Ask Questions

I've written ahead and often ask people what you have to do to get ahead if you use your head a like I have written in move along to get ahead, you have to ask or be asked questions about what is in your head. If it is my head I should what is in my head and if it is in your head you have to ask me what is in my head to find out what I know.

Ask questions to people no matter how stupid the question might be all you can do is get a stupid answer and that does not matter because at least you have used your head and tried by asking a question. It is an intellectual understanding g of the brain to ask people questions to find out what is on their mind and the worst you can get out of it is a response that does not really mean anything is the matter but at least you have asked. Most of the time people have intelligent answers and getting the right answer to your question whilst seemingly hard or difficult is quite often very easily achieved. You should use rhetoric questions that must be given an answer for and you should not be afraid to ask difficult questions that challenge peoples thought for understanding and observation of the situation. A set answer or set pattern for questions helps make the answers easier and more predictable but complex answers to complex questions demonstrate the intellectual capacity of a person despite the degree of difficulty deep answers or be sure of and ascertain the truth.

Ask question to establish the facts determine the right answer not only by the question by the way and how the question was asked. Finally ask questions to satisfy the need of understanding in that what you are trying to determine or know or understand is no rhetoric or ambiguous but relevant pertinent and necessary to find out what you want to know and to establish the information you are seeking and the knowledge you want to know.