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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Leading And Managing

Leaders are Readers

Readers are readers and readers are writers. Therefore writers are leaders. The Right of Leadership does not come just from being right. Because leadership is a long length of learning curve that through experience and the acquisition of knowledge through firsthand experience, when you learn directly of someone else or when you read someone else who is a writer and therefore and Author of books who has a proven track record of knowing what and how to do in their own specific field or expertise that acquired subject of learning and can express themself orally in written dialogue to show how they have done things in the past and suggest best possible alternatives of how to do things in the future. If it works, it's right.

If it is not going to work it has got to be changed and if it is not broken don't break it. The fact that the best way to do something is the right way has long been the most feasible or logical way of achieving results is to aim to do your best to get it right the first time. Sometimes we have to use trial and error to learn but with persistent effort and consistent endeavours manage to perfect the result as a final saleable product. 

In any case if we aim to get the right product that best suits the need for the consumer or supplies the tools of the trade to get the job done we have accomplished our final goal of being able to sell a saleable goods for a profit or mass produce on a large scale saleable products that will meet the need for a multitude of people. In the case of a book about leadership its aim is to be read and it must be thoroughly discussed and earnestly provided for in the meaning of being desired to be read so that it can sell itself for a profit because it has ways that work.

Understand Hierarchy

In the world of business where social structure and the hierarchy of life seeks to lead and guide our way and where we seek to know and understand all there is to living in a commercial company or community of people that seek, connecting and linking in building relationships and understanding the riches and treasures of management status and the political governing of infrastructure, there is a need for work to be passed down the line to the point of physically getting the essential things done that need to be accomplished in the pursuit of eventual and continual hierarchical interrelation which works through the understanding of objective and communicational worth.

The work is therefore the clever use of words in the simple process of doing and the levels and channels of direction one only the vehicle or tool for accomplishing goals and see plans come through in the process of understanding visual conception of where we fit into the picture of the social or business hierarchy that leads the direction of the duty of care to perform thievery tasks that must be done in the flowing process of getting the necessary advancement of infrastructure and products put on the shelf for sale as indeed we travel the road that seeks to meet and talk over sales and joys of success and the supply and filling of our things of social need and what it is meant o make or by the searching of the criteria in understanding of hierarchy in business or church understanding contemplate the vision of the new projections of ideas leads to know this particular new objective of what the understanding of the hierarchy seeks to achieve and how it works to lead and instigate what means to fully comprehend what the understanding of the social and business hierarchy is all about.

Stay Organised

We should always try to stay organised as much as possible because it helps you see clearly and what other people see you as by how organised you are, even when we are managing a little mess sometimes why we are trying to lead the way to suit ourselves, when really we should be setting an example by demonstrating how organised we are and then the leadership is self explicable leading the way by demonstrating organisational skills and not forcing ourselves to manage but deal with each individual problem as they arise and fix them all each in their own individual ways.

When we stay organised we think logically act rightly and justly and look efficient and portray a positive image. While we are trying to stay on top of the situation all the time we are in control of our thoughts and ideas and are able to produce a profit through the normal procedure of getting work done. When books on the shelf are in their right place even and categorised into classifications, then we can find what we are looking for and access and enable the work to be appropriately allocated and ordered into reasonable amounts and quantities for daily gradual advancing of the community jobs which arise and turn up as a problem or any kind of trouble arises.

Staying organised is the foundational priority good management and leadership that through communication and delegation, work can e passed down the line to enable all levels of business and government to attain, seek and enable equipment of work procedure to happen and eventuate in a logical positive order and advance society through structural engineering of written literature and essential relationship stability with family and work life incorporated separately and then feasible demonstrated as organised and completely efficient.

Decisions and Stress

Leadership depends on authority and authority depends on making decisions based on the facts and if you have not got your facts right that can be stressful. Decision and stress is like when you come to a fork in the road and don't know which way to go, so you are left with a decision on which direction is right track is the road to recover and success, but to take the wrong road is the track left up in the air that leads to failure.

However we all must make decisions, on which way to go, to the right or to the left, the right way or wrong way and this is what I am trying to say as I write. Decisions can be stressful but make them anyway based on the facts. If the right road leads to Rome, what are the chances of getting back to Athens. So you can see what I mean once again decisions can be stressful but make them anyway as sometimes it is better to go by boat that follow every road that leads nowhere. Because to be sure you are going somewhere put on foot in front of the other and take a step in the right direction, whichever way it is, put a pen to paper and record what you did, because that helps with making decisions for the next time you have to do something.

Elevate stress by making decisions based on facts. Choose the right way to go first and every time by making sure you are well read. So then once you are heading in the right direction stay on track to the road to recovery and go down the road that leads to certainty because there is always something at the end of it. Assess the facts and base decisions on the less likelihood of uncertainty and remember that stress you are stressed use the money wisely to make decisions and don't excerpt leadership unless you are sure of the facts.

Communicate Well

Physically speaking communication is one of those dying arts that need to be resurrected in accordance with the development of societal structure in the advancement of the kingdom of interesting subjects that expect to have their own philosophy of life and indulge in the new and exciting advancements of unconditional living. In all matter and fashion of speaking we learn to understand better by intelligent communication.

When we are well in mind and heart and think logically to explain things clearly and concisely we form better understanding of the conditions of living standards and the quality of life in demonstrating reasonably thought out agreements by the continual debating of right and wrong ideas that leads us and generate conclusive knowledge of the best ways of doing through the concisive conditioning of understanding the portrayal of opinions of other people thought of the way or ways of doing things and can seek to save the lost and deliver on the days when it is hardest to manage and set through. If we take out time to think about logical arguments ad say exactly when we mean then we are explaining ourselves thoroughly and perfectly clearly through the enabling of getting the point of in our mind across to other peoples understanding.

So to be self explicably accurate in communicating well, first we need to understand ourselves through the speaking wisdom and intelligent ourselves through the speaking wisdom and intelligent knowledge that we have read about and seek to make clear to our peers or eager listeners through hearing and seeing what is right first ourselves. Phonetic diction and saying the words we mean clearly helps to show that we know what we are talking about and lead and glide intuitively to show that what is in head heart reflects in the mind of the delivery and demonstrates our understanding of the subject.

Manage Carefully

Patience is important in the work of managing and as nearly important as being careful with difficult situations and hard to see problems that tend to lead by themself and you want to leave them alone to fix themself. Managing carefully is usually best left up to itself to manage but when it comes to handling the problem or situation physically, at hands on approach is better delegated to careful administrators or contractors who know how to handle crisis situations and problems carefully. When everything goes wrong you simply must slow down and fix each single thing, one at a time one step at a time and as you gradually progress you get control of the problem and right the situation by addressing the work and proceeding thoroughly and carefully to get the organisation of the delegation structure working down the line.

As these possible dangers or irrational ideas eventuate and create a burden on the business the company must assess the situation to handle it properly and appropriately but this delicate operation must be managed carefully in order to maximise the efficiency and control the error rate with planning and logical progress to decrease the risk of error or danger and provide safety conditions which eliminate all possible malfunctions and elements of risk which burden society and the normal running and procedure of things which interrelate the capacities of work and the expectation of achievement within the routine regulatio9ns of work procedure.

Being careful is just a necessary safeguard for all possible risky situations and problems that arise out of doing things too fast for productivity but allow reasonable restraint for the allowance of work generation in what happens by itself or is created in the instigation of work requirements and the beautification of benefits shown through managing carefully with all proceedings and the identity of perfection and the reality of things going wrong which through managing carefully reduces complete risk of list of life.

Make Sure You're Sure

Facts are thing to base decisions on as decisions all have to be made precisely to be effective. In the point of make sure you have to have all the facts to make decisions and choices to stay alive in the game of life. It is exhilarating and interesting to take risks but the fact of being certain on subjects and things is to be sure that you are sure you are doing things right. To make sure you're sure you have to list and plan all possible ideas and contingencies to allude to rational suggestions for negative implications and detrimental applications.

Certainty is a grand idea of being able to accept achievement as a base for actual seeing the contemplation you thought about and alluded to, coming into fruition. If you take the time to read and sit and plan and look into all rational suggestions you can state your case and make affirmative decisions based on the facts and you can be sure you're sure. If, in the uneventful case you are not sure, revert back to plan B. When plan A is make sure you're sure , plan B is to make sure you have all the facts to be sure.

Now that I have completely understates the case for emergency situations you must remember to manage each situation individually and using your experience to differentiate each set of facts for identification of error for sound understanding to make sure you're sure. Facts are an art of entertaining of ideas but to test whether they're true results in making decisions and sometimes we are not sure we are sure unless we try and test them first. It is not wrong to alleviate them altogether but it is better that you make them so that you are sure of the certainty of returning to the facts through regular and independent research for currently sought after truths. These fresh ideas are not always brought to the attention of the leader but the leader must make sure they are sure or get new leadership.

Lead By Example

The right of leadership main claim to fame is the right of leadership to lead by example. Leading by example is the demonstrating of knowledge that you have in order to show and guide to lead people the right way to do things should be done by how you act and portray yourself by doing the things you do in life the right way that they should be done. When we arte power hungry dictators trying to squash down on other people by being overbearing ourselves all we do is build up resentment and create optimism and clock the clean direction of leadership by using the hindrance of our own self importance to show power to look or appear above other people.

Demonstrating a highly competent ability of self efficiency and fastidious intrusive organisation and effective communication skills is a far better way of explaining the right to do things then cracking the whip and expecting your pound of flesh out of subordinates that showing the caring kindness of intellectual love that leads and guides the way to new and brighter enjoyable situations that people get positive satisfaction out of and henceforth more willingness for job productivity and the illusive generation of the profit that is so desirable but is stolen away and snatched up by the aggressive dominating self opinionated leaders that refuse to show compassion for people and henceforth go belly up in the long term while they enjoy short term gratification.

Doing things the way you want people to do them yourself is the best way to lead and guide employees and show them the right way to live by setting the standard or level of perfection yourself. So that when you can do it and get it right first yourself then you have earned the right to tell and let other people see how the right way is to do it themself and this advance positively.

Know the Procedure

To know the procedure you need a logical set of sequences of events not only to predict the future from the facts of the present from the past, but to analyse he critical path of steps in order to judge the direction of the leadership for the organisation of the sequence. To know the procedure it is not only to be informed and use to the understanding of the way things are done, but to be prepared to see things are done the right way and that the procedure is followed in the right and logically informed direction.

Once you are aware of all the facts contributing to the set of circumstances and you are use to or experienced in the idea of the way things are done, then you can contribute and recon tribute to the structuring of the work load and the restructuring of the ways things should be done to become more aware and organised and see that the things relevant to the work ideas get done in a logical and tried and tested order.

Once you know the procedure and you have proven that it can work, then it is just a matter of getting on with the job and getting or seeing that things are done. The facts remain however that you must have a knowledge and understanding of the way things are done in order to continue on with the job by being able to know the procedure and ensuring things are being carried out and carried on and done. Really the significant importance of the job is knowledge of the procedure and how you carry out those tasks is up to you, but the set of tried and proven ways of how to do things the right way has been established for many tears and like building a house or cleaning the floor it must be done to the personal satisfaction of the individuals standard ad the greater you know the procedure the higher the quantity of work you can set done.

Expect the Best

When you work for something and expect the standard to be the best you can get, you must continue to aim and seek this objective until you get it. You should never expect anything less of yourself than the best, even if it takes forever. Expect the best in the worst of situation and accept the best every time it is offered to you and wait until you have each and or every opportunity to except the best each time you desire to acquire it.

Expecting the best is not an overindulgence on the self resourcefulness of others, but it is tapping into your own personal ability to perform and produce and provide for yourself all your needs and aspirations to meet the personal requirements of your own set of standards and the best in life that you have worked for and acquired so that you expect yourself to do the best for yourself by meeting the expectations of your own dreams and goals, as well as helping fulfill the dreams and aspirations of other through the expectation of giving the best of what you have got of yourself to help other people see and meet the requirements by making something out of their live to give them hope and positive realities to look forward to and to advance towards through your own positive initiative to meet and fulfill the requirements.

Reality checks and limitations are essential but never lose hope. In the bigger picture, that the best is yet to come and that we should accept nothing less until we have got it. Expect the best in life, in finances and family and expect the best of yourself in your work and self worth. Why settle for less when you have every hope and objective to do better than what you have got already and with faith and hard work alleviate the negatives and move forward and ahead to seek and to obtain these objectives for as Einstein would say "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" but I would say " hard work never killed anyone but just slowed them down " when we therefore expect the best we work to improve the situation at all times.

Eliminate Error

The process of elimination is a calculated cull of error, whereby the mistake that is make is prevented instead of being cut down and thrown away. The fact that we all make mistakes is not old news to anyone, but fixing problems or doing things all over again in a complete waste of time and henceforth we need to do things right in the first place, by eliminating error and making sure that what we have to get done gets done right the first time for every time so that the right thing gets done each time.

Eliminating error is a passionate past time and do things slower and more cautiously, especially as you get older because you don't have the same mental sharpness when you are older as you did when you were young. While a young person must also make right choices to live and survive and older person concentrates more on the elimination of error for longevity and maintain the valued and treasured possessions that they have acquired in order to be happy with a few comforts and luxuries in their old age until they need physical care in a retirement home or a convalescent nursing home.

In the process of getting to that old and desired age whereby you live your life by trying to get things and do thing right, you are constantly making choices and decisions like you did when you were young but you have become more experienced at it and could become complacent with the education of mistakes and so eliminating error to a point of zero mistakes means that your life is worth hanging onto and is more valued because you take more time for things and you can see things are more carefully carried out down through the younger adults and grandchildren as your own children have experienced this elimination of error point of view in the process of living life and growing old. So therefore it is this very nature of eliminating error that had let them live as long as they have and so and such is the nature of life that in eliminating error we can see things for a long time.

Accept Authority

God help us accept authority sometimes, as we all know how hard it is to do what other people are telling us to do all the time. It is not only a matter of bowing down and obeying the law but it is the healthy respect for the development of living skills and rational behaviour in respect to the law of and for people in authoritative positions who know the rules and regulations of what is right and wrong to do, to help us save the embarrassment of our own ignorant mistakes and shortfall in expectations of each and all of ourselves, of which we are all prone to do something wrong at times or to make a simple mistake that needs a correction.

Accepting authority is not only healthy but a worthwhile practice to understand for personal development and institutional learning and character improvement for the maximisation of societal idealist, within the restraints of reasonable limitation and the acknowledge of authoritative acceptance, for the conceptualisation image of a better world or living community within the local parameter of advancing society. I have to accept that I cannot do everything myself and that other people know how to do a lot of things better than I can do them myself.

In this regard it is not only wise and healthy to accept authority for safety reasons, but to learn something new and keep and maintain rules for property that must be regarded as the census way for the best way to know that we are not all individually in the same boat with this but that in different individually in the same boat with this, but that in different individual circumstances we can all see the needs approach to get things done and to accept and be happy with being told what to do, when it is for our own good and that when we accept authority we can use our gained experience to demonstrate the same principles to others, that through gaining wisdom buy the knowledge of some one else's understand we can not only accept authority for ourselves but with a positive contribution delegated and explain what we have learnt.

Ensure Safety

The first requirement in any workplace situation is to ensure safety on the job. Therefore the ensuring of safety is the job of the leadership of the business organisation builder or bank to make sure that first the people are in a no risk safe work place and that money is tightly secured of a night in a safe to be and show responsibility for the work entity. There is no use encouraging thieves or making allowance where workplace injury could result.

Not only is it financially sensible and accountable to make sure of both the staff and the customer shop, buy or purchase in a safe environment but that their welfare comes first in any situation. At home with the family at school the hospital or the roads ensuring safety is the first and utmost security principle. In fact we all tend to take life much too casually and easy, but life is hard and should really be taken very seriously to make sure and ensure that safety is the first priority in any social, business or community situation or circumstances. Taking a chance on the money is really very fine when it is your own life at risk, or is it?

Isn't it first you priority to make sure of your own safety and that the welfare of those who report to you or who look up to you or who rely or are totally dependent on you and on you and the cure you take for yourself and for them, that they are the most important people in the world, because they are trust you and look up to you for guidance and leadership, or in the process of medicine and manufactory or any other business entity for that matter, that the cleanliness and hygiene factors of purity and health safety resolution are met in that your product are sterile and clean to a state of perfection in a workplace situation where you are the manager responsible for the health of your employees , subordinates children.

Know How to Get the Results

The best principle for getting what you want is to help others people see your point of view by winning people over you eliminate the risk of overwhelming rejection in the negative implications of stop work. So what I am saying is that you need co-operation and consideration for the task at hand where the priority is not to satisfy your own individual needs but see the greater purpose of the overall benefit of the work to be done, to ensure the development of progress and achieve the desired results.

To know how to get the results you don't only need to consider the welfare of yourself but everyone else around you participating in the desired goal or objective of accomplishing the purpose. Planning and ensuring the job is done, by following up people to do the work, then making sure and ensuring that the work is completed on time and for the right reasons. For example when a debt is incurred and it is the responsible thing to do to pay it back.

You need a step by step action plan and schedule along with a list of cost cutting and re-budgeting to get the money paid. Taking all things into consideration, you have to pay the priorities of essential necessities first and then with the extra or the cream left over, slice into the bite of the pie and slowly pay the residual gradually off. Whilst this is affecting your work load and development of infrastructure advancement you must first work from a positive account. Collateral and equity when freely available support the instruction of the plan but the actual making of the income for expenditure is contribute by each individual for reallocation to the specified cause or need. By productive and economic restraint the cost cutting and needs met can balance in the budget and the common purpose of the desired results obtained. Everyone needs to feel the pinch but humanly and with kind appreciation for the need and cause of the job to be done.

Plan and Budget

The central focus of management and government is to budget and plan their income, expenditure and labour input and output for results. They have to organise and control work for achieving the purposes of the business or governments for creating income and making payments to pay the bills and recover bad debts and doubtful liabilities. The recovery process is not easy and substantial effort and determination is required to balance all payments.

The workload can be achieved through concerted concentration and focus on the goal but a step by step plan and action participation is required for attaining the desired results of the goal. The plan is that if the budget is projected correctly and costs are efficiently accounted for minimal pain is required but the hurt sis the ongoing deficit. For as well all need to read and write for accounting reasons and that is why school are setup and why road rules are made to be obeyed and hospitals are designed for treating the unaccountable or victims of accidents and stupidity. The idea is that we predict a steady future and make plans and steps to see things are carried out properly then we learn to meet the everyday needs of accounting and budgeting for the common purpose of the long term plan of cost accounting and balancing budgets.

On a personal daily basis we must learn to live within our means and carefully select essential items and necessities for daily living and curb exuberant expenditure for personal gain. With step by step personal daily accounting for cost increments we can slowly manage to attain the civil liberties of a free and joy or peace our desire or require from understanding the effects and cost of living by recognising the beauty of the world for all your hard work by planning, budgeting and balancing accounts.

Use Appropriate Methods

The cost of living is skyrocketing and meting daily expenses is getting harder to manage. Guns and knives for killing are of Noah's Ark and place are paper for traveling around the world. Computers and internet and everyday resources and pens are for eating.

Bibles and books are useful tools and your bread and butter plate pays the bills. Legs get you to the car and walkers are for rocking chairs. The table gives you the time of day and food is better eaten and wasted. So what I am trying to say is that the simple things of everyday economic life meet the costs and requirements of budgeting and spending while saving is the name of the game and effort requires activity. Logically for everything to fall into place we need a plan and schedule for daily work requirement and by substantiating the simple pleasures of things or with the luxury items we must ensure that safe methods are used and are both suitably appropriate and instructive or constructive for readers diagnosis and the satisfaction from knowledge of the truth of the right and wrong ways to do things, is the reasonable ground rules of life.

Use the appropriate methods which mean to understand the need and make the right choice for how the conduct is to be carried out for the work or task that is required to be done. Society is set up this very reason and doctors need to treat patients while builders build buildings and mechanics fix cars like panel beaters. These generally accepted everyday things have become revolutionary and traditionally taken for granted, but the right of leader ship is based on these very principles of one's appropriate methods contracted efforts. Planning budgeting and goal setting all film for the results is the continuous superfluous excess of energy that gives us the joy of living because we have to use appropriate methods.

Get on with the Job

Productivity is the name of the game in life for success and the best and only way to achieve success is to get on with the job. Idleness is laziness and there is no rest for the weary but productiveness is a result of many hands makes light work.

For the best to achieve results in any workplace situation or business company enterprise is to simply get on with the job. Work is a passionate pat time of many people and the simple decision to get on with the job in times of idleness and relaxation is making a renewed commitment to obtaining the desired results. Work all gets done in its own time, by me, you or whoever wants to do it, but taking an active role in the participation of getting the job done is making a right and positive decision in the coming advancement of society whereby the development of new and advancement of society where by the development of new and creative ideas gives us the motivation and goals for future understanding of community living and all it takes and make to ensure that the world is a better place to live. To get on with the job in the middle of the stop work meeting make good sense.

One a grievance or dispute is resolved there is no reason to prolong the work endeavor of being more productive. Life is too short to let the world go by and the earth is a big place to see in any one person's lifetime. To get on with the job explains and exploits laziness and produces something of value and worthwhile endless for selling or putting up for sale and putting more where it counts for redevelopment and the furthering of the advancement of life's kingdoms and pleasures for pursuit. Pleasure come in time and treasures but the reality of always trying to get better is a labor of love and a pursuit and endeavor in the kingdom of God where we all get to see the pretty picture of a beautiful world, being created a new a and renewed for the capitalisation and utilization of all its benefits and resources simply by getting on with the job. So that is a page of work with meaningful and purposeful outcome.

Shake Hands on the Deal

Agreements are struck and won by mutual arrangements and settlements of disputes and arguments which distract and displace consensus understanding of knowledge awareness and negative implications of the implementation of decisions through stress and anxiety disorders that alleviate peace and harmony in the work place job conditions ort the relative and suitable alternative situation of administration of duties.

It is wise to gain respect and understanding through the explanation of relative and right minded points of view, that leads to and explain reality the way it is. To shake hands on the deal it to agree to administrate on positive advancements and secure future improvements through work to be done. That agreeing with administrated as successful. Reaching agreements is often only obtained by hard fought debating and arguing over issues that are alternatively cross examined by the opposing party for resolution.

Like the speaker in parliament has to count the vote on the issue at hand by a show of hands business dealings and the purchase of the large consumable productive is best satisfied with a firm hand shake while passing the recognised correct paper for the transaction but our of courtesy and respect for the dealer the customer should show the gentleman way of agreement and thank you for your help by the way of shaking hands. In old days they would exchange sandals or it could of been equivalent tings in a bartering system but in this day and age a cash transaction or electronic payment is now fully understood to be satisfactory for securing the deal of the exchange of a product or things for sale and is accepted by the seller for settlement of an agreed amount of money to satisfy the dealers or sellers profit for business and must be of a restively equal amount of exchange in the form of currency value. Shake hands on the deal when you buy a new car or house and you will be happy to know with confidence that you have secured the deal. And that all literary paperwork transactions will be made in accordance of your purchase desires.