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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Managing Political Principles

Equilateral Equalizer

To formulate the equation of the system of balance, one needs the equilateral equalizer. Where positives are negatives black is white and right is wrong. So now you ask me how can I put up with and accept these conditions when equality is not true and not only is it all grey and the weather is terrible and then it is a matter of whether lightening strikes on people who write to be right or the right strike themselves. Rationally speaking I am simply in need for the dissernment of confusion and a clear perspective and view of the situation starting to make a play to come into the picture of common sense. You see with balance you need is a minority and a majority wants to totalize and become totalitarian in socialistic circles of capitalist domination and has dominion over all the denominations of civil life.

This basic balance has intrinsic equality and goes ahead to formulate its own position of equalization. With something that is equilateral, even if it is in all angles and sides of the equation, obtuse or a rhombus, it's equalizing equalizer ability is nevertheless adjacent to the strength of its triangular acuteness. Well so it is with people because we are all striving for the same goal and position in society where the richest is the most average and the poorest entitles to all the heaven. So for the middle class citizen where they fit in, in the social system is moderately fair which only suggests that the equalizer is disqualified because of the equilateral situation of the system.

To put you further in the mind of the eye of understanding, retaining this knowledge is only possible when it is informative and to brilliantly conceive the new overall awareness of the reality it creates,, generates renewed formulation of re-inventiveness. Therefore the equilateral equalizer is the earth on its axis and it is the world going around in harmonious equilibrium and it's the planet orbiting the sun but unless one person on earth fathoms the depth of the perfection of its supreme reality, it dies an injustice for the self. This permeating fragrance of irregularity and a suggestion of incompetence can look ill, but the thing is too big to argue with so while it is in notation format of written dialogue we have a simple yet complex view of equilateral equalization.

National Identity

The national identity of any country is not confined to its own individual characteristics, but however to be internationally competitive in its place in the world it must see itself clearly and have its own picture of its perspective in a productive and socialistic way of the individual countries national identity. Within a capitalistic country, it needs should be to do and is to declare a clear system of values or set of rules that gives instructions for the financial consideration of its own well being and its performance enhanced appearance through quality of product and country life.

National identity is an essential requisition and formal requirement for its place in the world, which is to be judged by its people's output and input through exports and imports and the general perplexion of its own complexion and economic laws and constitutional laws that set guidance standards and levels of stability for the governing of the land within internal and the outside external levels. While having modern and advancing infrastructure a countryt improves in efficiency buy enhancing it's own utilities and transport systems so that it streamlines it's cities buildings to unify it's skyline and maintain and increase its efficiency of work.

While the overall view is looked down upon from above and the real capacity to succeed rises from the ground. It sets its heart at suitable levels within the countries confinements and limits of production. But with extra justification and positive reinforcement in it systems it enhances its overall image of projection in appearance, not only externally and cosmetically but within its internal structure and must enable and provide effective use of and for the consolidation of its central governing mind of and for consumerism so as by it to be making available the necessary and suitable products that demand purchasing and which build and represent the suitable clientele of its internal working communities, for when it's people are happy the national identity best flourishes.

Economic Rationalism

I am trying to stay rational in a pessimistic world where economics is heading in a negative direction, since it has been from a positive public perspective for a long time. Everything is right and that is when something has to give because what goes up must come down and as Einstein said, everything has to have and equal and opposite reaction to maintain balance. When it looks like the market is going to take a dive and drag the country down with it may be that only someone is gaining or someone losing, but this can mean the country will take a step in either direction as well but, because the suffering follows the pain and the money suits itself to balance.

You see the trouble with economic rationalization is that it relies on a stable climate and when things are all congruent, the ugly volatility of the beautiful system starts to creep in and show its head to unbalance the positives with the negatives. When people are penny pinching and watching out for every single dollar, the economic rationalism is perfectly matched by the self indulgent who are out to make and match with a big splash and go on a buying or spending spree. This productivity is an over indulgence is good for the economy in one sense, however in another sence that the balance is matched by the considerable losses to the company while societies stumble to gain and fall by increasing and decreasing availble funds. But on the other hand we have this stagnant indirectiveness, that is setting up just what wants to go on with the smooth flow of transactions, while the turmoil of the market is being exploited and people are going belly up while others are just struggling to make it through the day, as the big profit takers laugh all the way to the bank.

This concept is a gross incompetence to economic rationalism and while it is otherwise is explained fairly and reasonably well to suit and satisfy its own selfish purposes, it takes a huge work toll on the society. Then again, while stability and volatility meet and clash they reflect the self regeneration of a rising economy and the enhancement of itself, just seems to drag itself up and down with a long term slow and gradually usual trend to rise. Again we are faced with this repetitive cycle of systematic issues that really need a lot to be desired. While on the one hand we are patting ourself on the back for our spending conservatism, we on the other hand are digging a self made ditch for the indulgences. The economic rationalism then and therefore, needs to enhanced to satisfy and meet the needs of the overall and desired economy. But it is this stand that demands the very best of us to understand the government manipulation and derogative exploits for its own benefits where by economic rationalism is fixed and grinded in its own regimental workforce of itself to comply with Government standards and other economic systems for the best utilizatuion of all resources.

Traditional Economic Management

It is only natural to keep the country balanced and stable and this requires the maintenance and implication of traditional economic management, where the budget is projected and costed accurately to balance the funds that are allocated and committed to each deserving requirement for spending in each necessary and desired area of each Government Department that attracts the expenditure for the funding of the implicated and implied demanding sections of the required allocation as the departments areas requirement in demand. Whether Education, Health, Defense, Roads and Transport, Infrastructure, Water, Power.

The money going to the relevant related government area of requirement where by the management of budgeting and projection, can become made through taxable income for expenditure as the government is to redistribute funds and consequentially be monitoring system of monitorial needs as and where they are required. The traditional economic management of a country is a gradual and political process that depends on turnover of expenditure each year on an ongoing and continual process to be maintained and enhanced by being streamlined regularly to advance and progress efficiency of management of fund expenditure. Traditional economic management is the right and well maintained process of issue handling in all aspects of expenditure whereby it is relationally best to national interests that are putting the country in the right perspective from an overall international trade and currency perspective to focus on itself in an internal concept and view of its population on the government as to how it is going and performing internationally and whether or not it relates in the best of interests in the eyes of the people by the politicians who are at the helm and governing to see and make sure that the country is stable and working for the people's own best interests.

From an international and global perspective it is both productive and intentional for countries to have free trade agreements where by the international competitiveness of profitability and the balance of payments is dictated by the produce of the country and the production and export and import capacity of the countries to provide and support the meeting of the people as the consumer demanders and the main reason for the needs and distributive requirements of the products and stimulate the best national interests of the country by the capacity to trade and interact in a competitive goods and service industry of international proportion and geographical and regional applicable displacement of the ability to trade and interact in tourism and cultural development of the people's values in global best interests

Our Economic System

Our economic system for each and every individual country is international trade through and for meeting the needs of agricultural and manufacturing requirements. This which is best enhanced by individual countries performance can't live without other economic infrastructure systems is concentrated on and overall best performed for its own internal requirements and advancement. This political point of managing is of a view to understand and realize where the country is slipping and where it needs to pull it's socks up for fighting the problems that arise out intangible and unnoticeable errors that show their head when least expected.

Our economic system is normally stable and streamline but we must know and learn how to manage internal political differences that allow failure to perform to its best of ability. Generally we aim to justify and predict all best possible alternatives for equality of life and educational commitments for health and balances budgets with revenue equaling expenditure and the utilization of resources and funds best allocated to each department for roads or infrastructure or for any and all necessary requirements.

This internal political dispersion is for the direction of advancement of its society and aims at realistic and achievable levels of its society and aims at realistic and achievable levels of improvement in all aspects of the countries life. This is positively performed and addressed but parliament for its own self gain of increased efficiency within the economic system. That meaning that while work is setting down the leadership is always right and directed by competent conscientious political people who have the countries best future position at heart and strengthen and reinforce the image of its government.

Political Economics

By the very nature of political systems they are designed to be changed. Political economics is the financial management of ca countries systems and payment procedures with respect to policy and discretion of the direction that monitorial funds are distributed. To say the least scheduled periodic payments of departmental expenses are nothing short of a liability but they maintain workforce infrastructure and supply support for people who are committed to helping the country. We cannot fall short or neglect to notice where need are and actually is we fail to pinpoint specific requirements we collapse governmentally.

What needs to be done is heavy concentration of priorities to maximize and facilitate the demand and weakness of the system to make available the resources best suited to put out the dine or for long term remedies, fundamentally suit the negative ramifications with positive reinforcement to complement and acknowledge the desired fulfillment of expenditure.

Political economics is not always best handled at ground level but with the necessary steps and stages meet the hierarchical needs of people allocation to harmoniously and simultaneously push forward to meet and beat the given arising problems that hinder further betterment of established and highly structured departmental systems that whole they are the backbone and spine of the country the work for the common good of all concerned in arranging and meeting the needs of the people in order to best supply and fit the conditions for quality enhancement of the systems whether they be good or bad the need to constant restructuring of bad policy is a constant requirement for political economics and in fact the desired and required result.

Politics and Management

The difficulty and distinguishment between the reflection on management and politics is a notable classification of understanding the discernment of the two. To draw a rational contrast and decide on the integration or segregation is a logical step in the advancement of the combination and harmony of countries and business systems.

If we decide to integrate we must stabilize and balance views logically and if we choose to segregate then different ideologies conflict and contain adjustments to each other in the point of time and money directed towards taxes and revenue and profit and expenditure, in the point of view of trying to manage the political circles from an economic understanding instead of the mind of business turnover.

In my opinion the two go together but the hierarchy of companies and governments is currently segregated to create opposite poles in the balance of financial principles and the institute goals of a prosperous and well functioning social system in which overall the environments of the organizes associated co-operating sees itself to fit to unite and transact in the everyday course of work and the management of essential needs.

Politics and Policies

The right idea in political policies is to set out and clearly show the way that things need to be done and to instigate leadership and guidance to enforce and see that the procedures are carried out and through. The necessary need for the safety and well being of the people of society and the broader community who can or can't look after themselves must be met and satisfied to suit the genuine needs of the public.

This criteria and the varying degrees and lengths that ministers go to in the maintain, upholding and instigating of these apparently in transparent black and white policies leave us with some indication and understanding of the expectations and requirements of the government to live by and evolve in and out of the reality of the moving and being in so much as that we must meet the stringent conditions and law of the stare and country which formulates the constitution and the useful purpose of our lives. In so much that the necessary systems and infrastructure are in place and riles and run but efficient operators and managers for the safe transition and physical transportation of ourselves from where we are to where we want to be so that the maximum enhancement and magnification of safety is conditioned for longevity in both its people and it's satisfied things that compete and complete for the replenishment and reproduction of commercial capital that turns over and around in the life cycles of its cities and agricultural communities.

Politics and policies are a must on the hierarchy of necessity and the prioritization of diplomatic examples that import and export the knowledge and products themselves through the demand and supply chain of international trade and currency relevance in the more obviously proportionate event of constant change and the need to hold onto and maintain the various rules and regulations flood the markets and must be taxed for the upholding of the policies themselves.

The Future Matters

Days one by and time coming with the things in the present means and suggests that the future matters. In the likely hood of no-one understanding anything and someone understanding nothing are highly improbable but possibly rational suggestion for seeing into the future ahead. We can realize all we need and know all we have if we know what matters in the future. By being able to see this we need to plan based on the facts and establish the truth to see clearly what will matter in the future. With environmental and ecological relationships to mineralogy and crop production and farming with technological advancements foods become the basic daily staple need to satisfy first. Followed by the attraction of better dwellings and transport and the fashion styles for entertainment.

The future matters because once we have everything we want we must enable and equip coming generations to follow with ideas to see where the mistakes are and iron out the problems for the better enhancement of the future. The things that arises out of possible rational suggestions is the time being beating the past and look ahead seeing clearly as to where we want to go into the future. I am not going to predict it all now, not am I going to try and lead it all, but with education and study we can process the idea that the future matters and that we of this generation must do everything required to maintain humanity and advance society so we can walk down the path in decades to come.

If everything was as simple as making everything easy the hard work would become obsolete and the need to progress as well as remember he road we took to get here. So based on the logical requirements that to live we must have a future that matters we must be dependent on ourselves and each other to work for the greater cause of evolutionary development and the progress for the self satisfying future that matters.

The Continual Political Never Ending Story

The continual Political and Never Ending Story, is about a world that which continually turns around has five continents on earth which have many individual countries, and cities which are capitals that govern financial spending and which manage economically. In the course of time and through years of history we have circumnavigated the globe and discovered new lands and developed considerably until now which we have realized time to have it on our hands to continue to do the responsible thing and maintain our standards and objectives. Therefore, thus we have thoroughly achieved complex advancement of buildings and infrastructure.

By now we have reproduced our population many times over and have generation intellectual thought through the creation and regeneration of the mind to think things through logically and ideally perfectly we should be able to stabilize management to further future objectives and comply with stringent controls and govern parliaments which are political governments that act responsibly and are made accountable to the people to see and judge their performance. We have voting systems and pole that reflect trends in the leadership direction and we have massive transportation available to travel from place to place and country to country.

So what I am trying to say that we have achieved a certain amount of justification and acceptance which produces paradise on earth in tropical resorts and winter wonderlands. So the continual political system and never story just goes on and on until the planet stops revolving around the sun and all the stars go out and we use up every resource we have. But then the political system has managed well enough to recycle many times over and all there is to do is to work in heaven for all the odd change that money seems to provide by alleviating God.