Live And Let Go

Living is about loving and holding on to all those things we treasure that are close to us. Friends, family and personal possessions that have had some kind of sentimental value and intrinsic worth to us over the years. But life is often full of hurts and pains, highs and lows, UPS and downs and these emotions of grief and sometimes lost our hard to bear. It is always a good idea to hold on to what is true, writes all noble and therefore that means letting go of the bad, by awful and the wrong.

We should not try to Harbour complaining ills or problems, but look for the good in people and in line for the things to accomplish, admire and respect. To live and let go is not about flying off the handful, but a gentle release of all those negatives which hold us down and detract from a positive mental state of mind in a relationship to having a balanced personality. Live for the good and let go of the evil, not without punishments or due respect for the bad in society can corrupt the good and the evil menace of wrong doing can detract from all the good that society does. Live to be good and let go of the dead wood. Look to find peace of mind and get rid of the negative thoughts of wrong doing. Aim for a brighter future and leave the pain of the past behind. Seek to serve and achieve the results of our fellow human that build up for accomplishment, instill confidence for pride, courage for conviction and competence instead of complacency. Let go of what you never will achieve all should not, let go of all that stands you and sends you to hell, let go of past mistakes and own a brighter future.

Turn from your evil ways and do good. Live for a better world for everyone and tried to assist with consensus behaviour of greater achievement let go of what holds you down, stops you from doing and turns your mind in the wrong direction. Fighter for the right, and win hearts for the good of humankind. Remember that any self endeavour does no one else any good at all and what we achieve for ourselves is better off being given away to someone else as you can't live in the past, but must live in the present and aim for what the future holds. So he lives with the positive thoughts of anything excellent and let go of the negatives for someone else to win.