Learn To Be A Good Loser

Sometimes it is importance to be a good loser and only God knows when. If winning is everything losing will cost you all that you have got. So or not so? The beauty of winning is that there is victory in not being a loser but even when we win all the time there has still got to be a balance. When we learn to be a good loser not only do we make someone else's day by letting them win but we walk away happy our self if we have done it in the right light and giving our best, but we have to accept second place just to see the smile on someone else's face instead of getting your own way all the time and having to prove to yourself that you are better than yourself when there is a million other people in the world who count as well.

But you can look back on it now and laugh because they all knew how to do it and win while you sat on the shelf in your quiet little corner sulking to yourself that you would always be defected because you were just never good enough to take a trick and win one.

But when you see the error of your ways and come to realise that there are a lot of other happy people in the world who have made a successful life for themself and you have had to just swallow your pride just once too many times by taking it easy and relying on other people instead of all your own independent ways of selfish ambition and there are a lot of other people out there winning because they share their skills and abilities in order to earn and generate an income to show some financial security and store away enough income treasures to keep them happy for a long time just because they worked hard and beat you and until they put their feet up once too many times and let you win remember learn to a good lose because when once day you rare finally beaten you will not be the only one on your won.