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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Living Brightly

The Best So Far

Writing the right thing seeks to provide the best so far in quality of life through the faith and offering of time and money we are able to establish and manage all the desired concepts and organizations of ideas that penetrate the concentration of thought for the beautifulness of life and the brilliance of the mind that reflects the original creation and the perfection of the reflection that enhances the harmony of thinking for the attitudinal and communicative audiences that radical change and direct to enable what has gone and being better to what is continually evolving and being quipped to be the best now and so far.

Constitutional demands and requirements are maintained and adjusted to progress and succeed historical documents that are in need of preservation and constant updating for the moving forward and establishing the truths of the realities of the laws that benefit and redirect thought and attention to the facilitating of greater and tighter control of details for the distribution and processing of time and its limitation restraints in the making and generations of incomes and the perseverance of providing for the continual renewal and updating of life cycles and standards of quality levels and the quantification of work efforts and listings for the improvement and maintenance loving the relationships established and the neighbourhoods of the world that parallels and passes to provide the living conditions of family and community systems for the loving concern for the return of their interests and what generates and satisfies the happiness and lifestyles of what demands and requires from us to be the best so far and the desire to give.

The Right Perspective

It is important to have the right perspective and a clear way of looking at things so you might view them in their true and right form. To understand the angle of your own concept of where you fit in and the place you come from is important in creating the vision you see and perceive the aspects of things that are relevant and can and should be pictured real and visible in the way you need to perceive things. The right perspective is an equal internal point of seeing top the external point of view that people see. In that we can only conceive our own understanding but how other people see us.

Once we have got the picture of ourselves we can assess our actions and decisions that put is in the place we arrive at to where we are now and from where we have come. So the walk of life we come from is the walk of life we live. If we want to do better in order to improve our right perspective we have to change our walk to walk further or in a different direction as long as it is a positive one to a place that is more beneficial or we find ourselves taking a backward step by going to someplace we don't want to go or is a hindrance to us. The right perspective is a positive one but we only understand it by all the negative implications that make us form the opinion and take a stance by what we see wrong with people and what they might say or see is as in order to appreciate where we are at which is really the right perspective. It is important to understand how people see us as we can only view ourselves in the mirror or a photograph or video reproduction. But whether we can accept ourselves as we see us is whether we are happy with ourselves and present a presentable picture of ourselves to other people.

The right perspective is demonstrated to others by how we look and what we say and whether it can be logically understood in order to portray that picture and point of view which in intellectual understanding is how we see ourselves collectively even though the right perspective is an individual one.

We All Have To Play A Part

It is really not a selfish world when we all play our part and help contribute to the consensus cause. It is really not a selfish endeavor when we all play our part to help each other out. Just like it is really not out of place to get into the vocabulary of the sentence and try and define each word logically. But we all have to play our part to make each part a part to play or order for us all to turn the world around. In showbiz they say break a leg which means the show must go on not matter what happens and goes wrong.

When you're on the stage you watch have to play a part in order for the whole of the performance to come together. Just like the hierarchy of the company's business we all have to play a part in order for sales and profit to happen not by just wishing it would make it. So we all have to play a part in each and every group activity we enter or undertake so that the very essence of success is squeaky clean.

Henceforth the order that was chaos becomes organized and structured just like the layers of rock that go down to the earth's core and just like they automatically cling to their own rock type people analyze and diagnose the problem in order for us all to play our own part and perform at the best of our abilities when the rubber hits the road and we have to meet the requirements of day to day living. The purpose if we all have to play our part in one of unity and harmony and concentration on the blend of tea for the whole team t unite as one spirit. Now we proceed with caution and with grace for the full competence comes in the confidence of being careful and the unification is complete but the amount of combined organization ad pure holy logic of the brilliance and beautiful appearance of winning because we all had to play a part and our really did.

Are You A Good Example

Are you a good example? Or perhaps it should be worded, are you worth following? Or do you have the characteristics to lead? To tell the truth most of us fall short on all three questions and the only people who can answer yes have to be exemplary in all aspects of their life. The main point here though is that we all should try to set a good moral example in our lives, not only for subordinates and children but to anyone we come across to in our lives.

It is not easy and the challenge is a hard and difficult one and I don't proclaim for a moment that I am the best leader in the world. But I have seen the error of my ways and have taken a step backwards to advance in forward steps so that my focus and aim is pointed in the right direction and that my priorities and obligations to myself and others are structured and positive and aim to benefit everyone in which I come in contact with, within the limitations of my humanness. Have you considered all the rules and regulations as in black and white? Have you tried to obey the law and encourage other people to do the same? Have you set a good example to your peers and family? As long as we try and aim to and stay focused on the values and principles laid down by our forefathers who laid the foundation for us and haste up headed in the right direction we have a chance of outliving them and they have a chance of being living memories in our society.

So we must try and obey the ten commandments and must love our neighbours as ourselves. Maintain these simple ground rules and you and you're following generations will share in the wealth and live long and happy lives.

The Moral Answer

The moral answer is simply provided in a prayer for peace on earth though life as a question opposed to death as the answer provides meaning with morality in the middle. From generation to generation the picture exposed is one of how do the ends meet being justified by the right inclination and gradient in between. The richer consideration is one of loyalty honesty courtesy which derive and evolve to produce morality.

The poorer explanation on the other hand is why self satisfies the need for enjoyment and glorification. Because we have to account for our needs and requirements monetarily the financial dilemma is one of wasted time and un-productivity. If I should satisfy my needs financially I am worse off in the long run chronologically.

For gratification of sexual desires and material possessions I sacrifice the benefit of longevity. For the explanation of what the moral question is, is self explained in the answer. What are my pressing priorities and what am I prepared to pay and at what cost for the benefit of time and money to further humanity and regenerate and contribute to the population intelligently and successfully to industrialise the purpose.

The Perfection Pool

I was going to call this page the reflection pool but now days you are better working in the mirror than the water. So the perfection pool is about sitting around a pool at some resort in the tropics and having a nice fruit cocktail. Then going back to your room after being put in the romantic mood, getting dressed and going out to the restaurant and then sitting at the table and enjoying an exquisite meal.

At least I think this is what it is all about or it could be going in to a pool parlor and cleaning up in eight ball after potting every ball from the break before you finally put the right ball and leaving your opponent demoralized, speechless and thoroughly disgusted. Reflection like perfection is a pool of life that looks too good to be true and actually is.

The reality is that you can't always have a fleet of cars to spoil yourself and run your company but just like riding a bike you have to learn to walk first. So the perfection pool is more like a gene pool where you wear a suit more than a pair of jeans and the conception of the love is a whole lot of individual fetuses that become babies, children and adults being all people who have different characteristics and idiosyncrasies. So that means the perfection pool is having a good look at yourself and seeing the reflection in the mirror as clear as water. This creates an electrical impulse in the body and the mind is heavenly right. Then with a concentration on the reflection and the perfection of the pool gives you a fond feeling like a pond that means life becomes a word and money for people who are in a crowd and have to get out of the cloud so as they do not have to become a clown. The perfection pool is the figure that you put on you worth and the intrinsic value it has on society and those who you influence and influence you and who have by the time no strife.

What Game Are We Playing?

When I was a child I used to like playing board games, monopoly, chess and scrabble and the kind and still enjoy them occasionally these days however I don't play them as much. I also played a lot of sports like soccer, tennis and squash which are games between players and or teams in open competition on a more physical note than the intellectual minds games played inside as the table.

Mind games at the dinner table come into play at certain levels in the pre dinner, during dinner and after dinner talks and communication. Then there is war games, hunting games and criminal minded games which should be kept well under control and watched and monitored by professional onlookers. Then there is the game of life when we all pursue things to be the smartest, quickest, richest most long living and indirectly our genes lead us to the youngest, oldest, tallest, smallest, heaviest and lightest all of which we compete for in record keeping and the intellectual stimulus of the challenge to be the best. A long with these attributes come fame which people want to be the most famous but along the way are graded in some kind of hierarchy to weed out the sinners and exploit the most successful in order for God to have the reigns through Jesus and the kind and Queen sit on the throne and govern all the money.

So this lead us back to the original question of what game are we playing? It appears obvious because we all have our own desires and aspirations and comfort levels, social needs and requirements to fit into some of these games all at least an attempt at all of them to some degree just for the sake of individual taste and being different. But the real goal f all these things and games that we play is the objective of immorality or eternal life as it is more often called these days and that is where all these attributes come into combination of all these things and the gift or grace or endeavor or how hard you try and make an effort is left behind you when you die in the mind and memory of all who you know.

Is The Glass Half Empty Or Full

At the end of this page I will taste the water but in the meantime thy cup runneth over and the glass is always half empty or full so I suppose that leave and empty coffee mug. Sorry I am just trying to be wise enough t philosophise on life and not lead things o a point of death so I think I will drink the half empty glass. Now it is empty and it only remains and sits there to be filled up again or to be washed.

Now it is full I feel like a cup of coffee and will now probably want to make a mug of tea but in actual fact I will drink the water first. I thought I'd try to but then realized that the glass will be half empty r empty again so I will have to fill it up and probably never get my coffee or tea. So is the glass half empty of full? When it is full it has got to be empty and when it is empty you have to fill it up again to be full? When it is full it has got to be empty and when it is empty you have to fill it up again to be full. That's the spirit thing like I think I want a drink from it all the time I don't know whether I always was or always will be thirsty again. Just like in the pub or club there is always someone filling up or pouring out a drink of alcohol which in its natural state is clear like water, but when we have a beer wine or mixed drink is making us full or leave us empty because in that social environment we always want another drink.

So now I still have my full glass of water and I am thinking that some kind of fruit juice, orange for example would be better and I am not going to drink the water because I would not then be thirsty enough for the juice and I don't want to waste the water because it is precious and sustains all life. So I will drink half of it again and see if I feel like another drink but the water is making my idea clear and the air I can breathe smells like the ink I am writing with and the glass is half empty of water and have full of air so for it to be half full of water I have to acknowledge the difference between the air and water and finish this line off with the ink I smell.

Bright And Dull

In this world where the earth has to balance and there is a need for paradigms and paradoxes I have come to the conclusion that I can't be bright and dull at the same time but neither can I not be bright and not dull at different time. In the question of brightness and time, there is the question of control of money and being smart enough and bright enough to have enough of it not to be dull and dumb which seems to me to be the logical outcome of the situation and it is not logical not to have enough money and I am not clever enough to have enough money and time at the same time so therefore I am dull.

To be bright smart and clever is not dull but to be money all the time is dumb because money in itself has no life, it is just a means to supply the need which is always being demanded and always presses on my mind its importance and that can be quite stressful. The sun comes up and the sun goes down and the world turns around and about it but where the brightest place is might not be just the hottest place because on the other side of things it is always raining somewhere and that mesa it means to be something dull. But the answer to the question is where the lighting strikes like when you have sun shining through the rain the critical focal point is in the place where it strikes and reigns. So we have these opposites and extremes and a meeting place where there is a banquet and famine where there is people starving. How do we strike the happy medium is the equator just a related to the tropics or do we have to look further to see the north and south poles and meridians and degrees which relates and equate to the focal point.

The rules are black and white and the game is life which always have to be right and wrong so the balance in the world has to be a figuring out of the sin and that makes up people.

Wisdom, Fear Or Feeling

Memories tend to haunt us with those fears and repercussions of things, we have done wrong with no apparent way of getting out of it or escaping the feeling of insecurity and the need for universal human love and the wisdom that is available if we will only ask, seek and strive to find a better way and a way that leads out of the tunnel to see the light at the end when from the beginning we came ad we journey through the middle of life with what seems to be insurmountable problems.

The objective often is better for us than the greater goal of self recovery in that we see and set plans and guidelines that actually take us up out of the put and put us in a reasonably stable place where there is transparency of mind and goals that are attainable I like peace of mind and financial security but the actual transition and the beauty and terror of the fear of getting help is only available and justified when we are feeling in this state of dissatisfaction and inevitable unsuitability. The wisdom is in the seeking help and then aim to read and understand the individual problem that can manifest itself in any of us and even the best are vulnerable just as must as the worst. With wisdom it does not matter whether you are rich or poor.

The only need and requirements is to ask questions, like why or how did I get into this predicament and what must I do to get out of it. The answer becomes one of a lot more of how I am rather than what and the wisdom , fear and feeling turns from insecurity in to one of security and financial independence. That we must face out fears and we must acknowledge our feelings and recognize the implications to combat and adjust and search for the wisdom in older people, books and internet websites where intelligence manifests itself in reality and knowledge gives us the wisdom to handle our feelings, fears and lives.