King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Structural Analysis

The Ground Work

The ground work is formost relative to functional behaviour, both feet firmly planted and then one foot at a time in a logical forward motion to accomplish the goals, plans and ideas that you have in mind. First though we must make sure that we are grounded in the truth and going straight along the path, only to digress to a tangibly opposed idea that still fits in with the original design and plan. In formualting structure of design procedure we must follow key set out ideas and introduce new ideas as they arise, but only if they are positive, complementary and constitutionly inline with good government and prosperous business. The botom line is usually money, but with the procedure in implementing structure for business and government we need the right and correct ground work, to continue, function and focus on the objectives laid out and put in place for pursuing. Gradual derision of ideas is carefully sought after plans and some progess is made to continue online and true to oneself and the ideaological behaviors of right thinking. Then as work is getting and being done, stay congruent and continually motivated to perform and address the process of the following formulations. The ground work is the criteria, which starts right from the beginning, which flows and formulates right through things as they manifest and progess along the lines of continual formulation. The ground work must be rock solid and structurally right to survive the long term duration of process manifestation. Structural analysis is the strategy and formualtion of assessing work progress as business ideas arise and they must be done in order to continue making future advancement. Once we have got rigid controls in place, then it is just a matter of necessity of continuing to follow up and observe behaviour, as procedure is made and progress has been implemented. The continual ongoing pursual of work ethics is in the right mind of construction and therefore formualtion is gradually adhered to in accordance with right minded thinking of implementation. First though we must stay true to the initial ground work of construction and only by following the rules of behaviour allow ourselves to move forward in right minded progess and thinking with positive reinforcement for advancing construction. The ground work, like the ground rules must be manifested in right behaviour and any diversity or digression must be considered firmly as in context to be right, before changing to any wayward or off track idealogicies. As progress is being made and implemented in right minded procedure we have moved from the basic ground work to an advanced positon and should therefore now consolidate and secure advacncement as it has been implemented. This stance must be held and maintained long term and changes may only come about when there is complete reassureance that a better plan may be implemented, otherwise leave things as well alone. The wise behaviour of leaving things that work out best as they are, is good judgement and highly needed to be recognised as the right way to go and to do things and then leave things to stay in place as adopted right and required procedure. This manifestation of grace is the the best way to do business, as we can only proceed while things work and that must be congruent with right minded thinking. The ground work is the structual analysis of doing good business and making sense out of right minded idealogies.

Covering Old Ground

Whether you are basking in the sun or stuck in the mud or sand, you are covering old ground and you need to take a fresh look at life and see things from a new point of view and perspective. New ideas happen sooner or later and we would hope that they were not the latter, but the sooner. We all need to fast track our work at some time and covering old ground simply bogs us down in things that we have allready done. The reason is clear and becomes more obvious the more you look at it. The same old mundane things become stagent, boring and unoperable. So we all need to take a sideways step and have a fesh new look at life. Things can't go on being bad all the time and the more we look at our circumstances and study the situation the more and sooner we are thinking clearly about the new and fresh ideas on what we all need. You can change your perspective simply and easily once you realize what is wrong but it is this standing around scratching oursleves, that means we are covering old ground and need something new and innovative. I could go on questioning the whole idea about this, but that would be covering old ground within itself and so I will try and give you some new ideas with fresh perspectives. Eating on time and out of habit is sometimes considered traditional or repiticious, but for a fresh look on life you could go out to a restaurant you have not been to before or create a new dish for a wholesome and flavoursome meal. Thinking about nutrition for a change could be a way to a healthier lifestyle. Or saving money on take away could be a way to get something else that you have been longing for, for a long time. In fact there is a million different ideas that we can use to be more interesting in the way we think about life. Covering old ground is simply not just a thing of the past, but it is boring, depressing and dejecting and so we should always look for something new to do. Reading can seem like you are covering old ground and so try a new subject or book idea that is completely individual and different. I read my Bible time and time and over and over again and that may appear to be covering old ground, but The Bible is God's word of life and it is different every time your read it. Try reading the Psalms  five times through and you will get a completely different perspective each time you read them. Actually we are all just creatures of habit and we love doing things our own way and the way we have always done things before and never looking at things from a fresh and fragrent point of view. We all need to come out of our shells and change to become a better person, each seeing the God who created us in each other and doing away with the bad old selves that we don't need any more. You have heard it said that a change is as good as a holiday, so try taking a holiday somewhere that you have never been before instead of covering old ground. Of cource that favorite old place is something that you treasure in your heart but try moving on from that and letting go of it and let God take control of your life. Something new will always beat something old, as much as we need fresh food every day, we need a fresh view on the way we live life. Lastly, covering old ground and treasuring our fond memories is a favorite past time of people, but we must move onward, upward and forward and leave other people to learn for themselves, that covering old ground is a thing of the past and we should all just let go of it.

Structuring Thought

Structuring thought as in a sentence analogy is an important part of writing. You have to identify and isolate the need for construction and then thoughtfully and continuitously, slot the words into the sentence in an appropriate manner. Grammer is also important and as a sentence is formed, the thought structure needs to be original and informative. There is a lot of tools that you can use while writing and sighting some of those in the repotoire of reading can help you discuss and digress in plain English along the lines of political correctness. Of cource we don't want to divert too far from the mainstream thinking and to go off track too far in digression is a bad habit to get into. Now though however we have determined to stay online with concensous thinking and our thought structure even in thinking as in writing has to be able to be associated and collective as it is concieved and linked into an everyday part of our lives. In other words we have to be able to relate to the topic and subject matter and the way we use the mannerism of expression in our writing. This is determined by a way that can almost be preconcieved by the belief we have in ourselves and our own writing style. We should look forward to diplomatic discussion on written words and the more intense and conscentrated we make the dialogue the greater the meaning and enhancement of reading. Sentence structure or discussion of thought should come and flow easily and it is only when we get into trouble with our understanding of ourselves that we become, being frustrated with our own work. This need not apply as our work is our livelihood and that means that there is personal satisfaction and achievement in the joy and enhancement of writing. Further as we think in plain terms or extrapolate thought for greater discussion and depth of meaning in the structure of thought, things becomes more important and play a key role and pivotal part in our relating. For another reason and example of structuring thought as in thinking, we have to take hold and assess the subject matter for all reasonable arguements and meanings as we propose discussion and elaboration of context and elecution for delivery. Whether in speech or writing what we think links to how we percieve things and act out the consequences of our thought and so the idea of thinking logically is ever so important in understanding what we are trying to say and why we are trying to put our point across. In other words you have to think logically and it is a plain as that. Like black and white to grey, no-one understands the grey until the clouds start to shift and the white clouds are fluffy and light moving across a bright blue sky to clear for the sun to shine its rays. Its like drinking a clean clear glass of water when the rain has just come and all there is outside is puddles, but we have carefully and wisely saved the rain water in a glass, as if you were stranded on a big island somewhere. We have to be able to portray what we are thinking into a logical arguement and discussion on how we percieve things that affect us and why we are trying to say what we ware saying to help sombody else who would read our writing. It is a matter of necessity and urgency that we have a need to communicate and the more we try and discuss our logical ideas the more we understand and percieve how other people thing and react and reply to what we are saying. Structuring thought, like sentence structure is how we say what we think and why we percieve things logically in a certain way and have the need to endeavour to explain them logically. Take time to think and speak, being clear and concise in what you say, then life will treat you well and give you an undertstanding and organised mind.       

Secure Thought

Secure thought is about understanding rock solid ideas in a turbulent world, with stealing of ideas and things that mean something to you to feeling a sense of security when you lock the door at night to go to sleep. Unfortunately we live in a corrupt world where any way of making money takes precedence over honesty, morality and trying to believe and do what is right. It is even wrong to think like this as you get an uneasy sense of thinking and thought, feeling or being insecure is a horrible and nasty way to have to live with people. We all need a more secure sense of being and to feel safe at night when we lock the door. It is not a completely evil world, but the idea of someone stealing your work or ideas and even invading your pass word, pin, code or bank account is a very disgruntlng feeling. People pay a lot of money for a sense of security and the more you have the more you have to insure, and worry about what the next guy or girl will think of your assetts and finances. Companies pay an absolute fortiune and businesses spend astronomical amounts on security procedures and patrols. It is all about what we think in our head and what we are happy with in what we believe. Someone with genuine peace of mind has little worry about being robbed and someone with less money has less to worry about than someone with more or lots. The humble poor only have to worry about there next meal and a roof over there head, whereas those who are rich are usually paying large amounts in wages and have big responsibilities for a lot of things. It all boils down to capability and being able to be accountable for what you control or look after. That goes hand in hand with being responsible for peoples lives who work for you and also for assetts which you have under your durisdiction. We also have to be responsible for our own work and actions, then our security and peace of mind go hand in hand with doing the job properly. The sense of knowing what you have done that is right gives you peace of mind and job satisfaction by doing the right thing. Those who try and cheat the system and rip off other people by foul or underhanded methods have a lot to worry about by being caught, prosecuted and jailed if they are nailed for it. So it pays to do the job right which means doing the right thing in your daily tasks and responsibilities. That gives you a sense of security and peace of mind. Being comfortable with your take home pay and not living beyond your means. Be content with what you get and learn to budget properly and pace yourself so that you have enough each week and at the end of the day. Of cource we all have bills to pay and those pressures along with a hard task master at work make life hard to live with. But if we are sure we are doing the right thing, at the end of the day we have nothing to worry about as long as we have accomplished those given tasks. If you are overloded by a boss with work unfairly, find a different job, if you have time on your hands look around for other things to do. Then you have the drugs and sins of bad living that worry you and make your life depressing and unbearable, then it is a matter of finding peaceful ways to live by a healthy lifestyle and a proper sense of doing. There are many ways we can improve our living conditions and life circumstances and there are many ways that we can learn to change to have a better life for ourselves. Look for the right and correct way and you will achieve peace of mind. Cheat and then you will be cheated. Steal and you will be stolen from. Lie, sin or be basically not nice to people and you will be treated in much the same way. Honesty, being moral and loyal are those things that will return in your favour. Security basically boils down to how we treat each other, right or wrong it will return to you. Do the right thing and feel secure by treating other people the way that you would have them treat you.   

Staying Straight

Staying straight is a difficult and hrard thing to do, but an essential requirement for successful living. The crooked , bent and rotton people soon come unstucka nd are punished for what they have done wrong. Those wo do right and maintain it live long, healthy and prosperous lives. Once again it is all about pacing yourself, Rome was not built in one day and you can't simply have everything dropped at your feet in one day. You must learn to steady yourself and live a rigidly right way that is straight down the line and true to yourself and to other people. Moral decay and sinful living in unethical ways of life are all too common these days and we must learn to stay on the straight and narrow. A bent nail won't go into the wood without straightening it first or throwing it away and getting another one. We have to learn to live straight and narrow lives that abide by the book of sensible instructions. Common sense is also becoming a rare commodity these days and wisdom is being practically thrown out the door in favour of a cheap thrills, tomfoolery or immediate satisfaction that won't get you anywhere or very far to. We live in a highly disposable world and the sooner we start to see things from the bigger picture of the long term, the quicker we will start to live out and fullfil our God given destinies and lifetime goal destinations of a sense of satisfaction in life. A more conserted effort to environmental and recycling policies is our best and next objective. There are really no quick and easy short term solutions to any problem and taking shortcuts only means that we usually will have to do them again properly. You can plug the hole quickly or you can fill it in and cement it over long term. In any case of repair there is a right and wrong way of doing it and the right way is best as the permanent way and the quick fix short term never lasts very long. Do the job properly and you will have a sense of peace and job satisfaction, take shortcuts and pay the price by doing it again. You don't lay a crooked brick wall, you must level it our and see that every brick goes in straight along the line everytime, if not the wall will fall down, it is as simple as that. Do the right thing, follow tried and true and proven methods and things will work out for the long term, take the short cut and quick fix and you have to do the whole thing again sooner or later. Its sounds repetative but by repeating myself I am hoping that people will start to get it, two wrongs make an abosolute mess, two rights don't nessecarilly make a wrong at all. I hope that you get that idea by my writing that you still can't put round pegs in square holes, they just dont fit and if you force them they must brake and cause a hell of a problem. Writing the wrongs is always a job at hand and there is always someone to fix another persons mess, but we have to start being onious of our own work and ideas, our moral ethics play a big part in who we are as people and the straight line is definitely the shortest distance between two points as long as ever you travel it. We all go around corners trying to cut them off and look for the easy way, but the tried and true will always be the propper way of doing things, if it worked before it will probably work again, if it is broken and does not work then we have to repair it or throw it away. We all have to learn by our mistakes and learn to get it right, there really is no shortcuts that work properly. We are in it for the long hall and so we may as well try and get it right first time or we end up dumped in the bin or on the shelf. The straight and narrow is the only way to live, it maybe the hard way, but it is the right way, lets try to do it that way.

The Analytic Mind

The anylitic mind is a startegically focused tool. Created for dwelling, thinking and consuming. We need to exercise our brain everyday to keep it working and the more we use it, the more we develope the thinking skills for survial and living. It is a prcess of understanding ones own mind to be able to organise tings in a logical format, to develope peaceful conditions for working in and ways and means of which to achieve your financial goals. The mind can be used for good or evil and we must always aim to be productive and use it for good. As much as we need fresh food each day, we must use our brain for making and using commercial products and things of value and worth. Waste is a necessary biproduct of work and creating new things always comes at a cost, the price is free to pay in work and labour. There are many other environmental factors that need to be incorporated in an industrial world. We must consider the materials we use, the effects on ecological aspects and the long term sustainability of our needs and reqirements in producing goods. This all comes from the anylitic mind, as those that make things have to consider all reasons for production and what effects their work has on other people. We are created for a purpose and we shoudl use our heads wisely to make and consume anything we need in a reusable method. to recycle anything and everything as much as our technology will allow us, as it advances and we develope new ways of creating sustainability. It is not as simple as one, two three, though you make take the necessary steps to insure that all operational jobs are as cost effective and as efficient as humanly possible. The process of cost analysis and intelligent thinking are all a way to facilitate unique brilliance in all future developements. We have to use the brains God put in our heads. We have to try and understand all the best ways of doing something and try to eleviate the probmatic causes of bad work methods and doing things wrong, to finally get everything right. This is thinking at its best and hardest and just as the anylitic mind is generally focused on making money we have to think of our world as a long term objective and goal of sustainability. Building environmental techniques into all newly manufactured products. The cost will come down in time and with developement experience and just as much as we should be seeking renewable energies now so to should we be looking for anyway that we can find to create a more environmental world now. Just because you have five hundred years suply of coal, that you have to get it all out of the ground now and infact it is probably better left in the ground, till future generations can find a more environmental way to use and harness this huge potential of resources. We have to be smarter in every way that we think now and not waste our earthly and human resources unwisely now. This is why the anylitical mind was created in the first place to use all resources to the best of our humanly and earthly abilities, for long term sustainabilty and longetivity in survival. If we cut ourselves short now, we lose all the good work of advancing technology that we have gained and understaood over the previous years. We simply have to be smarter to cut a long story short, we must use our brains better and our anylitical minds as environmentally friendly as possible now to achieve best results long term. That is right that there are no quick fix methods now and that we must aim for longterm sustainability over a long term now. The best is yet to come for sure, but our anylitical minds must be engaged now for all long term work objectives and environmental sustainabilty for the future. You can't live without natural resources forever, that is how and why we use the anylitical mind now to reason and focus.

Behavioural Analysis

Behavioural analysis is about using people skills on human beings. Using the anaylitic mind we can adopt and use thinking techniques to understand each other better. This is mainly brought about by verbal coversations and communication between each other, as we learn to know what each other person is thinking, as no-one has been successfully reading minds yet, without saying. We are indeed creatures of habit and  the more we use routine beahviour the more we undertsand ourselves, but the more suseptable to predictability and the need for change. Life can be very boring for the predictable person and the more we vary our work and creative efforts the more interesting we become in life and our fellow worker as we study the behavioural habits of each other. These behavioural habits must be analysed to stop us becoming all to predictable. By using creative skills and imagination, we can change and adapt to nearly any climate and set of working conditions. That is all developed by the way we think and act now and as to how the possible future directions we as individuals take and decide momentarially and also the way our world is heading globally and corporately. The government is just a mechanised set of procedures that are constantly updated for our use and purposes of enjoyment, which however command respect and orientation to understand worldly uses from wisely leading people. All forms of organisational developement, has a need for behavioural analysis and these purposes, whether worldy or heavenly environmental, it must be realized to be understood for their best possible potential. You can't throw it all away at the drop of a hat, you have worked too hard for that and everything we need for our future, we decide now and for long term aspects of developement. It is about being creative, yes! but also wisely opportuned to equip ourselves with the best possible set of living skills for survival. Miantainance is equaly important to idea generation and the longer and more wisely we can use our resources as good stewards, the better chance we have of understanding our future generations needs and asperations for developement. It takes a lot of reading to learn and understand these best possible future techniques now and that is a major requirement in being environmentally friendly and wise now. The more work we do now in documentation, the more rapidly we aquire the skills to perform the tasks for each and every one of us long term. If only we will take the chance and opportunity to read and gather collective thoughts of communal understanding in environmental issues and aspects. The more we do now the longer our future will be and become for those who put in the time and work efforts as they arise and need to be addressed. Construction is all about safety these days and it for that reason that our buildings are built long term in design and for future generations, with much needed environmental aspects incorporated and built in to the new designs now. It is up to date and state of the arts technology that is required in all our building designs now. These also must include environmental reasons and aspects for waste purposes and long term sustainability of human life. This is why we have behavioural analysis teams set up for investigating these very reasons and technique purposes now. It is up to us as good behavioural analysis scientists to all do our best and play our part in the worlds evolvement and environmental achievement. If it is going to be it is up to us to understand each other in behavioural friendly analitical ways now for long term environmental purposes in the future.

Constructive Analysis

Constructive analysis is about understanding construction in thought and mind to concieve and achieve the objective goal of true, right and fair judgement. It is right to criticise when it is constructive criticism, however we first have to analyse our motives and requirements when evaluating someone elses work and efforts to be just fair and right ourselves when we so to do judge. Evaluation plays an important part in constructive analysis and the greater depth that we seek to uncover the facts, the better enabled and equiped we are to do so. Once again we must do this in the light of fairness and by being objective in mind and only criticise when need be as if there was a essential point missing out of the context. However as part of the evaluation process in anylitical thinking, we have to look first at the focus and then the depth of meaning and any reaction that will happen by the evaluation.This can be done and achieved by constructive evaluation and one should always try and highlight the good first before knit picking the bad and negative sides to the arguement. Having a structurally sound arguement is also an important part of the criteria and an experienced evaluation technique is required when assessing and making judgements in the given analytic situation. Before we can assess the subject of evaluation in constructive analysis, one must look at the heart of the problem to make accurate and fair conclusions, with right minded decisions in judgement on the given situation or analytical case. We all to often jump the gun in anylitic thinking by coming to hasty conclusions too soon before all the evidence and factual arguements are presented. We need to slow down and collect all the facts first before making any quick conclusions and by taking time and effort to then establish the right and wrong perspective of each case, in order to make a final selection and judgement correctly and accurately. It is fair to say that all judgements need to be judicially selective and second opinions are optimumly sought after, in difficult cases. The requirement of important decisions in selective cases highlights and implies more greater understanding and we should not hold back or be intimidated by wrongful suggestions, but take on board all possible scenarios and consider the objective outcomes should a particular critical path be chosen. By evaluationg the good and bad directions of the given possible path of procedure we can evaluate and analyse the outcome criteria and accepted end result. This is the purpose and reason for constructive analysis to forsee problem areas and then redirect and refocus efforts back into the right direction by chanelling efforts appropriately in the correct direction. This evaluation technique is the essential part of projection and must be highlighted to facilitate the best possible outcome for the case objective. Evaluation and review techniques for projection must be constantly observed to assess the possible outcome of the objective and any anyalitic evaluation if it is construcive must be authorised by sound judgement to be processed. So it is right and fair to say that constructive analysis is the creating of acheiveing the desired goal of objective setting and fullfilment when assessed correctly.

It All Takes Time

In the process of things and the concern of life, it all takes time to get things done and obtain what you require. It takes time to work and the earn money, it takes time to make things and achieve results and the thing of it is that longetivity is the gift of time and while you try and earn money your body works and time is really the end result that you are trying to attain. Without time you have no life and money is immaterial to you if you are dead. The thing is you work to eat and live survive and money is only a transetory thing that comes along the way as a means of paying and obtaining some enjoyment through your efforts that you make. Time is of the esence to a hrad worker, but enjoyment and relaxation will pass you by if you dont take time to rest and recover from all your hard work. It is about health and happiness as much as having money in the bank and because it all takes time, what you have accumulated over the years is a way to help you hold onto the balance of power in your own endeavours to learn, travel and keep what you have got. We try to hold on to everything, but time gets us all in the end, we have to make sure that we live safe and sercure lifestyles and that is hard work in the very process of trying to do so. The process of evolution took time and will take time in the future as the world turns and continues to evolve. Nothing stays the same forever and everything and everyone will change in time. The good news is, that the smarter we are in maintaining law and order and a right sense of living standards in moral ethics, the longer we will live as a community and group of people who are untited and stand together in their common beliefs. We must preserve the sanctity of life at whatever the cost, that our work efforts are not invane. We must aim for the higher level of living conditions and not turn back to our old ways of going our own way instead of working together for the betterment of all concerned.The right way is the long way and the quick and easy pays well and hard, but is easily frittered away and wasted in being lost on unwanted or unhealthy things. Only what you do for good will last and the more you continue to travel the road as right and safe, the longer you will be able to contribute back to the society that helped to give that to you. It all takes time and it all counts along the way, if in the long run if it does not go by the wayside and isn't lost in some selfish endeavour for personel gain. A little bit at a time, is the way to do it and go in the long term plan. With evolution, the world is continuing to be getting older, but the earth was here a lot longer before, than when man began.Time is at hand and only if we grasp hold of its meanings and purposes, money comes in good time and there is not a rush hour where everbody goes to the ATM at the same time. Each of us must try our best to do what we can in the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons, there is no sense in not having a right purpose and achieving the right and desired goals of longtevity. We have to become conditioned to only do what is right and not matter how hard or easy the left looks at trying to get away with whatever you can, the right must win in the end because people will still be here after you have gone and failed miserably, in some jail to rot away for your full sentence or worse still, the morgue or cemetary where you will be long forgotton. We have to look to life for what is right and not follow the worng ways of trickery and cheating. There is not quick fix answers to anything and mistakes all take time to be fixed and heal, we have to try to get it right the first time around and through. We don't get too many second chances when we stuff things up.There is grace for those who care and believe but those atributes are becoming short and far between to be believed in these days.They are right and are the long term proved methods of doing things correctly. Believe and achieve and remember that it all takes time, so be patient and wait if you are in doubt, instead of rushing into a wrong decision.      

Routine Correction

Just as the stock maket goes through a routine corection every three to four years or so, depending n the cycle, so to do we need to take stock of ourselves on a routine basis and check that we are all still on the right track and way of doing things correctly. It is all too easy to fall by the wayside and slip into bad habits of doing things worng. We need to all saty focused and online in our thinking to chieve the desired goal of a better life and living for all. Self analysis is still a highly required commondity as we all try and reach our personal goals adn dreams. The sooner we see things from a consenus point of view, the sooner we will reach our own personal goals and aspirations. The road is long and windy, with many corners and different ways of travelling it. It is not all one big super highway as you imagine it easily to be, but lots of turns and corners that we must take in the process. Stoplights of readjustment and parking penalties when we stay too long in the worng place. It is about readjusting and staying focused as part of the routime correction that we all must do and transpire through in the process of living and learning. Routine corection is about taking stock of oursleves and predetermining the best way to travel when we are going to be taking a new step in a new direction. It is about making decisions based on what is right and seeing the error of our ways when we are going wrong.The political correctness of right and worng is not such a bad thing when we take the ideas to heart personally and use them to our advantage in getting things right and doing things in the right way.There are indeed many ways that we can go wrong and it is best to sit down and think through slowly and wsiely in all possible scenarios before making any hasty and rash judgements or decisions that will end us up in trouble by doing wrong. People who do things wrongly, are not even aware most fo the time that they are wrong, blinded by the common peoples selfish endeavours to rule and reign, when they have a good God that will lead them, that they refuse to recongnise and allow themselves to follow and to be used by. That is why we all need routine corrections and must take the time to step aside and analyse ourselves in the way we need to go and do things correctly for longetivity and also for healthier lifestyle purposes. God gave us rules for our own good and the more we recognise them and try to enforce them the longer will will live safely. Rules are made for us to hep us live by and when we get the rules wrong we must change things to get them right.There is no short term fixes as I have said earlier, (that is also a popular belief elsewhere) and so the more time you take to look at what you are doing and where you are going or travelling the longer you will stay on this earth. It is about taking time and care to pay attention to what is right.Then following your God given direction to get where you are going and arrive there at the right time. Routine corection is a behavioural issue to be taken at a personal level for self adjustment so that we all fit into the bigger picture of God''s original design and plan for our own collective peace and prosperity. Admit that you cant have it all your own way all the time, that is another proven fact, when we all go our own way and want things differently to people travelling in other directions, but we must aim for the common purpose of longetivity and healthier and happier lifestyles through aiming to be safer and more secure. God has a design and purpose for our lives and the more closely we look to the original design and plan, the more surely we will be safely and securely in all the different ways we travel the different roads. Aim for what is right and propper and we will all live longer and much happier lives. Allow time for routine correction times, to self adjust and to be and get things right.