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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Idea Of Originating Money


Administration is the orchestration of leadership, whereby delegation is organization and communication is the down the line instruction of procedure to be followed from that's institutionally right and is henceforth dealt with by a manager in the form of administrational directions given with the following up of guidance and work requirements to be adhered to and carried out in the form of the dirty of the job to perform the tasks delegated and objectives formed by the goal setting and plans made through the aim of fulfilling and satisfying the budget to be adhered to in the way of profiting out of the productiveness of the things accomplished.

The legalities and the force to apply and maintain instructions to satisfy and fulfill the laws dictated to by the leading and controlling administrator are a prerequisite and necessity for the management and maintenance of getting the job done and the work completed and accomplished, it is this instructional delegation of down the line management that big noted and high lights the success and fulfillment of the tasks set ad work to be accomplished through the job being done.

It is this generation of work to be done that satisfies and guides and leads the job of the company or organizational department of the business or government to set clear objectives and lea and guide the way for the Chief Executive Officer of administrative leads to effectively and efficiently see the task of the job to get the work done is accomplished. In all the different and specification capacities of leadership the manager delegation of the aim and objective setting and goal accomplishment to be fulfilled and maintained as the internal structure of the organization is maintained through this efficient administration and the real and truthful satisfaction of a job well done through the complete accomplishment of the tasks at all levels of the organization through the administrative capacity of the leader to perform and oversee the carrying out of the delegated duties and work tasks.

Time For Productivity

In the capacity of getting work done and aiming for the achievement of results a business organisation must have time for productivity and budget and plan, so that work can get done efficiently and effectively. The fact that time costs money means that there is approve for everything and production line or packaging plant like the streamline effect of a rail system or network running on time means that each and every employee must play their part and do their job responsibly in order for the work to get carried out on schedule and for safety and occupational health issues to be aware of and addressed. Just because most people think that money is a motivator does not mean that it is for all people in all cases.

Actually the three main motivators are achievement, power and affiliation but in order to produce the companies desired results, these three motivators are a means for time for productivity that actually represents the ability for ca company to make a profit. Time for productivity is not a motivational tool itself as to most people hard work is a necessary deterrent but is a need and requirement of everybody to earn an income and feed and clothe a family and pay off the mortgage in the course of a life time service to any particular industry or specialist series that provides a product or intellectual skill in the offering and providing of a service to the public.

The only real way to earn money is to serve the community one way or another and to have time for productivity does not necessarily mean that the pressure alleviates job satisfaction but is does ensure that you utilizes you're time wisely and productively in order to get the most out of your day and you're work life for your business and time away but maximize the efficiency of all the time you have got to be as productive as possible to the best utilization of your time.

Effort and Energy

Life is all about relaxation said the poor man as the rich man had put in so much effort and energy to acquire all his wealth. So the question, who is the poor man? When I was young I wanted to be rich and the only way I could do it was to work like hell and put in as much time and effort as I could to get somewhere up the right regular proverbial ladder using all the energy I could and really the best thing I got out of it was changing the fluorescent tube at the top of the ladder. It is funny when we have so much time on our side and we have worked so hard to get everything that we have got.

The thing one is never totally content and one much wake up every day just to put in his daily endeavor to improve and get somewhere by adding to his collection using whatever effort it takes and whatever energy is required just to get the job done. The funny thing is also that no matter how hard you work or how much effort you put in the energy is usually wasted on someone else and all you hard labor just contributes to societies beneficial gain. I laugh when I work so hard just to find out that I have spent all my effort far too quick and have really only perspired and sweat enough to produce the physical energy and in the attempt to gain one more thing I had to spend the energy just to get the one thing. It is also amusing that while I am working now with these serious connotations of how to get the work done thoroughly and properly using all the physical brains and mental energy just to produce a page on physical effort that I am thinking about just who is going to gain anything at all out of it.

But now I must come to the concentrated rationalization and say that if you are completely lazy, you will get absolutely nowhere and even if you are only a bit lazy you are wasting peoples time of day and not to mention your own but after due time and consideration of what other people are doing or have been doing I must say that is it wise to be productive yourself and that the effort was well spent and I only needed to use all the energy I could.

Some News on How this page was considered while it was being written.

I have just written Effort and Energy and really I have made a complete joke out of myself as I tend to be a lazy person who wants to work hard and does not know how. When I work I put everything into it and I burn myself out quick smart because I have two speeds, flat out and stop. So when I go to write something I just go,go, go until I get to the end of the page and then, Wham Ho it is done. But the funny thing is that you have got to be smart to work hard and relaxation is really the fun part where you put your feet up and enjoy the fruits of your labour and relax reclining into a nice arm chair to read all the things that you could not do physically and so that rejuvinates and refreshes you for the next days episode of trying to reciproate and do the same thing all over again in a slightly different way.

Anyway Effort and Energy is written and it is really wise to try and make both of these two things really count when you can, because you never know when you will need a back up system of seeds sown that you have spent out on to pick up at another time and make use the reconsideration of it all. Thank you God for providing your wisdom and I hope you all enjoy it when you get to read its jovial context. More Darel.

Money For Work

The foundation of any economic society is that the work has to be paid in order to produce an income and this is structurally generated by the ability to produce a document or provide a service for the benefit and utilization of the person using or gaining out of the other person or the employees work which is use to produce the income or to provide the service for the beneficiaries gain. It is both reasonable and logical to sustain the argument that for work done or for energy and effort put in for someone else gains that there be a payment made available for the positive contribution or enhancement on the other persons acquirement or addition to their assets.

In cases where work is taken for granted or payment is alleviated then there is ill feelings and an injustice in the system and the legal process can be followed to take advantage of the situation and retain or recover some funding for services provided or work sustained by the challenging of conscience and the appropriation of the distribution of funds for that purpose and circumstance. In order for a societal economy to function and work, circulation of these financial resources must take place in the transaction of goods and the ethical supplement of work done and services provided in the transubstantiation of the global economic growth and it's health and stability in circulation funds.

Money for work is the key principle of structural organization in the urbanization of living and while agriculturalists set their price for food and pay for distribution the buyer attains the produce from the seller at a profitable margin and this in turn feeds the community and family unit or individual who purchases this basic commodity to sustain life and enhance the quality of the environment for sociological living. Bu the whatever means advisable or allowable contribution and payment must be made to make available money for work.

Money For The Country

Things down to earth and money for the country seems to be the requirement for day out of the blue and into the black of night we keep drawing on all the requirements for everyday living and sustainable and manageable ability of equitable funds. The economic liquidity therefore fluctuates between black and white night and day and right and wrong. Now then everything that has a means to supply must do so and everything that is incapacitated must be recycled or renewed. Money for the country is just like that in that what you sow you reap and what harvest you re sow and profit by.

So that we can boast in the work and rejoice in the living we need return and supply all the equipment that costs and makes and is made to be used is to be updated. This contact turnover of equipment is the life blood of the manufacturing industry and productions that advances and technologically improves to sustain the evolving of the plant and the factories and plants that make up the countries within. Money for the country is an economic political life blood of the nation that seeks to evolve and turnover into the next generation. We can't afford to ignore the need and we can't sit on our hands and do nothing.

We must remain committed and aim passionately to the cause and sustainability of the ongoing needs and requirements with the pressures and obligations that maintain and provide future incomes with purpose and dignity for the necessary positive ideas and things that relate to the improvement of the word and the monitorial relationships between the countries through the products and the trades they sell in ongoing demand and ever pressing rejuvenation of regeneration needs.

Creation with Word and Work

Understanding discernment and judging words by definition and meaning when you are reading and writing is hard work. Like the work of all of creation through history and the little bit of one we each pick for the reading for the writing to earn and income across many populations is a really high intensity ad degree of an extraordinarily extravagant work load which we can simplify by just dwelling on the analytical mind of a word.

The generation and genealogy of line and work give input to society and relationship values with the simple meaning of the word. Like the Greek word Logos or Theos, the word is the meaning for everything but has little intrinsic value for itself. When we become heavy readers through the depth and understanding of the word, we learn to rely on the memory of definition for writing and processing through structures while reading is quite regenerative and intensifying to ass to the creation of work consumption in written literature.

The ability to read and write is a development of knowledge taught by self discipline and initial teaching at school, but to become proficient in oral or depth of written literature it is a rational creative desire to understand the work. To add up or calculate the comprehensive collaboration of continual calibration of density and quantity of total written work is a qualification of unknown amount and really we all can only relate to our own personal understanding of what we have read. Creation with work and work and not the plural of both but the extreme exemplification of individual structural writing with each and understanding of different writers and authors can we appreciate the worth of each written characteristics. So therefore the creation of word and work with the world comes down to the simple written explanation that we all should read and indeed most have read the worth of earth for a combined density of understanding.

School and The Fish Market

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Life is a bit fishy I think you know, as all they try and do is to teach us to read and write so that we can eat fish and chips and what else is there to it. Is education really that deep and hard to understand that we need a degree to teach it and a cup of tea or a cool drink is sometimes out of our depth and understanding. There must be a hundred million species of fish and they go out fishing every night in the early hours of the morning to hall in a load of fish in their net to sell them at the fish market at top market prices for their work and each school has its own individual name and classification like the education department categories kids at school and teaches them from the curriculum of knowledge and history and proven mathematical facts, plus the depth of the English grammar in spelling and punctuation for each student and individual definition for each person to learn at school what the meaning to life is.

Like mums lamb roast or dads T-bone steak a fish dinner for the family is simply too good to refuse or knock back but as we process in faith and sociological understanding, along with psychological aspects of the behavior of people not only do we teach kids at school how to learn to live life, but we offer a number of subjects in all types of schools at college and university levels for the adaption and interpretation of the understand of knowledge and the skills to learn to process a trade or technical ability in management or other educated professions that require learning for the maintenance and replication of the workforce within which is the depth of the economic and education infrastructure of a countries or cities community.

This demonstrates the ability to succeed and reproduce labor for the workforce and all through the simple skills of wishing for a fish and a better life by luck, patience hard work and development in an eternal world where resource reproductions is self prevalent.