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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Political Enjoyment

Working and Retirement

From an early age after completing the required and desired education, a life in a working career commences and that is set and encourages to continue until retirement. I don't want to detract from the essence and passionate necessity of a major part of the life in the job, of whatever type or form that maybe, but however in the due course of life's expansion and the facilitation of all the individual early needs and requirements to be happy, satisfied and complete in family and personality we should have set apart a portion of our salary for retirement.

This may be the required superannuation payments and contributions or it may be just building a personal share portfolio to meet the necessary expenditure of retirement or it may just be a matter of saving enough to live on in your retirement comfortably, possibly supported by a government pension or as well be, that being you're only and total income as part of the government system on a total pension in government housing if you were not able to acquire the abundance of life in the course of your journey along it in accumulation and the expansion of society.

There s no real reason as to why you should not be able to enjoy your retirement but some say you should never stop working and never give up on life or that you are never really old enough to commit to total retirement anyway and for those in that category there is always something else to do but play bowls and watch television for the rest of your days and time. I have always worked all my life, whether on a pension on in a paid position but I am not one to push myself to the limit all the time but enjoy the pleasure on intelligent understanding and I write when inspired or in the mood to make.

Rest and Relaxation

At the end of you're working life and all the way through it, you need the necessary and required rest and recreation or as it may well be just getting the prescribed relaxation for the weeks, months, years or days work, that you have done or still endure.

Rest is very important part of each days life and as well as getting enough sleep every night, we need the winding down and relaxing doing nothing for a part of the day each day of up to an hour or two, reading or watching television, just to give the body the recuperation that it needs with perhaps some form of entertainment as mental stimulus while the body manages to recover whatever the day's activities actually were. Rest in the form of sleep as well as just taking it easy sitting down in a chair is of the most important essential ingredient for recuperation and recovery from all that the day has taken from us.

Despite the overanxious point of views of people to live in the fast lane and go out each night to take on the town, rest and relaxation is one of the most important bi-products of longevity. For as the body needs food and exercise to live and work, the daily mental and physical strain and stress of the work must be regenerated and accounted for in the process of rest and relaxation. It is not only wise to rest but essential for the bodies renewal overnight to take on the subsequent and following takes of tasks of work and demanded requirements for family, business and government infrastructure, which while each of us has to contribute indirectly broadly affects each and every one of us in the course of our daily lives and the quality and details associated with living them. Therefore rest and relaxation is the most important byproduct of work and does also therefore meet the daily requirements of life's natural orders.

Cruises and Tours

Well thank you very much for your hard earned work now because you have earned yourself a holiday and cruises and tours are just the way to enjoy your financial success. Whether it is the Europe and the Mediterranean or Canadian Rockies and Alaska or America and the Caribbean you have made you're fortune and have earned the enjoyment and relaxation of a world class holiday. Traveling around the world is one of the most exciting things you can do in life and when you are old and grey and retired or young and have got rich quickly, you can take off on the holiday of al lifetime. Some people inherit their capital, other people have to work hard for it, and those that just plod along putting a bit away each week, finally save up enough to go. Whether it is you're superannuation or share portfolio that funds it or whether you are highly successful written just off on another trip for inspiration and the generating of new and fresh ideas to continue working. Cruises and tours are for a luxury holiday trip around your own country or travel overseas and abroad or like me as I sometimes do take off with my back pack for anywhere between 1 week and 3 months or for the year or two I spent traveling on the road around Australia/ high income earners in government jobs or the private sector are often paid to travel and this working holiday is a stimulus for job interest and excitement in seeing the work and when negotiation international trade deals for the continuation of your company business or the government department you may represent. But really you have earned it when you can afford to pay for it and you should treasure the memories and soak up all the moment of your overseas trip. Whether on a cruise ship or luxury coach tour enjoy the fruits of your labor for all you're hard earned work.

Holidays and Resorts

Holidays around the country and overseas are a well welcomed way to relax. Whether in a luxury motel overlooking the water or on a resort on a tropical island and just swimming and snorkeling on coral reefs and seeing the tropical fish. Holidays are designed for rest, relaxation and recuperation and why not indulge if you can afford to once in a while on an island resort topical paradise or even venture to go and head out to the outback for a while.

Either way we can't work ourselves to death all the time and we must find some time for the period of due rest and relaxation in the form of a holiday. Holidays can be exhilarating as well and when we all learn to live life to the max, then we learn what all over hard work and capital is all about and to be used for in the enjoyment of the experience of a firsthand world class trip or national holiday to take some time for ourselves and rejuvenate and recuperate for the long term haul of living the rest of our life out.

Of course there is always something that can go wrong and there is always the troubles of life and problems along the road, but this is what we all work against and the maintenance of infrastructure by others who are capable while we are taking some time off has to be the trusted to and related an associated by our own efforts and workloads while doing the job. Holidays and resorts are a good way to take some weight off your feet and put them up on a foot rest for a while and enjoy the fruits of your labor in your leisure and while it is nice to be served for a while instead of serving in the industry or community yourself. Then and there you have earned you're hard earned rest and by taking a holiday on an island resort or something is one the best ways to spend your money in relaxation.

Food on The Table

The first priority for a hard working parent is to put food on the table for the children. Once you have a roof over your head and a loving living relationship with the family and God is to educate the people who matter to you on how to live. Putting food on the table demonstrates the gift of giving and shows the benefits of the provision of everything by God and for the hard working people who demonstrate his power in them.

They are what matter to you and it is very important to see your children grow up well nourished and fed to a point where they can fend and provide for themselves. As is said of the fisherman, he who catches a fish feeds himself, but he who teaches other people to fish for themselves feeds them as well and so the saying goes once you have learnt how to fish you can feed yourself a lifetime. Like the master who is the fisher of men, winning souls to the kingdom of God. Putting food on the table for yourself or your family shows the helpful and healthy and happy way you have adjusted your mind to feed yourself and those who you have brought into the world to depend on you.

Food on the table is not about a banquet everyday but a rational idea of provision to eat before you have an abundance of treasures in things and by this you have put your first priority first and remember that you are not the only person in the world sitting down to dinner, but the multitude of the whole world must eat as you do, because in teaching yourself to live by eating properly and show you love for your fellow man by offering a bit on consideration in someone else and paying a bit or providing for someone else to eat, to show the thanks of the abundance of your education and intelligence.

A Heart For The People

Living, loving and hoping and putting faith in the something bigger than yourself is the way to have and show a heart for the people. Giving out on your way to do and say something nice and helpful to someone else, means that you have the compassionate human understanding of having a heart for the people. But simple acts of kindness and demonstrating an overall positive outlook and perspective, demonstrates and indicates that you are watching out for and keeping an eye on other.

This observant perusal of respect is the natural way to learn how to emphasize beauty for your fellow man. It is when people show a love for others that the world starts to work and fall into place for the way things should be done. It is when we have a right minded overview that we can bow down and accept other people as equal to ourselves and it is when we give up our time and money to show the servitude love of human being that we earn the right to be loves and respected ourselves. You see it is in giving that you receive and it is in loving that you are given love. You can't expect to have everything dropped in your lap without giving something in return and it is the servant hood of giving that earns you the right to be accepted as someone who has a heart of or the people.

Because people that take, take, take all the time and are very self centered and selfish individuals that believe in nothing but themselves and all they want out of life is more things for themselves. But one who recognizes and helps to fulfill the needs of other people is one who is truly happy. By this they are showing that they have a heart for the people ad that in their demonstration of live and affection, they themselves are truly blessed.

Peace and Prosperity

Well you can't have one thing without the other and just like peace and prosperity so hand in hand you can't do all the work for nothing, with nothing in return. What I am getting at and trying to say is that in all the vain and easy ways and pursuits of life you try and make to get you somewhere, in the end they all can't go unrewarded. Peace and prosperity are truly treasures that life has to offer that makes living out you're days as the whole thing being worthwhile.

Success is far too often fleeting and transient and physical things and the like of tangible blessings are all too often taken for granted as simple necessities and yet the real treasure of peace and physical prosperity overlooked for some more underlying meaningless endeavour that withstands and attributes of greatness and holds us back for some lazy and completely lackadaisical pleasure. A firm foundation is what it takes and building on the rock instead of the sand so that the earthly pursue of personal possessions is not overshadowed but the intangible spiritual blessing and treasures of peace and prosperity. While peace is often no more than a hard leaned stillness of mind and a piece of heaven or paradise and prosperity is no more than a real beautiful family and house in which to dwell.

The real work is not a large share portfolio or interest on your bank account, but it is the blessing you get from giving time and money of yourself to help someone else in need that through you're selfless desires and physical pursuits you are actually blessing someone else more than yourself and while it is still important for your own needs to be met, there is a much greater blessing in helping someone else. Therefore peace and prosperity are not always physical blessings but the love you get from giving of yourself and helping someone else who is more important than you.

Attitude and Aptitude

Attitude is the fundamental understanding of being positive or negative in the way we express feeling and thinking and how we portray the thoughts on our mind by thinking. Aptitude on the other hand is the ability to think intelligently and express yourself vocally, orally, or in writing to display your knowledge and intelligence in a viable form. The potential then and therefore is to understand and comprehend attitude and aptitude for the intelligent and comprehend attitude and aptitude for the intelligent display of behavioral thinking.

It is when we combine the two attributes that we consider and complete the creative abilities of writing and communication in the literary expressing of your thoughts and ideas on our mind and over hearts, bearing in mind that it is the thinking without brains and heads that leads to a logical and reasonable feasible explanation of what we are thinking, doing and how we actually live our lives by demonstration though our deeds the personality and character depiction of the soul of our being. With that in hand it is then just a matter of leading and living out our lives in the normal, logical and routine procedure of inhabiting the world and taking our place on the earth as ambassadors of right and good principle.

Attitude is the way we go about doing things and is reflected in the results of the demonstration of our lives and aptitude is the ability to understand and comprehend the right ways and principles of living that demonstrate our knowledge of the right and wrongs by the way we live our lives. So in order to summarize and proceed in anymore of finer details of attitude and aptitude, we first must have comprehended the intellectual intelligence behind the higher levels and planners of thinking of the attitude ad aptitude ideology that through the right minded thinking and intellectual display of it reflects the right mind of right thinking.