King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Systematic Linking

The Mind Conceives

The mind concieves what the heart will believe or at least that is the line of thought that I am directing at here.The idea is, that what we think needs to be brought into the light and exposed to prove rationality and realism for the truth in the matter, for what it is that, the concieved idea. Rationality is the way we make the meaning transpire from conception into the real time game play of concieved thought for processing and dealing with by handling its rationality. So therefore the idea of rationality is what has transpired in thought from the drawing board of the minds conception to the playing field of real life and enterprise. Birthing any idea is a hard core way of concieving thought for rationality and exposure for extrapilation and exploitation with a reserved conscience at stake. But the hard core facts of free enterprise allow us that liberty, to use the concept idea once it is put to ground for purpose. Anything that goes into the head can come out for productive use and the mind concieves all these things in many shapes, forms and ways. Making an idea productive is the key to success when using the minds conceptions to achieve business relations and affiliations. So once the mind concieves it is a matter of applying it to real life situations and applications. This is now the concieved idea from extrapolation and to input it into practical application the mind needs to digest the thought and put it down in writing to have a physical record of the concieved idea for other people to see and understand its use. While it can also be verbally used and discussed for rightness and thorough aplication purposes and through this for refinement and application. So now we have another new product for the practical application of the concieved idea.Utilizing this is another process of developement and transpiration from conceiving to production line and point of sale material.The organisational mind concieves these ideas to give them birth into the real world and through clever marketing and successful advertising we have an equitable and highly saleable product.This is somewhat further down the path of enlightmenment from the original birthing of the conceived idea but now we have the finished product of saleable material. Just as equity can mean more financial return for a saleable product through investment and achievement of sales objectives so to does the saleable product redeem itself in profit.So the mind has conceived and the heart has achieved and what we have believed is the finished product of equitable and saleable product for achievement of profit results. We have a highly marketable product and all it needs now is exposure to the public for sales and turnover to reap the rewards of the return results of what the mind believed and heart achieved from the original conception. It is a further need to harp on marketing once again as it is only in the application of applying polish to the finished product that we are able to achieve the hightly desired and sort after finished results. Then now we are all really ready as we have achieved something and then there is a need to do the same thing all over again with a new product and start again form square one with the same principles of conception and application. Thankyou God for giving birth to this process and idea conception and you are the one who creates all the inspiration for writing, you will be given the glory and the credit for all the achievement, for if we had not believed in you there would have been no new concieving and believing for achieving. You are wondeful and the allmighty creator, you get all the thanks and credit. 

Patterned Thought

The organistational mind is based on patterned thinking and it is this use of thinking logically and creatively that we form a circuit of recogniseable and useable thought for regeneration, with the purpose for tangible and benefical formatting in practical application. Patterned thinking is the basis of formatting thought into a logical arguement and purpose for utilization. The pattern is formualted from proven and historical records that have been successful in the past and can be used again in the present for future processes and applications of organisational thought. For example we can trust purpose and reason in establishing tried and true ideas and meanings from passed results for future applications. The patterned thought in systematic linking is in the organisational ideas of seasonal creation and must be continuitous in thinking for processing and digesting in discussion for further thought. Patterned thought can be the end of line process or just the start of conception, based on what we know from estabished facts and truths in digesting and discussing thinking. The rationalization of organisatioal thinking is actually patterned on the way we have thought in the past to the way we need to think in the future. We must however have a firm criteria on which to base our thought and it is the patterned structure of thinking that allows us to formulate the basis for organisational thinking. When patterning thinking, it seems as if we are copying everything exactly, but this is not the case as change may well evolve after we have established the original thought or pattern and thinking then becomes a logical format for turther creation of the concept into more reasonable and selective patterned thinking as its evolvement occurs. As I have said however we must have a substantial basis upon which to base our thought and patterning off that is the new creation of evolved thought and that formulates the reason and purpose for fomulating that evolvement. So our patterned thinking is an evolvement of thought but it is also a new creation in after how we have structured the new ideas of thought and we can then refer to that as patterned evolvement. There are numerous thought patterns upon which to base our new formulation and establishing this criteria is both essential and necessary. This can become automatic aftera while in that the patterned thought processes start to take shape from thinking, and that makes a logical evolvement in the new and formualted thought. You can start to see a bit of the pattern formulating now from even within these lines of how our thinking is affected and formulated by structured patterning. These seem like a play on words, but they are actually formulating the new structure based on the current basis of patterned thinking. This can reformulate again into a new concept, once the pattern is formed and the structure identified as usable and essentially required. It is this stringent control of requirement that makes the patterned thinking worthwhile and usable for further discussion and thought. So patterned thinking is indeed based upon what we know and is also the necessary means for the justification of creative thinking. In that we can proceed no further unless we meet the requirements of structured thinking which is formualted from the patterned thought and thinking for creativity. That also implies appropriation and application of thought once the pattern of thinking is formualted, which means that we now have a new management concept for productivity. Which is exactly what patterned thinking is formulated for and about.

The Structural Idea

The structured idea is one of thought and thinking, in that the mind concieves organisation and rationality in its creation. The continuity of thought and the logical arguement for sentence structure is corelated to normal thinking, but in the developement of the mind, the ability to conceive is only limited by the ability to achieve. So once again as the leaves fall from the tree and the clouds change and shift through the sky, we have to ask ourselves, What do we really believe? Are our thoughts going to be cloudy and falling or are they going to be logical and structured in the organisational spirit of logic and will they be reasonably thought out, for being uplifting. Just as cells formulate the genes in reproduction for the natural selection of the species, so to does the managemental production of the structural idea to reproduce itself in much the same way. We have a cell cluster or active organism (living organisation) in our real life picture of circumstances and we have to manage or formulate the repitition of production into manufacturing reproduction. In other words the product use in the manufacturing with the people handling the situation must be able to replicate the product or species, whatever the life given case, the circumstance actually is or circumstances actually are. This given cylce of repetition is a form of reproduction and it is in the manifestation of this original creativity, that henceforth the reproduction of a cell or the saleable product is produced as in renewal. This then is an attitude of working conditions and the point of sale is an application of aptitude for soaring into the high heavens of profiability. So we have what is emerging as the structured idea, as in a sales force pattern, which we have aquired as a marketing product of saleable proportion for digesting. I am not sure that this is structurely organised and sound proof in design, but it does have the implication of creative genes, which marketing is foundational and necessarily required to submit to. Just as much it is an organised formation and therefore structurally integrated in to cell formulation, this group or cluster of design is productive in repetitive reformulation. So we have the cell design, featured by a group leader, which is the product profit and all that is then required is the organisation of the sales for the cell group idea to be sold. This structural formulation is then to be sold in a selling pattern of reproduction. What is therefore the generative idea of the structural cell is the group leader which by the delegation or distribution of the cell pattern in structured format is then the dominent criteria for the saleability of the structural idea. Just like in governmental infrastructure we have the organisational idea of work procedure, through this we are actually attaining new products and services for formulation and implimentation all the time. So the idea is like a cell structure which we use in work groups for creativity and job design to advance and proceed in more organised and positive directions towards perfection. It is a bit of a long and twisted tale but the outcome is the more benefical and the more highly advanced the organised structure is, in that as the idea is formualted, replicated and reproduced, we have a more relevant purpose and criteria for its use and utlilization. Therefore the harder we work at and the higher we aim to achieve the organised structure the more advanced we come in creative design objectiveness and logical procedure. Once we have the desired replication we can say that we have the reproduction and therefore the end product. It is then conceived as a redesign peace of mind in its conception and production which through the organisation of the structural design idea, become fully replicated and serviceable

Law Of Linking

The systematic design is nutured by the law of linking in that while in digestive form of composition we gather and associate like ideas to link via a common denomonator of the law to its linking. The two juxaposed projections combine to fornmulate the new composition of emerging ideas and that while the formualtion takes place the law of linking is working to seek the common denominater in order to complete the association process. This combination or linking of associated ideas forms and naturalizes the law of linking into a positive reinforced and usable formula for convenience application. Once we have the desired product of the law of linking we can apply the saleable potential to the normal application of associated linking and produce a profit from the law of linkings natural phenomena. It is like combining a racing car with a touring car, we end up with a more streamline machine to get around in and while perfiormance is enhanced by technology, what we with have is the economy of wisdom with a look of superiority. So to can people apply this to their own lives in that while a personality is formed when appliying the law of linking with two people we have the product of a baby with the associated and desired genes of the two parents. One person can adopt or apply this to themselves by using cognitive thinking to associate like matters and therefore apply the law of linking to the creative impression and attain the desired outcome. It is a bit like associating fashion with peronality, each persons creative gene buys or chooses their own typical idenity in attire and clothes themself in the desired apparel of their individual choice. This is what makes the person individual by aquiring the desired taste in clothes to suit and match their own distinctive personality. Just as much as the product must be profitable, free choice is the distinctive right and perogative of the person choosing. As in the way we mix and match colours and styles, so to do we interelate indiividual choice and taste. It is this interelationship that formulates the law of linking and through concept engineering, to formulate the desired taste and effect of individuality. Once again the law of linking is seeking to replicate itself into other areas of desired design and through peoples individual choice and fashion taste and style introduce the law of linking to the cosmic world of creativity. That in design and manufacturing produce that new concept or design of originality that relfects the portrayal of indivdualism and applies it into a persons unique personality development. So it is through this that the law of linking is manufacturing itself in the world of design and creation, in that the person can reflect on the individual design and application of the purchase into their wardrobe of individual personality through the design creation. It is also fair to say that this concept of the law of linking can be organic as well as communicative in its leadership. It is also fair to say that the uniqueness of creation is in its practical application and is positive to the design replication. For the time being we will settle and humble creation to the design technique, but not alleviate the consequences of profitability, as this natural selection of replication, once more demonstartes its uniqueness in design technique. So there we have the finished product of the law of linking as we have made available a commericailly marketable product from the combination of personality and individual taste to the new and created, whole person. 

Connecting and Intertwining

The realationship and bond between connecting and intertwining with the people is both facinating and intriguing. In the general discussion of dialogue and converstaion there is a developement technique for understanding. This expalantion of understanding differentiates in different discussions, but the universal desired outcome is always achieved and worth saving when we have estabished creative communication. The object point in universal dialogue is to be intertwining and that comes about by firmly establishing good relationships through discussion. It may not be between a male and female but as long as two people see eye to eye, there is room for communication and therefore positive discussion. Just like in rhyming verse there is a flow and discussion in traversing the page, so to is there discussion between the lines of a continuitous dialogue. It is this format of writing that intermingles and intertwines in lines of verse and dicscussion for human understanding and qualifications. Like the human mind also has the capacity to understand like things, as in contracting and expanding materials or mass, so to does the brain concieve the differences in movement of the flow and message of the written dialogue. This understanding formulates the difference in meaning and consequentially the uniqueness of the discussion and the constant rearanging of flow and reference. As we further connect with the flow we have an intermingling of thought and ideas of which the brain can think and concentrate upon to distinguish between right and wrong. It is this intermingling that connects the line of thought with the desired discussion of the brain and therefore the intertwining of ideas and thought together as thinking is done from the brain. So to do other people connect and intertwine as discussion between two people converges in conversation and therefore the intertwining of thought from the disclosing of personal information, so to does the writer connect from their subject matter to their reader in written dialogue. The brain sees two ideas and recognises them as different and through careful processing and discyfering of things, associates the two and connects the thoughts in intertwining networking for connective reception and discussion in and from thinking. Like the logic of networking is universal, so to is the humanistic part is to receive and connect thought from any two points of the galaxy, as in Einsteins model of thought. So we have the connectivity and therefore further intertwining of thought and the use of exercise in the valuable motion of the tool of knowledge in understanding thought and dialogue. Being receptive to understanding and to what the knowledge is, is the key to fathoming the treauseres of the universe and that is unlocked by recieving the capacity to understand the relativity and relationship of the two networks. It is in this capactity that we have once again unlocked the door to understanding and opened up another way of thinking, once again for further understanding, which is the key to making sense at all. So as we have now connected the door of understanding with relationship. The model is then intertwined in dialalogue for receptivity in thinking for the unlocking of the thought, whether verbal or written it does not matter, what matters is the understanding of relationship. This is both the key and answer to opening of the door and excepting the opportunity to walk in and enter into life.

Written Dialouge

Writing for other readers in order to be read by the writer, is both thought provoking and required to be inspirational. The natural continuity of the writing is in written dialogue where by the document or page produced is in logical easy to understand format. There is also a need to be creative, that when you try to use flambouyant creative inspiration style you actually generate interesting reading for the reader to understand. The writer has to percieve what is interesting to be read by the reader and what is being desired and sort after for the common understanding and interpretating of the flow of dialogue and words. This is how written dialogue is created and the natural formatting of the flow just comes out instincively from what has been a great deal of reading resources. It is also a matter of practice and experience in journally daily events of happenings as well to apply the general rule of thumb procedure of even and effective writing, as it eventuates and organises itself in the broad and narrow discussion of the general description of things. In the ongoing battle and progression of procedures is the eventual outcome based on and from the discussion of events. Just as the line is created from within the paragraph, so to is the sentence structure made and applied in the continuity of the formatting of the page itself. So the picture starts to take shape and the dialogue through discussion, starts to show itself in the basis and ground of its construction.The documented format of the page has taken shape and we now have a clear description of the picture showing itself in the form of a page of creative dialogue and discussion. This written material of which the dialogue has emerged is in and from the wandering down the page of creative discussion, which is in itself the created format of the material. Written dialogue is the meandering and writing of words that go logically in sequence for the continuitous discussion of the page. So this becomes the formaliazation of the written document in that as the discussion elvolves and creates itself we have a logically formatted document of discussion produced. This can be sent or transmitted electronically or printed for convenience of reading physically and easily managed, being held by the reader. Then all we need is a matter of subject criteria to apply these principles to a wide range of varied documented subjects and sources of meaning and inspiration. More explicitly it is this application of the process, which is in applying written dialogue principles to nearly any subject format or discussion criteria for the desired end result of the produced and completed page. As I now near the end of the writen discussion of formatted dialogue we have the need to further explore and explain creative writing as a differrence from written dailogue. The dialogue is the formatting of the sentence structure where by the creative writing is the imagined thought of and from the writers thinking which when applied logically substitutes for the written dialogue as long as it is grammatically correct and flows evenly and in time with the rest of the sentence structure. Fitting into plan with the original design and and idea of the topic and the outcome of the eventuation through the discussion. All in all and all said and done we now have the finished product which is both serviceable and marketable for sentence constructions application of sale.  

Believe In Understanding

Believe in undersatnding if you dare to care or wish to succeed. If you want to achieve your every desired goal and plan and if you want to complete projects and applications of understanding and inspiration from creative design. Most people find that they feel secure if they can understand meaning and devleope purpose in there life. If they have a clear goal and path to aim for and take and if they can comprehend what they need to do to find satisfaction and a reasonable explanation for why they are doing things and what they are about. In other words we all need direction and orientation, this comes about by seeking purpose and understanding and riding out the good times as well as the bad weather to achieve desired results and results from tasks and applications of procedure. If you can continually put yourself in the picture of what life is about by adjusting tot he times and reality of the given set of circumstances and situations then you can see clearer what way you should head and how to achieve desired goals and plans. We all become pragmatic to often and stail when we have stagnent ideas, we need to search and look for change and readily accept it as it arises. We can tend to be antagonistic with our own introverted personalities, saying why on';t this go my way or how can I possibly do that and achieve something when the task seems far to hard. Instead in those cases we should be looking for an easy way around the problem obstacle and going for broke whe we see a bit of daylight ahead and aim high to achieve the possible from what seems potentially impossible. Remember there is always a way around the whole situation and God is always bigger than our problems. Look out and not in, up and not down and focus on others rather than yourself when you are down hearted. The thing with people is that unless we understand oursleves we have trouble understanding others but that is indeed the very way to sort things out by bouncing your problems off other people so that we can see clearly how to handle the situation. We have to take life as it is and sometimes we can't do anything about our own situation, but have to readily accept the way things are as in time and a change of places things will evolve and be different at other times and situations. If we learn to believe, then we are half way to sovling the problems of the world and our universe. We are not here alone and should never act like we are. Interelationship and dealing with people is the key to understanding. Sometimes we need some personal time and space to gather our thoughts though and slowly and surely, methodicallly work our way through the situation to handle the problem with logic and purpose for secure understanding of the reasons we are doing these things. No man is an island and while we seem to be surounded by water sometimes and our ship apparantly sinking, we need to bail out and get on with life in another place and time, by changing tact and direction to navigate out of the storm and to find greener pastures and a safe land mass to build and base a life upon. God is a rock and a sure foundation and it always helps to start with Him and once you have found peace from God learn how to develope character and personality in order to achieve personal goals and accomplish and fullfil other aims and ambitions from your own resources. God will be there all the time when things get tough and difficult again and when you see that obstacle, don't hesitate to call on Him, he is sometimes your only help and way out. Work hard and keep up the idea of where your niche and skills lie and focus on what you can do rather than what you can't, with pupose and planning you will succeed by believing and understanding who you are and what you are or were meant to be.

Thought Idea Linking

This concept of thought idea linking is like when we combine two different peoples plans and objectives with unison of thought and use cohabitation affiliation to unite concepts through creative association. When we have two similar ideas that can be utilized together we have a situation or opportunity for thought idea linking. As long as things remain congruent we have the challenge of unifying and associating like minded ideas or concepts into some kind of formalised association pattern. It is like trying to knit together balck and white materials with grey thread, of what can be two diametrically opposed concepts being brought together to unify and bond in contrast yet maintain that strength of unification in the bond. It might be easier with blue or green, clashing contrasts that seem to suit or blend in with each other of it could be firery red and yellow, hot on the heels and tail of standing out predominately as bright blending contrasts, that the sun would look upon to burn rather than to smoothly keep cool and mellow like the blue and green. Of cource colour is a brilliant way of explaining things and depicting a picture of visual similarities from what we know and can relate to associate with and to from personal experience and undersatnding of erveryday things and objects, if you were blind or colour blind you might a a problem with the picture but still you can associate taste of things like sweet biscuits or a sour lemon sorbay with your senses. It is a bit like sticking a wafer in your icecream. Thought idea linking is about being creative with associations when by where and how you see like things alike combining them and associating them for a working utilization of the similar things you are associating. Linking or combining what the mind sees and concieves for the heart to approves of and put into practical application of the associations. Like book ends contain masive amounts of information between themselves and the shelves hold the key to wisdom, knowledge and undertstanding that we just have to grasp and hope by taking the logical steps to opening the books and finding out what they are indeed about, the key to unlocking the door is in the head of a positive mindset for achievement. With information there is no end to the furthering of its utilization and the more you dig and shift through the work load of reading all those books in the book case/s, the more you understand and comprehend the objectives and meaning of life. By this to are we attaining direction setting, goal and purpose analysis and establishing the cost and price of everything. All we need to do is to use our heads to associate how we can utilize these things for the common task and objective of making money and that is done in the practical application of the procedure. Of couce we need time for living and life style is all about what we can afford and what we can't, but with work goals and  procedure, use positive applications for procedure to attian dsesired goals and plans through objective setting and task performance. God is good and looks on those who do the work and favours those who are not lazy. It rains on the crops at the right times when we do al the right things first. Stick to the plan that you have clearly visualized for good and prosperity and you will be greatly favoured, follow instruictions and keep like minded kind things and thoughts together as you plow through with systematic procedure the tasks and events of the day with dilligent care and application.

Concept Appreciation

Concept appreciation or concept application as I have called it, is about achieving desired goals and aims as well. This is done through a formalised linking system which when we critically analyse it as it is, it is a part of sentence structure and objective setting through being visionary. It is about taking some time for thought on what you have done and applying practical skills and aplication to the task objectives and being thankfully glad that you have accomplished something. A positive frame of mind is always very important in understanding work load and ways we carry through with objectives by keeping focused and clear minded in thought procedure. Then with the follow up and follow through of procedure, we create and manipulate a fashion statement from how the concept has evolved and then determine what appreciation there is involved by and from other people in the enhancement of the graphic picture of the product. It is without adue and further discussion that I get right to the crux and critical point of the concept appreciation now and that is the profit margin or bottom line of the result or the end result of the work efforts and endeavours to create and enhance evolvement. Appreciation of the master product and design is in the setting of planing structure and future developement for activity and creative understanding. Once we have the work on the drawing board with a replication or production of the concept product then we can start to fully understand the appreciation and the replication of reproduction for the product, design, graph, etc. It is almost too hard to positively represent the full appreciation for the concept product, but what we can do, is to try and understand the production problem and that is to establish the concept production line. This is drawn into discussion by written dialogue and coverted to fundamental understanding by digressing formally to other subjects and variations of activities in the design production. Just as to we struggly to appreciate design engineering so to does the motor of the body of the sentence structure need to be redefined to encorporate motel facilitation or cosmetic restructuring in basic design. Just like we finetune and mainstream engine improvements so to do we improve the heart of the sentence structure in the advancement of technology and the refinement of skills and abilities to produce higher quality products. This is done by moving forward in knowledge and leaning practices for improve advanced technology of more up to date and improved products in all techonological and engineering fields. This reformated system of the new product is where concept appreciation is most recognised and enhanced for major improvements in supply and food chain resources and manufacturing technology. Just as we move ahead in car standards and machinery developement so do do we improve the state of our food design and engineering technologies and through recipes and all types of agricultural advancements. We move ahead into the future of tastes and dietry requirements of and through blending and cooking technological advancements. So to wrap up our discussion of concept appreciation we can look back on and further look forward to the adaption and infaltration of the concept product that through refined engineering come to ahead and pinacle of our realistic expectations of improved technological advancements.This is the quality refinement that we now understand and fully appreciate as advanced technological improvement. So now concept appreciation is encorporated and moved in concept engineering to advance and our design technique. This is moderated and advanced accordingly to compete and recognice similar types of concept adaption through new and inovation appreciation and so to further advance and understanding of the concept appreciation is of grattitude and acceptance in ideas and funds in the total encorporation of the concept of appreciation.

Natural Phenonemon

Natural phenomena as the reality or the tangible object of reality is now very focused and right before our eyes. We need to see and grasp the plitical pricture of ecology and environment to fully grasp and understand the representation of the reality for the description of our needs and requirements. In doing this we are being able to focus on the picture and then facilitate the developement of requirements for the preservation of endangered species and awareness of sysmic attentiveness in all of its beauty and dangers in the view of magnificant mountain ranges and ever flowing rivers and geophysical lakes to unlogically try and control the situation. Just as we can be awestruck and overwhelmed by towering giants of mountain ranges, so to do we stand in wonderment of there developement, as if by the mighty force of nature they were thrust into existance and their grandeur and splendour is so wonderful that we can't help but stand in awe of the overall and everpresent picture of natures beauty. This natural phenomena of nature and all its splendour is still more overwhelming and awestriking in its total vison and sight through encorporation of restrictive disciplines, though with positve future recognition of advancements. We stand amazed and bedazzeled by natrures wonders and natural phenomena is often to beautiful to explain except that an organised mind or concept developer thought it into being as someone we might call God or the all mighty creator. But is this natural phenomena and do we have to question why things come into existance in the first place except to explain to ourselves in some kind of logical undersatanding what has happened and how and when we should start to believe that whole awe inspiring story of the beginning of everything. It is best if we stand back and admire it all rather than try to hard to reflect of the whys as if the natural beauty is wise enough for our mortal minds and bodies to understand, savey or comprehend. Leave it to God if you ask me, why mother nature creates everything is beyond my understanding, things came into being and explaining everything is better to remain as undersatding and appreciating as phenomena.If it was and existed before our time we have to be content to be satisfied that its pre-existance is the fullfilling answer to the question of how, why and when and leave it at that. Though our incomplete minds require understanding and natural explanations of phenomena are never really completely fullfilling and satisfying in design and replication.So ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die, which sums up the necessary discription of the end of the story quite nicely or succinctly, sit on your hands and except everything as done is to ask for our early retirement or death. Not to worry further about death but in accpeting that the mountain rises does not tell us why the valley sinks, or does it, do they go hand in hand? So as we try to ponder further the wonders of natural phenomena al we seem to end up doing is to be going around in circles, we know that what goes up must come down but to explain it all as gravitational force does not really explain life and cell structure for growing, we constantly fight against nature. To accept the no - know go zone and that everything has a limit is both self defeting and deflating but still we try to answer everything to satisfy the nature of our curiosity. God has all the answers in my book, so I end the story there of my questioning natural phenomena with him, perhaps in time He will reveal all the answers we need to know to us or has He allready done that through other people and there is nothing left to discuss. Maybe it all is just an evolutionary expository of life, time and space.