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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister



There are many different types of religion, one God and many facets of integration and differences. On the  whole we have to be objective and unique, nondiscriminate and respectful to each type and vary of people's worship towards thier God. The Muslims say there is one God and one God only, Allah. Christains believe that Jesus is one God with the Father and three in one with the Holy Spririt. Just because we all think there is one God and have different beliefs and different ways of worshipping God, God is above all and nondescriminate. God is God and you may well say just let it go at that and be content to worship God however you want to, when you want to and anyway you want to. I am not going to argue with that. Let God be God, what a wonderful idea, we therefore all have the right to worship God however fit we choose to and want to do just that. There would be no arguements as to my way or your way, their would be no discrimination amongst people, God is God and let His soveriegnty rule and reign, however He sees fit to do so. We like to go into the intricies of our own branch of religion, our personal God that is just there to look after me, each and everyone of us think the same, God is there for me and He must serve me first and only. How wrong can you be, you are there to serve God, not the other way around. God will look after you and deal with your own personal situation in God's own good time, have you got the news straight, its not about me and you, it is about God. You can read the Bible all you like and I love to do so, like you I hope you do to, seeing the wisdom of God come to life right before your very eyes, alive and well, plenty of colour to see between the black and white and life beaming down from heaven in all God's goodness. But what are we looking for between the lines, the grey is there and it is not what you can get out of it, but how we can know and worship God in all His fullness. Budda is a peace loving God who offers enlightenment, security and plenty to eat, Hindu's believe in anything that is good, if it is right then you can do it. Confusious offers wisdom to all, but can be quite profound. Christians believe that Christianity is not a religion at all, but a way of life. That Jesus died for the sins of all believers and offers forgiveness for all who accept and they can live life full of the spirit and have eternal life thrown in and live and reign with God in heaven when they die. How good is that, "there is more to life than death" Jim, as the old miner Spurr (played by Kirk Douglas, who played the duel role of Harrison) said in man From Snowy River, "Don't through effort after foolishness", as well as Tom Burlinson saying, "you may as well hold back the tide, than to tame the mountains". God created the heavens and the earth, give God the glory and riches will come with it. There is work to do on earth to help establish the kingdom of God here and wisdom to be found in doing the work of serving God to help create the everlasting peace in the kingdom of heaven. Don't worship wisdom though, find the source of all wisdom which is in God. Intereligionizationalability is not a dirty word, its a bit of the Bahai faith, but one that we can grasp for unity, discernment and all of God's wisdom.


Congregations are multifaceted parts of being, denominations are made up of many churches of congregations to form the untied body of Jesus Christ. Like The Baptists, Anglicans, Prebyterians, Methodists and Uniting, Pentacostals, Lutherens and Congregationalists, these churches are of the prodestent faith, all denominations along with The Roman Catholic Faith are all part of The Christian Religion, way of life or faith. Intercongregationizationalability is the superfluence of the exalting facter of denominationalism, brought into being through the centuries of children of god ascending through the ages to form the united Congregation of The Christian Faith. Many churches, cathedrals and buildings have been errected in tribute and witness to the God of all ages past down the generations through biblical text to identify with Christains of all faiths and ages to the Glory of God The father and our most blessed and holy, The Lord Jesus Christ. At one in the spirit and one with God the three in one of the trinity is the glorious Godhead of all time. This God who we as Christains worship is the trinue God of all ages, indeed It is He, who is worthy of our praise and adoration alone, throughout all history. Congregations have met to worship God in churches and Cathedrals from all around the world, to impart their love and bestow Godly wishes upon all individuals who call Christ their saviour and in He alone, trust and obey His teachings. God has called us to be faithful witnesses to His word, to show honour and respect, dignity and charity to all who need help, redemption from hurts and pains, broken minds and lives, broken hearts and shattered dreams, He is their in our time of need and He is their to love for evermore from now until eternity and into the world to come. He is our source of all love and goodness and He is the risen Lord to lead us home when all our fears and doubts are ended, to live with Him in His home on high beyond the clouds and worries of the world. He is our ever living saviour and He is our God and rock of ages, throughout all eternity and out into space. Won't you join into this congregation of people for God and worship The Lord Jesus, He loves you, you know. Intercongregationizationalability is the ever present and loving God in a congregation of angels waiting to rescue you from your sin, along with all the saints in the kingdom of God to lift you on high and put you back in heaven where you belong. His name is Jesus and He is The Allmighty God eternal, come to Him and he will give you rest and show you the truth of His love and wisdom down through the ages. Come to Him and drink of the well of waters of eternal life and peace everlasting. May the joy of the Lord be yours today.


Interdiscussionizationalability is about contribution between us as leaders and participaters, to join in the talk about ideas on life through group meetings and community involvement. Of course you can take this into account and use ithe idea in any different places, churchs , clubs and sports organistations, political parties, general council meetings and businesses of all different types and heirarchical structures. The is idea is to join in the discussion to create feedback and stimulus for greater meaning and involvement in getting the work done. You can either talk among yourselves or be lead as a team by a group leader. However the course of action takes place, there is need for feedback and verbal contribution by all. In fact you need to be responsive and injecting in your mind and right time of response your requests, adding your own point of view as well as listening and understanding what everybody else has to say. You need to facilitate the group leaders position of the pivitally generated discussion, appreciate the understanding of the concept and idea, comprehending all particulars that are both relevant and pertanent to you and your group. These are not necessarily lengthy discussions or they may be, otherwsie, short, sharp and to the point of exercise or relevance. There is also a need for enhancement of details and dialogue of discussion with a stenographer taking notes or dictation through recordings from memories of the relevant data for associated criteria. This is why we meet and how we learn from each other, it is no good bottling up treasured memories that cannot be shared or talked about. In other words the point of the discussion is to understand each other and fit in and see the picture and perspective of the other peoples understanding and the leadership of the meeting's leader in their protrayal of all points of relevance and pertanence to the group discussion meeting. Take on board for yourself how things are done, note the ways of business meetings, follow political parties digression of facts, listen to the preacher, preach the sermon, to take on board the facts of life for your self at the end of the lesson. Watch and take notes for yourself with anticipation and awareness by being alert and what is contributing to your own circumstances. Interdiscussionizationalability is now created and you can also take this on board of leave it, but take note that the detail of the discussion is a reflection of what we are all trying to say, hear and understand in our real life events. Sports groups can take all these points and add to them for relevant meanings and discussion for the pertanence of your own particular sport. Thankyou God for literary discussion. 


Intergrationofgodlinessizationalability is the concept with looked at in the last three pages with the concentrated fact of putting God at the head and first in the position of authority. On order to progress forward we have to look to God, which is not going backward for us, but giving God the respect He needs for his infinite wisdom to retrieve from the past or to thrust us into the future if we trust in Him. God grant us the wsidom to know the difference between right and wrong as we gracefully pleed for Him to lead us into a better position of understanding. Help us to see clearly the vision of His wisdom as we try and comprehend the meaning for the relevance of our daily lives, allo him the leadership to achknowledge us as His faithful subjects and that we can be instrumentive in His plan and not the central objective of our own goals. Help us see clearly and focus on the relevant and pertanment ideas of his goodness and love, teachings to be more faithful and respectful as we try and understand His purpose for us and our position in His glorious kingdom. Create in us new hearts of understanding that rely and depend on Him and not our own resources, that we might see the beauty and the wisdom of the years and not our own selfish ambitions, but deny the greed of our minds for God's will. This is the course of action of integration of what God is in all His magnificence, the Godliness of God is not simply a portrayal of His image, while it is that, but the whole comprehension of his understanding and meaning of relevance and pertanence to out lives. The integrationofgodlinessizationalability is the complex completion of all comprehended understanding in His own unique way of divulging the weather of all facts. Whether it is right or wrong is not for us to judge but to take on board whatever God dishes out as His duty and responsibility to us. We come to Him in prayer in adoration and appreciation of what He has done for us and what He has given each and everyone of us in life as to how we fit into society and who we are as people, what we need to know to grow and why we want to learn and live. It is not about what we can get for ourselves but how we can know and grow in the love of understanding of what the knowledge of God is to us and all about. Have we got the facts straight once again, it is falling on our knees in prayer and petition discovering the will of God and meaning for our lives. There you have it yet again once more, another page to The Intergodliness of God, this one was Intergrationofgodlinessizationalability, I hope that you liked it and enjoyed the final page of this chapter.