A Little is Sometimes Enough

A little is often enough where and when doing the right thing is concerned. Daily food and a few bills with a roof over your head and all you need is a steady income and smart thinking to spend a little you have on what is the right things that you really need. While the world goes around with people on earth working hard for whatever they can get, what they need and what they really want or are two completely different things. A bit of contentment and the luxury of living instead senseless dying for everything you can't get them working for things that don't really make you happy is just the breeding of discontent own and self indulgence that leads to misery, despair and self destruction.

With a regular steady income and giving god the Glory instead of trying to take everything for yourself. Jesus said according to your face by unto you and where you're treasures there will be your heart also. If we can manage with our finances in small amounts, god will he be responsible with large amounts. So it is just the degree you take it to with a small and large amounts. Work for everything you get them done except things you don't pay for. Use your time and money wisely and don't fritter away your available funds on things that don't matter and count.

When you can't prove yourself responsible with what you have got then god will give you more responsibility to handle the affairs of others and deal with the problem situations that are dealt your way a little is sometimes enough but when we have to handle a lot all the time, a lot becomes a burden and we have to learn to deal with the new situation in different ways until god finally calls us home or we have to account for everything we got and explain what we did with our lives and time on earth and whether we shrewd or extravagant with money and whether or why we did not consider those less fortunate than ourselves who lived and survived on a little instead of enough.