The Answer is Straight Forward

Why ask questions you know the answer to or why ask questions if you do know the answer. Why ask for answers if you have not got the question right and why ask straight forward questions because you want a straight forward answer. We trick ourselves a lot of the time by asking simple yet complex rhetoric questions. Questions that deserve a straight forward answer but are asked in around about way to encourage people to answer the way we want them to answer us back. The answer to the question is really straight forward without beating around the bush with rhoteric questions but simple questions deserve a straight answer.

The question of whether a question is answered straight forward is if it directly applies in the direction of the question asked if the question disagreed when you are encouraging a digressive answer. Life is the question and it is not always easy to give a straight foreword answer. We try and live as long as we can and as long as we can get answers to the information we seek which is often free and does not cost money, but sometimes contractors are paid a lot of money t answer complex questions simply and they create a more perplexing situation than what we had originally. If the answer is so straight forward as you imply or seem to be getting around to as you beat yourself in pointing out the reply to your own rhetoric questions then I will answer you more directly to get a straight forward answer you must ask a straight forward questions and the straight forward question deserves the straight forward answer.

Always answer truthfully and with integrity that you give and honest account of the events and you, gives facts and reasons to establish the truth, that the picture can be facilitated in a reasonable and realistic way that depicts and honest and truthful reply. The answer is straight forward If you listen and hear the question right.