ove Along To Get Ahead

Work needs to be done in a logical and methodical pattern that entertains the thought to forward progress while of course the earth is turning it does not mean that we can stop everything to move along and get ahead what it does mean is that if we move along to get ahead the earth moves with us. Sitting in a stationary position is not backward advancement but a way to go forward while you are doing what you are doing.

Move along to get ahead for advancement or a higher position. There is no need to stop there but keep going while you are working all the time. Fundamentally work is done to progress things and ramifications are the alternative of not doing anything but sitting on your hands having rest. Move along to get ahead stay ahead and keep ahead, by maintain your head and control of standards by the way you use your head. Get a chance and take a chance to read ahead when you have got ahead to stay ahead and leave ahead well alone when you have left ahead to do its own thing. What I am saying that everyone should use their own head and write ahead to have the right head, thinking right about the head, nothing stays still for too long and usually things are best kept moving to get them along to get ahead. When you are behind yourself you want to get ahead and when you are ahead you have to check behind yourself to stay ahead let's not mince works but keep our head to stay ahead and use our head to get along and move ahead. So we all have to move along to get ahead and that requires forward movement and momentum.

To stay ahead we must maintain ahead and to keep ahead we must use our head. So to get along and keep our head we must maintain and use our head or lose our heads to someone else to get ahead. Then at the end of the day when you are tired go back to bed and rest your head while the rest of the world moves along to get ahead and you are the head who used your head to get ahead and rest ahead as the world uses its head to move along and to get ahead.