
We can become content or complacent, but contentment is really a very good thing, not like complacency but they are associated. The challenge is that we are compelled to try a bit harder, do a bit more or even not to do anything at times when we are sitting pretty on a high after all our good work. The struggle is to know when to go back to work and when to take or stop your holiday. LIfe is a holiday to some people, but not to all people, most people want to work hard and achieve something for themsleves out of life. Intercontentmentizationalability is the whole picture of this governing scene of work, rest and play. Work when you can, rest when you have to and I guess that just leaves playing games, as what we do for the rest of the time in our isolation and solitude or with other people and accepting their responses from what we are trying to do for ourselves and for them. Contentment is a beautiful thing, to say that you are at one with the world or in a state of perfect peace, that you can sit back on your hands and not worry about things, just accepting life as it is as long as you are careful not to let the world go by or pass you by as you sit and contemplate life and things. The world is a wonderful place as i have said amny times, there atre bad influences thoughw hich we have to watch out for and gbe careful of, For instance you can't trust walking down a dark street or alley for your persoanl safety all the time, there is that bad element in life of someone on the prowl, who lerks and waits to pounce on innocent bystanders. It is a matter of using common sense though, locking yourself up at nights, don't go out to undesireable places till all hours of the morning. We have all done it and most of us are lucky to be still alive today. Contentment is not about stupidity, but it is about working hard and using common sense to get to that place where you want to be in life. I worked hard, played hard and am lucky to be alive today, a midstream career change saved me from that as long as I can keep this up that is, writing books that is. Intercontentmentizatioalability is about life, acceptance, choices and workload, how much you can attain and achieve and how much rest you need in order to be able to do just that, succeed in life. It is about good time management as much as it is money in the bank, just becuase you have enough money not to worry about things, does not mean that you have got enough money not to worry about life, contentment is the answer to both of those questions though and the answer is in seeking, finding and looking for and to follow a contented way, form and shape of life.  Management should be geared up to, looked upon and organised for a contented lifestyle, a way that you can do things at your own pace, way, rhythm and processing for progress and productivity. All work and no play is very boring and you must get your sleep to function well the next day. Contentment is that idolized position in life when you can say all is well, I can stop racing now, I can sit down and have a cup of tea at 3.00 pm everyday. Intercontentmentizationalability is about affording your desired lifestyle and living out your life to the best of your ability to say all is well at the end. Then for Jesus to say, well done good and faithful servant, enter into your rest at the end of the day and hopefully at the completion of your lifetime.