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purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Maintaining Order

Keep It Straight

If you draw a line between point A and point B, then the shortest distance between the two points, A and B is a straight line. There is no sense beating around the bush and going off on a tangent any old how and where. To get straight to the point you need to make it a straight line, orally or literally, clear and consise, there is no sense in crooked diversification. Imagine that the point you are trying to get across to people is how to build a house. First you must draw up the plans, then have them looked at by a builder and then the builder employs a plumber, concreter, bricklayer, carpenter, electrician, and tiler. Each has to do their indivdual jobs properly and correctly. The bricks have to be laid straight and the the rooms perfectly square, even if they are rectangle, 90 degree corners are always essential. Then we have a house ready for someone to move into. These steps are not a waste of time, because at the end result, we have a brand new house, so it is with writing and talking we have to be sure of our facts and explain things how they really are and why we are doing those certain things. Keep it straight in your married lives as well, there is no sense in cheating and being left with a divorce case, tell each other the facts just as they are and as exactly as you can. Help each other to grow in the day to day relationship between you as each other learns and helps the other partner to develope and improve in their daily lives. Keep it straight tell is as it is, it does not have to be painful or hurtful, even though the truth often is. Be kind and diplomatic in your speech and show tact and an educated learning in what you are trying to say. God knows what you are going to say even before you say it and so take some time before you start sprouting off all your knowledge in any shape and form and think about what you are going to say to be nice and kind in how you do it. Having a mean streak is in your blood is only going to upset someone else and turn them away from you. keep it straight but know how to go about it. Look to God for direction and guidance and ask Him to help you explain things to other people, how He wants those particular things to be known. Playing with a full deck of cards is also important as you don't want to rip somebody else off or short change then in your dealings, Be honest in all your dealings and God will reward and favour you in the end. Show courtesy, concern and compassion for other people and help then when they are down and out, suffering from stress, anxitey and depression. It does not have to be that way, a pill, a kind word, a loving heart and a beautiful composure in explaining how they might have gone wrong or what to do about the problem to alleviate the worry and strife. Being in trouble is not the end of the world as there is always a way out, a light at the end of the tunnel. God is just waiting to show you how to get out of your hole and which road to take in the future for the new right and positive direcdtion. Well I hope that I have not gone off the road too far in explaining thngs to you and that I have kept it as straight as possible in all ways of thinking. It is so easy to digress and diverse into all sorts of different directions and we must try and stay on the straight and narrow path, God is there waiting to show us the way and he is leading the way for us to foloow, recognise the signs and be as sure as you can about the steps that you take. You will get there in the end to the place in heaven to call home, just remember to put God first in everything that you do and He will lead and guide you every step of the way if you just allow Him and let him show you the direction.      

The Law Of Progression

The law of progression, like the natural chain of events in the evolution of man, is a genetic adaption of order and species derivement out of a conception of the instinct of the mind. However law and order is a prerequisite for an given human society and henceforth the domain of the community and the living circles that it encapsulates. Moving forward and not backward is the main reason for sanity and material gain and any biproduct of assett aquirement is positively geared for beneficial future use. However morality and ethics are a main player in the game of life and it is our dutiful purpose to abide by the laws of nature and social norms and conditions in respect to the laws. Laws are the for a reason and they are designed to keep us safe, happy and finiancially secure. Time is an important afctor as well and that while we should work as hard as we can. the natural law of pain and illness plays a heavy part and toll on our lives. Hence the need and requirement to pace oursleves and work to a productive schedule that we are happy and foucsed on and ready to maintain. Relaxation and rest is not only important at the end of the day, but when you are physically and mentally tired and drained from intellectual stimulus. The need for the body and the mind to function well and correctly is the essence of importance in all work activities. The pivital and piacle point of crisis in the everyday work life comes to the crunch when we can no longer balance and control our daily workload and make efforts to provide a better quality of life for oursleves, others and us all. Consequentially there is mental breakdowns and inactivity of the mind due to substance abuse, overloaded work timetables and also alcohol abuse and sexual deviation. These all come to a head of dysfunctional malfunction and things break, wear out and simply collapse under the workload. The advancement of society on the other hand plays an important part in our survial and the more we work to improve our living conditions and go ahead in building to support population growth which diminishes and returns as new fanilies are created and old souls leave us in much pain and anquish as they go to heaven for permanent retirement with God. For the rest of us work goes on and providing for a family, paying a mortgage and simply affording the day to day costs of living in paying bills and educational requirements, admidst holidays and al the other expences that drag the last doller out of us, so that we have to go back to work each day and earn more money. We have created a montser and we can't live like this forever, we have to learn to slow down and take it a bit easy while the rest of us are sharing the load and burden. Leadership is the beatification of mortification and unless we learn to address this problem of greed and corruption, to have more sooner and at whatever cost, the sooner we will learn that by pacing ourselves we stay on earth and live a bit longer. Life is for living and I would rather be as free as a bird, than tied down by heavy financial commitments and the pressures and responsibility of business management and governing through parliaments. Sure the work has to be done and we do need to maintain law and order in our daily lives and activities, but at what cost and price. We all have to learn to stay focused on one job and do it properly, rather than taking on too much workload, that we can only do at a cut below the average expection. Thank God for The Salvos I say and may we all learn to help other people in need as much as they do. There is a clean way to live and we must find the narrow road and path to eternal life. Give a few dollers to help next time you see them I always do. There is so much need for rehabilitation in this world and regeneration is part of the law of progression to.    

Natural Rules

Natural rules as in the law of nature are both healthy and wise for us to observe and follow correctly. Unnatural tendancies are against the law of nature and only create bad health. As a tree grows or a mountain rises out of the sea to form an island, so do the natural rules of human behaviour play an important part in the role of our existance and longetivity. We are naturally creatures of habit and we all have to work against our instincts of survial to live above that of the animals. Human soctiety is a manifestion of these natural rules and while each plays a pivotal and individual role in portraying its depicture, we seek to understand why and put ourselves into the perspective of how we fit into our world. This adaption of climate and position, as I said seems instinctive, but really it is a lot of hard work over a long period of time to make this great place of ours, worth living in and on. The earth has evolved over many generations of time and as we seek to play our role in doing what we can to maintain and uphold these rules and values, we are contributing back to the founders of our races and also to the future of our forward direction in societal advancement. Behold, what is new and pounce upon the niceties of life, is our natural tendency, but we must seek to understand and maintain traditional values and morals in this quest to be ethically great. Just like improving the mind through reading and looking to see what we can do to help, we also have to appreciate what others are doing to contribute as well. Well being is an intinicit part of our social lives and while we are to be health conscious as much as possible we also have to look out for the fellow person going astray in self destructive manners and methods. Natural rules are not like governing laws, but they do have some similarities, they are there for a reason and a purpose and they must be adhered to and followed, as required to be done. Like the law of gravity means that we can stand and sit on the earth without flying off into space with the centriphical force of the earth's turning throughing us off. Or the planets in their orbit going around the sun with the earth and its 365 day cycle. Seasons come and go and to fight against nature is self destructive. Though, through ethical environmental care, we can help preserve the longetivity of the earth by wise stewardship. You can't say to a volcano, stop errupting, or to an earthquake, you have created too much devestation and destroyed enough. But you can live in volcanic free zones and sysmic free areas. These are the natural rules of life, but they require intelligent thinking and actions that correspond with the laws of nature in right doing for the achievement of iving. A tornado or cyclone will ift up a town and destroy a city, but we can also enjoy the benefits of these tropical paradise areas when the calm is the still before the storm. Most of the time, life is good, I must admit, those places are too nice to stay away from completely, but we constantly face these challenges of potential catastrophies in places that are just too beautiful to behold and maintain. Of cource common sense must prevail and be maintained and the decisions we make about the time to visit these places, for those of you who do not permanently live there, is crucial in the understanding. Once again I must come back to the natural rules of life and reiterate the facts of living right, no casual sex, do not over indulge in alcohol, stay away from self destructive substances and keep clean and tidy. Living right, is the natural laws of the world and society and to fit in with the rest of the people on this planet, you have to play your part well and right.         

Fundamental Behaviour

The fundamental behaviour of us all, is in understanding each other and that means obeying and adhering to rules and applying them to our lives for safety reasons. It is so easy for us to go off on a tangent and do anything we like. We have to achknowledge the soveriegnty of God and follow His ways and purposes. The blessing from following Christ comes in regards to this respect of the word, that we can enter into the kingdom of heaven, when God reaches down into our lives and blesses us for our good deeds through achknowledging and following His ways. He gives us His peace and security. It is like the grace of God at work in a physical and practical way. Of cource Christ paid the ultimate price on the cross for the salvation of our souls, G.R.A.C.E. God's Riches At Christ''s Expense. Grace is not cheap and comes at a cost, the price paid on the cross at Easter with the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour to redeem us from our sins. Jesus is the name above all names, beautiful saviour, glorious Lord. He could not have done it on His own, but He had a father in heaven waiting there to take Him to paradise, that He would only come back again and judge the world from heaven. While we wait for the perfect consumation of His world to take shape and place through our work and endeavours to fiollow Him. Through the agonizeing death and suffering of anguish, suffixiation and crucifizxion, Jesus redeemed us all, if we will only achknowledge Him and believe in His word of The Gospel. The truth is very hard to find these days, but if you look back into your Bibles, where the history of the world started and finishes with Jesus, then you will see what the true depiction of the sciptures and what eternal life is and means. The fundamental behaviour is humanistically flawed, we are doing what we like instead of following Christ. If you get what is meant by that, then make it your choice and decision to follow Christ, you will never look back and even though we drift away sometimes, He will always be there to take us back if we let Him by repenting. I have had to admit that I could not do it on my own, but needed the help of a loving saviour, to not only give me back my life today, but also to take control and lead me through the whole of my life. It is never too late, if we will only admit that we are sinners and let God have His way by us allowing Him to help us and for us to follow Him. The purpose of this lesson is not a theology lecture, but a way of saying that I am dependent on God and lots of other people, for the source of knowledge, information and guidence through positive leadership God gives me, to help me on my way. Thinking of yourself all the time and trying to get your own way is a pointless exercise of futility, we have to learn too trust others and God. For His kingdom is not of this world and while we live on earth, we are here to serve Him and others as Christ has commanded us to do. Go in love, to serve and learn what God has done for you in and through through Jesus. Jesus became a servant of all and if you want to lead, then you have to do likewise, humble yourself and help and serve others, for the kingdom of God, in the kingdom of heaven. It is peace I leave you with and I will be a comforter to you, is what Christ said in His departing words to be with his father. Accept this love and admit that tyou can't do it on your own, but in all ways achknowldege God and He will lead you upward and onward, higher and higher into eternal life.  All thanks and praise be unto God.    

Rule Of Thumb

Little Jack horner, sat in his corner, eating a blueberry pie, he put in his thumb and pulled out a plumb and said, they what a good boy am I. Remember the old nursery rhyme, notice that it was a blueberry pie and not a plumb pie, that is rule of thumb. Pie in the face and you can't have your cake and eat it to. Now, just to think of it, a piece of chocolate cake or or pie in the sky when you die. These catchy cleches are all rule of thumb. That are not sincere and don't really mean a thing, unless you have them in the right context, that is rule of thumb. We tend to want to take all things literally and self posess the truth to ourselves, that is being thoughtless and greedy, leads to immorality and corruption. A slice of heaven if you like, but you had better not eat the whole cake, you have to remember to leave some for someone else. Finding the time is like putting the last piece in the jigsaw puzzle, so that when you have the completed picture you have peace of mind in seeing the complete thing as to how it really is. Rule of thumb is about being smart and not being dumb, we all have to make the simple choice everyday, to do the right thing. Doing a jigsaw puzzle or any kind of quiz, is a lot harder if you have just had ten beers, you will find it very hard to answer the questions and you look like bad bad Leroy Brown, the junk yard dog with a couple of pieces missing. You find yourself losing perspective on reality, you have got what it takes and you should really use your God given abilities in a clever way and not your waste time and effort on frivolities, by throughing your life away and chasing after the wind. The fool says, there is no God, just like the teacher in Ecclesiastes, everything is meaningless, meaningless and chasing after the wind, rule of thumb says, get on with the job and don't waste time on things that don't matter, God never honours or pays respect to a fool. He laughs them back into oblivion to be sentenced to a life of punishment in the torments of hell. Accept the fact that you are not going to get away with being a fool all of your life. God has a heavenly realm of riches and treauses just waitng to be harnessed and bought so that He can reward you with those, if only you will do the right thing. We all have to turn from our sin and repent, it is not that hard rreally, but to a complete fool, it seems almost impossible, I warn you don't be that much of an idiot, it won't work, it does not pay and you will have to admit your sin and give an account to God one day whether you like it or not now. A fool is blinded to the truth he can't see past his own thumb. No matter how bright the sun shines, he is left high and dry in the dark, wallowing in his own self pity and self destruction. Come into the light and let God shine upon you, open up your hearts to wisdom and understanding, look to the source of all inspiration and understanding, to be found in God alone. Rule of thumb says that you can have it all now, the wisdom of God says, wait your turn and I will reward you in the end. Now is the time for understanding, not ten years in the future, but you had better plan ahead or you will be left with egg on your face in a minute. Rule of thumb can be a quick rhetoric, that comes back to haunt you in the end, God has everything now, but you have to look to see what it is and don't be blinded by the light, sin is incredably deceptive and the sun shines on the Godly and the ungodly, just like the rain does the same thing, Don't you go out in the rain, you will get wet, a simple truth which means take an umbrella and wear protective clothing. It never rains, it pours, the rich want a drink, but the poor wait for the rain to come. Thirst for the living water that only God can give through Jesus Christ, you can't make a wrong or bad decision with Him. Keep working gradually and constantly, make smart choices, however long and slow the process, then you will receive the riches of heaven in the end. Rule of thumb can be a repetition of things we allready know, that we have to use time and time again. Twiddle your thumbs all day if you like, but the ultimate price and identity of Rule Of Thumb is whether it is God's wisdom.

The One Who Did It First

The one who did it first, said, How much do you love me? then He stretched out his arms and died for me. Can you take up your cross and follow Him, something we are asked to do each and every day of our lives. It all seems just a bit too hard most of the time for all of us and it possibly really is for some. Nevertheless, we have to keep on going whatever the cause, cost or price. If we stop we are dead. Sure you need to rest at the end of every day, Jesus said, foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has no place to lie His head, He bore the crown of pain to three and thirty years, a short and sweet life that has lasted twenty centuries allready, it is a hard ask, can you take up your cross and follow me, the fact of the matter is that it is just too hard for us most of the time, as I repeat myself twice, too hard. It is so nice and easy to lie down and go to sleep on the job, instead of staying awake and paying the ultimate price that Christ did and that is giving up your life for others. It just about brings me to tears to think that somebody could do that for me and I could never repay them back. Life really is such and incredible and important gift that we all can take too easy and can't afford to pay people back for their incredible kindness in the end. You just want to give up, leave it all behind and fly away to somewhere where it won't trouble you any longer. We seem to want to take an inch and give a mile, to go the distance we must walk the rmile and share the load. God walked the road first and Jesus followed close behind, that is what He is asking us to do today for Him. I want to stop writing now and  go back to sleep and God says go out and walk the mile and so I keep on writing. I just can't do it anymore, is what I say, but God says, yes you can. Going the distance is more than just giving up your time and money, it is about loving God who first loved us. If no-one does the work, nothing gets done. We all have to play our individual and personal roles and contribute back to God who went before us. If we stand ignorant, hoping that no-one will notice what we are doing, we are just hiding in the corner and fooling oursleves. We have to be a light unto the wowrld and let our light shime out wherever we can, it is no good hiding it under a cover and wasting time, life and money away. It was worth getting out of bed for in the first place, how lazy we can be to sleep and waste the day away. God maybe talking to you in the middle of the night and saying get out of bed, because it won't be doing you any good, being caught sleeping when the son of man returns with all His angels from heaven to judge the world, if you are caught napping, not only will you be caught by the oncoming army, but you will be thrown into hell. In this chapter of Maintaing Order we are being reminded affresh of the Biblical truths that are swept under the mat and you think that they are discarded, I have news for you, this is only the begining of the end. There is a whole lot more I have got to say to you, sugar plum and cherry pie. You weren't born yesterday and neither was I, you did not come down in the last shower and neither did I. God has been up there in the heavens taking care of the weather in the mean time. He has a plan and purpose for your life and you had better be ready to listen or you will miss the boat and end up on the sinking ship instead. The one who did it first, paid it all, all to Him I owe, I surrender all. Will you take up your cross and follow Him, He was there in the begiinning and will He be there in the end, whether we are alive or not, He went first and we are called to follow. It is not too hard, Jesus said my yoke is easy, my burden is light, come and follow me. Please remember, God cares for your life, it is not too hard to follow Him.   

Second Thoughts

I thought this idea was going to be first, but Jesus was here before I was an he is coming abck again in the second coming. Your guess is as good as mine when it is, only God knows that. We are asked to be patient and look to the skies to see whenever He is returning. When you have been reading a book on the train and have finished a chapter, take a minute to have a look at the sky and see whether the weather has changed while you were reading, a lot can happen in a half an hour and Jesus is coming back in a twinkling of an eye and you had better be ready for it, That means staying fit and healthy, ready to do The Lord's work at any time and waiting with eager expectation to see Him come. Too often we have our heads down and eyes closed, looking at what we are doing when God is up there doing the same and watching us, ready to send His messenger back to earth to show you the way He sees it and wake you up out of your sleep and complaceny. Some time people just look like they need a cracker put under them to just show them the light of day, asleep in the past of the old dark world waiting for a timebomb to go off. It may not happen, at least that is what it was like when I went to school, free for all and run a muck, not really the teachers where very strict and firm and we learnt about the wars. How do you tell someone that you love them when they are alseep on your lap. You just know you care and love them, but saying anything is just a futile effort and purpose, God is like that he wants us to stay awake and achknowledge Him while we are awake, He watches us while we are asleep and He wants us to follow Him so that he can tell us how much He loves us, it is no good sleeping and wasting your life away, no matter how much you feel like doing that sometimes. God knows you need your rest, but Jesus says, come to me those who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Takle my yoke upon you and I will give you rest. God is our loving heavenly after and not a big ogre up there in the skies wanting to beat us up. His children are precious to Him a nd He as called us all by name, You are worth more than many sparrows, all the hairs on your head are numberd, you are a child of the most high God, you are just there waiting for God to call you home to heaven to be in eternity with Him forever more. Now back to having our minds on the job, it is all well and good to sit there and do nothing while the world goes on around you and you just wait to go to heaven, wakey wakey, real time, real world, you can live in eternity now if you will just accept the call and follow Christ who is waiting to lead you home to heaven, real time, real world, paradise now. God has the reigns and is leading you home even now, real time, real world. You had better get on with the job of living before you are called home to heaven, you have let the boat pass you bye, you have been on the sinking ship and were not able to get off, if you missed that flight that never landed, God was there guiding you all the time. I remember reading Dennis Waitley who was late to the airport and missed his flight, that flight crashed ten seconds after take off. God spared Dennis's life and he went onto be a key note speaker at world ranked seminars, I heard him at The Sydney Entertainment Centre and I have read a couple of his books. LIfe is like that sometimes we just don't know when we are getting our second chances, but when they come seize them at every opportunity to redeem yourself. Second chances are like second thoughts, are a gift from God that only a fool can refuse and only a wise person can accept. Know when they are and recoginise the differences between doing the right thing fiirst off and when you need a second chance. Second thoughts accept them all the time, as I have to do the right thing all the time and want second chances whenever I can get them.

Make Time For Later

I should have thought about this years ago and amde time for later, being a poet a tried to rhyme time to make time and save time for later, but I seem to have ended up with a heavy workload insttead, taking time and making time for yourself, seem to be juxtaposed, a jack in the box or a duke box or just wasting time instead of getting on with the work of the day and getting things done. Taking time to make time and saving time to have time, can mean time passing you bye, or your msissing out on the boat, while time is slipping away down the road to somewhere else. Having time is another one of God's many great gifts. To have some time, is the ultimate price and sacrifice, for some people, as all they ever wanted and must do to have is to have time. On the other hand, when you have got time on your hands, you need to be productive and when you don't have time, then that is the time to make time. By planning out what you want to get done and achieve and what you have to do, or where you want to go and when you will actually get around to doing that or going there. Then there is money coming into it, we work our end off trying to do the work and make money and we have no time to ourselves and that is why we have to make time for ourselves. Busyness is stressful and boredom is idolness. So what to we do with our time, work, rest and play as well you may say, that takes up pretty well most of the day, where is my time? Eat, sleep and have fun, there goes that idea, like you have got nothing at all better to do with your time. I ask myself now, What am I doing with my time? Am I being useful and productive or do I need to take time to make time and have time for myself and rest form my work, time is indeed a very important question and what we do with our time is very dependant on how we spend our time and where or why we spend our time doing that something imparticular. We are all just now living in the present and by having time for later or making time for later, we are planning our time, whether by the day, month, year or decade, we simply have to make sure that we have got enough time to do everything we want to do.Time is the universal key to everything and whether you have enough money stored up in untold bank accounts or not, you still need time to spend it and enjoy it, you can't work yourself into an early grave, someone else will get your money and that will be a complete waste of time. So now as I keep on working I am starting to think about what I will do later, what else I have time for, a day out, talking with friends and church activities, a new freindship or relationship, I have time for all these but I am behind on my work right now and I need to keep writing now, while I am in the mood and because I have the time for later. Things are meant to take time and things are scheduled in that accord as there is a right time for everything and place for everything and a time for that to be done, which takes time to get to and time to do when you get there, As I write now I think I would like to fly away and leave it all behind as I hear an aeroplane flying above my home, but the nitty gritty of doing the work is the time now to have the money in the future to do just that. By working I am saving money by not spending, I am being positive and constructive, I am achieving something of worth and accomplishment, but I still need time not too far down the distant track to find a path somewhere that will lead me to a new happiness, fresh ideas and how to have more time by being physically fit and healthy from the walk. The body is not designed to sit down and write all the time and one must learn to get out and enjoy the great outdoors and enjoy the time you have, this is indeed making time. This has also been making time for later as I set out to do, I have made time for later in this half an hours work and now must find something else to do or write and I will need more time for that while I do it, whatever it is and whatever time it takes.Time takes time, make time for later, I will leave it at that.

Lead By Example

I once did a debate on whether leaders are born or made, I was the third speaker on the affirmative, I quite cleverly argued, that leaders are made and not born, we won the debate. There is always to sides of lookinng at things and you have to consider the negative as well as the positive, it is true that some leaders are born to be leaders, like The Royal Family, but they recieve the best education and are properly trained to handle the job position through years of experience in living and learning. In China, in The Boy Who Would Be King, He must demonstrate a thorough understanding before he tells over a billion people what to do and an older person was delegated the task of minding and doing the position while the boy was taught what life was all about first. That job was simply too much to ask and expect for the boy to lead at that age of ten, for such a big country. People get there nose out of joint when they have to put up with that and they feel resentful and annoyed that they were not chosen or born into that position when they think that they know how to do or lead in that position better. He needed the years of experience before he was qualified to do the task and job of leading. To be a leader, you have to lead by example and that takes critical criteria and informed management to demonstrate and show in the performance of tasks that you know what you are doing by leading. You have to have a skills repetoire and a whole bunch of experince in dealings of shrewdness and capabilities in handling people. Therefore you have to actually demonstarte that you know what you are talking about, doing and showing as you show how you try to and why you seek to set an example to others. Leaders lead and followers follow, but you must be able to prove that you can lead competantly, before anyone will consider you worth following or not worth following. To lead by example you must physically deomonstarte these attributes. I also did an assignment for my Advanced Management Certificate, one of the subjects was on leadership and one of the assignements was on leadership styles, I chose Liasse Faire, which is a French style of management, with hands on in leading by example, I argured that to be able to lead you as the leader must set an example and you had to get your hands dirty first and do the menial tasks of on the job work and labour. To prove and show your subordiantes your practical application and physical skills of performing the job or task, which gave you the right to be called a leader. Other management styles like a CEO at a conference, would perform like an acter on a stage show and would wear the latest Pierre Cardin suit. They would have a well executed speech and power point presentation to show how well their knowledge and years in learning of the criteria is, with relevant experience in what they say and that they have demontsrated in their speaking, that they have had a thorough understanding of what they are talking about, by what they have covered in their talk. All the details must have a great depth in understanding of the subject matter and show that they have demonstrated and endeavoured to use their ability with dignified pride in what they have said and done. Either way works for different people. I am a writer and so I don't get my hands dirty anymore, like I use to when I was in retail managing stores and shop floors and I am not a key note speaker and probably never will be. Though with a unique way and with an intelligent disposition in written discussion, I am able in writing to portray and demonstrate an individual style with a thorough and clever play on words. I am able to get the message across, for you to read and hopefully understand what I am trying to explain in what things are about in the wriitten daialogue of literarial conversation. It is very hard to copy a writers individual style, even though some people try to do it. It is always best to use your own intitiative and develope your own individual style, straight out copying is plagerism and a good lawyer will make a fortune out of that and you will fail your university subjects, if you are caught trying to do so. Leading by example means showing that you know what you are doing, whether it is by writing, talking or just hands on physical labour, a leader must be able to demonstrate that they know better than the person that they are trying to instruct, in doing the job properly. Don't get caught with your pance down and make a fool out of yourself by pretending that you know what you are talking and on about, without the prior knowledge of previous experience, someone who is not capable of leading, will soon come unstuck when they try, if they are not well versed in what they are doing and know what they are on about with what they say. Use your skills and knowledge and by all means, lead by example, but if you are not a qualified leader, you will soon make a fool out of yourself and embarrass yourself and others pretty quickly by trying to do so. If you are not a qualified leader then you are better of letting some one who is, do the job of leading untill you know what you are doing and on about. It is quite easy to try and lead people, but to do the job properly, you really have to know what you are saying, doing and all about

Organisation Conceived

Well we have maged to get to this last page of the chapter whereby I intend to sum up and summarize the writings of this chapter. It is not easy to say quickly and quietly everything there is to say in one page on such a wide and braod subject matter and criteria, but we can cover a certain amount of limited territory in what we have arrived at and manged to get done in this chapter so far. One might assume that the derived result and achievement is purely literarial, but a lot of work has gone into portraying pictures and descriptions of these ideas and their literarial sense, by what  has been deduced and individually displayed and portrayed in each page. This written collaberation of the verbal written discussion is what I am now calling organistaion conceived. We have produced a document of factual evidnece and asked the question as to how and why things are as they are and this format has logically gone down the pages to demonstrate the formula for doing so as a fully concieved oragnisation of work. Whether the structure was broad or narrow, consise or individualisticly created for your personal perusal, it is still a questionable arguement, but nevertheless we have a finished document of something worth while to read and view over. Organisation conceived is being all about changing reality from what the existance of what something was to the new reality of the presence in what we have now. I hope that you might have seen and related to some of the changes hidden and concealed within the lines of these pages and that has caused you to reflect on your own existence and ask the few questions to yourself, What do I really believe ? or What is life all about really anyway? One might well think to themselves now. Am I really a Christian? Is there a God who loves me? Do I really know what I am talkng about or not? I have to ask myself the same questions. Hopefully I can get a straight and true answer in my own self reflections. These ten pages of this chapter have been a personal endeavour to portray the truth, not my own truth as that would be only relevant to me, but some kind of a variety of the general nature of things as I have seen it, in maintaining order for ourselves. Society has a wide and broad encapsulation of understanding and there is an enormous crossection of people, who all have their own different ideas and views on how they see the world and what life is all about anyway. I don't seek to question all of them. On my pages, I call the shots and you get to see it how I think it is, I don't deny that for one moment. However the more I tend to think about things to write about, the more I realize, that I try to see things from your persepctive, how other peoples ideas of trusted and tried arguements, have worked for those people down the generations over the years. Theory is one thing, but once it has been proven and is tried and true you have to accept the facts for the way that they are, that is as if the thing works, leave it as it is. If it seems to want to brake, then develope a new way of doing things, a new article or thing that works and let people get on with the job of doing whatever it takes to let things be, once they are rightfully working properly. To throw a spanner in the works, is just to create a dry arguement and is both detrimental to the cause and effect and blatently wrong in trying to do so. We have to be plain, concise, accurate in all our depictions and leave the question without a doubt as to why we should see somethng as it really is and in this I have tried to deal with it, in as thoroughly an understanding as I could humanly make possible within the restrictions of the limited page. Different topics allow for different discussion and this variety of subject matter has made it possible for me to try and determine the mostly likely scenario for each given page idea and the evolvement out of that idea, with as much as possible in depth of knowledge and discussion of the varied ideas. I hope that you are not too dissapointed with my efforts and that there are some or many things that you can or could relate to, For this I rest my case as the organistaion is now concieved and until we take on the challenge and task of writing the next and final chapter of this book to finish off in the next ten pages, of what Organisational Ideas is allready and will be all about, I leave it with you to decide whether to come along and continue with the ride and the visualization of what these new ideas are all going to be.