A Figure of Speech

To coin a phrase is a figure of speech and like if you have a dollar it has got to go somewhere, there are many figures of speech that you off the cuff or off the top of your head, light handed just to say something interesting of self reflective and descriptive in order to present or to portray your image of what you are about and what you are trying to say, indicative of the figurate meaning suggestion that is implied by the words of your speech.

Words can be highly and extremely fascinating and the descriptive use of colourful and metaphoric word enable us to freely flow in dialogue of what we are trying to explain about our self. As we ourselves are usually curious and intriguingly desire bale of meaning and understanding the knowledge of clever sayings and these off the cuff sayings should and do just come off the top of your head and flow freely when you have read or written clever ideas and learned to look at smart interpretation and intellectually decisive thoughts that can be used in brilliant thinking and beautiful explanation. A figure of speech is to say or suggest that your meaning has intricate or intrinsic value and worth and that the time you put into your work is worthwhile and valuable not only to you but to a few others or in some cases many other people.

It is because we do not have a self defeating nature about ourselves, but because of confidence and the complete competence of verbal instruction we learn to fabricate and adopt important principles in the self development of our own personalities and individual behaviours knowing that the deeper we look into ourselves the better that we can expect to understand and know ourselves so that we can reflect with other and ourselves in order to produce a crop of fruit and be introspective to the point of perfection in a meditational transfigurative world of speech.