Knowledge is Not Evil

Despite consensus opinion about knowledge being evil it is of its own accord, not evil in itself. The nature of knowledge is to pick sin and social behaviour within the guidelines of confirmative association and exact the characteristics out of antisocial behaviour. First we have to look at how knowledge is attained one by the reading of books by authors who have thoroughly researched their subjects and then forming our own view on their discussions.

Two the assumption that you can just know everything through experience is wrong, because unless you can demonstrate an understanding of your point of view then you have failed the litmus test of life in self expression and comprehensive understandings of relevant and objective associations. Three sex is a simple and sinful act out of lust outside of marriage which can look upon as evil and an assumption of knowing it as knowledge of which in itself is evil. By depending on the right understanding of the way that knowledge is attained and presented as documented evidence of all researched and presented case of satisfying evidence of a degree or reference of or to truth then a systematic analogy can be in itself in never simple, but it is the work of years of well researched and presented evidence for a documented case.

It is similarly unsubstantiated that if a man stands on the edge as to whether he knew the right kind of knowledge. For you can't be an idiot for too long without reading enough to know you don't stand on the edge of a cliff for too long without falling off. Over the edge and dying if you have researched the case for the knowledge of life well enough to sit at a table and right intelligent discussions on the subject without take an enormous risk of falling off a cliff instead of sitting at the table writing or eating instead engaging in the stupidity of standing on the edge of a cliff. This is knowledge well spent and well all should learn that knowledge is not evil of itself but how we use and demonstrate it in our lives.