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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Reality Check

The Itch To Be Rich

It is incredible how the full always have the itch to be rich but don't know how to go about becoming well off. It is my own personal experience myself that I'm continually attempted to strike it lucky and become rich. But becoming rich is a lot of hard persistence and consistently reliable work that slowly starts to accumulate wealth whereby they can claim that eluding status of being well off or rich. Just like the price of fame, being rich has its own hang-ups with many extramarital relationships which have been attracted by the highs lifestyle of a different bank account amounts. Of the poor will always be poor is the common trend if they never decide that they are going to do something about it.

To bite the bullet and aim and concentrate on the making of money and working hard to get it. I like the idea of a free and easy lifestyle that the house on the water with many international trips and holidays is extremely appealing there we go and air we have it, the itch to be rich but how exactly do we go about it and what do we have to do to become rich. It is a matter of extortion and foul trade or underhanded ways or is it about doing the right thing on the long term where you're patience perseverance and assistance will start to pay off. I tend to favour the second way and I have started and undertake and the ways and means to work towards accomplishing that actually state of Financial Security.

Will therefore continue to scratch themselves and wonder how to go about it, balance themselves for their own inefficiencies and trying to bring down those who have reached that stage of achievement and have worked towards it and dedicated their lives to financial success. That it can be a game of cat and mouse where the poor are continually chasing the rich and the rich are continually avoiding them alleviating the burden of the poor. However if we aim to achieve the desired goal of financial success long term we have to teach and train of four along the way.

The First Is Never Fatal

The first is never fatal and the second is never the rest. I am talking about mistakes and how to correct them and make them right. You seen before you do anything you have to have done something and before something is done like anything any how you have to make sure everything is right. Having said that, don't be afraid to try and make mistakes because the first mistake it is never fatal and if you learn something by it you are unlikely to make the same mistake a second time around.

If we were right the first time every time with everything there would be no use in learning in the first place because unless you make the at least one mistake you will never know you were right. Having said that once again you must learn to write down your mistakes and remember not to forget all the things you did right because of one mistake. Learning to perfect things is something that we know how to remember through experience and the more you learn and experience, the less likely you are to make a mistake. So let us not forget them all but the first is never fatal, if you have died already, then I'm wrong, that if you are reading me and have made a mistake I am right.

So if you are able to understand the principles of leadership, ask first and have a go, answered back and get the right answer whether you know or not. Make sure you try something then do nothing. Learn by your mistakes and don't make the same mistake twice. So as you can see and hear by now, the first is never fatal and secondly the last thing you ever do is prove you will write all the time, because if everything is left up to you in the end, you are the only one who has to handle it, but don't dismay because the first time you make a mistake it is never fatal and secondly the last thing you do is never too late. Remember the first is never fatal and have a go and try anything you like, but don't make the same mistake twice.

Slow Down And Know

Life he is a journey and a hectic endeavour to get where you are going from where you actually are. Part of the race is to get through all the things that you are doing and learn to slow down and oh the things that you have got. It is not always about the accumulation as you will see driving down the road looking at beautiful scenery and when you stop to take in a breathtakingly picturesque view from a look out across the horizons of mountains, lakes, Rivers and believes that you realise that you can't have everything to yourself that sometimes and indeed most of the time you have to be happy with what you have got. Instead of wanting more, more, more all the time, take time out to sit and listen to the birds and watch the wind blowing through the trees and say I have enough, this would do me for a while and learn to be content with what you have got.

For life does not consist of how many positions who have by the dusty first time to smell the roses and be thankful with what we have got and know that we are truly alive and to be grateful for the limited few things we can actually keep and maintain in its journey of life the we are all lucky enough to be a part of and be satisfied that we have done enough to live through the fast lane of work and effort to slow down and Obey you have your very self to be thankful to god for an that the best thing you can hide and possibly desire to achieve is to go back and start the whole thing up and once you have achieved it.

But it is a slow and painful, arduous journey that we all try and see and must go through to get where we are going and when we get there we can put our feet up and sit back with an ice cold or hot drink and say well done, and done and now I am going to give a little bit back and slow and know that you have won.

Money And The Quality Of Life

The beauty of all creation and the gift of giving and getting are better than all the money in the world and the gift of life. In fact the quality of life and the money it represents and its own representation of an growing individual depicture, produces an provides for the royalties of enhancement and enrichment that of abundant and unlimited supplies of living representations which can only be is to buy the rationalisation of investments in a future of time spent of enjoyment and capitalisation of expenditure.

Therefore we have any derive situation of money and the quality of life it represents based on the facts of the truth of what he is love to and to be desired. But with all the admonishment of self fulfilment and the attainments we still have to deal with negative derogatory, ramifications of greed, corruption and sexual exploitation derived out of excessive indulgence and the self gratification and glorification of one's own self desires and needs of achievement and personal satisfaction of life's hard to sort the illustrious and eluding of finance and games through the individual lasting for self unabated greatness and there he world and refluxed of this over excessive and polluted possessive self image of inequality and indescribable objective self gain.

But the whole idea of going the whole hog is not to stand there amongst the gods and claimed individual greatness, but to except the conditions and responsibilities of the original accountability of life to be good stewards ambassadors for rights and give something back to the society which put you on your pedestal only to be knocked flat on your face if you fail to maintain or live up to the stated observations and judgements of your peers if your desired to be looked up to at all passed your shadow on the less fortunate to gain that and others expense and not pay for your humble juice for your own self right to own your own life and repeat the way it came and honour the money and quality of life as you only for others.

Stable Tables

Bingo, that it I said, you have won the prize. You went out on the highest number ninety! And I was left with the fourteen for $500 prize. He was the jackpot and my neighbour who steered me in that direction was left with the fifteen for the $500 jackpot prize the next week. I laughed all the way to the bank the first week when I cracked the hundred on the third game. Followed by a loss and the $150 the week after that and another neighbour got the $250 jackpot at the other club. Now where going out tonight to do the whole thing again and god knows what is in store and I'm thinking $250, I have got to be happy so far.

Well I am sitting at the table writing this am thinking that I'm going to start worrying that this bingo thing is important and that being a stable is going to be more important in the future them play the game up to ninety. It is always nice to win, but we should not always make a practice of it because sometimes it is more important to give things away. Stable tables were a kind of sit in front of the TV and eat your dinner on a beanbag under a small plastic tray that sat on your lap to make it easy to eat and watch TV in comfort, but the thing is that if someone kicked a goal in the form for while you were watching the TV eating you did now, you could wear the whole lot with the excitement.

There are tables at the races and strap is sitting around and eat their lunch of them with trainers if they are lucky and watched the horses he had eight. But my real and right idea of a stable table is the times tables you learnt at school, because that knowledge will hold you in good stead all your life and you will live a life time full of goodness eating off the ferry table you learnt on for a sacrificial deal of love. You will be blessed and encouraged by children who love to learn at school all of your lifetime and will remember if you can remember what you learned for each of the twelve numbers and their multiplications all the way up to 144 which is twelve twelves and beats the ninety at bingo.

A Little is Sometimes Enough

A little is often enough where and when doing the right thing is concerned. Daily food and a few bills with a roof over your head and all you need is a steady income and smart thinking to spend a little you have on what is the right things that you really need. While the world goes around with people on earth working hard for whatever they can get, what they need and what they really want or are two completely different things. A bit of contentment and the luxury of living instead senseless dying for everything you can't get them working for things that don't really make you happy is just the breeding of discontent own and self indulgence that leads to misery, despair and self destruction.

With a regular steady income and giving god the Glory instead of trying to take everything for yourself. Jesus said according to your face by unto you and where you're treasures there will be your heart also. If we can manage with our finances in small amounts, god will he be responsible with large amounts. So it is just the degree you take it to with a small and large amounts. Work for everything you get them done except things you don't pay for. Use your time and money wisely and don't fritter away your available funds on things that don't matter and count.

When you can't prove yourself responsible with what you have got then god will give you more responsibility to handle the affairs of others and deal with the problem situations that are dealt your way a little is sometimes enough but when we have to handle a lot all the time, a lot becomes a burden and we have to learn to deal with the new situation in different ways until god finally calls us home or we have to account for everything we got and explain what we did with our lives and time on earth and whether we shrewd or extravagant with money and whether or why we did not consider those less fortunate than ourselves who lived and survived on a little instead of enough.

It Never Rains It Pours

It never rains it pours as it is often said when they don't go our way and then all of a sudden it turns right and completely around and we get an overdose of all those things we try and aim for and desired to have at our reach and touch for the personal satisfaction of self indulgence. Just like women there came into our lives and we can't find a decent friend of relationship with the opposite sex, all of a sudden we are swamped and burdened with all the extras and when you have a partner, that is when the others all want what you have got and crowd and surrounds you to have a piece of the action, but inevitably if we are smart enough and stick to what we have got and just accept and learnt to deal with the excess when it seems to want to turn up.

But life is strange like cats and when you have been down and out and actual worst, with patience and persistence, things can all start to turn around and your dedicated perseverance will start to pay off the wall god will want to start to shine and smile up on you when you start doing the right thing to.

We have to learn to cope and deal, plus understand all the goodness of god as at our disposal if we will only the issue the righteousness of god and the beauty of his commandments and the Glory and the wonders of his Glory and love for those who faithfully follow him and learn to piece together the bits and pieces that add up together and start to amount to a life that is worth while living and fit together all the things that really matter and are worth counting in life for the richness and indulgences that's if we are clever and smart will feed back to him who is the source that gave us the riches in the first place and remember that it never rains it pours and that when we are swamped by god's love, that we don't exploit it but reinvest it in the treasures of heaven so that the rewards will start to add up and amount and we have something to show for all our hard work.

Things Just for The Sake Of It

God knows it is right and god knows that things have to be perfect just for the sake of his own theories. But to state the case of things, just for the sake of it, is irrespective and mostly irrelevant for all such effort and endeavours that go into making things right in the first place and with due consideration for other people's ideas and expectations, which I don't really claim to consider very much or understand, but I do adhere to the individual respect for each person's own design and creation of things that are introspective and reflection generating for the attainment and sale of purchasers that give personal satisfaction and enduring contentment.

Well there are numerous an multi generated creations of things that are not only mass produce on some inhumane production line but are also widely distributed and exploited for profiting out of for multinational manufacturers and production companies that simply make more them they can afford to justified for the self gratification of indulge in living, when the things themselves have a short term life and destruction rate, which in turn only end up on the scrapheap after only a short while down the track.

But why not? I ask, when people just want to make things for their own amusement and self gratification of grandeur to have the most instead of the best quality of things that reflect on their own individual behaviour patterns and the self indulgence of righteousness by having the most toys. So there we have it and I heard he you can see a bit of the picture of having things, just for the sake of it, without no real consideration for the lasting value and worth of things instead of the intrinsic eternal and everlasting value of quality and the long term perspective of longevity and what it means an stands for to represent your own that your opinion of what has indeed real and write mind intrinsic value of things, instead of things just for the sake of it to end up in some out that recycles centre to be found and admired by a young homeless person pursuing the said just for a sentimental being at some rich persons unwanted junk.

Nothings Always Something

Nothing's always something at the end of the day when your work is done and the pay is paid. When you're a poet and you know it and you're trying to rhyme it, but don't really have to go through it. The answer is that nothing, was and something will always be, but whether it is you or me, or you are just trying to earn some money like me or anyone else for that matter. The earth was created from nothing and what a something that it years and I'll say so for sure.

You can get a bit of water and out of form a beautiful sculpture. As if the wood was nothing because he came from a tree that grew from nothing into a tree and a tree is something that might be nothing if we cut them all down. So it is about being environmentally, responsible and friendly. It is about ecological management and conservation of soil erosion, it is about procreation and the reproduction and it is about life and death, being born and things to come. If something always was, nothing ever was and the reality of the present is all that there is in an ever changing and shifting world of dramatic parameters of Paradigm shifts and paradoxes, where and the U.S. clichés reflect of the perfect of nothing being something. It is too simple to say that nothing is ever writes all that there is always something wrong, when all that we are trying to do is generates some kind of meaning out of the world through the flamboyant use of words of the English language and god can have heaven and hell as all we all ever want his money and time is simply transient and never has any meaning of its own accept, when we get something for ourselves and we can pay nothing for it, but say that costs nothing, the prize one page for something, it is free to me and I can leave you with the bill.

That is simply not how Life Works as we only get out of life what we put into it and at the end of the day that is really something that we could have war with our money. For nothing is always something or not. I have written a page and it is hard to say that this is nothing, that must be worth something to someone which came from nothing, but in my eyes is really just something.

Try To Always Look On The Brightside

What he's got doing with the weather, that is something that always dawns on me in a strange and wonderful way, when I am in a world of denial and pressing self centeredness, I look to the sky and god of love and try to always look on the right side of life when things are dismal and odd. Negatives often creep into our lives and positives are often hard to find out of a mixture of complaints and insults that detracts from all the good and beauty of the world, where the sun shines, the birds sing, that there is gather honey for the sweet tasting side of life from the flowers that bloom and grow as if all they are trying to do or have time for it to please their viewers endure and artist or photographer to taking picture or sketch the beauty in the full light of a blue sky day, where clouds just shift away into the past and you turn once again to see why have you tried to always look on the right side of life.

The bright side is the right side and the white side of purity, cleanliness and the lives of life. It is the picture perfect postcard of Paris, Sydney Harbour, London was tames for-all grow, leave nothing away from the Swiss Austrian four French Alps Colorado all the navy in of the and 1000 other places on earth at least that all have the beauty of the work of god for the quiet and secluded insulated place of a pristine beach or untouched Ireland, unspoilt by man and left for admiring.

There are literally a millionaire and one reasons and purposes to be inspired and to be reflected on places for admiration, they all give their personal demonstration of aspiration which creates a hut in us to aim for a piece of the beauty of god's earth, but just enough to be content and to say, you have something to. Therefore try to look on the bright side of things where the sun shines down to give warmth and love and peace and happiness with the grace and SE we all need to be content. Don't let the negatives of anxiety, depression, worry, stress and nervousness beat you, don't feel your head with things that are evil or wrong but try to always look on the right side of life and leave the negatives swept up in the corner with the wishing and clean your heart and soul a long with everything else.

Bright Ideas Are Best

The beauty of perfection and creation is that when everything is right, then everything else falls into place. Therefore bright ideas are best because they leader of the right reality of a perfect condition. If we constantly make mistakes and break things them we have a fallen state of being and affairs. If we aim to do right all the time, we have a situation where bright ideas are best. To obtain bright ideas, you don't look at the sun as it is the brightest you will ever get, but you will burn yourself all the retina of your eyes. But bright pupils studying the effects of the sun through studies behaviour and understand the iris.

Like the colour of the iris, the colour of the world is the most beautiful thing, mountains rising, lakes and Rivers and seas all give us beauty and majesticness through seeing in full colour. Bright ideas may be only technological advancements, but they also might be creative workmanship by craftsmen. They may be the heart and mind and eye of the heart is all the purchaser who snaps up a bargain at an art of auction or that new car that is developed and made available for offer, if only you will pay the price. Bright ideas are best because they create and generate the most imaginative and productive reasons for making profitable solution to fashionable things.

The cost is high but the reward incomparable with the depths of the ingenuity that leads to advancements. The fact that the more brilliant the mind is through hard and discipline learning and understanding, the brighter the physical state and mind of creation is for making things, solving problems and then addressing the situations that our hardest to handle to deal with the problems that arise out of suffering and wrong and stupid behaviour that must be sought to be fixed so that what is wrong, and broke in, is fixed and repaired and despite the negativity of pessimism and error, the sun shines through t reinstates the idea that bright ideas creates and in turn money is generated to what is needed as best.

Bet On Being Better

In life you have to bet on being better to know you're the best. Not many athletes can compete at their best all the time and you have to bet on being better to maintain the edge or sneak into first place or know you are best by beating second. Being better is not as good as being best, and being best means that there is always someone who wants to do better. Being better or is not always being dressed and you can't get on being best and win, you have to know and prove it.

To be the best you have to beat all those in your chosen field or race and that means beating people better than yourself. You see you have to start somewhere and that is by betting on being better then you are at the moment, it means, hard work, dedication, commitment, plenty of practice and training, studying the calls for field and the other competitors and aiming for the top position, to be a winner. The winner is also a champion and champions don't fluke or win by luck. They worked very hard at the job to be done and to know that they are the best means that once they are at the top of the job, they have to bet on being better.

One by doing all the right things to make sure, two by assessing the opposition to understand their position and maintain the edge. You have to work hard and train all the time, because as soon as you lose the look of oversight ends in sight, someone else who is betting on being best, becomes better than you and you have lost your number one position. To be the best you have to pray and aim to be number one. Though it for a newcomer to the competition who is younger, fitter and has more time ahead, dare to dream and hold on to the aspiration of being at the top of your field. Second is not always good enough and betting on being better, puts pressure on the number one person to let it slip. Once you have made your play and given reason and purpose for your own goals, hold the aim until you get what you want and get on being better, by doing all the right things. For first place, only the best will do.

Try To Look Good

In life it is also important to have a healthy image. This is brought about by the way we dress and groom ourselves and make ourselves presentable towards others. Others will judge us by the way we play our clothes and what type of close we wear as well as how we can ahead and are conscious about wait, personal hygiene and cosmetic appearance or enhancement to our features. Not only does a suit and tie reflect a positive self image that it is also portrays the business or professional image to other people. After all, we are only really what other people see us as to what we really are in their opinion.

So we should try to maintain a healthy image of ourselves in our own eyes and the eyes of other people as that is the way we become and that forms a personality on how we really are to ourselves. Try to look good in public, in photos and impersonal presentations when you are making a stance by what you believe in and I are in the public eye for judgement and the usual assessment of your soul being. Try to look goods through your hands writing, spelling, typing, grammar and punctuation. Try to look good but punctuality and the keeping of appointments, remembering that the early bird catches the worm and it is better to be on time then raced after leaving late and being dead on arrival when he is really is too late and we knowing no one looks good for smart then. Try to look good in the way that you express yourself, standard or portray your image to personal projection.

Try to deliver the goods through correct diction and pronunciation in speech and speeches. Try to create an image that makes you look good through your behaviour, political points of view, religious views and standpoints, legal issues of black and white floor that you require or respect a certain level of commitment to and that you are prepared to offer to other people as part of yourself respect, honour, dignity, courtesy, loyalty and the rights of life issues that people uphold to all commander representation to for legal support and accountability of truth. Try to look good too please yourself and others because you owe it to both.

Love Writing

I love writing because I can express myself freely and is lead to say what I am thinking to whoever I want and will read me, so that I can get across my point of view and see my ideas created before my eyes to portray or paints a picture of my own personal belief system in how I understand life and it's various aspects, how I understand others and how they affect me and why I see things a certain way while others are still thinking about it but are afraid for too timid to really verbalise their thoughts. I love writing because it is my way of telling my story and you're seeing what goes through my head really.

It also helps me to see clearly what is right and wrong by literally expressing myself in writing. You two should love writing because writing allows you to let me see and others are what you are thinking and portray a your in each of yourself to be ready for others to understand you. Loving writing is an acquired skill for gift of learning that becomes part and parcel of your person and own individual character style and personality through the self expression of your own opinions, beliefs and reasons for things, to be assessed and judged by others who are the readers of your work. Love writing, love reading to keep your mind on the right track and wavelength as others by understanding the consensus of opinion on things that fabricate and formulate the truth through a consciousness of common belief that forms common sense and the generally accepted a right way of doing things in a social community of political system, that requires A universal reality of awareness of facts figures and true.

Love writing because you can divulge secrets offer suggestions ask for answers and get ended questions for results. Love writing because you have a written record and true formulated documentation of your account and you can be family and honestly others through your own handwriting.