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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Thought Procedure

Natural Progression

The natural progression of evolvement in world cycles and trends is mostly done through thinking. The thoughtful understanding of logical advancement in procedures is in the adaptation of thought evolvement in natural progression. Just like Darwin's, origen of species, world circumstances and moderization of techniques have helped us all to advance in organizational behaviour and theory as well as strategic planning in business developement. All to often we sit on our hands and look back at all the accomplishments and simply stand in awe and wonder how it all happened. It did not just change overnight and it has been a universal forward movement of natural progression throughout history and time to get us to where we are in our modern world now here. It does not stop there and from here we must continue to take the necessary chances and make the choices to risk our comfort and contentment to challenge ourselves to be continually motivated into furthering our creation and modern objective setting into the land of tomorrow and all that has and holds for us from today. Just as we make our choices and take our chances in living everyday, the world advances with us or without us and we have to get onboard and become apart of those sequences of events. As we commence our advancement through time and creating new history from old, we gradually set ourselves up for a permanent look at the future and what lies beyond the realms of the imagination. We can actulally see how our world will look in fifty years time and we have to start working towards that now. We can't afford to be complacent or negligent in being creative, but hold this creativity as the key to fathom and further our reflection on all that can be and move and work towards that in this direction. I love the idea of imagining and being creative as that leads us all into the world betyond the sunset and into the sunrise of tomorrow. It does not stop there but with careful understanding of patterns and events we can actually see how and plan towards that very much idealized social goal of reform and advancement works out and evolves. This is the natural progression of life and sure it does take a lot of work, but with time and practice we can all see what we are working for as the appearance of the quality of life seems to be enhanced and improved in all apsects of developement and strategic thinking. Even as I write the peace of understanding surpasses the beauty of dullness and elaborates in existantial existance to make and create new heavenly realms. this is the fruit of our work on earth and money in the bank not only buys you new things and products but gives you new and revitalized interest in life. We have to be careful not to worship money though even as it is only a menas to pay it does also give us those nice things in life which can be subjective to our laziness and productivity. Natural progression is continually happening and the more we respect it and let it happen the more we have to achknowledge its existance and the forces of good and evil which it creates. So let us not sit back on our hands and but get up off our knees and get invoved and do something constructive about our world. The earth is a big place and there is plenty of time and money to explore the beauty of creation in all its existance. Lets look to the natural progression of life and embrace it fully with love and care and grasp hold of all that it has to offer and lend to us in what is God's created universe and is our challenge to accept. 

Logical Progression

As the future advances in time and the visionary applications of improvement are adapted to, there is a necessary requirement for practical appliance and that creates the implication for more work in future building, discovery and advancement. This is the logical progression of things, events and happenings. We must maintain the set of rules given us for the prolonging of all life and the extenuating circumstances of the harmony of people's existance. That means better systems, more efficient services and longer lasting plans for the requirements of indivdual needs and priime requisites of survival. The logical progression is not a backwood step and historians may alude to but a recognition of adaptations and geographical surroundings that directly effect the  way we relate, live and journey the road of life together. We must be dilligent in our approach and recognise symptoms of early health warnings and the inferance of dangerous situations. We can not afford to become complacent in our daily activities of work, rest and play. Too much of any given thing can be considered as overconsumption and that is not viable in an economic world. Things that we do hold true as priorities must be maintained and respected like health, road safety and education and these indulgences are not to be disrepected in common sense achievements and applications. To simply go on living we must adhere to the rules and guidelines for our own safety and the safety of others. The logical progression is not a breakwater of holdback, but a ever flowing river of life, peace and knowledge. More building and the expense of farm land and forrestry is a painful consideration for future environmental impact on the earths ecosystems, where by replenishment of population should only be as the old move on the new baibies are born and so forth we have a balanced society. Don't take life, but only replenish what moves on. God is good and he has the right to all life and as we achknowledge him and His sovereignty we are blessed and rejuvinated by His grace and goodness. The logical progresssion is one of advancement as older buildings deteriorate, new ones replace them and as the things that are worth saving, we hold onto and the things which are perishable, we let go of. Being rich is not about killing, but hard work and we should preserve that ethos and encourage the right of all people to have life and respect that cause. Money is a basic commodity and is a means to pay in each curriency, not a self indulgence of depravity and social extremeism. The logical progression must be one of moral and ethical teachings and that road enforced and followed as the necessary cource of life to longetivity. Too many freedoms and liberties are toxic and though we have the right to free choice in daily decision making, we must respect the rights of others to coabide in our world of life and leisure. To future is one of health and happiness, if we trust and obey the divine requirements and set of rules. Peace and prosperity are a biproduct of doing the right thing. The logical progression is about environment saving and restrain ourselves from indecent sexual indulgence, to produce and supply us with the fruits of a world that are happy and peaceful in all ways and aspects. God grant us the knowledge and understanding on how to live and explain to us the things that are too hard to understand with human wisdiom with your dviine knowledge. Greed and coruption are the sin of the world of today and the brighter future is the world of tomorrow with all people caring and sharing our common resources. Don't be stingy or excessively indulgent but with time, power and money, honour the rights of all people and those of us who we live and share the earth with. Cherish our nation and hold onto the good things in life for all their worth. This is the logical progression of all people for the optimum society of communal living and logetivity of us all here  on earth. 

Right First Time

Getting it right first time in oppositon to getting it wrong before you start is an idealized rationalization for time saving and cost efficiency. It is true that no one ver goes through life without making at least a few mistakes, but minmizing the wrong doings helps us to be happier and healthier in the process of living. No one likes being told you got it wrong and we usually put up our defence sheild at the first sign of a verbal attack or accusation of some kind, we simply don't want to own up to our own mistakes and therefore refuse to admit liability. Being worng is not the end of the world and even God offers us forgiveness through the death of his son on the cross. Therefore though with the painful and agonizing redemption of our souls for sins we have committed consciously or unconsciuosly we still pay some kind of pennace in suffering shame and blame. The atonement was never going to be easy and through all the pain and agony of crucifixtion on a horrid and rugged old cross the answer was simple, not guilty, walk away scott free, Admidst this pain and suffering we find ourselves with our ego's hurt, pride damaged and our bodies physically punished. Not to mention all the anxiety and stress of mental illness that we needlessly put ourselves through in our self abuse and wrong doing against others. All this boils down to the fact that we should get it right the first time, don't make simple mistakes that affect us long term and casue problems by wrong doing and missunderstanding. We have to get our facts right first time as well, by reading truths and other factual reports on the right way to do things to avoid all these unessecary missunderstandings and mistakes. Yes it is hard, no it is not easy and the more we try get get on top of the situation the further we seem to drift from the truth of trying to make everybody else happy, as we all try to earn the hard thing, called money. It would be all too nice if everything was just dropped in our laps, all served up just right and true and proper for us to just live in perfect peace, but the answer is just hard work. So we find ourselves in this struggle of trying to get it right first time and understanding that we can't do it all the time. This causes friction and stress, but still we have to try and persevere to get it right without paying with a painful cost on the learning curve. Slow and gradually, take your time and don't rush everything through, is one simple approach to get it right first time. Even now I find myslef making typeagraphicals which after going back over my work I can easily fix and correct on a modern day computer, but is is still costing me extra time in editing. I could go on and say give up alcolhol, casual sex and cigerettes, but you have heard it all too often and in opposition I could be saying drink water, get married and exercise more in the fresh air. I will leave it up to you, but suffice to say that all these little indulenges lead to a quick and happy life but make us pay long term to the harder way in the end. You can't have all the money in the world and live a long time too, it all boils down to that, we have to pick and choose our priorities, some denials for possible gains in other areas. It is like forfeiting your soul to the Devil instead of worhsipping God. Getting it right the first time was never going to be easy and you had better believe it, it is as true as the day is long and we all want to see out our live long days for as long as we can if we have any sense at all. I can't tell you how to do it, that is up to you, but at least we can all try and learn to slow down and try to get it right the first time, because second chances are becoming like hens teeth, few and far between. Never give up though, there is always still hope and in that we must trust and endeavour to work ahead to for the future happily and try and get it right first time to avoid unessecary adversity. 

More Time Later

When the preoccupation of time for ourselves and time on our hands, deminishes and minimizes through the busyness of work and social entertainment, we have to take time to rest and recover to save oursleves in order to have more time later. You simply can't work you heart out in slave labour and have time to yourself or time for tomorrow. It is about pacing yourself to allow for some relaxation time furtehr down the road. Like when you drive between cities you need to stop for 20 minutes every two to three hours. So it is with the working week, you get the weekend at the end of the week to take time out and relax if you have paced yourself well enough to get through it rightly. You have to sleep at the end of everyday, just as much as you need to breathe, eat and drink, you need your sleep with a roof over your head, hopefully in a nice comfy bed with pillows. More time later is also recognised by a pushy boss who says, when you work gets done you will have more time later to do other things, but the priority is in getting the work done now, as much as possible and as soon as possible. No rest for the weary in other words, you simply just can't take time out for yourself in a working day. Wrong or right, that is the accepted custom of our society, if you want the good money, then you have to put in the hard yards and pay with a pound of flesh for that fortnightly gift of love called your wages. For those of you who feel that you have really earnt it, then call me a liar. We all tend to put to much emphasis on the present without saving up some valuable quality time and hours for enjoyment and rest. Sure the harder you work, the better you will sleep, but at what price with your physical health and mental well being, if you have the stamina and heart to stay in there and go the distance, then good on you, not everyone can do that. We have to be careful to pace ourselves with our work and work smarter and not harder all the time. No cheating, but boy is that work effort hard to put up with and ofcourse very taxing on the body as well as the bank account. The more you earn, the more you have to pay so to speak, it goes without saying for those of you who never want to or seem to not give up. Think about the years ahead and plan your lifetime with enough reason and motivation to live in the future, with careful pacing of our lives, we will be happier and healthier for the consideration of your long term goals and and even immediate aims. This is reason enough that is sent to try us to test us of our goals and purposes, that you simply don't have to have everything now and the more you pace yourself over a longer period of time the longer you will live. Sure we stop for a few minutes and start to worry about our lives, about the immediate circumstances and the more you work, even at you own pace the more and sooner you will get what you want even if you did not need it. But remember that everything has its price and the cost of slave labour or quality service, whatever is dependant upon your circumstances and needs requirement at the time. It is about wants and needs as priorities. Leaving what can be done today, till tomorrow may not always be the worng thing to do, if you have the time and can do it today, then why not, but if you don't then don't panic, tomorrow wiil always be there whether you are around or not doing the same job. Make sure you have some time for tomorrow though and while tomorrow seems to never come and we are always living in the present and the future is always nearly here, remember to have and take some time for yourself for tomrorow and have and leave yourself with some more time later.    

Its Now Or Never

Its now or never as the song goes, do or die, life goes on and live forever. If it all was such a simply sweet world as that, there would be no need for despair and anxiety, turmoil and strife. Life would simply drift pass us in the clouds of heaven and there would never be a dull moment of entertainment, life is sweet. Unfiortunately I have to wake you all up and bring you back to reality, life is hard and there is no shortcuts or easy ways around. For longetivity we have to work hard and long for the betterment of others, that is rewarding enough in itself for yourself. We all need money to pay for lunch and there really is no free ones unless you are dependent on your parents bringing you up till you are ready to go out there on your own and work for yourself and a spouse to provide for. At this stage I would like to hand it all over to God and say you take care of it, it is all too hard for me and I just can't keep going, but I simply must keep going and God will help those who help themself.  All to often we sit back on what we have done and our pride and and morals and say that is good enough, I have done enough, I will leave the rest for someone else to do. Instead we have to seize the day and make and take every opportunity to succeed. It is now or never, sit back on your hands and watch the world go by or take up your stance of defence or atttack and grab the bull by the horns and get on with life. Nothing will be dropped in your lap and by the end of the day, you have to pay for everything you want or earn in your lifetime. Get on with it now, forget about tomorrow, tomorrow will have enough worries and strife of its own. Sure if we fail to plan, we fail to succeed, but that involves a constant step by step daily methodical action and implementation of the plan to see things come into fruition. You can't expect it all to just happen without doing anything yourself, faith without deeds is futile and where there is no action everything stops and fails to happen. Put your plan into action and make the most of it, take every opportunity to do something good for someone else and you will be helping yourself along the way. They say that good things come to those who wait but for the rest of us it is now or never as those people sometimes let the world go by and waste good daylight hours for productivity watching TV or some other dreaded misshappening. Use your time wisely and remain productive, you can't get everything in life by watching television. There is mare to life than that, get out in the frssh air, walk along the beach, take a friend out to dinner or just concentrate on the work you have to do in getting the job done. Sure we relax and take time out for ourselves sometimes as I have said, but when you have a good mind to get on with the work if you can, do so at every opportunity. Look for ways to help others at a starting point, look for ways that you can help improve the world or even local community at the place where you are at. It all boils down to participating and sharing your efforts with the greater community. Its now or never and never let go of life, it is all too important no matter how hard you work or how much money you can make, the gift of life is first annd formost our importance and sharing ourselves with others is the second way in which we can become involved and help each other. God is a God of love and  that needs to be remembered, He gives good gifts to all who love Him, that is our rule book and guidelines to abide by everything else falls into place after that. He works harder than all of us put togtether and so when your time is up or seems to be slipping from you grasp, He will give you a second wind and chance if you ask and will let him, no matter how good you are, you can't do it all on your own, let go and let God sometimes and when it is all now or never, God has the answers if you look and search hard enough, you will find.    

Let Me Do It My Way

Let me do it my way, as I have no time for you and I only want what I wnat and there is no room for you in my life, get out I won't listen!!! It is simply not true and that self focused person will succeed in this life, the best writers and speakers all have one thing in common they focus there work on helping others. By listening instead of talking, reading instead of writing you learn more and are all the more wiser to instruct and teach others the way you have been taught. Let me do it my way is derogatory, self focused and greedy. However when you know what is right share it and when you don't shut up. You know the song I Did It My Way, done by Frank Sinatra and others it is a really good song, but boy is it selfish. I did it may way and I have no care for you and how you did it for others, self, self, self, wrong, worng, wrong. We have to get it through our thick heads, that the way to live for yourself is in a selfless world always focused on others and not yourself. Myself what can I have, new car, new house or some other life goal and dream that you have had for years that you expect everyody else to pay for, it is simply not going to happen like that, it is hard work in pain and tears. Dream, dream, dream as I love you, another song, forget it, you need plenty of prayer and practical application first. Let me do it my way, that is a profound statement in the first place, as if I have all the authority to just go my merry old own way and if nothing else matters and the world is just going to let me, wrong again. I must have a heart for understanding and an ability to emphathise to know how or what other people want and in order to help them, they will show me how to help myself, if that is allowed at all. Let me do it my way, as if I can just write anything I like and get away with it. The facts are that writers write to be read and when you are read, you will soon be let know by your readers whether you are right or not, I can assure you of that. being wrong is painful, hurtful and demoralising, plus humiliating. I can't afford that to happen to myself, but you are my best judge, if I do it all my own way, you will get pretty sick and tired of that after a while and you will go looking somewhere else to get your wisdom and fullfil your dreams. I put God first and al His wisdom is worth knowing if you can find it and understand it, it will all work out and pay off in the end, just you watch and see, slow and steady wins the race and it is not really a race anyway, it is about pacing yourself.  Let me do it my way, after saying all that I guess that you don't really have a choice, I will do it my way, right or wrong and pay the price and cost one way or another. I just pray and hope that I don't hurt anyone else in the process and that it all works out the best way for you and me together. I can't sit down and do nothing all day and neither can you and so we both must try our best to do what we can and do our best to help each other if we can. I am not sure where I am going form here now, after all I always thought that it was my own way that was right all the time and I guess that is how this page should have been written, but God had other ideas and he showed me along the way. I hope that you might have seen as I have that getting my own way all the time, is simply not right and is wrong. I hope that by you getting you own way to, you can help other people along the way. God Bless.

You Have To Wait

You can't simply have everything dropped in your lap all the time and no matter how hard you work sometimes, sometimes you just have to wait to get what you want or wait on the Lord for His good time for all things to fall into place and to arrive at the right time and place when God is good and ready to give you what you want. Like when you have a specific house in mind and the owner is not ready to sell yet, you will not settle for any other house and so you have to wait till the time is right and the owner is ready to sell. It is like that with a lot of things, cars, holidays and work issues, know matter how hard you work and plough through the day trying to earn all you can, you just have to wait till you have enough money in the bank to afford that special thing that you are waiting and saving for till and when you have the money. You have to wait for me to get all my work done, writing and and catching up with all the back log of ideas that are in the pipeline but simply take time for me to work my way through them all. I have to wait for you once I have written all this work for you to slowly and meticulously work your way through and read all this in time. If you have read a lot of my work and not all, that will still take some time and even this page, you cannot read it until I have finished writing it. Now you are up to here, where do we go from here, waiting on God is the essence of good sense and the more you learn to depend on and wait on the Lord the more you cherish things when you actually get them. Waiting on The lord and you will mount up on eagles wings, you will soar in the heavens and not grow tired, you will run and not faint and you will find rest in His presence when you take some time for yourself and wait on The Lord to replenish you. God is good and needs to be admired, you must learn to respect God's soveriegnty, trust and obey The Lord God and rest you weary souls in His presence. The thing is as I have said before, you can't do it all on your own and life is too short to travel the road alone all the time, find a freind to walk with and share the load and you will find peace and solitude in the knowledge that you are loved, cherished and saved for His kingdom. Learn to wait for everything you need, sure you can just rush out and buy anyhting you want if you have enough money in the bank, but good things come to those who wait, Not everything you ever wanted is good to have straight away and the more you learn to wait for those special things in life that you have wanted or craved after the longer you will have them and the better you will look after them once you have got them. God is good and God is great, his love and kindness and goodness relate, I think I wriote that in a poem somehwere. be co0ntent sometimes just for your daily requirements which God will rpovide for, food, shelter and clothing, the air you breathe and water to drink, clean and clear. But it is true, trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey, that means waiting sometimes for what you want. I love the idea of having what I want but I also know that it is not good for me to have everything straight away. Life is a long journey and the more you pace yourself and wait for things the more you will enjoy them and savour the flavour once you have got them. So simply once again you just have to wait sometimes for what you want and what you get. If life was just as straight forward as having what you want straight away all the time, life would be very boring and not rewarding but unrewarding, be patient and you will end up getting what you want, be demanding and you will get something for sure but never what you specifically need or really want. Take time to make time and take time to care. I wrote that in another poem somewhere else as well. Wait and be patient and God will joyfully give you everything you really want and needed in his good time only.

Try To Achieve

It is all very good to sit back on our hands and wait for everything to be dropped into our laps, but while we think about that we could also and should also try to achieve something for ourselves. Work is a productive form of getting what you want and aiming to better yourself in life is a positive resource and conmmodity. Lets not stop and leave it all right there but continue on with the job of getting on with the work and producing something of worthwhile value. All to often we are satisfied with what we have got and can become complacent and put things off for a while, thinking that if we wait, they will come along soon enough. Work is the only way to get what you want and  the more you want things, the more you have to work to get those things that you want. If you are in a hurry for something then you have to work harder and faster to get what you want, being careful not to make a mistake and foul things up along the way. Sure it is said that good things come to those who wait, but to everybody else it is hard work in sweat and achievement to pay the bills in getting what you want. Try to achieve what you can, but at what cost and is it all worth while at the end of the day. When we work we have to make sure that we do the job properly and that in the cource of gettings things done throughout the day, we must learn to pay for everything we get with the sweat of our brow. God knows life is tough and as it has been said, was never meant to be easy. To have a high standard of living and lifestyle, you simply have to put in the hard earned hours of dilligent work effort to produce something worthwhile for a monetarial value. Try to achieve something meaningful for yourself as well and that can be in many shapes and form and does not necessarially have to be material possessions. Accomplishment a life goal or completing some form of achievement is also well worthwhile and beneficial to your set of living conditions. Creating meaningful literature is a blessing to yourself and to other people when you can see the fruits of your hard earned labour finishing something that you set out to do aforehand and presenting it. It is good to work hard for the body, mind and soul and also to achieve something in life that is worthwhile in the process of doing just that. God sees your quite achievements and will reward you handsomely with love and compassion and give those who serve new and fresh ideas on what needs to be done. So continue on your merry way if you like, doing what your doing or try to achieve something that is exceptional and above average in idea standards. God holds the keys to all future new ideas and unlocking the door to the heavenly store of trreasures, comes with hard work when you are trying to achieve something. Try to achieve something for yourself and something for your community, church or group organisation. When you succeed you will also be rewarding others as well as yourself. There is enormous scope and potential in doing something worthwhile, while you are trying to achieve something for yourself and for others. Don't give up hope, but make a practical application on purposeful and meaningful paths and cources in life and try to achieve something benefical for yourself and for others. The reason to live should be one to serve, help and admonish respect in other people. It is never too late to start to try and achieve something worthwhile in your life and in the lives of other people.

Just Keep Writing

Just keeping writing is the whole idea as when you are tired and wearya nd woprn out physically or mentally, you just have to keep on with the show and continue writing. As we move and progress through each day the evil attacks of things going wronga nd the worn out and stale ideas of what was gone and beaten, need to be readressed and reminded plus refreshed into our hearts and souls and the only way to really do that successfully is to just keep on writing. Keep on writing what was wrong and keep on writing what was right as a permanent reminder of how and why things should be as they are. God is good and he will constantly reassure you of what you are doing as to whether it is right or wrong and the old worn out and beaten ideas don't always get swept under the carpet but can be continually refreshed into our hearts and minds. Just because it was an old idea does not necessarily mean it was wrong as most of the tried and proved right ideas have gone down in history and been the backbone and mainstay of our foundational existance. History does not necessarily repeat and that is determined by current decisions and events happenings. If it was good and worth doing before, then there is a pretty good chance that it is worth doing again now and in the future. We have to stay foucsed and tuned in to what is happening around us.To look ever onward and upward to the new horizions and worth while things to come and do. We should not hide ourselves in the corner and let the world go by, but keep on reporting the things going on and events happening that are news worthya nd worth transcribing for other people to read. Just keep on writing, yes! but make it worth while to be read and reciprocated over the coming period of time and keep going with the task of relating and informing others of the ever present danger of wrong doings and the increasing positive forces that need to be encouraqged and productionally enhanced. Keep on going at all costs and keep on writing whatever be the set of determining and guiding decisions being made. If you can inform others of what is on your mind and what is going on in your world then you have defeatied the Devil and started a communication set of standards and level of conditions for well living. Just keep writing as things come to mind and start to form and show themselves as worthy to be read. Don't stop when you think you are happy enough or think that you have made enough money, but just keep on going and writing until you shop till you drop and stop till you crop. The unlimate cause of longetivity though is work and being healthily productive and that may mean some personal sacrifices, but self denials pay off in the end when you consider things timewisely. Excessive indulgences all the time lead to premature illness and death, with life in the fast lane being what it is, a short cut to an early end. Sure the work must go on and that emans keep on writng but it does not all ways have to be to an excessive level of financial return and monetarial gain.The point is to be happy in what you are doing and the money will come along in God's good timing. He who waits on The Lord will mount up on eagles wings, will walk and not faint and shall run and not grow weary, Isaiah 40:39. Just keep writing but take some time out to rest and recoperate and then all you have to do is just keep going again. Just keep writing, this one may be over but the next one is coming. One day at a time and one page at a time, just keep writing you will be so glad you did. 

I Think, I Did

I think I did, I think I did and he puffed right over the hill, like the story of the little steam engine goes, I think I can I think I can and therefore I know I did after the mountain is passed over or gone though in the tunnel. I think I did, laugh laugh, looking back on life as a pearlative perplexion. Complicated as life is, it is till as simple as we think it is or try to make it out to be. Don't be baffled by new ideas and revolutionary concepts, science has a way of confusing people very nicely. Things were all good and right before man intervened and it may well be that we had been better off leaving everything alone and just continuing with life in its simplest format, basically just what it is, "life itself". We don't need fancy doornobs and bedends to live in peace and the more we complicate and advance in life the more we have to look back on what we have done and say we did it, are we happy with it. I state, the question has to be asked, are we happy with all our modcons and new gadgets, birght new ideas and self fashioned concepts or are we better off in the centuries of up to and over 200 years ago when everything was just a whole lot simpler, with sailing ships and subsistant farming. Gone are the days of keeping everything simple, of home made apple pies and strudle. We have to have the latest fast or luxury car, we have to have our houses renovated every ten years or so to keep up with the increased family requirements. We have to go out to dinner to enjoy a meal instead of sharing a home cooked roast dinner. I mean really what is the world coming to, there is no end but there must be an end. It is just a matter of how good our stewardship is while we spend our time here on earth. In the end, can you look back on everything you have done and say, I think, I did the best that I could possibly do and helped as many people as was humanly possible? We all have to try our best to help others keep going, as it is in this process that we can look back and say, yes I think, I did. Don't waste life away in some passing fad or new ideaology that is just set up for profiteering and racketeering. Don't give in to the evil self ideas of getting all and everything of what I can for myself. There are reasonable limits set in place for each and everyone of us and we have to be happy with what they are when we learn to know that we have got enough. Can you say, I think I did to that, or are are you still on the road to getting everyhting you can for yourself. You have to remember that large amounts of money in the bank will never make you happy in the end, not while there is someone out there starving or going without. Life is not a race, but  a means of travelling along at a pace that you are happy and comfortable with, can you look back on that and say I think I did, or are you still trying to have a house in each area. Sure a house in each area is a nice idea, but one house under your name at any given time, maybe a weekender if you have work hard enough for that as well. I am not greedy and don't pretend to be, but I am constantly confronted and baffled by people who are. Corruption leads to ill health and bankrupcy, all in God's good time. Why rob a bank when you will just end up in jail? You never get away with your evil deeds in the end. The Bible says be sure your sins will find you out and I am not one to argue that point with God, too many times He has proved that He wins in the end. I think I did, when I was not sure that I really could, with God's help anything is possible as long as it has right motives and a worthwhile cause in the end. I think I did. I will leave it to God to prove me right or wrong.