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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Patterning Ideas

Organisational Dialouge

The written word is a complex thing of organisational dialogue and logical continuity flow of discussion and understanding of the context subject and content. To write in verbal discussion of the idea concept we need to think both logically and diverse in transcript operation and general discussion of the paper/page. This organisational dialogue of what the mind concieves to be true and correct to write and make sense of the apparant idea as a concept that the brain believes the thoughts to be accurate. As you write you seem to create a perspective of organisational peace of mind and it is in this flow of verse that things become, heaven scented and beautiful to concieve. It is just as if you had dipped a spoon in the honey to taste the sweetness of life and have come to believe that reading will give you that peace of mind in which you seek. However there are many complexities in life which cloud the thinking and while you may appear to be floating off on the clouds to heaven you have to come to terms with real life and put your self in the picture and perspective of what it is all about really. Therefore we should try to maintain an intelligent outlook and a right minded thinking in all our dealings with organisational dialogue to fully understand and grasp the meaning and perspective of the sentence structure and the point being discussed and depicted, to be brought over to our full attention and to be fully understood. Concentrating on the the idea being portrayed is also helpful as we learn by discussion, of what is right and how we are to work and do the business of learning from the written discussion in organisational dialogue. Then in order to completely comprehend the whole odea of the thought duiscussion we can once again drift into aeroplane mode and consider the contemplation of the completeness of life. This higher plane of learning which is brought about by deep sentence structure and intelligent high level linear discussion, is the way to the eternal planes and persepectives of the meaning of life. It all comes about by organisational thoughts of the mind being brought about into the logical sentence structure for conceiving and facilitating in the path of written doctrine and the journey through the long walk of life in learning by discussion. This verbal communication in written form also adds to the niceties of acedemic learning and plays the part of the descriptive picture of intelligent discussion. Just as we now start to digest some of the higher thoughts of organisational learning and discussion in written dialogue do we start to form and show some of the intellectual peace from organisational written dialogue. What really matters is the context flow, so as to understand and fully grasp the meaning of the picture description being created by the discussion and the formalization of the continuity of the written dialogue in higly structured and organisational format. This subject now nears completion, but we still need to sow and remember time frame and financial complexities as we deal with the restaints of format and also with space. Just to consider writing for yourself the idea of the meaning of life in written discussion to socialize and isolate some cases and examples as they appear to you now that you have read. If you have started to understand organisational dialogue in written form then you can contemplate and digress to your own written discussion and dialogue.Talk about the concept idea and use simple language to illistrate and format English to utilize the way words can be addressed. I am not sure whether you can translate this into any other number of languages, but it might be worth considering as you try and spread the idea of written words in discussion and simple complexities in organisational dialogue for the joy and peace of learning and the love of writing discussion in organisational dialogue.

Copying Other Minds

The mind is really a very personal subject matter and typically individual for each person, though there is some conscenous of opinion that is worth copying or considering to be the same when we have a collective point of view and a real need for conformity. Copying other minds is and can be both fashionable and terribly boring, but some how we need to realte on many given subject matters and see eye to eye on our differences and perspectives in order to get along with each other and coexist. So if you see something worth remembering that is written and you can relate to, well then good and fine, but respect the original content as unique and individualistic and only use what you can change to suit yourself on your own personal perspective without being exactly the same. The manipulation of retorect and complete copying is unacceptable but to show some appreciation of the work being done by identitfying that with yourself is rewarding and respectful by saying thankyou or well done. Copying other minds could be concieved by a dopple ganger as a way to steal someone elses identity and that is illegal. We should all seek to be individualistic first before trying to copy someone elses identity to suit our own personal needs. This is however sometimes impossible and there is such a good idea of someone elses that it can become fully marketable and exploited as a pure gain for monetarial finaces and while there are some good and honest ways of dealing in production, first we have to think of ourselves and the personal sacrifices we have made in the conception and developement of the ideas. By thinking ofourselves we are not however fully committing to saleable goods, but in order to market properly and thorougly we first must consider the customer and the potential buyers of the goods, products and services. If this is to remain and free and viable operation then all costs go to charity and the full sanction of the patient is non commercial, with just living expences to use and survive on. In a fully paid operation for free information it is usually at goverment level and therefore cost in which copying other ideas then benefits the community by advantageous adaption and uitilization of production resources. More to the point, the full exploitation is used and conceived by working organisations for understanding and comprehension in utilization. But we can't have free lance and free enterpise information being thrown around the place everywhere for copying and used like garbage disposal in systematic thinking. Work must be paid and therefore identity must be maintained for personal reflection and individualistic creation to be respected for future generations to behold and admire. By considering the other person however some exemptions and considerations must be made allowable through the dignity of respect and in and for intellectual comradery. I am glad to have been able to make a contribution to the world and society, but let it remain just that, my picture and persepctive reflected back at you for understanding and discussion. I am not trying to racquateer and profit out of you at all, but sheerly point out the operation of discussion and concept formation in idea thinking. Copying minds will always remain wrong, but some incentive and encouragement to think on logical and corelated format is benefical in unifying and coexisting in habitation and community dwelling in like minds. We should seek to please each other rather than destroy other people's opinions and give them the right to own and reflect their ideas for you and me, us. This should be done in a gentle, humble and kind way so as to show love for our fellow person. Finally I am hopefull that you are not offended by my objective setting and I have faith that I have tried to do the right thing by you.. 

Reading Matter

Reading is the key to success and anything that you can get your hands on to read will help. The more you learn what you interests and reading tastes are the sooner you will develope and academic mind for learning. The subject or reading matter is determined by what you like as a person, whatever catches your eye or attention and draws you in to buy a book or magazine. Perhaps it is just the news website of your choice or perhaps you have bought the daily paper for any matter of years. Whatever is the case you need to read to understand and learn what is going on in the world, what life is all about and what makes the planet tick. Reading matter or subject matter as I have reffered to it as is what drives your metabolism to work and justifies your reason for purpose and existance. I have included this under patterning ideas because there can be many types of productions that are printed for us all to get a copy of and read, this linear or concentrated focused reading is what gives us the common idea and concscenous of what is going on in our world. As we learn to experience life in written documents and printed words so to do we learn to understand what life is all about from a commercial point of view in which it is something that we can all relate to as relevant material. This typing of words, typically shows and explains how we are to do life and tells us how to make correct judgements and decisions for living out our days in a longetivty of time and knowledge. If your mind is right and correct from attaining right minded thoughts and you have progressed and developed your brain to understand and study the intricrisies of life, then you more than half way there in knowing how to live out your days with purpose, relationship and understanding. It seems to me that you can't self justify your own ideas but you must work towards understanding what it means to us all as individuals on a conscenous point of view and common understanding for community relationship and political purpose. We must understand each other to relate, that is what common purpose is all about, writing is the best way to see how to understand what that is and see the ways to develope those communication levels of purpose and relationship. Reading, does matter and no matter what the subject, if it is down in writing there is about a 98% chance that it is within the guidleines of being right. Nobody gets the perfect 100% but we can get pretty damn close sometimes if we try, consider each others needs and look to the betterment of all concerned for the common purpose of good for each other. You really can't self justify this in any kind of way or fashion, but must have a heart to serve, look to others for guidance and learn from other people what they really believe. Sometiomes you have to make a law for the good of all concerned because we can't see past our own self importance of wanting everthing our own way, but must live to help others in their time of need and requirement. This is accomplished by showing heart and caring for other people and that is done through working towards the goal of the common good for each and all concerned. That is all mostly done through studying and reading, in that for you to have a trained mind to work, you must first underrstand the subject matter and then write to be read by others. Sometimes we just have to put the books down and it is all a hands on operation in times of need and crisis. Then your memory will help carry things through for you in remembering what you need to do, act and show kindness and love towards others in all your work efforts and deeds. That is what makes the working world tick and flow, a geographic envioronment of love and peace right across the world and the working centre in the earth's environment. Read and write for success, be right and be a winner.

Conceive and Believe

The mind will concieve what the heart will believe, but the head plays an intrical part in the deciding of what, where, when and how things will be. In order to go ahead with a decision to write, first from the heart there must be some kind of right understanding of the perspective required. Then there must be reason and logic to progress and proceed, thirdly there must be a critical point in which you need to convey what you are meaning and trying to say in written words. It may not be even a written document or page that you are daring to concieve and believe, it maybe an engineering design or mechanical device, electrical system or any other kind of manufacturing product. But for the order of convenience and relative design in my writing formats and criteria I will stick to the idea of what the brain believes and tries to convey on a page. It would be fair to anylise any type of product design from how it is concieved to how it is produced and manufactured but with writing the design idea is all in the conceptualization and putting that to paper, electronic page is what I have endeavoured to do and to show through descriptive analyisis, is the construction demonstration of the engineering of thought.This is really still done under the premise of concieving and believing and the literal product is only really fashioned in the mind as it goes down the page in ellaborated technique. The written dialogue of verse is the conception of ideas that come to mind and  are portrayed as a purposeful and inspirrational objective through the minds idea of design requirements.This technique can be fully adapted into nearly any facilitation and as I pointed out some of the more practical uses, though it is still in the design conception that the heart understands the need for reason and forms logical designs from what it concieves and believes. The head withholds and incorporates from within the mind, that of which is this. In the receptive device of understanding and the leading figure it uses is in its direction orientation and observance characteristics to facilitate and use model conditions.This is done as a way of preserving and fashioning understanding for the extrapolation of knowledge and the serviceability of the commercial product from within it aims to end and finish up with a complete product. So what we are dealing with here is an achievement focused and understanding orientated concept of a design idea that needs to be fully commercialized in order to be exploited for its full worth and serviceability.This achievement based product should or would be highly sort in any designers market. For if you can understand design conception then you can understand marketability of the product. So it now appears that we have come up with some kind of designers marketability product and that the unleashing of its design conception is attractive and fashionable in the real world. How useful it is, is still another question but at least we have created a writing source for inspirational literature and created a design perspective for engineering of a product. This was the first idea of the problem in that as we ventured to see what could be designed and written by what the heart concieves and the mind believes, to format and formalise a formualted product of designers worth through critical evaluation. This was established and justified in the procedure and therefore the conception of the finished product is now firmly established and completed. For and from the purpose of patterning ideas to use and persuade readers to take up their own critical evaluation of the design technique and hopefully find useful for their utilization of the product for themself.  

Fundamental Structure

Every writing concept has a fundamental structure in its format as the idea is worked and evolved down the page. There is also a logical continuity to the writing procedure which must be followed to create relevance in the train of thought and the chain of ideas as they formualte and change in turn down the page. As well we must also consider the written dialogue of sentence patterning and formatting as the structure of the line and paragraph come into place and advance in being for the design and principle of the procedure. The new ideas created are just that, new and inovative and we must spend time on critical analysis to understand and appreciate the advanced version of the new work. Adding to original ideas needs a requirement to be accurate in any advancement and changes as we use principles that are trusted, tried and proved in the progression of work as it evolves. Sentence structure as it comes about must be carefully thought out and follow a logical context of design in its continuity and be flowing and digestive as it works its way through the paragraph and down the page. Striking balance and harmony should be considered as routine behaviour and any digression from the main topic, sort of tabou and try to be avoided of. Though there are some interesting examples of diverce engineering of thought from different contexts that when used as a parralel reference, can add meaning and preference to the continuity. This relationship of similar ideas and concepts being combined and united, is what brings creativity and newness of thought when there is a corelation of thought being adapted and is used in congruent format. For now though we will stick to the basic principles of creation and design from a logical format for factual and continuitous reference in thought and ideas. Fundamental structure is the flowing of words in logical context down the page, supported by logical arguement in sentence structure and destined to be produced in a design criteria that supports common thought and relateable conguence of ideas. The English language is a very versatile thing with many applications that you can adapt from and use in your creative text. Metaphors, similies, contemporary colloquial and many other sentence structures that help make the writing more interesting. Applying them to your structure is easy but not all of them are subject to being fundamental. Fundamental implies or implicates basic text of truths and facts, they can be very boring or interesting, depending on how we use them and that is why we use and add inserts of creative text and writing to help us learn to love our reading work more. The fundamental structure of sentence writing is subject to availability of interest and fresh ideas, which when we become tired, we become less interested and less interesting. Resting to be well thought out and sharp or highly explanetary in your creative writing is very important. Just as we take the product of writing to the commercial world for reading, the content needs to be highly interesting and enjoyable to read. If we stuck to just fundamentals all the time we would have a valuable piece or literature for its content worth, but that may be boring and uninteresting to read. Again it depends on the type of document being produced and for the bulding industry we are completely different to a divorce law case. Poetry, novels and most nonfiction all vary and differentiate in meaning, subject matter, style and interest, so for me, we have to stick to being creative with a few fundamental truths to try to be interesting and easily read.  

Leading Written Thought

Leading written thought is getting back a bit to what the heart can concieve and the mind can believe and visa versa. What comes from the head can be very different to what comes from the heart, but still we need a receptivity and a connectivity to function logically and normally. It is when we get unity in thinking wth associated and agreeing thoughts from the head and heart do we start to get a normal flow of continuitous thinking. You can not write while argueing with yourself even if your arguement is feasonable to you. You must consider the reader first and what feasability their is in writing so that you can be linking and justifying your case as you go. The mind only puts to page what the head says it can and the heart will only lead what it can justify to itself, within the necessary limits of pain, anquish and temperment. So what we need to do is format thinking in our mind first as we go in order to produce a reasonably justified document. Leading written thought can also only be created from a readers point of view in that if it is not good or worthwhile reading, no one will take up the case to do so. Coming back to that and staying ontrack with our leading. The written thought comes from thinking what the mind has read and remembered, that has been fashioned into logical arguement from and for reading through writing. It seems that we have gotton off track a little bit from the deep and meaningful road of life and it is very important to rememeber that real life experiences are also highly worth noting. While writing is a pleasant past time and enjoyment it also has some serious connotations and double meanings if we read it from a shallow perspective or start to go too deep into the subject matter. Writing should be enabled in a logical continuitous fashion and manner so as to extract the personal meaning out of what you are reading for yourself. When the writing is down on a page for decifering, then comes the challenge of using its meaning for leading creative discussion and group sessions of relevant communication. As you cannot really lead properly without verbal communication, even if you have the written dialogue first. One on one coversations are also helpful to discern what has been written as being right or not and also what refers to individual personalities as relevant behaviour. Of cource you must also consider other peoples opinions and just because you have a written document for discussion does not mean that you can justify it with your own ideas and attitudes to the writers, but simply list what basic things are being discussed for the benefit of learning. There is always a creative aspect to writing and the sooner we can learn to pick up those skills the better we will be at leading. Leading wrting comes from being creative and then reading is enabled once the thoughts have been digested. Then the writer can explain them in contemporary sentence structuring. This means understanding dialogue and allows for further thought provocation and enlightenment onto the subject matter and criteria. While we mostly remain nieive to the real truth of literature, we will still always be able to gain some kind of knowledge from the understanding, which gives meaning and makes life worthwhile. Of cource the more we read, the more we have opened our minds and broadened our horizons through the meaningful literature of life. This can be kind of self justified after a while and we must always come back to the test of writing in expressing how we see things as to then show how we explain them to someone else. The more you read and write the better you get through the experience of the process. Read and write to enjoy. 

Complete Comprehension

The whole world of literature is a seemingly unamaginable thing, making complete comprehension a near and impossible task. Now we will try to grapple with what it means be in control of all your total understanding and decifering of literature as we try and seek to ask how the task is performed. Firstly, the whole concept is apparantly overwhelming and so as to take it in bite size chunks and look towards the narrow understanding rather than the broad perspective, in seeking to take to heart what it is you need to know to understand complete comprehension. Complete comprehension is a difficult task to ask as I have said but I reiterate on the point to harp that what we need to know is the end result of a heavenly perspective, rather than be totally consumed by an information overload. Just as you eat three meals a day or one meal is broken down into entre/soup, main meal and desert we take and digest parts of our library of resources into bight size pieces or grasping understanding. Just as it is easy to say that literature is easily swallowed and passed in the days activities, so to is life over its total expanse, reduced down to months, seasons and years and it is this difference in time that provides day to day meaning in life's full objectives and all various different perspectives. Reading as a pleasant past time is a relaxing enjoyment which gives you creative ideas on what the world and indeed life is all about, we would become very shallow if we did not take on the task of reading for understanding. The depth of meaning and understanding is created and inspired by trying to comprehend what life (it) is all about through reading and the complex completeness of being finite is an eternal tool in understanding our limited resources. But be thankful that, there is a near unlimited supply of literature to read and grasp what life's meaning is all about and that the simple word being, ''life" really takes and requires our complete understanding to grasp and achknowledge what it actually is that we are seeking to know, learn and understand about it. Of which there are many different apsects and utilizations. In the Man From Snowy River there was a famous quotation. "' There is more to life than death " and that therefore the path and road we take, is a winding, meandering and even straight path to get from where we are, to where we are going. The path should be walked long and wide with a narrow focus on the route you take and the direction you are heading, but nevertheless to get to where we are going can sometimes mean a lot of diversions and side tracks along the way and that makes the walk more interesting. If we fail to fully commit to the right road then we can get waylayed and taken back the way we came rather than experiencing the fresh new path each day of a new horizon and uncharted waters of the path of eternal life. Being safe and secure is another reason for holding us back, but many prefer the safety and niceties of home rather than trying to take on the path of eternal life which leads to an abundant supply of resources and treasures. We can also get cluttered up with things and possessions and that restricts our ability to move and travel freely and lightly around the world to see and experience all the joys and beauty of the earths environment and many natural atractions.  A bit at a time and a day to day embracing of life, leads to a more complete understanding and comprehension, this is indeed the road to take.

Understanding Linking

Understanding linking is quite a simple, yet a difficult task. It is not until we learn to unite and combine ideas into a group collection or conscenous, that we start to understand and grasp the different perspectives of reinforced and well defined structures. Two separte ideas, mixed and combined in the strength of unity is a common bond that cannot be easily broken. There is more power in like minded and associated patterns than there is in individual and single minded paths.The walk is long and sweet and too short to go alone. Understanding liniking is a biproduct of sharing consideration between two parties which is strengthen and reinforcement for the combination and agreement of two ideas in unison. Of couce we could look at multiple faceted and diverse groups as it is for companies which rely on strength in numbers and share a varied and intense workload to get a lot done by a lot of people. This is also the concept of linking and understanding, as it is to be part of a food or product chain in the supply and demand of life's resources. Linking is a highly structured systematic sequence of design ideas that integrate and interelate to form new concepts of understanding, that through implementing supply chains, you experience difference in change through understanding logistics. This is in combination and facilitation of the unique knowledge information that has to be grasped, which enables and equips productive resourses to multiply and replenish naturally through periods of phenonema. Of cource we have to evaluate and merit change as on its own behaviour as the more things turn around and happen the greater is the understanding of linking required to be picked up and adapted as change occurs in strategy. This issolation and asociate of the change behaviour is unique to understanding linking as patterns form and allow prediction of the direction change as it makes its way into social systems from the industrial or commercial world to family sectors. Stratergy and patterning help form the behavioural change and this marketing requirement for advancement is helped by change and also hindered by it. We need patterns to form to predict the future and change if it is allowed to go unharnessed creates a never ending array of timeless bad choices. This also hinders understanding in linking and while we have to be ready and alerrt and recognise change for its volitility. We also have to be able to recogonse when we can capitalize on it and make a profit as it happens and occurs so naturally, reading market predictions and assessing strategies for change is a highly favoroured and sort after idea for making money. If understanding of linking occurs naturally, change can be adapted to and used favourably in connectivity with resource utilization. Though we must remain sharp and focused on the change behaviour which allows the combination of linking to be understood for all its tangible worth. Product evaluation is also encorporated and allowed for in understanding what linking is in that as you associate more and combine to form pairs and parteers as you actullay consolidate and develope in design strategies and techniques. Following on from that and to finish off in understanding linking, as if it is just by natural and basic phenomena that we just have to sit back and let it form as it happens sometimes to see what plane it wills how to end up on, eternal, literary, marketing or just plain natural resources being utilized. Of cource the natural biproduct is people and they are required in plentiful supply. 

Maintaining Disiplines

Structures and disciplines are hard to maintain, but with constant work to keep them right, this pathway is opened up to be more purposeful and objective. Maintaining disciplines like any other task to be performed is a questionable and arduous requirement and task in writing structure. Memory also plays a key and integral part in word association and conecting with documented facts and examplee of context relativity. Just trying to remember everything you have written can be difficult and extremely hard to do, but when you reread your own work you can usually recognise it as what you have done. This comes into place even after many years of putting something down that when you see and read a work of your own you should always be able to distinguish it as your own. The hard part about writing is that you need to stay logical and in context with the thought pattern and the structured idea in relationship to the written meaning. Maintaining disciplines needs patient and concerted effort to recall and retain what you are doing and to supply and apply purposeful meaning to what you are demonstrating through your work efforts in logical context. It seems a bit like harping the point but the logical context is the whole key to writing and staying in continuitous format with integral componants of sentence structure is the reason and the plight for writing. So the more we seek to maintain disciplines to more we add structure and meaning to our work. Then it is the sharp and expansive recall of words from your vocabulary that makes the more in depth and meaningful usuage of your writing to be read. You must stay atuned and focused to expand and expound written literature and the more you vary your words and context the better your descriptive communication is as you derive and extract meaning in and through examples of real life happenings or literary situatiions. The depth of vocabulary is extremely important and the more you have read the greater the depth of extrapilation you can use to pull words form your reportoire. Once again this is done by maintaining discipline and this self denial or so it seems, scarifice of self comes out in your thought for others in how you word your document to fit in with other peoples ideas and plans for betterment of life situations and of being helpful to others. This is a quite a short example of a very broad subjecta nd to write for hours on end would not cover all the details though some one might like to try. Just as we go to the gym to keep fit, so do do we strengthen our skills form continuitous writing and maintianing disciplines to do this and to keep going and focused on the end result is the way to fullfill the subject matter and explain the continuity of the whole process. The purpose of the exercise is not to be broad and disjointed but tthrough stringent controls remain focused and disciplined in your writing efforts. Then it is just a matter of maintaining those controls to see that you maximise harmony and continuity through your writing work. The work goes on and the more we remember to stay disciplined and use our stringent controls to maintain those rules, the more ready we are to accept higher planes of life and more meaningful perplexities and living examples. Then as we use more critique in writing, we learn how to enjoy greater and deeper meanings of existance and all this is done by maintaining disciplines in work efforts and the laws of life and reality. 

The Usual Analysis

The usual analysis is a hghly structured and conscentrated way of finding out your quality of work in relationship to readers understanding and your own depth of portrayal of your writing work. After time and effort of study and proving whatv is right from wrong in documented facts by thried and true emasures of real life examples, the usual analysis is used to see that what is written passes the test of appropriate behaviour and sets a reasonable standard of excellence is accepted behaviour and required responsibility to be certain that you have explained and documented the work correctly and concisely to be right and with appropriate responces secured. What has been tried and proven usually is the best way to do things again in other circumstances. The more society becomes corrupt the more jails we have to build to put those offenders, it is not a free for all anythings goes liberty in life but we must pay the consequences of our evil and bad behaviours.This is done through critical analysis and stringent work by police to enforce the law of what is socially acceptable and any form of homosexual behaviour in my book is not socially acceptable in normal areas of life, despite rules and regualtions to change those corrupted ways and thoughts, they will always remain evil, sin remains sin. Rainbow people who say it is love really won't tell you how much they hate it. They are not going to heaven to be in a beautiful relationship with God and loving welcoming arms of Jesus, I can assure you, they are going to the place of oblivion, called hell to burn and rot forever in torment, pain and agony. God wants none to be lossed, but you don't put square pegs in round holes, it is as simple as that. It is silly, stupid, sinful, ludecrass and unintelligent. As with any case of law it requires the usual analysis to test the laws as to what is right and wrong and to learn from mistakes and apply what works as what is right and what is wrong should be profoundly rejected and thrown out on the scrap heap. Law comes from designed and true ways of doing things are they for safety and responsible behaviour and respect to others by abiding by the established laws things will be done right. Do things the wrong way and brake the laws of nature and science and you brake your own life beyond repair. Creation and evolution go hand in hand and we have to use common sense in explaining those examples. Rules were invented for our safety and healthy survival of the species, go against those laws and you have a disease epidemic and cancer of so many things it is in plague proportion.The chances are that 90% of homosexuals will get bowel cancer at some time in their life. Just like the Aids epedemic spread across the world in homosexual activity. It is a disease still killing people today who abuse their priveleges as normal human beings in their behaviour. The hospitals will be full again of disease ridden individuals who continue to do the wrong things in life and abuse their God given and granted priveledges. This is the usual analysis of using what has been tried and true and proven as the right way to do things in any given case, not just homosexuality. I have just used that as a relevant to todays circles of examples and requirements. Natural relations between a man and a woman is tried and true way of doing things right and it is the basis for the whole existance and survial of the whole human race. If things get bent, you straigthen them or throw them away on the scrap heap. We simply must test every case on its own merit but come back to the baisic premise of what is right and wrong by tried and proven ways of doing things that work out best for ourselves and and behavioural needs. Brake the law of nature and you will be sure of paying for it, ask any earthquake survivor who claimed on their insurance. Critical or the usual analysis of tried and true tested ways is the right way of doing things, be sure.