Know the Procedure

To know the procedure you need a logical set of sequences of events not only to predict the future from the facts of the present from the past, but to analyse he critical path of steps in order to judge the direction of the leadership for the organisation of the sequence. To know the procedure it is not only to be informed and use to the understanding of the way things are done, but to be prepared to see things are done the right way and that the procedure is followed in the right and logically informed direction.

Once you are aware of all the facts contributing to the set of circumstances and you are use to or experienced in the idea of the way things are done, then you can contribute and recon tribute to the structuring of the work load and the restructuring of the ways things should be done to become more aware and organised and see that the things relevant to the work ideas get done in a logical and tried and tested order.

Once you know the procedure and you have proven that it can work, then it is just a matter of getting on with the job and getting or seeing that things are done. The facts remain however that you must have a knowledge and understanding of the way things are done in order to continue on with the job by being able to know the procedure and ensuring things are being carried out and carried on and done. Really the significant importance of the job is knowledge of the procedure and how you carry out those tasks is up to you, but the set of tried and proven ways of how to do things the right way has been established for many tears and like building a house or cleaning the floor it must be done to the personal satisfaction of the individuals standard ad the greater you know the procedure the higher the quantity of work you can set done.