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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

A Caring People

Caring For Animals

People have to look after themselves and as animals are a bit different, people have to look after the animals that cannot look after themselves. Some animals as human beings have a natural instinct to look after themselves where as some people's natural instinct is to care for themselves and not animals, while animals care whether their human beings.

The problem is that human beings are generally self centered themselves and don't always care for animals in the wild are becoming extinct, while other domesticated animals are cared for by human beings and wild animals will care for themselves as far as survival goes while some preyed upon by those wild animals just to survive themselves. The thing is with all the different types of animals and whether they are domesticated or wild.

Domesticated in which includes farm animals as well as pets means that people owe those animals a duty of care, while some will eat or be eaten like wild animals, people as human beings offer prayer to care about animals and money as far as people are concerned is more important than animals and this causes animals distress and duress and while people eat animals and pay money for them, God care about the stress. While money might be paid to fix the mess, the cost is high and so is the stress. For people to care about animals and pay the price of the duress so that animals are not distressed. The consideration for the care of animals is a high mark of differentiation and vets and doctors usually have to afford the high degree of care while average family affords the mess.

Change And Rules Of The Family

The foundation and ground rules of a loving family is a place where children can grow up and be safe and secure under the guiding care of the parents through all aspects and stages of life until separation from the parents to marry as a new and loving family of and for the children themselves. A right and rigid outlook and perspective gives the form foundation of the family managing to survive. Under the circumstances where the family breaks down, the children go into suffering the continual repercussions of disfunctionalism. When rules and guiding laws are marinated and observed the family has a greater chance of maintaining order and hence forth the greater unity of the family unit.

Through all stages of the children's lives, from being burn as a baby, to becoming a toddler and then right through to the teenage years and then adult hood, the parents of the family unit are obliged and expected to support the loving relationship of the family unit. Once adolescence is complete and the maturity of the children leave the parents home to start their own family as parents and then and henceforth continue the cycle down the generations to grandparents and great parents then the family has proven that it has worked unless an accidental death takes part or the foundation ground rules are broken and ill health or degenerative behavior takes place and brakes up the beautiful loving relationship of the family unit and the deterioration of generative behavior takes place and through old age leads to individual death while leaving a loving legacy of the family relationship unit as a trust and inheritance.


Parenting is probably the most important aspect of adult life and bringing up children is the single most important aspect of family life and marriage. As the child is totally dependent on their parents for sole support of their childhood and adolescent life, that through putting through a school education and feeding them and clothing then as well as the necessity of putting a roof over their heads and offering them the security that builds confidence as well as a positive self worth and feeling of value not only themselves but to learn to contribute back to society by teaching them the basic values of moral virtues and all the things that revolve around the safety and wisdom offering aspects of life.

Like not running out onto the road after a ball or putting a knife in a power socket or toaster or burning saucepan onto themselves when a parent has left the handle hanging over the edge. Then you have backing the car out of the driveway and making sure there are no toys or kids behind the car.

Then you have the lawns that have got to be mowed and the kids need to be told to stand back in case a stone flies out from under it and hits then in the head, let alone pool issues and swimming safety at the beach, by swimming between the flags. Then you have all the other important little things like the single most important thing of washing hands before a meal and cleaning teeth and doing the dishes. Not to so much television and kids must do their homework to succeed. Then there Is some time for playing games and enjoying all the good things of childhood but during all this parent must remember the most important thing of safety first and not putting the kids lives at risk at any cost.

The Rights Of The Child

Children have the same rights as adults, they need to be cared for and nurtured and they must be given equal opportunity and offered every chance in life to be the very best that they can be. People come from all walks of life and social levels but all children deserve a chance at an education of the best available schooling and the teaching of studies that not only help the child to learn academically but also teach them living life skills to quip them with wisdom and basic knowledge for entering the workforce.

Children despite their size and physical needs to grow and learn need the security and dependence of a loving family where bit the parents seek at all times to have the children's best interests at heart.

Children in their own simple and naive way of understanding have a beautiful sense of purity about them and this can be the smart and clever aspect of their intelligence to hold them in the basic and yet good grounding that leads them into the longevity of adulthood in living life to the fullest, while not lacking anything and being offered an abundance of everything whereby they have to pick and choose their comfort zone and come to terms with the reality of life that they have to fit into society and eventually contribute back what they have learned to future generations and like the centuries of childhood that have proceeded them through much more difficult circumstances than their own then in turn reciprocate the understand to advance the modern world not only technologically and economically but instill the basic foundation of parenting into their own children and offer the necessary requirements for the fulfillment of all that they were created to be and all that world has to offer thanks to a mighty loving God.

Children In Care

Children In Care Written to be typed

For The Love Of Babies

The window of opportunity for a woman to have a baby naturally is only about 30 years from 13 years of age to 43. It is truly a beautiful and wonderful thing to bring a baby into the world, with a hope of new life, learning and new ideas that each one person can make a different to. Females and mothers in particular have a natural affiliation with their children and babies especially. Whist babies and children to a certain degree are totally dependent on their parents and mothers in particular.

We should not try and breed babies for our own selfish endeavours and greed the very air they share. A baby is so helpless and peaceful, looking and living like they are in a heavenly state of mind with their pure, unexposed and innocent thoughts, only thinking of whether they are hungry or need their next bottle of milk. These days IVF clinics pay a big part in the rationalisation of a baby coming into the world with assessments on whether the parents can support a child for 20 years of upbringing and the suitable means of accommodation, education and general wisdom of the economics of the household. Babies should not come into the world by chance or illegitimate ways, through casual sex after a night club exploit or just the lust of young teenagers at school in higher years.

A family needs to be well thought through and plans and implementations for financial arrangements and teaching and caring for the children's futures, through family planning centers and councilors. for the love of babies does not mean that we can just out into the community looking for casual sex without any restraint or thoughts for the possible conception of a child, without giving it any thought due respect and consideration of the child's future and all the possible needs and requirements for the child's future and all the possible needs and requirements for the child's upbringing and safety. This indeed is the importance of the matter and situation and not the simple joy and pleasure of lustful casual sex and adulterous affairs.

Totally Dependant

A child in all its innocence is totally dependent on its parents. The beauty of the naivety is shrouded by terror and vulnerability in the world to spoil what would otherwise be perfect conditions for growing up. the fact that a child must learn for themselves they ways and means and ins and outs plus the pros and cons of living in and understanding an adult world of selfish need means that the teaching and education of a child is of the utmost importance in raising, having responsibility for and know what is right and wrong in the world being as they are totally dependent on adult parents to the age of 1 -10 and even into the teenage years where adolescence becomes the puberty of adulthood and with the aim to be self dependent by the age of 21.

When a child is considered an adult does not mean that they are mature as life is a continual learning curve, thought the total dependency of parents is or can be justified by pay board or moving out in unhappy circumstances or where resolution is difficult or situations hard. Then there are early marriages and the cycle of childhood dependencies starts all over again. Now say more specifically on the total dependency of infants. a child under 5 is to be fed clothed and housed with the loving conditions, of a family relationship where ideally the make provides the income and the woman looks after the house and children so that they can be supervised and entertained while housework and cooking is done.

While children must be fed at very early ages by hand and bottle and where infant dependency is not only on the physical things and necessities of life but on the spiritual awareness and nourishment of educational learning and developing wealthy relationships with siblings and other people of the community where barriers and conflicts break down otherwise harmonious ideal situations. So infants are totally dependent on parents.

Helping Means Aiding

Years ago everybody was servant, helping each other along the way and it still happens to a lesser degree, while everyone is out for their own self importance. This is not altogether bad as independence is really a positive. In a marred relationship where you must work together to get on is both encouraging and a worthwhile endeavour and activity. However in an independent world where living for yourself means helping yourself instead of others, it is a narrow minded self opinionated set of circumstance and rules where you don't engage in community activity, where the jobs are up for offer and the money is to be made and this means helping other people to get what they want what you want bu offering goods and services for a price and a cost that allows all to attain what they need by a physical transaction. There are all sorts of jobs in the world that do this and helping other people is the best way, though you might not this so naturally but it is.

Helping means aiding and this world would have you think that it is wrong, that it might cause some kind of disease but doing work, which is completely unsubstantiated, but what goes around comes around and sitting idle for too long thinking about life for yourself instead of getting on with the daily work and activities to gain and learn by doing, then earn an income to justify expenses by being productive means that you are contributing to society for communal benefit and self gain is a slow and arduous task instead of short and frequent pain.

To sell a book or product is the way of the world and it gives you a tidy return. Helping in this process or societal work, such as a teacher nurse of railway assistant or whatever you can do to help people means that you justify an income by aiding in a positive form and not self engaging in meaningless rhetoric by yourself which may be helping but means aiding.

Why Care At All

Sometimes you feel like no one cares at all and you just want to give up. I have heard it said by people, Why Care At All? When we work for the sake of it and no matter what we do something goes wrong, the work is never all done and the vicious cycle just continues to keep going on and around all the time. When we seem to be happy and have our accomplishments in place, the wheel falls off or the thing breaks or the normal stress and turmoil of life just gets the better of us.

Even when we are happy with all that we have done, we are never totally contended with what we have got and the work has to get done for anything else, just to pay the bills sometimes or otherwise waste our hard earned savings on an incurrent of an unexpected expense. Why care at all, you say, isn't there a God up there in the heavens who has it all under control, doesn't he deal fairly and justly with our lives. Isn't there enough money to go around to take care of every single thing we need of and isn't there a reason for our pain and suffering, with a purpose and a plan for the best we can have in our life. There is a nasty little win called sin, that seems to want to balance everything, on the one hand we do the wrong thing and someone else benefits, or we do the right thing and someone wants to take our enjoyment off us when we are happy with what we have done.

You work hard for your livelihood as well as me, but someone is taking a slice of the pie and setting all the action for themselves while another sits and things about how great life is with all they have done. Why care at all why even bother to write a page on it, when someone else gets all the benefit. The fact is that it is simply good to be alive and that caring is a way to show you love God for the gift.

People Need Care

As a natural part of well being and a society that is continually growing older and larger. The main and central focus is on care. People need care and people need to care about people. People who care about people are the best kind of people in the world and the world needs to care for all of its people but its entire people. It is amazing enough that people, who don't care, don't go anywhere and people who care about people are very happy people.

So it all boils down to the fact I guess of how much do we care about people as individuals. Do we give up some of our time each day to visit friends or to go and see someone in a nursing home, do we have enough time for family or are we all consumed in our own affairs, so as not to have time for anybody else. Sharing and caring our time with people is a form of live and affection and showing what we mean by earning through our deeds and actions for ourselves and for other people by simple hygiene and cleanliness gives issues, honesty, truthfulness, loyalty respect and dignity are all ways of showing people that we care. People need care as the basic ground rules of life and the way that we show and help in caring but what we do and say is a major contribution to peace and harmony in the world, people in fact require and are entitled to be cared for and so it is therefore our obligation and duty to show care in some form, way or means to help other people with less ability or adequacy to do something, learn a skill or simply just understand their basic rights, as a human being.

People are entitled to a level of respect and care and the people who show and offer this care are people who are going to be happy and succeed in life. The fact that we care about someone, shows that we love them and of course love is the greatest.

Retirement Villages And Nursing Homes

As people grow old and are less able to care for themselves, retirement villages and nursing homes are there as facilities for an area with a higher level of care, retirement villages to a lesser degree of care, where the elderly are offered self contained units with nursing assistance and meals. Nursing home also provide hospital like care with nurses and meals for those who are physically or mentally incapacitated and needing continual help and assistance for daily living. All residents are assessed by their need for level of care and the aim of the system whether public of private is to facilitate the best level of care for each individual person.

There is some need for mental stimulation or entertainment as these places can be a bit boring. While residents are encouraged to talk amongst themselves for mental activity and well being others are unable and just need constant supervision and care to stay alive. The sad part of the story is that once you leave a retirement village to go to a nursing home there is not much chance of living on passed that. While family may care to take the members out for the day, at the end of the day most residents are just there until they die. Life can be prolonged with a good diet and the general element of care, but again it is up to individual people to take heart for as long as they can and want or are able to live.

Nursing homes offer all the catering f general care and responsibility to a degree but the resident must be able to live as long as required through the necessary care and consideration of family government or organisation. Retirement villages on the other hand offer more self orientated care whereby each resident has their freedom to do their own things of what they want but are also offered assistance and the spirit community for those who like to stay at home. One could quite easily get on a bus and go shopping while those in a nursing home would usually be confined or restricted to that facility therefore freedom care and level of ability is the key for the assessment.