King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Physical Market

The Agricultural Market

The growing and supplying of Agricultural farming, supplies an enormous magnitude of people for to eat. Each farmer or farming region, harvests a crop after the plants have germinated and grown into a full sze and abundant crop which is then taken to the market or bought by company food processors who refine or use the prioduct after it has been harvested for the distribution and supply by wholesalers into the retail sector outlets and shops or market stalls, which are also supplied and used by sudsistent or homegrowers for food consumption and eating after a home has purchased or paid for the produce.

Farming is a big and multinational trade, by which now it has someof the best machinery and products, brands for companies to be listed on the stock market., where by shares can be bought and sold and trading through the farming industry, which is what we call the agricultural market. This diversified and yet randomly concentrated supply of produce, after the crops have been planted, grown anmd harvested to be dispersed and distributed nation wide from country to city or sent to food factories for production, who, prepare, cook and package or freeze, can or dry the food for longer time availability and short future term use.

This turnover of highlyconcentrated andpacked food is nearly almost certainly the highest utilization of products in the world and while the earth grows and produces the cropsnaturally, they are helped along and aided by chemicals and natural and artificial nutrients for better and bigger produce, along with irrigation an dthe natural and normal occurence of rain for the right areas in the right environment of geographical areas that suit each and every different variation of crops identifies by verification of independaent advisors. Hence forth the market of what ever type it is that is supplied by the agricultural sector, the market is what a thing it is that reqiuires the consuption of food by people. Eatimg is a part of a natural pleasure in life which inturn generates business and this can be recycled into other means and other parts of work, where it can be used to regenerate the agricultural life blood of the living market and the supply and consumption of replenishment of the natural repeating of the cylces all over again.

Market Production

The production sector of the market is one of the highest of all capitalistic systems of all the marketb industry. While we have investors prepared and trying to capitalize and exploit the very system itself, while business company organizations are working very hard at ground level to provide a product service for the broader community through producing their products to the ultimate and maximum capacity of production for the dictribution and customer satisfaction in purchasing of the product, to the multinational capitalists who exploit the system form thetop end by buying up as many pivotal and profitable companies as they can for the capitalistic conglomerations production, which by its very nature, means and generates a high turnover of inductry and it is this busyness of business that attracts the investor through the attraction of the consumers consumption of the actual product or group of products that associate the product as a desirable brand or label within the companies actual capacity top produce the product or products from within itself. As far as I can tell it is a covert and internal system that applies overt and external pressure to perform as a valid entity within the business world.

The high turnover of production in which I have allready implied and suggested, is a capitalization of thegrowers at ground level and that it is only through this mass production that the capitalistic society actually manifests and provides itself through, its own internal exploitation of the industry. Market production by its own self determeined and self dictated generation of share and stock market turnover to and from capacity to capacity, just to repeat its whole life cyclic system all over again for the future trades and transactions in the shortterm capital gain industry, from which it is in its own form of market production developiing from within itself, as well, while the traders seek to gain liquid assets and capitalize out of the financial sector for self gain and self worth.

The whole system is capitalized by itself, for its own self gain and self worth to the point of self defeating its own self for the benefit of the economy andf the personal gain of its investors, which are inturn taxed and pumped back into the country for a brighter future for us all. So that the market production becomes the self exploitation of the market industry itself to the point of no return and is just reinvestment into the business and countires industrial sectors for the first hand investment for the market production and therefore what it means to be the business of the industry of the market production itself.

Market Growers

The Market is a cost sensitive thing, on the one hand you have the farmers wanting a bumper crop for a high annual return after working hard sowing and then growing for harvest. On the other hand you have big businesses trying to exploit the farmers by taking advantage of the internal system of company business so that they can make as much mony as they possibly can by capitalizing on price and producing and selling for a profit. So once again we have the farmers on the one hand trying to sell their crops for a profit after growing them and then you have the multinationals and small to medium size business trying to profit on the long term out of the hard working farmers.

Then once again you have the investors in the companies and the farmers who are the real growers trying to pick a product or company to invest in on the short term to make a quick gain or instant profit, while other investors seek to hold onto and manage their shares in the market, while they are tryiing grow their portfolios in a sure and stable fashion over the long term. So we have this contadiction of terms, with the food we have short term and high turnover that grows slowly and with an aim for long term profits, while other commodities are high turnover and longterm and we have as additionally, a short term market turnover at high profitable rates, by the volatility and fluctuation of the market industry. This commercialization leads to an instability in the market in which as we observe every day, the stock market goes up and down radically to demonstarte its own market power and the ability to adjust to the commercialization of the market inductry.

Of Cource the longterm stability and market production that leads to a more stable economyb and provides longer, slower and more gradual longterm availability and accountability of money stability, which inturn grows in the general direction of advancement over a long term period of time. This advancement of the overall stock market and its projections facilitate the forecast of what is capitalization in what we come back to as once again, the farmers who grow the produce gradually and annually for turnover in production for the utilization of their own properties in which with and for their own growing abilities provide and lead to the regeneration of the commercial market in the marketable growers section of the finance industry of the country for the economic advancement and capitalization of their own countries wealth and personal gains.

Providing The Market

The market is provided for making money out of catital investment. With market growers and average companies becomeing successful companies and hence forth growing the industry, this provides for more wealth for captital investment into the market economy. The market economy revolves around a hig turnover of income generation and this stimulus for the economy and hence forth then generates productivity back into the industry for further capitalizatiom of the countries own economy. Market providing then is about capital investment for the sustaining of the company and the economy through the heavy use of market turnover for individual investors. Each individual investor aims to take a slice of the action or piece of the pie for themselves to provide themselves with a fuiture and to sustain their families through businesses that provide a livlihood upon which they can live on with a real means to produce an income to reinvest in the market for providing for the family future and for themselves. This provision of a capitalistic system is as old as the hills and the individual family works on this principle in providing for itself as an individual family unit, whereby alone it can supply theior memebers with agricultural produce as food after a minimal payment for the use of the resouce intake of the daily family requirement and the utilization of the energy and sustanence toreinvest the spent energy into the stock market so that their is a positive future for themselves in providing for the family and their own independent futures. It is this point of reinvestment that provides the long term sustanence for the family by the company business that funds mare made available and might be extracted and distributed out of the businesses from the companies funds and work for the investment in personal potfolios and the companies reinvestment. Investment companies and the investing in them also offer and provide a service in opportunities as in offering jobs as a real provision for the work force to maintain itself. The capitalization out of the work for private investors who therough providing the answers themselves for money matter situations have generated and will generate enough interest to provide for themselves and others and it is this very means of learning how and know what to do that provides for others that they actually learn and know how to provide for themselves and it is this provision that provides the market with the stimuli and action for transactions an dthe knowledge of what to invest in what and what for.

Market Stalls and Shops

A slight downturn in the market is called a market stall, when the people in the the market garden with their stand by the side of the road or the Sunday afternoon market at Paddy's or something means the people there are working harder then the power brokers. market stalls as the English words imply are a stand where the produce is sold by the side of the road to the passing motorist and this can mean on a trading day there is more sense in the sole market grower as an individual instead or as well as the whole stock market itself on an individual investors point of view. The very nature of the stock market is to produce produce for commercial selling whether in food or material things as a form of production. This is enabled by stalls and shops contributing to the sometimes negativity of the market by there excccessive demand at pouint of sale.

Therefore the whole business network from getting the produce form the country and into the city which is a heavy form of commercial industry to put the produce up for sale at a marketable price. It is exactly the same principle for the stock market where by a company or business is buying a share in the business at the market price. Shops offer goods for sale and once again on the same basis and principle that that purchasers can buy goods and fresh food produce at a shop at a reccommended price as a customer for consumption for continual consuming for surviving and repurchasing in a recyclic basis or to have as your own possession for a sum of money to do what you like with. Stalls in the stock market operate on a same or similar principle as well , in that providing you can pay for the commodity and attain shares in the stock market which provide you with interest and dividendand you can have a piece of the pie and a slice of the action and so that your meaning that you have a stake in a company. This however is transient and when the market stalls due to excessive interest or bargaining power or dominance in a particular type of share company investment it can trigger a sharp fall and the whiole stock market can drop suddenly to a cresendo or inverted climax of a dipping peak. This called the market stall and it takes a while to get back on board and to recover form this trough. So that when this all to present market consuming dominant process of negativity by power hungry and forceful groups or sectors control the market, other sectors react and counter the attacking advance and that can be completely overwhelming in both forms and direction of power controll which forces a break in the confidence and a sharp short snap or downfall.

This is called a correction because there is more money on the street in commercial property which holds true and stable while there is a market correction and investors are thinking that they are betteter off in other investment sectors, like commercial property and factories as if the cars are on the road working harder than the people in the offices. This understanding might be meaning that it is better to be going on somewhere else than staying where you are in a firm position, especially for designated holidays and overseas trips , which means that there is more money in enjoyment than in the financial system. A stall as your car acn do if you don't maintain it properly or when you stop to buy something by the side of the road or so stop for indulgent shopping in retail outlets, it all catches up with things and this can mean the market stall or correction.

Market Enabling

All that is required for market enabling is everybody working hard and a high achievement rate which leads to a greater amount of productivity and this builds and establishes a better relationship with the overall upturn of the market and by this we have market enabling where by the word output producing greater return pushes the market upward enabling it to yield higher profits and more positive prices in general for long term investors, providing the work rate is maintained, if on the other hand productivity drops then the short term money market profit takes for short and capitalize and make quick and easy money out of everyone taking it easy.

This is an overall adverse affect for the stability of the country and the advancement of economic growth in a positive direction but it makes a few greedy capitalists who are quiet smart very happy. Fortunately most people have enough scruples to work for the betterment of the country's economy and its power happy money brokers can go backwards very quickly when everyone has the countries best interest at heart and all can profit out of contributing to the general overall productivity of the country which in turn advances the economy and enables the market to go up in the usual and general positive direction because the bulk of the people are interested in doing the right thing and this positive and beneficial to the country's economic trading of imports and exports and allows for a positive balance of trade on the international markets.

This positive economic contribution of labor and the productivity it generates and creates for market advancement is what market enabling is all about. It means more people can invest in the stock market because they are earning more and more people own houses and property and this enables greater liquid assets and contributions being made to the overall economy which is enables by boosting the stock market with more funds and more shares being offered to attract new investors as new companies are started and added to the stock market list which in turn enables once again more investors and a greater economy.

Market Bargaining

The potential of resources is enormous and market bargaining harnesses this potential for the best and must independent gain. By understanding he direction of the market and which way it is going you can snap up an instant bargain by buying at a low point and then selling at the top end of the market. This is not always the rule but it generally holds true through most stable and successful companies. Secondly on the other hand like buying a crop of a farmer who has had a bumper year and capitalizing on his success by being able to buy more at a lower price because of the favour of the season and the producers inability to off load all of the produce easily through the normal channels when everyone has abundant supply and you can pick it up at a steal when the price is low, providing you take the additional and extra harvest.

This market potential of bargaining is explained best by putting is an offer and not paying until you're price has been met or you are happy to pay or purchase more at a lower price because of your capital buying power and you r ability to turn over the product and sell it again for a higher earnings at a retaining profit of what can considered successful use ad management of funds in the utilization of the resources and the distribution of the goods for the service that is provided by the consumption of the product and the captalisation of the business through the purchasing and bargaining transaction of an opportune purchase from a successful producer for the benefit of all in the industry, the capitalization of market bargaining itself is the consideration of an operating profit and the new resalable position of the buyer is best understood by his management ability and his ability to redistribute the product for commercial use.

Therefore market bargaining is the capitalization of purchasing at a lower price for a higher profit through the resale ability of the product through the purchaser. Bargaining in a market by paying the agreed price at below the offer is considered market bargaining.

Market Implications

The fluctuation of the market indices and the variation in the price of hares is all subject to available price and the value in the company's ability to make a profit. The stock market will constantly change and vary by going up and down in the share and quantity and sales amount according to the stability of the company and the direction of the trend for the company to perform. Usually there are no short term gains or losses for this formula and the main basis for the stock market is hard work for a long term profit. There is however reason to react to news that might trigger a rapid change up or down in various sectors and for different companies. The overall trend of the market generally is to ride but financial strains can trigger serious repercussions on the markets general sway of stability.

The real and daily slight up and down fluctuation and neither here nor there but with serious connotations they can trigger a short term decline for large amounts and this is brought under control again by the long term stability of the market generally and the normal economic climate of daily trades where the need for survival in daily living means that heavy investors of high turnover trades must back off and let the general workforce provide the productivity in the stabilization of national trends.

It is this longer term gradual rise and fall of high turnover investors try and make something out of the minor changes in the long term projection of sales on a daily basis whereby they can capitalize short term and try to project long term for financial security. It is however the long term standing and stability of the stock market as a financial system that holds true for the long term economic picture whereby generalized projections stabilize the market for price sensitive implications that may incur and lead to change and repercussions from excessive use and heavy trading by long term financial investors and this reacts to implication of certainty and uncertainty in profit and news of companies.

Market Stability

They say that what you sow you reap, while another ones sows another one reaps. But with the stock this principle applies to volatility and market stability revolves around a lifetime of work for the fluctual to level or peak and cruise along like a mountain plateau where a mesa is the occasion wide in the trend and the mountain ranges is the whole stock market. Just like you need an accountant to do your taxes and workout the best long term investments for your capital and assets, market stability is a general aim and long term projection for the normal future of sustained growth while the general short term volatility is a stone falling off a cliff and gathering no moss on the way down.

For a certainty and a real long term security property is generally the best investment but for sustained financial growth the stock market with its long term projections for growth is the reason for market stability while the gentle incline never really goes into too much of a negative but sometimes takes sharp dips and inclines to come into line with the general perspective of the business world and the concerns of the long term projection for gradual and stable inclining growth of the market.

So whatever it plateaus or peaks or sits level and stable for long periods of time, which is hard to do, but it gives the general market a break or rest from its own self frustration of introverted and extroverted changes that alleviate to successful and susceptible profit managers from grabbing the loose change with the volatility and provides the long term general investor with a stable income and dividend out of the structure and successful maintaining of their portfolio while the struggle and turmoil's of daily life abound but with the security and certainty of hard work behind you can sustain you for short term periods carries out and the maintaining of capital is managed for in-current long term investment which harnesses and capitalizes on the stable market for the enhancements and long term of a stable portfolio for retirement while volatility fights itself for a stable market.

Market Productivity

The productivity of the market it based on the number of trade or the amount of sales for a profit or loss, but with general idea that investing money in the stock market will generate interest enough in the investment to mean a rise in price or value of the shares in order to attract further investment and earn a return through dividends or by buying at the right time, in a trough for example when the share prices aims to get to its peak and maximize the profit return.

This concentration of market transactions through buying and selling in constant trades is a form of market productivity and the new and realized interest in the investment is the market profit which is generated out of the market productivity itself. It is a reasonable futile exercise to invest constantly and always expect a profit because with market upturns and downturns you have to know all the time when to buy and sell and this is very hard to do on a constantly profitable basis. So then that is why long term investment is more profitable but takes a longer time and the overall market means and represents the quick profit in short term profit as higher market productivity.

So then one aims to constantly invest for a profit, whether with many trades or holiday onto a portfolio of solid investments over a long period of time for dividends and capital gain, but the real productivity is in the stock market. Itself by the multitude of investors with constant transactions and heavy investment for a high gain, which may have incur a loss, but the loss is only transient to careful investors who invest to predict and aim at long term profits by multiple transactions. The fact that the base indices are really the only company who make a consistent long term profit out of the transactions by a buy and sell fee means that all other companies are competing for their share of the market from within their own specialized and individual field for the commercialization and cash flow of trading and transaction management to generate interest in their own companies through investments of funds for short capitalization for a projection over a long period of time for a capitalized operating profit.