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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Character Traits

Personality Leads

Personality style is an individual perplexing perspective that leads all the attributes of the character of the person to try to influence and win over other people with self development as a by-product and profitability as the end result. For it is not until we learn the art of the leadership of one's own individual personality that we can portray and demonstrate one's own individual personality and style, through the character development of one's own private idiosyncrasies and individual reflective attributes of the character development of what makes up and becomes you as your own individual person to demonstrate what you know by how you put yourself across to other people to see and learn to experience of who you really are an what makes up you as a whole and real person. This can be demonstrated through eh broad field of marketing or theatre or opera but in these cases one has to play another particular character to be self prevalent.

Personality leads for sure, for it is not until we know for sure that our own individual personality type is really who we are really are, so that we can be who and what we really want to be.

For just like we are all designed to represent some kind of product to be part of the social system, we must all demonstrate all our own individual style in order for the prime requisite and price of life to be paid where by the individual personality leads and differentiates the idiosyncrasies of others to differentiate from oneself and distinguish oneself from others as they, themself, try to do the same and it is not until we undertake the extra effort to correct and right law of creation of the ones own individual style to point towards the conformity of society and undertake to lead and admonish all it takes to adopt the role of creation the self deployment and deployment of leading with one's own personality style.

Individual Style

Individual style is a right view of ourselves and a self reflective perspective on the best way to do things for each and every one of us to our own personal taste and design for the creation that we seek, we are by the portrayal of our own individual style. Personality is a self reflective style of who we all are as individual people and individual style is the difference we try to make to attempt to become and take of our own style as a person.

One's own character is the development of one's own individual personality style and the end result is the outcome of the desired effect of the input and contributions to make oneself the individual person. Style as dynamic and flamboyant as it is or eccentric or just dull and boring is a self reflective picture of who we are or who we are trying to portray as our own personality image and the self justification of syncratic synthesis for idiosyncratic point scoring.

The mean is the way to justify the end and the ends should never meet to mean the image of the picture we portray in the middle of the journey. For long-term adjustments and continued self organisation and reorganisation to complete the contemplation of the heart and developed the romantic passion to self disclosure and secret keeping to tell and hold to suit ourselves and those that we meet. It is this tailoring to people's needs that infiltrate the heart of needs for the getting of what one wants. Whilst it is a selfish ambition it is justified for the realisation of one's own real worth and self value in that the intricate self perspective of the perplexing of the problem seeks to develop the characterise traits that make up who is but oneself and the immediate instigation and infiltration into other people hearts for winning the love that not only you desire but others seek to need in order to understand the knowledge of the mind and explain what is on one's own self individuals heart to the best one ability to the means of application for completion of the desired personality style and in which each seeks to obtain their own individual style of the personal life.

A Figure of Speech

To coin a phrase is a figure of speech and like if you have a dollar it has got to go somewhere, there are many figures of speech that you off the cuff or off the top of your head, light handed just to say something interesting of self reflective and descriptive in order to present or to portray your image of what you are about and what you are trying to say, indicative of the figurate meaning suggestion that is implied by the words of your speech.

Words can be highly and extremely fascinating and the descriptive use of colourful and metaphoric word enable us to freely flow in dialogue of what we are trying to explain about our self. As we ourselves are usually curious and intriguingly desire bale of meaning and understanding the knowledge of clever sayings and these off the cuff sayings should and do just come off the top of your head and flow freely when you have read or written clever ideas and learned to look at smart interpretation and intellectually decisive thoughts that can be used in brilliant thinking and beautiful explanation. A figure of speech is to say or suggest that your meaning has intricate or intrinsic value and worth and that the time you put into your work is worthwhile and valuable not only to you but to a few others or in some cases many other people.

It is because we do not have a self defeating nature about ourselves, but because of confidence and the complete competence of verbal instruction we learn to fabricate and adopt important principles in the self development of our own personalities and individual behaviours knowing that the deeper we look into ourselves the better that we can expect to understand and know ourselves so that we can reflect with other and ourselves in order to produce a crop of fruit and be introspective to the point of perfection in a meditational transfigurative world of speech.

Expect to Live a Long Time

With all the hard work of living and the patient persistence of endurance to live a long time while we working hard for our money and on top of that expect to live a long time as well. In the quiet solitude and peace of mind where we come to God in contemplation and meditation of all that we have done and sit down and start to count to cost of everything we own. We are now starting to be obliged by the occupation of things to do.

Where there is so much in the world for us to do and say and see how everything of the scheme of things. For the acquisition of finance is not and overindulgence, but a necessary means to pay for and attain those things we require and need to keep us happy. It is this material wealth which both keeps us interested and happy and provides the means unto which we have not only the desire to stay alive but to live a long time within the requirements and stipulations of legal aspects and objectives. In the way we go about things, what we do and how we uphold the law that lets us live with longevity and happiness. Money while it is only a means in the transitory process of life the pay for things of comfort and food and allows us to travel put a roof over our head and indulge in activities and events that keep us entertained and overwhelmingly fascinated by this thing called life, which dominates our hearts and leads to the perfection of living a long time.

While these are many short term remedies for the wrongly desired things the right things to be desiring fall into place bit by bit as part of the slow procession of attainment of things to keep us interested and highly developed in motivation., therefore if we are happy and enjoy life, we should expect to live a long time and it is this passion and thirst for righteousness that creates the romance of family love and provides the nice and very beautiful of living that feeds and clothes us and helps create and generate all the things that lead to living a long life with the full expectancy of seeing the kingdom of God come to earth.

Age Gracefully

In the business of living it is a long time event that is the life that is worth living and hanging onto as a precious commodity of understanding what is it to be a real human being. To age gracefully is not to grow old and die, but to hang onto every breath and memory in the persistence of trying and maintain the soul for the long term journey right through to the end of the trip. To work tirelessly and aimlessly is not a point of burden but an endurance to understand that were are only still merely human but through direction and the guidance of God learn to walk the path of life that leads the ultimate prise of salvation and eternal life.

For it is not that we should be given everything to take everything for granted but that we can show the love and blessing of personal pursuit for the full understanding and meaning of what growing old and indeed on a day to day basis aging gracefully is what it is all about. The success of the journey is only really measured in years lived and material wealth and physically blessings may give some short term worth and joy but we must remember that the real prize is longevity and that the long and slow continual process of aging is not a race but a gradual procession of events that lift our hearts and mind to inspire our spirit and soul to have the peace and joy of loving God and following the divine true and previously stepped footprints of our creator and the long suffering endurance and pursuit of all the reality of change and how we can go through and weather the times of challenge and strife to arise a victor at the end of the lifelong goal and path.

Age gracefully but not alone and individually as it is in the foundational relationship of understanding the forefathers that walked the path first and the God of Love who not only wants the best for you but for you to age gracefully and benefit out of all this unfathomable love and understanding.

Show Gratitude

Gratitude is a beautiful thing that we should by saying thank you to others or accepting things with dignity or honour to the point of humility when we are given a present or a prize or some kind of recognition and thanks for our work of job well done when at the end of the day, the pay packet is really very nice, but a compliment or a thank you for that little bit extra or this little bit more as it gets done and earns acknowledgement of recognition for the satisfaction and security of a job well done.

Showing gratitude can be a tithe or donation for a way of saying thank you for your work that is done for you buy other as you consider the benefits of the work and your gift is just a little way of saying thank you for all the things that you could not do yourself but somebody else had the ability or the different skills that add and contribute to not only your own needs and care but the bigger picture of what God wants through the church or community and sometimes you can just be shock and astounded as to how things work out for the better by putting God in the picture who works through other people and shows gratitude to us for our job well done as we show him the respect and honour and gratitude for his work for us in that we can all enjoy the fruits of his labour and the many benefits and privileges that comes from honouring him and all the complications become simple and all the little things that add up to a mountain at the end of the day.

This unnatural and yet very satisfying form of saying thank you is totally enriching and fulfilling in the course of our daily lives and the pleasure and joy and benefits are enormous ,with serious repercussions of a better world for everyone where it starts add begin by saying thank you and expressing gratitude more naturally for everyone.

Be Assertive

Being assertive does mean being aggressive as aggression leads to anger but assertiveness takes and uses authority for instructional purposes that through the leadership of authority lessons can be learnt or taught for the advancement of educational society and produce more and greater respect for intelligence, while adopting a less negative approach for a more positive assertion. Is it not good to exercise excessive power, but to have a healthy respect or knowledge of and for the law, as the acquisition of assertiveness is for the demonstration of maintaining right principles and controlling the way we live for a realistic continual advancement of societal systems.

For the matter of the degree of assertiveness the best answer is that if you can improve a situation or lead and instruct someone else for personal developments, the assertiveness should be encouraged but if you intent to create and devise selfish purposes for political gain or capitalisation of resources on a national level, then you are best off demonstrating your assertiveness power publicly and being judged by the majority.

It is not trendy or fashionable to be assertive but a comprehensive and intellectual approach for the recourses of informational knowledge that lets other people see the reasons and the correct use for the logical instructions by clever adoption of the recognised situation or circumstances that require assertiveness or a demonstration of the utilisation of power for the advancements of infrastructure or personality, skills in human behaviour and the manufacturing of products for the requirements of the house holder or business owner for income purposes and the healthy respect of the community and the potential economic and environmental reasons for the utilisation of assertive behaviours and its job to improve things.

Make Some Allowances

It is unreasonable to expect everything to be done for you all the time like it is unrealistic to want everything for yourself. The requirement of things is a necessary understanding for most human beings however to be too demanding or pushy and high expectation is unhealthy for others and henceforth we must make some allowance for other people right to property and their own things of why they have ascertained or attained. It is also unreasonable or unfair to want other people property at no cost as it is unrealistic to buy the whole shop full of things for yourself. Unless of course you're a shop owner on real estate agency then you are offering a product for sale and tender.

What I am building up to and trying to understand is a matter of empathy and compassion for people and that require making allowances. Rules are not meant to be broken, but a little flexibility is healthy for getting things done. We should not sit down of our own stubborn ideas and be inflexible but with loving understanding show some constraint for rigidity and exercise some liberality for the purpose of getting work done, in that while the work has to be done right, there has to be a factor of enjoyment in what you are doing and a passionate perusal of creative endeavours which comes from understating people.

Hence forth it is not only realistic to make some allowances for bad behaviour while other time punishing severely, but the rational conception of humanistic approaches for diplomatic society and community achievement we must be able to agree and benefit from friendly liaison and the interest development out of productive work. Intolerance of everything is completely wrong and the testing requirement of each given circumstance is the initiation of resilience in a rational situation where the circumstances of getting work done is more important than the domineering demonstration of power and a happy healthy working system is the result of being able to make a few allowances.

Romantic Telling

It is unreasonable to expect everything to be done for you all the time like it is unrealistic to want everything for yourself. The requirement of things is a necessary understanding for most human beings however to be too demanding or pushy and high expectation is unhealthy for others and henceforth we must make some allowance for other people right to property and their own things of why they have ascertained or attained. It is also unreasonable or unfair to want other people property at no cost as it is unrealistic to buy the whole shop full of things for yourself. Unless of course you're a shop owner on real estate agency then you are offering a product for sale and tender.

What I am building up to and trying to understand is a matter of empathy and compassion for people and that require making allowances. Rules are not meant to be broken, but a little flexibility is healthy for getting things done. We should not sit down of our own stubborn ideas and be inflexible but with loving understanding show some constraint for rigidity and exercise some liberality for the purpose of getting work done, in that while the work has to be done right, there has to be a factor of enjoyment in what you are doing and a passionate perusal of creative endeavours which comes from understating people.

Hence forth it is not only realistic to make some allowances for bad behaviour while other time punishing severely, but the rational conception of humanistic approaches for diplomatic society and community achievement we must be able to agree and benefit from friendly liaison and the interest development out of productive work. Intolerance of everything is completely wrong and the testing requirement of each given circumstance is the initiation of resilience in a rational situation where the circumstances of getting work done is more important than the domineering demonstration of power and a happy healthy working system is the result of being able to make a few allowances.