Ensure There's a Future

Yesterday is gone and the past is left behind so we must live in today and ensure that there is a future for tomorrow. There is no good worrying about what has been and gone but with careful planning with the setting of goals and objectives put the past behind us and move on with faith and determination to ensure that there is a future not only for ourselves but for generations to come, so that not only will our children see a brighter day but our children's children will live to see their great grandparents enjoying the beautiful relationship of the family like and tree to consider the broader generational activity of a wide cross sectional society and all the connections associated with community living.

God designed the family unit to work and het put man and women here to reproduce and to have a good time enjoying all of his creation. The fact that we differentiate and segregate ourselves is only in the line of duty for getting everyday daily activities and jobs done to see how it all work out for a brighter future. History is not a failure of the past but necessary record of events for future use in as so much as we can learn from our mistakes and get it all right next time, but to alleviate and discriminate the past completely is wrong, but only to the point that it is subjective to help make and mould the future for it in the world that we learnt to bear what was wrong but it is in the investigation and application of procedures that we implement the best way to in the future.,

So we need to all ensure that there is a future and this is done by active participation in daily event and organised activities for the duty and responsibility of all our lives to preserve our species and see the right and necessary accounting of all our desires and hearts needs to infiltrate the futuristic idea of living generationally and act and participate in structural organisation of system implementation and logical recording for the conception and invitation to the wedding mankind and the maximum potential and ensure that not only is there a future for ourselves but all of mankind as stewardship of the earth.