for healthy relationships and productivity as much as it is desireable for boudaries with friends and family. Conditions are a set of standards that we set and allowing for leniences is smart and appropriate as well in harmonising and smoothing out problems that may result for a strict set of guidelines or conditions, You have conditions when you enter a shop, both for the proprietor and the customer, you have restrictions and limits in relationships, marriages and other family and friends, these are a set of conditions that must be allowed for and made accounting to our belonging and association with others. Like having to abide by the road rules or playing sports and games, there is laws, rules guidelines and conditions with all of these. One condition of being healthy is to stay fit, that you should walk a few kms each day just to help digest your food and keep your weight down. Conditions are good if we accept them and embrace them as a positive force, they help us with our work safety regulations for personal and company well being, they help us to accept others on their own terms and also abide by a set of company rules and regulations and for our own safety once again. Infact their is a whole lot of benefits that come into association and relationship with interconditionalizationability. How we connect and adapt to chnage is made allowable by a set of Governing conditions. God gives us a set of conditions to live by, sin and get punished or follow Him and live life forever in peace and harmony. These are good and we need to achknowledge them and accept them for what they are, a set of God given conditions to live by. Good for me, good for you and good for everybody. The smart person accepts that and responds accordingly with right minded decisions and instructions. Interconditionalizationability is good for us all, try it out and make it work for you, utilize it to the best of your ability, respond to it positively and precisely, live and don't die, believe in God's good wisdom and instruction      


We can become content or complacent, but contentment is really a very good thing, not like complacency but they are associated. The challenge is that we are compelled to try a bit harder, do a bit more or even not to do anything at times when we are sitting pretty on a high after all our good work. The struggle is to know when to go back to work and when to take or stop your holiday. LIfe is a holiday to some people, but not to all people, most people want to work hard and achieve something for themsleves out of life. Intercontentmentizationalability is the whole picture of this governing scene of work, rest and play. Work when you can, rest when you have to and I guess that just leaves playing games, as what we do for the rest of the time in our isolation and solitude or with other people and accepting their responses from what we are trying to do for ourselves and for them. Contentment is a beautiful thing, to say that you are at one with the world or in a state of perfect peace, that you can sit back on your hands and not worry about things, just accepting life as it is as long as you are careful not to let the world go by or pass you by as you sit and contemplate life and things. The world is a wonderful place as i have said amny times, there atre bad influences thoughw hich we have to watch out for and gbe careful of, For instance you can't trust walking down a dark street or alley for your persoanl safety all the time, there is that bad element in life of someone on the prowl, who lerks and waits to pounce on innocent bystanders. It is a matter of using common sense though, locking yourself up at nights, don't go out to undesireable places till all hours of the morning. We have all done it and most of us are lucky to be still alive today. Contentment is not about stupidity, but it is about working hard and using common sense to get to that place where you want to be in life. I worked hard, played hard and am lucky to be alive today, a midstream career change saved me from that as long as I can keep this up that is, writing books that is. Intercontentmentizatioalability is about life, acceptance, choices and workload, how much you can attain and achieve and how much rest you need in order to be able to do just that, succeed in life. It is about good time management as much as it is money in the bank, just becuase you have enough money not to worry about things, does not mean that you have got enough money not to worry about life, contentment is the answer to both of those questions though and the answer is in seeking, finding and looking for and to follow a contented way, form and shape of life.  Management should be geared up to, looked upon and organised for a contented lifestyle, a way that you can do things at your own pace, way, rhythm and processing for progress and productivity. All work and no play is very boring and you must get your sleep to function well the next day. Contentment is that idolized position in life when you can say all is well, I can stop racing now, I can sit down and have a cup of tea at 3.00 pm everyday. Intercontentmentizationalability is about affording your desired lifestyle and living out your life to the best of your ability to say all is well at the end. Then for Jesus to say, well done good and faithful servant, enter into your rest at the end of the day and hopefully at the completion of your lifetime.


The love of God is as hard as a rock and in fact he is our guiding star and cornerstone, our sure foundation and rock of ages of all time. Concentrating is a bit like the love of God, we should put our trust in God and let Him do all the work but we work hard on our own endeavours and try and make as much money as we can, This involves a lot of concentration of boring hours upon hours on end to work hard, get it right and make sure what is done is correct. But still we do it for our own health and well beings as much as this is for aquiring income for general living requirements and purchases. Concentrating to think clearly and precisely is hard and tiring, yet in order to beat he misguided minds created by excessive alcohol consuming and brain thinking from drinking to much and not reading enough ink. It is clear one it is put down on paper that we get the right ideas from reading from someone who has written intelligently for us novices and drinkers to read and put their mind on instead of drinking alcohol. Intellectual capactity is brought about by writing more than reading and we only read to put our minds to work, get ideas from other people and generate stimulus for writing. This creative exercise of mind bending activity is called Interconscentrationalisationability. It is for hard headed people who want to use their brains instead of indulging in peaceful exercises of writing creativity. Concetrating hurts if you do it long enough and hard enough, Concentration is an orange juice bottle that has been dehydrated for you to add water to and drink. Concentration is pure alcohol for sterilizing things, found in Chemist shops for doctors when giving a hyperdermic as a wipe and used in cleaning products that are sold in supermarkets for general household use and hygene. Still we want to think long and hard about everything on earth instead of putting our faith and trust in God who reigns in heaven and looks down on the earth and smiles at us all trying to go our own ways and earn a million dollers as often as we can. Manufacturers are processing goods, factories are making things, infact people on production lines work harder than everybiody else and most of them are in the lowest income bracket, but if they are smart and happy, they will live a long time, without the alcohol if they can or otherwise their is mental breakdowns, unemployment and social diseases, like depression, anxiety and stress will come upon them. A glass of clear water beats, clear alcohol anyday, but we add colours to all these kind of alcoholic drinks to make them look attractive with special flavours of obnoxios poisons to entice us to buy them and get anebriated with them, to drown our sorrows and hinder our work performance instead of getting on with the job of making money to support our families and give our kids a good education. Yes concetrating hurts as part of the on the job performance and pills are given to help aleviate some of these stresses, which we also would have been better off without if we had put our faith and trust in Jesus in the first place. God will show you the way, he holds the guiding light and torch, His world is perfect, we are the ones who stuff it up.Let us all get back on track and follow God who jknows the way before us, who holds the keys to heaven and hell and has wisdom abouding for those who want it and want to live a long time. Concentrating on pills is hard to and you try and pick why you are given a script by a doctor instead of having faith in God first. God works through the pills as well and you have to try that out before you can accept the good of pharmasuiticals for yourself. Natural remedies still remain best, but a lot of time and effiort has gone into scientific reseach on medicational drugs for healing the mind, heart and nearly any other part of the body or reason for physical and mental ailment, that you can think of. Otherwise you may have to go under the knife of a skillful surgeon. I will leave it to you to decide how to live your life once again but remember that God is what interconscentrationalizationability is all about, His love is harder and higher and has more abounding worth for us all for all the rest of the time.